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目的 研究联合国和世界卫生组织(WHO)辅助技术服务的政策架构与核心内容,比较不同经济发展水平国家辅助技术发展现状,探讨未来辅助技术政策与服务发展。方法 基于联合国和WHO辅助技术的相关政策与理论架构,运用WHO健康服务体系构成要素的理论,分析国际辅助技术服务的政策架构与主要内容,比较全球不同经济发展水平国家辅助技术服务政策、辅助产品和服务发展,探讨国际辅助技术的政策与创新技术发展热点。结果 辅助技术服务是康复服务的重要组成部分,发展辅助技术服务是实现联合国可持续发展目标三“确保健康的生活方式,促进各年龄段人群的福祉”的关键步骤。联合国和WHO发布的辅助技术服务相关指南提供了辅助技术服务政策,其核心架构是基于联合国《残疾人权利公约》有关辅助技术内容,并具体表现在WHO《世界残疾报告》《全球残疾行动计划》《健康服务体系中的康复》和《健康服务体系中的康复:行动指南》以及WHA 71.8号有关辅助技术的决议《改善获得辅助技术的机会》等核心文件中。国际辅助技术政策核心内容旨在构建以人为本的综合保健服务,强调将辅助技术纳入公共卫生医疗体系和康复服务范畴,根据WHO健康服务的六大核心构成要素建立和发展辅助技术服务,从而提高获取优质辅助技术机会,以实现全民健康覆盖,并且在辅助产品和辅助技术服务领域,倡导技术和服务创新,形成5P辅助技术模式。高收入国家和中低收入国家在辅助技术服务政策、辅助技术产品提供以及服务覆盖率方面都面临诸多困难,存在着较大差异。未来各国辅助技术发展热点主要是采用WHO提出的5P模式进行政策和服务提供以及技术变革,辅助技术产品开发、辅助技术服务模式的创新将是未来发展的热点。结论 国际社会有关辅助技术的政策是以联合国《残疾人权利公约》为核心,并以联合国及WHO发表的辅助技术服务的相关政策文件为基础形成的,其主旨在于发展辅助技术服务,为残疾人、老年人和其他功能障碍者提供及时、适当和可负担的辅助技术服务,改善他们的健康并提升生活质量和福祉。要将辅助技术纳入全民健康覆盖,并通过初级卫生保健加强服务提供,以实现联合国可持续发展目标三全民健康覆盖的目标,实现辅助技术服务全覆盖。发展辅助技术,要将辅助技术纳入康复服务的范畴,在WHO健康服务体系的六大构成要素架构下,完善辅助技术服务的治理,通过多种机制为辅助技术服务进行筹资,培训康复人才从事辅助技术工作,改善辅助技术的服务提供,提升服务的质量,将辅助技术纳入基本医药技术,建立适应辅助技术发展的健康信息系统并对辅助技术服务提供监测。在世界不同地区,由于经济和社会发展水平的差异,辅助产品和技术服务的发展水平存在着很大差异,在获得辅助技术服务时遇到很大挑战。需要制定相关的政策、规划,并进行技术和服务创新。未来辅助技术发展将围绕辅助技术的5P模式进行产品和服务提供领域的改革以及技术创新,以提升辅助技术服务的覆盖率、有效性、可及性和可负担性,在全民健康覆盖架构下,将辅助技术服务融入健康服务体系,实现全民辅助技术服务全覆盖,提升辅助技术服务的质量和辅助技术消费者的福祉。  相似文献   

本文在对加拿大进行实地考察和有关网络资源的查询的基础上,从立法、政策、政府参与等方面,对加拿大残疾人的辅助技术保障情况进行了全面的考察.由于无歧视立法的存在和各省辅助技术政策保障,联邦政府对辅助技术开发利用积极引导与参与,加拿大残疾人的辅助技术在社会意识、经费、辅助器具的利用品种和品质、辅助技术适配、所需要的社会环境和公共服务等方面得到全方位的高品质的保障.  相似文献   

论发展中国残疾人辅助技术高等教育的必要性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对我国高等辅助技术教育与社会需要极不相称的现状,作者从辅助技术已成为一个独立的学科;我国辅助技术高等教育落后对辅助技术事业发展造成的严重影响;发展辅助技术高等教育培养辅助技术领域的引领者、策划者与服务者的作用,对积累、完善和发展辅助技术专业理论与知识的作用;以及发展辅助技术对支持残疾人独立生活、回归社会及开发残疾人辅助技术潜在市场的重要性等方面,阐述发展中国高等辅助技术教育的必要性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了著名的辅助技术数据库ABLEDATA的研究和检索,从信息技术的角度讨论了其在实践中的应用。  相似文献   

中美两国的残疾人辅助技术高等教育存在极大的差距。在美国,有40所以上的高校设有残疾人辅助技术方面的专业或课程,研究生层次的辅助技术专业证书教育与交叉学科的硕士学位教育是该类教育的主要形式,并且所设课程门类齐全,内容深入。在中国,开设残疾人辅助技术课程的高校仅有数所,课程品种少,辅助技术高等教育远远不能满足社会的需要,而且在辅助技术服务、特殊教育辅助技术、计算机辅助技术以及生物医学工程辅助技术方面远远落后于发达国家。因此,中国应该发展残疾人辅助技术高等教育,以支持辅助技术事业的发展。  相似文献   

残疾人技术辅助器具的分类中国康复研究中心康工所生物力学室全国残疾人用品开发供应总站质监部国家康复器械质量监督检验中心(筹)刘永斌,阎宁,封锦华,朱图陵1引言随着康复事业的发展,残疾人回归社会的愿望越来越强烈,对回归社会所需的专门辅助器具也越来越多。据...  相似文献   

中美两国残疾人辅助技术服务的质量以及工作人员的素质存在较大的差距,美国已形成了辅助技术服务专业人员的资格证书(ATP)制度来规范该行业的发展,而中国还处于职业发展的初始阶段。文章介绍了该认证的发展现状、作用以及获得该证书的个人应具备的条件。  相似文献   

目的:解决人和计算机的接口问题,为辅助上肢残疾者操纵计算机提供适宜技术。方法:比较分析国内外利用脑电和肌电生理电信号检测技术,在进行残疾人功能辅助研究的基础上,利用计算机虚拟现实和电磁跟踪技术相结合实现人-机接口。结果:提出了一种新的应用于上肢残缺者操纵计算机的人-机接口技术。结论:该技术在计算机辅助残疾人功能重建方面有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文结合辅助器具服务的工作经验,从辅助器具适配、展示、研发、人才培养等方面,讨论如何提高辅助器具的综合服务能力。  相似文献   

残疾人辅助器具及其服务   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
作者从辅助器具的分类、作用、需求,以及国内外相关情况、存在的差距等方面综合论述了残疾人辅助器具产品及服务的国内外发展动态。  相似文献   

Background A consumer‐directed service‐delivery approach to assistive technology and environmental modification intervention was examined with people who were ageing with intellectual disabilities. Material and Methods The intervention was based on a collaborative approach involving consumers, their social supports and service deliverers. Thirty individuals were randomly selected to receive the intervention from a sample of 75 community‐dwelling adults. Outcomes related to consumers’ and significant others’ perceptions of performance and satisfaction with goal attainment were assessed and the consumer‐directed goal planning process examined. Results Participants in the intervention group reported significantly higher levels of performance and satisfaction related to goals identified at baseline than participants in the control group. Two broad categories of goals were addressed during the intervention – basic self‐care goals and participation/environmental/systems level goals. A 98% direct agreement rate between consumer‐identified goals and goals addressed by service deliverers was found during the intervention. Of the environmental strategies employed during the intervention, assistive devices and systems level advocacy and action were the two most frequently used across goals. Conclusion Results provide evidence in favour of a consumer‐directed approach to assistive technology and environmental modification service delivery for consumers who are ageing with intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   


This study used a randomized control group design to investigate the impact of an assistive technology and home modification intervention on function for individuals who are aging with a disability. There were 91 participants with polio, rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, stroke, and other impairments. Outcome data were collected at 12 and 24 months through in-home interviews using the Older Americans Resources and Services Instrument (OARS) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), and through monthly telephone contact on the hours of in-home care, hospitalizations, and acquisition of AT. The treatment group received an in-home evaluation of their equipment and home modification needs. All recommended AT and home modifications were provided and paid for in full or in part by the study. The control group received the standard community-available health care. A significant “group by time” interaction for the FIM suggested a slower decline in function for the treatment group over 2 years. Further analyses found that the treatment group was more likely to use equipment to maintain independence vs. personal assistance. This study supports the value of assistive technology for adults aging with a disability and suggests that it be provided earlier in the aging process.  相似文献   

Assistive technology items are frequently prescribed to assist children with physical disabilities to minimise the barriers they experience in undertaking schoolwork. A range of items are recommended from computers to access systems and specialised software. However, it is not known what the range of items that children with physical disabilities utilize, the patterns of use and perceptions of satisfaction with these items. The aim of this study is to determine the range of assistive technology items used by children with physical disabilities aged 8–18 years for participation in schoolwork. A mailed survey to a convenience sample of 703 children with physical disabilities was undertaken. Questionnaires identified the items of assistive technology in use, and their frequency, source, and location of use and gained ratings of importance and satisfaction. 158 responses (22.5% response rate) gave 130 valid surveys indicating assistive technology use (82.3%). 433 items were reported, 177 text-generating devices, 105 alternative access solutions, and 151 software items to support participation with schoolwork. High levels of importance and satisfaction were reported, with items mostly being used more than once a week. Variations between children with different diagnoses are highlighted.  相似文献   

Aim: To explore the use of the Ecological Validity Model as a guiding framework in the provision of a culturally sensitive assistive technology (AT) intervention for community older people. Methods: Twenty-seven Hispanic adults aged 70 years and older and four individuals with expertise in AT participated in a concurrent nested mixed method study where the quantitative method (content validity ratio exercise) was embedded in the dominant qualitative method (focus groups). Results: Findings informed the development of the Assistive Technology Life Enhancement Program (ATLEP), an intervention consisting of seven modules addressing AT devices with culturally sensitive elements. Conclusions: The Ecological Validity Model, as well as the input from older adults, were both effective methodological strategies in tailoring the ATLEP intervention to the needs and circumstances of community-living older people living in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

目的 介绍辅助技术的基础知识,以及世界卫生组织(WHO)对辅助技术的最新认识.方法 收集有关辅助技术领域的文献,包括WHO自1948年成立以来的有关文件和国际标准ISO 9999,以及公开发表的有关文章进行分析和综述.结果 对辅助技术的认识经历了4个阶段:早期(不重视)、中期(残疾人需要康复工程)、近期(功能障碍者需要...  相似文献   

《美国残疾人辅助技术法》是保障残疾人权益的重要法律。作者回顾了该法产生的历史背景,并通过对该法和《残疾人康复法案》等相关法律的保障措施的分析,为我国残疾人事业的发展和相关法律的制定寻找可供借鉴之处。  相似文献   


Reading pens are a form of assistive technology that may be used to bypass weak word decoding and vocabulary skills of students with reading disabilities. Only two known studies have examined the effects of reading pens on the comprehension of school-aged students, and no known studies have been published regarding post-secondary students. The present study investigated the effects of reading pen assistive technology on the comprehension accuracy and rate of three post-secondary students with university-recognized reading disabilities. An alternating treatments design was implemented to compare the effects of (1) a reading pen decoding accommodation, (2) concurrent reading pen decoding and vocabulary accommodations, and (3) a no-accommodation control condition on the comprehension of the three participants when provided college level difficulty reading passages. Results indicate that use of a reading pen did not uniformly improve the comprehension of the post-secondary students. However, the student with the poorest reading skills benefitted the most. Discussion focuses on explanations for the results, practical implications for post-secondary students with reading disabilities, and future directions for study.  相似文献   

Despite improvements in technology and health care, the number of people with disabilities, and the complexity of needs that they and their families experience, continue to increase. In response to these needs, specialized technology has been developed that helps people with disabilities to become more independent and more involved in the activities in their homes, schools, and communities. However, many individuals with disabilities, their family members, and many rehabilitation service providers are not aware of the availability, use of, and benefits afforded by assistive technology devices. Further, many providers have not received the pre-service academic preparation required to provide services and support to their clients. Preparation includes acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for evaluation of client needs, making appropriate assistive technology recommendations, and developing advocacy skills such as writing letters of necessity that justify funding for assistive technology devices. This article provides information about these issues and suggests that further information is available through continuing education courses as well as articles in the reference list and other sources cited in the accompanying tables.  相似文献   

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