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目的 调查江苏省“十三五”期间康复医疗资源配备的情况及其发展。方法 通过卫生健康委系统对江苏省13个地级市医疗卫生机构统一发放电子版调查表,回顾性调查2015年至2019年康复资源的发展。结果 与2015年相比,2019年末江苏省设置康复医学科的二级及以上综合医院占比提高3.42个百分点;开展康复服务的基层医疗机构占比提高5.67个百分点;每百万人口拥有康复科编制床位数增加127张,实有床位数增加142张;临床早期康复介入每百万人口增长4 326人次;每百万人口拥有康复专业技术人员增加91人,其中康复医师增加25人,康复治疗师增加31人,康复护士增加29人,其他康复行业从业人员增加6人;康复从业人员中,副高级及以上职称比例增高1.65个百分点,硕士及以上学历比例增高1.27个百分点。结论 “十三五”以来,江苏省各类康复资源配置均有所提高。  相似文献   

目的 探索“组团式”紧密型帮扶提升基层中医院护士中医护理服务能力的方式及效果。方法 充分了解基层中医院的需求,成立中医护理帮扶专家团,并派驻中医护理骨干紧密型驻点帮扶。采取“双”式和“播种”式帮扶,强化人才培养;建立护理服务质控体系,引入科学管理理念;“手把手”指导+“传帮带”教学,促进学科发展;“师带徒”模式打造联动门诊,帮助基层医院提供高质量服务。结果 被帮扶医院中医护理服务能力显著提高,中医理论与操作评分较帮扶前明显提高(P<0.001),其中中药涂药技术、蜡疗技术和经穴推拿技术3项操作进步最大;被帮扶医院护士对“组团式”紧密型帮扶总体满意度、教学计划安排满意度、授课内容满意度均达到99%以上;被帮扶医院成功开设中医特色护理门诊,培养了8名院级中医护理骨干人才。结论 对基层中医院实施“组团式”紧密型帮扶可有效提升被帮扶医院的中医护理服务能力,进而提高基层中医院中医护理服务质量。  相似文献   

目的 编制脑卒中患者行为决策评估量表并检验其信效度。 方法 基于跨理论模型、健康信念模型和行为决策相关理论等界定概念结构,通过文献回顾、半结构式访谈等初步构建量表条目池,经专家函询形成初始量表,采用认知性访谈对条目进行预测试及调整,2020年2月—10月,便利选取327例脑卒中患者进行调查,检验量表信效度。 结果 脑卒中患者行为决策评估量表包括4个维度、共30个条目,探索性因子分析累计方差贡献率为64.408%,条目采用Likert 5级评分法,4个维度分别命名为“行为改变动机”“行为改变意向”“决策因素”和“决策平衡”。量表内容效度指数为0.800~1.000;Cronbach’s α系数为0.934,折半信度为0.797,2周重测信度为0.833。 结论 脑卒中患者行为决策评估量表信效度较好,可作为评估脑卒中患者健康行为决策的有效工具。  相似文献   

目的 从“残、病、伤、老”四类群体角度,分类梳理、评估社会总体康复服务需求,分析康复服务供需缺口的原因。方法 收集康复领域文献,包括世界卫生组织和我国有关部门颁布的政策文件、相关调查以及相关研究,进行文献分析。结果 我国“残、病、伤、老”群体康复服务需求规模庞大,康复服务供给尚未有效满足现存需求。导致我国康复服务供需缺口的主要原因包括:健康态势和人口趋势加大社会康复服务的需求;康复服务资源储备不足,康复服务体系建设相对滞后;残疾报告制度不完善,康复服务需求与供给之间的衔接不畅。结论 基于残疾报告制度建设,尽快完善我国康复服务体系,提升康复服务水平。  相似文献   

目的 了解反复入院仍不能明确疾病诊断情境下患者无法容忍不确定性的体验。方法 采用最大差异抽样法选取2018年12月—2019年3月北京市某三级甲等医院中多次入院仍不能明确疾病诊断的患者21例进行半结构式访谈,并对访谈资料进行转录、编码、类属分析、描述和组织。结果 通过对访谈资料的分析,提炼出“患者无法忍受不确定性的表现”“影响患者无法忍受不确定性的因素”“患者在诊疗过程中的需求”3部分内容,以及“不确定性规避”“负性情绪”“认知与行为偏差”“对医院的预期过高”“反复辗转造成的经济压力“等10个一级主题。结论 针对反复入院仍不能明确疾病诊断的患者,护理人员需进一步增加与患者之间有针对性的沟通,为患者提供充分且清晰的信息,避免其负性情绪背后的认知行为偏差导致的错误决策。同时,完善多学科诊疗模式是促进患者科学决策、优化就医体验的发展方向。  相似文献   

目的 深入了解护士参与“神秘客户”体验活动即“护士体验患者活动”后临床护士的真实感受,为新建医院服务模式优化、信息系统管理完善、护士训练培养策略提升提供有效依据。方法 运用质性研究方法,对符合纳入标准的15名护士体验活动后进行半结构化访谈,采用Colaizzi进行资料分析。结果 “神秘客户”体验活动后,参与护士接受访谈,提炼出个性化服务,专业指导需求,信息系统管理,疗愈环境设计,体验活动启发与改变5个主题。结论 “神秘客户”体验活动可根据门诊护理专业需求特色,打造个性化护理宣导;探寻新建医院信息系统无纸化管理前期不稳定的解决方法;开发拓展“神秘客户”体验活动用于护理的优化与改进,为新建医院初期服务模式、制度流程改进、护理人员培养提供有效依据,为营造优质的护理文化夯实基础。  相似文献   

目的 基于数据挖掘技术,探索耳穴贴压干预术后疼痛的常用耳穴,及不同科室患者耳穴贴压干预术后疼痛的选穴规律。方法 以“耳穴贴压”“耳穴压豆”“耳穴埋豆”“耳穴埋籽”“耳穴压籽”“耳穴压丸”“王不留行籽”“术后疼痛”“术后镇痛”为主题词进行检索,收集中国生物医学文献服务系统、维普数据库、万方数据库、中国知网、PubMed、EMbase、Web of Science中耳穴贴压干预术后疼痛的文献。采用Excel 2010建立耳穴处方数据库,采用SPSS Modeler 18.0分析耳穴配伍关联规则。结果 共纳入文献339篇,包含78个耳穴,耳穴贴压干预术后疼痛最常见的耳穴为神门穴(20.8%)、皮质下穴(14.2%)、交感穴(14.1%);除此之外,肛肠科患者术后疼痛常用耳穴还有肛门穴、直肠穴,骨科患者术后疼痛常用耳穴还有肝穴、肾穴,普外科患者术后疼痛常用耳穴还有肝穴、大肠穴,妇产科患者术后疼痛常用耳穴还有内分泌穴、子宫穴。结论 神门穴、皮质下穴、交感穴是耳穴贴压干预术后疼痛的最常用耳穴,不同科室患者耳穴贴压干预术后疼痛选穴以藏象取穴、按病变部位取穴为主,以按脏腑病机辨证配穴为辅。  相似文献   

目的 了解家庭照顾者对“互联网+护理服务”的态度、体验与需求,为完善该护理模式提供参考。方法 对在北京市某三级甲等医院“互联网+护理服务”平台下过订单的家庭照顾者进行深度访谈,采用主题分析法分析资料、提炼主题。结果 共提炼出3个主题:对“互联网+护理服务”的态度(对“互联网+护理服务”表示认可;对“互联网+护理服务”安全问题存在顾虑;对“互联网+护理服务”费用持不同态度);对“互联网+护理服务”的体验(优质的护理服务;和谐的护患关系);对“互联网+护理服务”的需求(服务项目拓展;流程耗材完善)。结论 家庭照顾者对“互联网+护理”总体持积极态度,为家庭照顾者带来了良好的服务体验,但仍存在一些问题尚需完善,如安全问题、服务费用问题、服务项目问题等,后续可采取其他研究方法进行多元化探索。  相似文献   

目的 探索体育融入现代健康服务体系的理论与方法。方法 基于世界卫生组织现代健康服务体系的理论和《健康服务体系中的康复》政策指南,探讨在健康服务体系的六个构成要件方面,即领导力和治理能力、筹资、健康人力资源、服务提供、医药技术和健康信息系统,如何促进体育活动融入现代健康服务体系中,以及在健康服务连续体的预防、干预、康复和健康促进四个环节中,体育活动融入健康服务体系的重点内容与要求。结果 提出了构建以人为本的跨行业、多学科的健康服务体系的目标,要求促进医疗与体育的融合,将运动干预作为健康干预的方法,发展体育与健康融合的服务技术与标准;培养掌握运动干预和运动康复的专业人才,发展信息系统,促进体育与健康服务的融合发展。结论 体育活动是促进健康的重要手段,是现代健康服务的重要组成部分。从健康服务体系的构成要素入手,可以构建体育活动融入现代健康服务体系的理论与方法体系,从而促进实现覆盖全人群、全生命周期的健康服务体系,联合国“2030议程”发展目标之三:确保健康的生活方式,促进各年龄段人群的福祉,实现“健康中国”相关目标。  相似文献   

目的 通过建立入院准备中心,实现住院预约、入院安排、院前检查,以及住院流程模式的再造,使患者从门诊到住院“一站式服务”,得到高效、安全、快速诊疗的目的。方法 在门诊和住院之间成立入院准备中心,统筹管理全院床位信息。门诊医生开具电子住院单,对院前检验检查医嘱进行预存;对患者进行住院时间预约,住院当天检验抽血和完成检查。结果 入院准备中心模式与传统住院模式相比,入院检验检查流程提前,缩短了患者平均住院日、减少了住院费用、提高了患者满意度。结论 入院准备中心的设立有效降低了医院的平均住院时间,提高了医院的床位使用率,让患者享受到了“一站式服务”的优质医疗服务。  相似文献   

A person-centred approach is needed to improve access to secondary health care for people who have learning disabilities. The Department of Health (1995a) drew attention to this issue when it reported that people with learning disabilities sometimes have problems maintaining their health because hospitals fail to work in an interdisciplinary manner with the specialist learning disability services. This article focuses on a case study where the difficulties in operating on a patient with learning disabilities and mental health problems were overcome through a multidisciplinary and patient-centred approach. The case study provides evidence of mainstream health staff and learning disability professionals working together and breaking down barriers to provide a seamless service.  相似文献   

目的了解新疆石河子市老年人的健康状况及护理服务需求,为老年人的健康保健及医疗服务提供参考依据。方法采用自制问卷对500名社区老年人的一般人口学资料、健康状况、个人健康行为和护理服务需求等进行调查。结果老年人慢性病患病率为72.60%,其中46.60%的老年人患有2种及以上的慢性病;近2周患病率为49.40%;前10位慢性病依次为高血压、冠心病、风湿性关节炎、糖尿病、骨质增生、慢性支气管炎、胆道疾病、脑梗塞、胃肠疾病、前列腺疾病。老年人中有吸烟史者占28.20%,有饮酒史者占18.20%;62.80%的老年人从未体检;老年人所需的保健知识依次为安全用药、慢性病、饮食指导、传染病和常见病等;老年人急需的卫生服务项目:建立健康档案(47.80%)、定期体检(46.60%)、健康指导(43.80%)、社区紧急救护(37.40%)。结论社区老年人慢性病患病率高,针对社区老年人的健康状况和护理服务需求,开展健康教育及社区卫生服务,提高社区老年人的健康水平和生活质量。  相似文献   

Purpose: In the USA, private businesses and the federal government contract with health plan companies to arrange and provide for specific health benefits and services. Most contracts are designed around acute care services for people without disabilities. We wanted to design a health benefit programme tailored to the needs of people with disabilities. Method: We convened two expert panels. The first, comprised of experts on government programme payments and benefit design, identified key services of a programme providing care for people with disabilities. The second panel, comprised of representatives of health plan companies, simulated the contract evaluation process. Results: Model health benefit programmes for people with disabilities are similar to programmes for people without disabilities, but should provide and pay for care co-ordination, non-medical benefits, and unlimited therapy while incorporating self-directed care. As existing health plan companies consider whether or not to sign a contract to provide these programmes, operational issues carry as much weight as financial factors. Conclusion: Purchasers seeking to contract with health plans to provide innovative programmes for people with disabilities must be willing to consider pilot projects, and to give the health plan companies projected utilization and cost data so they can predict their financial risk.  相似文献   

Aim. This paper reports the challenges experienced by nurses within accident and emergency departments in communicating with and gaining valid consent from adults with intellectual disabilities. Background. Consent is both a legal requirement and an ethical principle required to be obtained by health‐care professionals, prior to the start of any examination, treatment and/or care. Central to the process of seeking consent is effective communication. However, evidence shows that people with intellectual disabilities are not viewed by professionals within acute general hospitals as a vital source of information, neither are they often communicated with directly, nor involved in discussions or decisions about their health care and are frequently not directly asked for their consent. Method. A purposive sample of nurses working within the accident and emergency departments of five general hospitals was recruited to participate in this qualitative study. Data were collected from five focus groups. Findings. Effective communication was identified as the most challenging aspect in caring for adults with intellectual disabilities within this environment, having an impact on the assessment of needs, informing patients of their health status and seeking valid consent. Conclusions. Fundamental to the provision of quality care are the concepts communication, choice and control. However, these issues are perceived to be more challenging in the provision of health care to people with intellectual disabilities. Communication and consent, therefore, require further consideration within the educational and clinical areas to strengthen nurses’ competence in caring for people with intellectual disabilities, with an emphasis and understanding that choice and control are key principles for all people, being central aspects to the provision of an inclusive service for people with intellectual disabilities. Relevance to clinical practice. All nurses need to have a greater awareness of learning disability, how to increase opportunities for effective communication and be very familiar with the issue and guidelines relating to consent, to ensure that people with learning disabilities have choice, control and are more active in decision making regarding their health.  相似文献   

Background As institutions for people with intellectual disabilities have been replaced with community services, health care provision has developed to provide assessment and treatment, low and medium secure units for people with challenging behaviour or mental health problems. These include both public and private sector provision. Little is known about these services. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of the services studied and to compare the different types of service. Methods A survey was carried out of National Health Service (NHS) and independent sector (IH) health settings providing specialist inpatient services for people with intellectual disabilities. Data were collected on setting and patient characteristics, staffing and management and care processes and outcomes. Results Services were very unevenly distributed across England. There were differences between NHS and IH settings. IH assessment and treatment units were bigger, had higher occupancy and lower staff ratio. In all three types of unit, IH units had fewer visits to patients, used more seclusion, physical restraint and had more locked areas. They had more complaints in more services from users and (for assessment and treatment units and low secure units only) from relatives. In low secure units, they had more adult protection referrals. On the other hand, IH units used fewer agency staff in assessment and treatment units (though more in medium secure units) and provided more appraisals, more visits from commissioners, more consultations with GPs and dentists and more use of whistleblowing procedures by staff. A quarter of people in NHS assessment and treatment units had finished treatment but had no plan for discharge. Conclusions Further research is required to determine the reasons for differences observed between IH and NHS units. The large number of people who have finished treatment emphasizes the importance of developing housing in the community with sufficiently skilled support. The large number of patients in low secure services raises the question whether this type of service is recreating the intellectual disability institutions which government policy intends to close.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In this paper, I propose a population-level analysis of disability to raise issues of access and equity in terms of use of health services. METHOD: The study was a cross-sectional analysis of the National Population Health Survey (Statistics Canada, 1998-1999). The sample consisted of 10,898 adults between 20 and 64 years of age. FINDINGS: The study showed that adults with disabilities used significantly more of all types of health professionals and health services than nondisabled adults. Disability was a significant determinant of all types of health service use, representing a two- to threefold increase in risk of seeing health professionals. Although poor health explained a large proportion of variance attributable to use of medical and nursing services, it did not explain the use of other allied health services. The results are interpreted in terms of structural barriers to access to health services. The findings also remind us of the potential role for occupational therapists as advocates within the health care system for persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

'Signposts for Success' (Department of Health (DoH), 1998a) states that specialist learning disability services (SpLDS) must promote liaisons with, and offer specialist advice to, primary healthcare teams (PHCTs). With the advent primary care groups (DoH, 1998b), genuine collaboration and partnership-forging is necessary and timely to prevent people with learning disabilities being excluded from healthcare services. The project described in the article had three broad aims: first, to establish a practice register of people with learning disabilities in all practices involved in the project; second, to enable practice nurses (PNs), with support, to carry out a systematic health check within the practice of people with learning disabilities; and third, to enable the project nurse to act as a crucial link between SpLDS and the PHCT. The health checks highlighted unmet health and social needs, which were then met through appropriate referral and intervention, mainly to specialist services. Follow ups were conducted to measure any health gain as a result of the applied Interventions. Evidence of health gain was revealed, pointing to the clinical effectiveness of performing such checks within the PHCTs.  相似文献   

Nineteen child health stations in New York City have added treatment services to their traditional role of well-child supervision with the objective of increasing the access of children livine in underserved areas to integrated preventive and therapeutic care. The conversion process was studied at nine pediatric treatment centers (PTC) in upper Manhattan and the South Bronx. the Department of Health accomplished the conversion by adding full-time pediatricians, on-premises laboratory capability, prepackaged pharmacies, and informal arrangements with local hospitals. The proportion of patient visits at the PTCs for sick care ranged from 11 to 57 per cent and varied with the length of time the unit had been in operation. Personnel cost per visit was $16. Six child health stations were compared before and after conversion to PTCs. Registration increased 5 per cent, visits increased 50 per cent, and personnel cost increased 150 per cent. Review of 600 patient visits revealed that the majority of illness visits were for minor conditions, notably upper respirtory infections. Interviews of 600 parents of three PTCs revealed that approximately one-fourth regarded the PTC as a usual source of care. Increased access and continuity of child health services have been accomplished by these conversions. Adding treatment services to child health stations is a satisfactory alternative to the overcrowded hospital-based pediatric facility.  相似文献   

目的:了解银川市社区老年人医养结合服务需求及影响因素,为银川市更好地开展医养结合服务提供一定的参考依据。方法:采用便利抽样法,于2019年1至2019年3月选择银川市3个社区卫生站120例符合纳入排除标准的社区老年人为研究对象,采用《社区老年人医养结合服务需求调查问卷》进行问卷调查。结果:社区老年人医养结合服务需求率为92.7%。多元线性回归结果显示影响社区老年人医养结合服务需求的因素包括婚姻状态、居住状况、家庭月收入、患慢性病情况、半年就诊次数和医养结合知晓度等。结论:银川市社区老年人医养结合需求较高,其中社会福利类需求最高。建议社区卫生机构以社区老年人医养结合服务需求为导向,更好地开展社区老年人医养结合工作。  相似文献   

People with disabilities and chronic conditions are disadvantaged by the US health care system. Some people receive too few of the services they need; others receive too many services from practitioners who do not understand their disability-related needs and thus subject them to iatrogenic illnesses (health problems arising from the health care process). We explore this deprivation and excess and focus on 3 categories of iatrogenic illness that can harm this patient population and impede their ability to live independently. Empirical studies of iatrogenic illness in people with disabilities and chronic illnesses are needed. Physiatrists must play a central role in conducting such studies and in helping these persons access needed care while avoiding potential health problems associated with such care.  相似文献   

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