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Methylazoxymethanol (MAM) injected postnatally affects cerebellar development in mice. A single injection at the fifth postnatal day produces hypogranular cerebella whereas a single injection at birth produces, in addition, a disorderly cytoarchitecture of the folium and alteration of Purkinje cell positioning (Bejar et al.: Exp. Brain Res. 57:279-285, '85). In the present study we have used immunohistochemistry with anti-GABA immune serum and electron microscopy to further characterize these alterations. In addition to the already-described nonoccupied dendritic spines of Purkinje cells both in mice injected the day of birth and or at the fifth postnatal day, we have observed, in animals injected at birth, the absence of pericellular baskets around Purkinje cells and the presence of heterologous synapses between mossy fibres and Purkinje cell dendrites. These heterologous synapses apparently disappear after postnatal day 20. By using an appropriate timing of MAM injection, different types of hypogranular cerebella, phenocopies of different mutants, can be obtained in large enough number to carry out extensive biochemical studies at each developmental age.  相似文献   

The distribution of electron microscopic autoradiographic grains over neurons in cerebellar cultures incubated with [3H]gamma-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) was examined. With the unit density method of grain analysis, the number of grains over each structure was tested against the total grain density for the entire section. If an individual structure has a grain density higher than the expected grain density, it is considered one of the group of heavily labeled structures. The expected grain density for each structure is calculated based on the area for that structure, the total grain density and the Poisson distribution. A different expected grain density can be calculated for any P value required. The method provides an adequate population of structures for morphological analysis but excludes weakly labeled structures and thus may underestimate the number of labeled structures. The unit density method of grain analysis showed, as expected, a group of cell bodies and synapses that was labeled heavily. Cultures incubated with other [3H]amino acids did not have any heavily labeled synaptic elements. In addition, serial section analysis of sections showed that synapses heavily labeled with [3H]GABA are seen in adjacent section. The advantage of the unit density method of grain analysis is that it can be used to separate two groups of metabolically different neurons even when no morphological differences are present.  相似文献   

The effects of unilateral cochlea removal on GABA-immunoreactive (GABA-I) terminals in nucleus magnocellularis (NM) of the chick were assessed by immunocytochemical (ICC) techniques. Posthatch chicks (5-8 days old) survived from 1-37 days following unilateral cochlea removal. In the ipsilateral NM, the density of GABA-I terminals appeared to increase relative to normal controls 10-37 days after cochlea removal. However, most of that increase could be attributed to a decrease in cell size, cell number, and volume of the nucleus as a result of deafferentation. In the contralateral NM, the density of GABA-I terminals decreased relative to the ipsilateral NM and to normal animals 1-21 days after cochlea removal. The number of GABA-I terminals per NM neuron also decreased in the contralateral NM while that in the ipsilateral NM was comparable to normal controls. To ascertain whether these changes represented changes in the number of terminals or in the amount of GABA contained within the terminals, we also examined these terminals using an antibody to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the biosynthetic enzyme for GABA. Following unilateral cochlea removal, there was no difference in the density of GAD-I terminals in NM between the two sides of the brain for any of the survival times. Similarly, bilateral cochlea removal had no discernible effect on the density of GABA-I terminals in NM. These data suggest that unilateral deafferentation may temporarily downregulate the biosynthesis of GABA in the contralateral NM.  相似文献   

The normal organization of the rat's infraorbital (IO) nerve was studied using conventional electron microscopic (EM) methods. Just caudal to the infraorbital foramen, at the level of the anterior superior alveolar foramen, the nerve was composed of 18–25 fascicles which ranged from 575 to 87,923 μm2 in cross-sectional area. Complete axon counts from thin sections taken at this level demonstrated that the IO nerve contained an average of 19,740 (S.D.= 2054) myelinated and 13,319 (S.D.= 1159) unmyelinated axons. The average diameter (including the myelin sheath) for medullated fibers was 4.42 μm (S.D.= 1.76) and that for unmyelinated axons was 0.60 μm (S.D.= 0.16). The fiber diameter distributions for both myelinated and unmyelinated axons were essentially unimodal.  相似文献   

The retrograde transport of the conjugate wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) was used in the rat to identify the cell bodies of origin for all subcortical projections to the basilar pontine nuclei (BPN). A parapharyngeal surgical approach was used to allow the injection micropipette to enter the BPN from the ventral aspect of the brainstem and thus avoid any potential for false-positive labeling due to transection and injury-filling of axonal systems located dorsal to the basilar pontine gray. A surprisingly large number of BPN afferent cell groups were identified in the present study. Included were labeled somata in the lumbar spinal cord and a large variety of nuclei in the medulla, pons, and midbrain, as well as labeled cells in diencephalic and telencephalic nuclei such as the zona incerta, ventral lateral geniculate, hypothalamus, amygdala, nucleus basalis of Meynert, and the horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. Quite a number of cell groups known to project directly to the cerebellum also exhibited labeled somata in the present study. To explore the possibility that such neurons were labeled because their axons were transected and injury-filled as they coursed through the BPN injection site to enter the cerebellum via the brachium pontis, a series of rats received complete, bilateral lesions of the brachium pontis followed 30-60 minutes later with multiple, diffuse injections of WGA-HRP (12-16 placements per animal) throughout the cerebellar cortex. In another series of animals, the massive cerebellar WGA-HRP injections were not preceded by brachium pontis lesions. In the latter cases, each of the cell groups in question that were known to project directly to the cerebellum exhibited labeled somata. However, when the cerebellar HRP injections were preceded by brachium pontis lesions, each of the cell groups in question continued to exhibit labeled somata in numbers comparable to that observed in the nonlesion cases. This implies that such neurons project to the BPN and the cerebellar cortex and that the axons of these particular neurons do not project to the cerebellum via the brachium pontis.  相似文献   

Ionotropic glutamate receptors (IGR), including NMDA, AMPA, and kainate receptors, are expressed in terminals with varied morphology in the superficial laminae (I-III) of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Some of these terminals can be identified as endings of primary afferents, whereas others establish symmetric synapses, suggesting that they may be gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic. In the present study, we used confocal and electron microscopy of double immunostaining for GAD65, a marker for GABAergic terminals, and for subunits of IGRs to test directly whether IGRs are expressed in GABAergic terminals in laminae I-III of the dorsal horn. Although colocalization is hard to detect with confocal microscopy, electron microscopy reveals a substantial number of terminals immunoreactive for GAD65 also stained for IGRs. Among all GAD65-immunoreactive terminals counted, 37% express the NMDA receptor subunit NR1; 28% are immunopositive using an antibody for the GluR2/4 subunits of the AMPA receptor; and 20-35% are immunopositive using antibodies for the kainate receptor subunits GluR5, GluR6/7, KA1, or KA2. Terminals immunoreactive for IGR subunits and GAD65 establish symmetric synapses onto dendrites and perikarya and can be presynaptic to primary afferent terminals within both type 1 and type 2 synaptic glomeruli. Activation of presynaptic IGR may reduce neurotransmitter release. As autoreceptors in terminals of Adelta and C afferent fibers in laminae I-III, presynaptic IGRs may play a role in inhibiting nociception. As heteroreceptors in GABAergic terminals in the same laminae, on the other hand, presynaptic IGRs may have an opposite role and even contribute to central sensitization and hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated an important contribution of the A5 noradrenergic cell group of the rostral medulla in the regulation of nociceptive messages at the level of the spinal cord. These noradrenergic controls parallel those arising from the serotonin-containing neurons of the nucleus raphe magnus. In the present study, we used postembedding immunogold staining to identify GABA-immunoreactive terminals that synapse upon identified spinally projecting noradrenergic neurons of the A5 cell group in the rat. A5 projection neurons were identified by Fluoro-Gold transport from the spinal cord; sections containing retrogradely labelled cells were then immunoreacted for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) to identify the catecholamine-containing, presumed noradrenergic, neurons. Double-labelled A5 cells were intracellularly filled with Lucifer Yellow (LY) and then the LY was photo-oxidized to an electron-dense product. Seven intracellularly filled TH-immunoreactive projection neurons were studied with postembedding immunocytochemistry. Each A5 neuron received a significant GABA-immunoreactive terminal input. Out of a pooled total of 151 terminal profiles found in apposition to intracellularly labelled somatic and dendritic profiles, 31 (20.5%) were GABA-immunoreactive. The proportion of GABA-immunoreactive terminals that contacted somatic profiles (12/72; 17%) was similar to the proportion that contacted TH-labelled dendritic profiles (19/79; 24%). There was a discernible synaptic specialization in about 50% of the labelled terminals that contacted the TH projection neuron. Both symmetric and asymmetric synaptic specializations were found. Labelled terminals contained round or pleimorphic vesicles, but not flat vesicles; many also contained dense-core vesicles. Our results indicate that noradrenergic neurons of the A5 cell group, which contribute to both antinociceptive and cardiovascular controls through their projection to the spinal cord, are regulated by local GABAergic, presumably inhibitory, mechanisms. Whether the initiation of A5 neuron activity results from a lifting of tonic GABAergic inhibitory control, as has been proposed for the neurons of the nucleus raphe magnus, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

In order to get more detailed information on the neural circuit of the lateralis medialis-suprageniculate nuclear (LM-Sg) complex of the cat, the GABAergic innervation of this complex was studied by GABA immunohistochemical techniques. Small immunoreactive cells were found throughout the LM-Sg complex. On the basis of their ultrastructural features, these GABAergic cells were identified as Golgi type II interneurons. The neuropil of this nucleus displayed a conspicuous granular immunoreactivity. Ultrastructurally, the immunoreactive neural profiles in the neuropil were identified as the presynaptic dendrites of interneurons, myelinated axons, or axon terminals. The GABAergic dendritic profiles, containing pleomorphic synaptic vesicles, were involved in synaptic glomeruli. Additionally, GABAergic axon terminals containing pleomorphic synaptic vesicles formed symmetric axodendritic synaptic contacts mainly in the extraglomerular neuropil. They appeared to correspond to either axon terminals from the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) or the axon terminals of interneurons. The projections from the TRN to the LM-Sg complex were studied by using wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). Following injection of WGA-HRP into the LM-Sg complex, a number of retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the TRN. The connections between the TRN and the LM-Sg complex appeared to be topographically organized, the dorsal TRN being connected mainly with the dorsomedial portion of the LM-Sg complex, and the ventral TRN being connected chiefly with the ventrolateral portion of the LM-Sg complex. Following injection of the tracer into the TRN, ultrastructural examination of anterograde labeling in the LM-Sg complex revealed that labeled terminals contain pleomorphic vesicles and make symmetric synaptic contacts mainly with small to medium-sized dendrites. The labeled terminals were not involved in synaptic glomeruli. The present results provide anatomic support for the contention that the projection cells of the LM-Sg complex may be inhibited by both the TRN axons and interneurons, probably through the mediation of GABA.  相似文献   

Unilateral lesions were induced in the substantia innominata (SI) of rats by 3 methods: electrocoagulation, 2 nmol kainic acid (KA) injection or 50–200 nmol folic acid (FA) injection. Histological examination by cresyl violet and GABA-transaminase staining and biochemical evaluation by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) measurement were undertaken of the SI and several remote areas. Injections of FA into the SI produced much less local but more severe distant neuronal damage than did injections of KA. Both produced sustained epileptiform activity. Electrolytic lesions, on the other hand, produced only local neuronal damage and no epileptiform activity. Biochemical measurements of GAD and histochemical staining for GABA transaminase indicated many of the neurons in the distant areas affected following FA injections were GABAergic, but cholinergic neurons were relatively spared. Damage to the cortical areas was heaviest in the superficial layers. Dose-related losses were seen in GAD in a number of regions, with the most severe distant damage being in the amygdala and pyriform cortex and significant but lesser extent in the frontal, entorhinal and temporal cortices, and in the thalamus. The striatum and hippocampus were spared. The distant damage, except in the thalamus, seemed to parallel the density of cholinergic innervation from the SI as revealed by relative drops in ChAT following KA injections into the SI. Reduction in both seizure-like activity and remote damage was brought about by pretreatment of the animals with valium (20 mg/kg) or scopolamine (50 mg/kg). The protective action of scopolamine is consistent with the possibility that cholinergic neurons may mediate much of the remote damage to GABA neurons, although they themselves are little affected. Distant effects of injections of FA into the striatum were comparable in kind but much less in magnitude to those after SI injection while amygdala injections of FA did not produce significant losses in GAD in any of the regions examined.  相似文献   

This study employed orthogradely transported axonal tracers to demonstrate, in the rat, projections that reach the basilar pontine nuclei from the zona incerta or pretectal nuclei. Except for the most rostral levels, all subdivisions of the zona incerta give rise to substantive basilar pontine projections. Although some topographic differences exist among the temination patterns of various subdivisions, no clear somatotopically organized scheme is apparent. Most incertopontine axons descend to the basilar pons in association with fibers of the medial lemniscus or crus cerebri and reach ipsilateral ventral and medial pontine gray regions. A sparse number of terminals are evident in the contralateral medial pontine gray. The anterior pretectal axons also descend with the medial lemniscus and crus cerebri to enter exclusively the ipsilateral basilar pons where they terminate most densely in ventral and medial regions. Dual orthograde labeling experiments indicate that some pretectal terminal fields in the pontine gray are shared with incertopontine projections and with afferents from the dorsal column nuclei. This potential convergence of basilar pontine afferent projections is significant in light of (1) the known somatosensory input to the zona incerta and pretectum and (2), the fractured somatotopy of peripheral cutaneous inputs that arrive in the cerebellar cortex via mossy fibers. The present studies also employed electron microscopy to identify synaptic boutons formed by incerto- and pretectopontine axons, and they proved to be remarkably similar. Each is a medium to small-sized bouton that contains spheroidal synaptic vesicles and forms asymmetric membrane specializations. Most incerto- and pretectopontine boutons participate in glomerular synaptic complexes that include a single, centrally located bouton contacted on its perimeter by several types of dendritic profiles including shafts and spine-like appendages. A relatively small number of labeled boutons of either type contacts single, isolated dendritic elements in the neuropil. Taken together, these findings suggest that some basilar pontine neurons might receive convergent inputs from the zona incerta and pretectum as well as other somatosensory related systems such as the dorsal column nuclei and sensorimotor cortex. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To assess the position of interneurons in the hippocampal network, fast spiking cells were recorded intracellularly in vitro and filled with biocytin. Sixteen non-principal cells were selected on the basis of 1) cell bodies located in the pyramidal layer and in the middle of the slice, 2) extensive labeling of their axons, and 3) a branching pattern of the axon indicating that they were not axo-axonic cells. Examination of their efferent synapses (n = 400) demonstrated that the cells made synapses on cell bodies, dendritic shafts, spines, and axon initial segments (AIS). Statistical analysis of the distribution of different postsynaptic elements, together with published data (n = 288) for 12 similar cells, showed that the interneurons were heterogeneous with regard to the frequency of synapses given to different parts of pyramidal cells. When the cells were grouped according to whether they had less or more than 40% somatic synaptic targets, each population appeared homogeneous. The population (n = 19) innervating a high proportion of somata (53 ± 10%, SD) corresponds to basket cells. They also form synapses with proximal dendrites (44 ± 12%) and rarely with AISs and spines. One well-filled basket cell had 8,859 boutons within the slice, covering an area of 0.331 mm2 of pyramidal layer tangentially and containing 7,150 pyramidal cells, 933 (13%) of which were calculated to be innervated, assuming that each pyramidal cell received nine to ten synapses. It was extrapolated that the intact axon probably had about 10,800 boutons innervating 1,140 pyramids. The proportion of innervated pyramidal cells decreased from 28% in the middle to 4% at the edge of the axonal field. The other group of neurons, the bistratified cells (n = 9), showed a preference for dendritic shafts (79 ± 8%) and spines (17 ± 8%) as synaptic targets, rarely terminating on somata (4 ± 8%). Their axonal field was significantly larger (1,250 ± 180 μm) in the medio-lateral direction than that of basket cells (760 ± 130 μm). The axon terminals of bistratified cells were smaller than those of basket cells. Furthermore, in contrast to bistratified cells, basket cells had a significant proportion of dendrites in stratum lacunosum-moleculare suggesting a direct entorhinal input. The results define two distinct types of GABAergic neuron innervating pyramidal cells in a spatially segregated manner and predict different functions for the two inputs. The perisomatic termination of basket cells is suited for the synchronization of a subset of pyramidal cells that they select from the population within their axonal field, whereas the termination of bistratified cells in conjunction with Schaffer collateral/commissural terminals may govern the timing of CA3 input and/or voltage-dependent conductances in the dendrites. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Distribution of dynorphin A (DyA) immunoreactivity in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) was examined in rats after various surgical transections by light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry. In colchicine-treated animals DyA immunostained were seen in each subdivision of the NTS. In intact rats, dense network of immunopositive nerve fibers was localized light microscopically, and synaptic contacts were found between DyA immunopositive structures (axo-axonic, axo-dendritic synapses), electron microscopicaly. Surgical transections medial, caudal or rostral to the nucleus did not alter the distribution pattern of DyA in the NTS. Lesion immediately lateral to the nucleus resulted in an ipsilateral appearance of immunostained cell bodies. Vagal and glossopharyngeal aferents (including baroreceptor fibers) terminate in the medial and commissural subnucleus of the NTS. Two days after extracranial vagotomy, synaptic contacts between degenerated presynaptic boutons and DyA immunopositive postsynaptic elements were observed in both medial and commissural part of the NTS. These observations provide morphological evidence suggesting that (1) axons of dynorphin A-containing cell bodies form an intrinsic network inside the nucleus; (2) these DyA cells receive direct peripheral inputs through the vagus nerve, and (3) projecting DyA neurons may exist in the NTS, they may innervate medullary, rather than forebrain, higher brainstem or spinal cord neurons.  相似文献   

Neurotensin-like immunoreactive neuronal perikarya, fibers and terminals in the rat hypothalamus, particularly in the arcuate nucleus, the paraventricular nucleus and the median eminence, were investigated by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. The main distributional areas of immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were found to be the arcuate nucleus, the periventricular nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus by light microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya showed a characteristic distributional pattern in the arcuate nucleus. In the paraventricular nucleus they were distributed in both the magnocellular and parvocellular portions. A large number of immunoreactive terminals were observed throughout the external layer of the median eminence, particularly its lateral portion. A moderate number of immunoreactive terminals were also observed in the internal layer of the median eminence. By electron microscopic immunocytochemistry immunoreactive neuronal perikarya both in the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei showed generally well-developed cell organelles such as mitochondria, r-ER, and Golgi complex. In addition, immunoreactive dense granules were dispersed throughout the perikarya. A large number of immunoreactive terminals containing immunoreactive dense granules, clear vesicles and mitochondria were observed in the vicinity of pericapillary spaces of the external layer of the median eminence. This observation strongly suggests that neurotensin-like immunoreactive substance is released into the portal capillaries.  相似文献   

The infraorbital nerve (n = 3) was examined in newborn rats using electron microscopic techniques. Counts of the entire nerve revealed an average of 42,051 (S.D. = 2083) unmyelinated and 168 (S.D. = 47) myelinated fibers. The unmyelinated axons averaged 0.46 μm (S.D. = 0.16) in diameter while the myelinated fibers averaged 1.71 μm (S.D. = 0.17).  相似文献   

The subnuclear organization of rat interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) has been examined by light microscopy following staining with Nissl and Holmes methods, 3H-leucine autoradiography, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and cytochrome oxidase histochemistry on plastic sections stained with toluidine blue, and by electron microscopy. Three unpaired and four paired subnuclei are recognized. The rostral subnucleus is heavily stained for AChE, which clearly delineates its borders. It is distinguished ultrastructurally by two types of synapses on dendrites, and two on perikarya. Of the former, one type is formed by presynaptic processes which contain spherical and dense-cored vesicles and make asymmetrical contacts. Dense-cored vesicles are observed in many of the postsynaptic dendrites. A second type has presynaptic processes containing small, pleomorphic vesicles which make symmetrical contacts. Synapses on perikarya are found in the rostral, central, intermediate, lateral, and interstitial subnuclei. The dorsal subnucleus is continuous with the serotonin-containing B8 cells. The central subnucleus is distinguished by longitudinally oriented medial habenular axons separating palisades of cell bodies. These axons, which also traverse the intermediate subnuclei, form en passant S synapses with small dendrites of the central subnucleus. The intermediate subnuclei react faintly for AChE and intensely for cytochrome oxidase. They contain crest synapses formed by two habenular afferents, one from each medial habenula, which contact a narrow dendritic process en passant. The lateral subnuclei react intensely for AChE and have ultrastructural features similar to the rostral subnuclei. The interstitial subnuclei lie within each fasciculus retroflexus as it enters IPN. The small dorsal lateral subnuclei are evident by light microscopy.  相似文献   

Using a preembedding double immunoreactive technique by immunostaining with antirat beta-endorphin and antisynthetic glutamic acid decarboxylase antisera sequentially, the synaptic relationships between beta-endorphinergic neuronal fibers and GABAergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of the rat were examined at the ultrastructural level. Although both beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive fibers and glutamic acid decarboxylase-like immunoreactive neurons can be found in the mediodorsal and medioventral parts of the dorsal raphe nucleus, the synapses between them were found only in the mediodorsal part. Most of the beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive neuronal fibers contained many dense-cored vesicles. The synapses made by beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive neuronal axon terminals on glutamic acid decarboxylase-like immunoreactive neurons were both symmetrical and asymmetrical, with the latter predominant, especially in the axo-dendritic synapses. Perikarya with beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity were found only in the ventrobasal hypothalamus. These findings suggest the possibility that the beta-endorphin-producing neurons in the ventrobasal hypothalamus could influence GABAergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus directly by synaptic relationships.  相似文献   

Development and migration of GABAergic neurons in the mouse myelencephalon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GABAergic neurons are the major inhibitory interneurons that are widely distributed in the central nervous system. It is well established that they originate from a focal region in the embryonic forebrain during development, and then migrate to other regions such as the neocortex. However, the migration of GABAergic neurons remains obscure in other axial levels of the brain. We examined the early development of myelencephalic GABAergic neurons using glutamate decarboxylase 67 / green fluorescent protein (GAD67-GFP) knocking mice. Observation of fixed tissues in coronal sections and flat whole-mount preparations indicated that, while GFP-positive cells are restricted to the subpial region in the ventral aspect of the myelencephalon at an early stage, they spread dorsally and eventually occupy the entire region of the myelencephalon as development proceeds. We developed a flat-mount in vitro preparation in which these patterns of development could be recapitulated. Transplantation of dorsal myelencephalic tissue of a wildtype embryo to a corresponding region of GAD67-GFP mouse embryos clearly demonstrated invasion of dorsally oriented GABAergic neurons from host to donor tissue. These results indicate that ventral-to-dorsal tangential migration of GABAergic neurons takes place in the myelencephalon. Our results extend the observations in the forebrain that inhibitory and excitatory neurons in a specific brain compartment take distinct migratory paths.  相似文献   

The sources of GABAergic innervation to granule cells were studied to establish how the basic cortical circuit is implemented in the dentate gyrus. Five types of neuron having extensive local axons were recorded electrophysiologically in vitro and filled intracellularly with biocytin (Han et al., 1993). They were processed for electron microscopy in order to reveal their synaptic organization and postsynaptic targets, and to test whether their terminals contained GABA. (1) The hilar cell, with axon terminals in the commissural and association pathway termination field (HICAP cell), formed Gray's type 2 (symmetrical) synapses with large proximal dendritic shafts (n= 18), two-thirds of which could be shown to emit spines, and with small dendritic branches (n= 6). Other boutons of the HICAP neuron were found to make either Gray's type 1 (asymmetrical) synapses (n= 4) or type 2 synapses (n= 6) with dendritic spines. Using a highly sensitive silver-intensified immunogold method for the postembedding visualization of GABA immunoreactivity, both the terminals and the dendrites of the HICAP cell were found to be immunopositive, whereas its postsynaptic targets were GABA-immunonegative. The dendritic shafts of the HICAP cell received synapses from both GABA-negative and GABA-positive boutons; the dendritic spines which densely covered the main apical dendrite in the medial one-third of the molecular layer received synapses from GABA-negative boutons. (2) The hilar cell, with axon terminals distributed in conjunction with the perforant path termination field (HIPP cell), established type 2 synapses with distal dendritic shafts (n= 17), most of which could be shown to emit spines, small-calibre dendritic profiles (n= 2) and dendritic spines (n= 6), all showing characteristics of granule cell dendrites. The sparsely spiny dendrites of the HIPP cell were covered with many synaptic boutons on both their shafts and their spines. (3) The cell with soma in the molecular layer had an axon associated with the perforant path termination field (MOPP cell). This GABA-immunoreactive cell made type 2 synapses exclusively on dendritic shafts (n= 20), 60% of which could be shown to emit spines. The smooth dendrites of the MOPP cell were also restricted to the outer two-thirds of the molecular layer, where they received both GABA-negative and GABA-positive synaptic inputs. (4) The extensive axonal arborization of the dentate basket cell terminated mainly on somata (n= 26) and proximal dendrites (n= 9) in the granule cell layer, and some boutons made synapses on somatic spines (n= 6); all boutons established type 2 synapses. (5) The dentate axo-axonic cell established type 2 synapses (n= 14) exclusively on axon initial segments of granule cells in the granule cell layer, and on initial segments of presumed mossy cells in the hilus. The results demonstrate that granule cells receive inputs from the local circuit axons of at least five distinct types of dentate neuron terminating in mutually exclusive domains of the cell's surface in four out of five cases. Four of the cell types (HICAP cell, MOPP cell, basket cell, axo-axonic cell) contain GABA, and the HIPP cell may also be inhibitory. The specific local inhibitory neurons terminating in conjunction with particular excitatory amino acid inputs to the granule cells (types 1 – 3) are in a position to interact selectively with the specific inputs on the same dendritic segment. This arrangement provides a possibility for the independent regulation of the gain and long-term potentiation of separate excitatory inputs, through different sets of GABAergic local circuit neurons. The pairing of excitatory and inhibitory inputs may also provide a mechanism for the downward reseating of excitatory postsynaptic potentials, thereby extending their dynamic range.  相似文献   

We sought to determine (1) the ultrastructural localization and (2) the extrinsic sources of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NTLI) in the parabrachial region (PBR). The brains from untreated adult male rats and from others that received intraventricular injections of colchicine (100 micrograms/7.5 microliters saline) 24 hours prior to death were fixed by perfusion with acrolein or glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde. Coronal sections were immunocytochemically labeled with a polyclonal rabbit antiserum to neurotensin and the PAP method. Western dot-blots and immunocytochemical labeling with adsorbed antiserum revealed significant cross-reaction only against NT, NT8-13, and glutamine (Gln)4-NT. In the ultrastructural study, the most numerous labeled profiles were axons and axon terminals in both colchicine-treated and control animals. The terminals containing NTLI were characterized by a mixed population of small, clear and large, dense core vesicles; asymmetric junctions principally with unlabeled dendrites; and a few synaptic specializations with unlabeled axon terminals. Compared to axon terminals, relatively few perikarya or dendrites had detectable levels of NTLI in either untreated or colchicine-treated animals. The labeled perikarya measured 8-10 microns in longest cross-sectional diameter, contained NTLI throughout a narrow rim of cytoplasm, and received a few somatic synapses from unlabeled terminals. From the relative density of axon terminals and sparsity of perikarya and dendrites, we conclude that the NTLI in the PBR is principally derived from extrinsic neurons. However, the intrinsic neurons with NTLI may also contribute to the immunoreactivity in the axon terminals of the PBR. We sought to determine the precise location of the extrinsic neurons that contribute to the NTLI in axon terminals in the PBR. Following unilateral injections of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP), dual labeling was most evident in a large population of neurons located in the dorsal, medial and commissural nuclei of the solitary tracts, ipsilateral to the side of the injection. However, a few perikarya containing both the retrogradely transported WGA-HRP and immunocytochemical labels for NT were also detected in the caudal ventrolateral reticular formation, the locus coeruleus, and the paraventricular and lateral hypothalamic nuclei. We conclude that (1) NT or a closely related peptide is present in intrinsic neurons and multiple afferent pathways to the PBR; and (2) the axon terminals with NTLI have synaptic interactions with dendrites of intrinsic neurons and with axon terminals that may have either extrinsic or intrinsic origins.  相似文献   

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