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1.?Camptothecin (CPT) and its derivatives are potent candidate compounds in treating cancers. However, their clinical applications are largely restricted by severe toxicities.

2.?The solute carrier transporters (SLCs), particularly the organic anion transporting polypeptides and organic anion/cation transporters (OATs/OCTs) are widely expressed in human key organs and responsible for the cellular influx of many substances including endogenous substrates and many clinically important drugs. Drug–drug interactions through SLCs often result in unsatisfied therapeutic outcomes and/or unexpected toxicities.

3.?This study investigated the inhibitory effects of CPT and its eight derivatives on the cellular uptake of specific substrates mediated by the essential SLCs in over-expressing Human embryonic kidney 293 cells.

4.?Our data revealed that CPT, 10-hydroxycamptothecin (HCPT), 10-methoxycamptothecin (MCPT) and 9-nitrocamptothecin (9NC) significantly inhibit the uptake activity of OAT3. 9NC also inhibited the substrate transport mediated by OAT1. The substrate uptakes of OAT1, OCTN1 and OCTN2 were significantly decreased in the presence of CZ112, while CPT-11 potently down-regulated the transport activity of OCT1 and OCT3.

5.?In summary, our study demonstrated that CPT and its eight derivatives selectively inhibit the substrate uptakes mediated by the essential SLCs. This information contributes to understanding the localized toxicity of CPTs and provides novel molecular targets for the therapeutic optimization of CPTs in the future.  相似文献   

1.?Human solute carrier transporters (SLCs) are important membrane proteins mediate the cellular transport of many endogenous and exogenous substances. Organic anion/cation transporters (OATs/OCTs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) are essential SLCs involved in drug influx. Drug–drug/herb interactions through competing for specific SLCs often lead to unsatisfied therapeutic outcomes and/or unwanted side effects. In this study, we comprehensively investigated the inhibitory effects of five clinically relevant alkaloids (dendrobine, matrine, oxymatrine, tryptanthrin and chelerythrine) on the substrate transport through several OATs/OCTs and OATPs.

2.?We performed transport functional assay and kinetic analysis on the HEK-293 cells over-expressing each SLC gene.

3.?Our data showed tryptanthrin significantly inhibited the transport activity of OAT3 (IC50?=?0.93?±?0.22?μM, Ki?=?0.43?μM); chelerythrine acted as a potent inhibitor to the substrate transport mediated through OATP1A2 (IC50?=?0.63?±?0.43?μM, Ki?=?0.60?μM), OCT1 (IC50?=?13.60?±?2.81?μM) and OCT2 (IC50?=10.80?±?1.16?μM).

4.?Our study suggested tryptanthrin and chelerythrine could potently impact on the drug transport via specific OATs/OCTs. Therefore, the co-administration of these alkaloids with drugs could have clinical consequences due to drug–drug/herb interactions. Precautions should be warranted in the multi-drug therapies involving these alkaloids.  相似文献   

The solute carrier 6 (SLC6) family of the human genome comprises transporters for neurotransmitters, amino acids, osmolytes and energy metabolites. Members of this family play critical roles in neurotransmission, cellular and whole body homeostasis. Malfunction or altered expression of these transporters is associated with a variety of diseases. Pharmacological inhibition of the neurotransmitter transporters in this family is an important strategy in the management of neurological and psychiatric disorders. This review provides an overview of the biochemical and pharmacological properties of the SLC6 family transporters. LINKED ARTICLES BJP published a themed section on Transporters in 2011. To view articles in this section visit http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bph.2011.164.issue-7/issuetoc.  相似文献   



Solute carriers (SLCs), in particular organic cation transporters (OCTs), have been implicated in the cellular uptake of platinum-containing anticancer compounds. The activity of these carriers may determine the pharmacokinetics and the severity of side effects, including neuro- and nephrotoxicity of platinum-based chemotherapy. As decreased drug accumulation is a key mechanism of platinum resistance, SLCs may also contribute to the development of resistance. Here, we define the role of hSLC22A2 (OCT2) in the cellular uptake of platinum compounds.

Experimental approach:

Human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells stably expressing the hSLC22A2 gene (HEK293/hSLC22A2) were used in platinum accumulation studies. Following a 2 h exposure to various platinum compounds (100 µM), intracellular platinum levels were determined by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry.

Key results:

HEK293/hSLC22A2 cells, compared with HEK293/Neo control cells, displayed significant increases in oxaliplatin (28.6-fold), Pt[DACH]Cl2 (20.6-fold), ormaplatin (8.1-fold), tetraplatin (4.5-fold), transplatin (3.7-fold) and cisplatin (1.3-fold), but not carboplatin. SLC22A2-mediated transport could be inhibited by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium. Furthermore, hSLC22A2-mediated oxaliplatin and cisplatin accumulation was time- and concentration-dependent, but non-saturable. Expression of hSLC22A2 in HEK293 cells resulted in enhanced sensitivity to oxaliplatin (12-fold) and cisplatin (1.8-fold). Although, hSLC22A2 mRNA expression was frequently found in ovarian cancer cell lines, its expression in clinical ovarian cancer specimens (n= 80) was low and did not correlate with the treatment outcome of platinum-based regimens.

Conclusions and implications:

The hSLC22A2 drug transporter is a critical determinant in the uptake and cytotoxicity of various platinum compounds, particularly oxaliplatin.  相似文献   

目的 探索溶质运载蛋白16A家族成员10(SLC16A10)在胶质瘤干细胞(GSC)中的功能,为针对GSC的脑胶质瘤治疗提供新的潜在靶点.方法 387GSC培养于含10%胎牛血清的DMEM培养基中7 d,分化为387非干性肿瘤细胞(387NSTC),RT-qPCR检测387GSC和387NSTC中SLC16A10、性别...  相似文献   

Introduction: Drug transporters are large transmembrane proteins which catalyse the movement of a wide variety of chemicals, including drugs as well as xeno- and endobiotics through cellular membranes. The major groups of these proteins include the ATP-binding cassette transporters which in eukaryotes work as ATP-fuelled drug ‘exporters’ and the Solute Carrier transporters, with various transport directions and mechanisms.

Areas covered: In this review, we discuss the key ATP-binding cassette and Solute Carrier drug transporters which have been reported to contribute to the function and/or protection of undifferentiated human stem cells and during tissue differentiation. We review the various techniques for studying transporter expression and function in stem cells, and the role of drug transporters in foetal and placental tissues is also discussed. We especially focus on the regulation of transporter expression by factors modulating cell differentiation properties and on the function of the transporters in adjustment to environmental challenges.

Expert opinion: The relatively new and as yet unexplored territory of transporters in stem cell biology may rapidly expand and bring important new information regarding the metabolic and epigenetic regulation of ‘stemness’ and the early differentiation properties. Drug transporters are clearly important protective and regulatory components in stem cells and differentiation.  相似文献   

The solute carrier family 10 (SLC10) comprises two sodium-dependent bile acid transporters, i.e. the Na(+)/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP; SLC10A1) and the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT; SLC10A2). These carriers are essentially involved in the maintenance of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids mediating the first step of active bile acid transport through the membrane barriers in the liver (NTCP) and intestine (ASBT). Recently, four new members of the SLC10 family were described and referred to as P3 (SLC10A3), P4 (SLC10A4), P5 (SLC10A5) and sodium-dependent organic anion transporter (SOAT; SLC10A6). Experimental data supporting carrier function of P3, P4, and P5 is currently not available. However, as demonstrated for SOAT, not all members of the SLC10 family are bile acid transporters. SOAT specifically transports steroid sulfates such as oestrone-3-sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in a sodium-dependent manner, and is considered to play an important role for the cellular delivery of these prohormones in testes, placenta, adrenal gland and probably other peripheral tissues. ASBT and SOAT are the most homologous members of the SLC10 family, with high sequence similarity ( approximately 70%) and almost identical gene structures. Phylogenetic analyses of the SLC10 family revealed that ASBT and SOAT genes emerged from a common ancestor gene. Structure-activity relationships of NTCP, ASBT and SOAT are discussed at the amino acid sequence level. Based on the high structural homology between ASBT and SOAT, pharmacological inhibitors of the ASBT, which are currently being tested in clinical trials for cholesterol-lowering therapy, should be evaluated for their cross-reactivity with SOAT.  相似文献   

Introduction: Drug transporters are now recognized as major actors of pharmacokinetics. They are also likely implicated in toxicokinetics and toxicology of environmental pollutants, notably pesticides, to which humans are widely exposed and which are known to exert various deleterious effects toward health. Interactions of pesticides with drug transporters are therefore important to consider.

Areas covered: This review provides an overview of the interactions of pesticides with membrane drug transporters, i.e. inhibition of their activity, regulation of their expression, and handling of pesticides. Consequences for toxicokinetics and toxicity of pesticides are additionally summarized and discussed.

Expert opinion: Some pesticides belonging to several chemical classes, such as organochlorine, pyrethroid, and organophosphorus pesticides, have been demonstrated to interact with various uptake and efflux drug transporters, including the efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and the uptake organic cation transporters (OCTs). This provides proof of the concept that pesticide–transporter relationships merit attention. More extensive and systematic characterization of pesticide–transporter relationships, possibly through the use of in silico methods, is however likely required. In addition, consideration of transporter polymorphisms, pesticide mixture effects, and realistic pesticide concentrations reached in humans may help better define the in vivo relevance of pesticide–transporter interactions in terms of toxicokinetics and toxicity.  相似文献   

Vectorial secretion of cationic compounds across tubular epithelial cells is an important function of the kidney. This uni-directed transport is mediated by two cooperative functions, which are membrane potential-dependent organic cation transporters at the basolateral membranes and H+/organic cation antiporters at the brush-border membranes. More than 10 years ago, the basolateral organic cation transporters (OCT1-3/SLC22A1-3) were isolated, and molecular understandings for the basolateral entry of cationic drugs have been greatly advanced. However, the molecular nature of H+/organic cation antiport systems remains unclear. Recently, mammalian orthologues of the multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE) family of bacteria have been isolated and clarified to function as H+/organic cation antiporters. In this commentary, the molecular characteristics and pharmacokinetic roles of mammalian MATEs are critically overviewed focusing on the renal secretion of cationic drugs.  相似文献   

Members of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANPs) possess antiviral and antiproliferative activities. However, several clinically important ANPs may cause renal injury, most likely due to their active accumulation in the renal tubular cells. The goal of this study was to investigate in vitro relationships between the affinity of several structurally related potent ANPs to selected human transporters and their cytotoxicity. SLC (solute carrier family) transporters (hOAT1, hOCT2, hCNT2, hCNT3) and ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters (MDR1, BCRP), which are typically expressed in the kidney, were included in the study. The transport and toxic parameters of the tested compounds were compared to those of two clinically approved ANPs, adefovir and tenofovir. Transport studies with transiently transfected cells were used as the main method in the experiments. Most of the ANPs studied showed the potency to interact with hOAT1. GS-9191, a double prodrug of PMEG, displayed an affinity for hOAT1 comparable with that of adefovir and tenofovir. No significant interaction of the tested ANPs with hOCT2, hCNT2 and hCNT3 was observed. Only GS-9191 was found to be a strong inhibitor for both MDR1 and BCRP. PMEO-DAPy showed the potency to interact with MDR1. Most of the tested substances caused a significant decrease in cellular viability in the cells transfected with hOAT1. Only with the exclusion of GS-9191, a relatively lipophilic compound, did the in vitro cytotoxicity of the ANPs closely correspond to their potential to interact with hOAT1. The increased cytotoxicity of the studied ANPs found in OAT1 transfected cells was effectively reduced by OAT inhibitors probenecid and quercetin. The higher cytotoxicity of the compounds with affinity to hOAT1 proved in the inhibitory experiments evidences that ANPs are not only inhibitors but also substrates of hOAT1. Any clear relationship between the potency of ANPs to inhibit the studied efflux transporters and their cytotoxicity was not demonstrated. In conclusion, the study documented that among the studied transporters hOAT1 seems to be the decisive determinant for renal handling in most of the tested ANPs. This transporter may also play an important role in the mechanism of their potential cytotoxic effects. These facts are in good accordance with previous findings in the clinically used ANPs.  相似文献   

Burgeoning literature demonstrates that monoamine transporters with high transport capacity but lower substrate affinity (i.e., uptake 2) contribute meaningfully to regulation of monoamine neurotransmitter signalling. However, studying behavioural influences of uptake 2 is hindered by an absence of selective inhibitors largely free of off-target, confounding effects. This contrasts with study of monoamine transporters with low transport capacity but high substrate affinity (i.e., uptake 1), for which there are many reasonably selective inhibitors. To circumvent this dearth of pharmacological tools for studying uptake 2, researchers have instead employed mice with constitutive genetic deficiency in three separate transporters. By studying baseline behavioural shifts, plus behavioural responses to environmental and pharmacological manipulations—the latter primarily targeting uptake 1—investigators have been creatively characterizing the behavioural, and often sex-specific, influences of uptake 2. This non-systematic mini review summarizes current uptake 2 behaviour literature, highlighting emphases on stress responsivity in organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) work, psychostimulant responsivity in OCT3 and plasma membrane monoamine transporter (PMAT) investigations, and antidepressant responsivity in all three. Collectively, this small but growing body of work reiterates the necessity for development of selective uptake 2-inhibiting drugs, with reviewed studies suggesting that these might advance personalized treatment approaches.  相似文献   

目的探究线粒体溶质载体蛋白SLC25A26通过蛋氨酸循环代谢诱导肝癌细胞衰老的调控作用。方法体外培养HepG2细胞系,用阳性药Etoposide(2μmol·L-1)诱导HepG2细胞衰老后,蛋氨酸循环代谢物SAM (0.1 mmol·L-1)处理,Western blot、Real-time PCR检测细胞衰老指标(p16、p21、HMGA1),流式细胞仪检测细胞周期;转染SLC25A26过表达质粒,Western blot、免疫荧光检测过表达SLC25A26对HepG2细胞衰老指标的影响;HPLC法检测过表达SLC25A26对蛋氨酸循环代谢指标SAM、SAH的影响,Real-time PCR检测过表达SLC25A26对SAM处理后HepG 2细胞衰老指标的影响。结果 Western blot和Real-time PCR检测表明,蛋氨酸循环代谢可以削弱Etoposide诱导的HepG 2细胞衰老水平,流式检测表明细胞周期阻滞在G1期;过表达SLC25A26降低了胞质中蛋氨酸循环代谢物SAM、SAH水平,补充外源性SAM部分抵消了过表达SLC25A26诱导的HepG 2细胞衰老作用。结论促进蛋氨酸循环代谢可以抑制肝癌细胞衰老,过表达SLC25A26可以诱导肝癌细胞衰老,SLC25A26通过调控蛋氨酸循环代谢诱导肝癌细胞衰老。  相似文献   

宋晓翰  王江  柳红 《药学学报》2021,(2):432-444
转运体会对药物在人体中的转移和分布产生极大的影响.一方面可溶性载体转运体可以将药物转运进入组织器官,从而提升药物生物利用度以及改变药物的组织分布;另一方面,细胞上的ATP结合盒转运体会将某些药物排出细胞,从而降低细胞内药物浓度,产生耐药性.本文总结了人体中几种重要的药物转运体的底物特征以及针对药物转运体进行药物设计的策...  相似文献   

The contribution of organic cation transporters to the saturable component in the hepatic uptake of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP), tetraethylammonium (TEA), cimetidine, and metformin was examined by the use of human/rat organic cation transporter (hOCT1/rOct1)-expressing cells and human/rat hepatocytes. Transfection of rOct1 resulted in a considerable increase in the uptake of metformin, whereas that of hOCT1 resulted in only a slight increase. All test compounds (MPP, TEA, cimetidine, and metformin) accumulated in human and rat hepatocytes in a carrier-mediated manner. The Km values for the uptake of MPP, TEA, cimetidine, and metformin into human and rat hepatocytes were comparable with those into hOCT1 and rOct1-expressing cells, respectively. In addition, the relative uptake activities, which were obtained by normalizing the intrinsic uptake clearances of TEA, cimetidine, and metformin against those values of MPP in human and rat hepatocytes, were similar with the uptake activities in hOCT1 and rOct1, respectively. These results suggest that the saturable component in the hepatic uptake of these cationic compounds may be mediated mainly by hOCT1/rOct1; therefore, it is meaningful to evaluate the saturable uptake profile of cationic compounds by the liver using both hOCT1/rOct1-expressing cells and human/rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

  1. To assess potential interactions between sitagliptin and metformin, we sought to characterize the in vitro inhibitory potency of sitagliptin on the uptake of MPP+ and metformin, representative substrates for OCTs, and to evaluate the pharmacological pathways that may be affected by the combination of metformin and sitagliptin.

  2. Among the OATs and OCTs screened, OAT3-mediated salicylate uptake and OCT1- and OCT2-mediated MPP+ uptake were inhibited by sitagliptin. The Ki values of sitagliptin for OCT1- and OCT2-mediated metformin uptake were 34.9 and 40.8?μM, respectively.

  3. As OCT1 is the gate protein for metformin action in the liver, we investigated whether sitagliptin-mediated OCT1 inhibition affected metformin-induced activation of AMPK signalling. Treatment with sitagliptin in MDCK-OCT1 and HepG2 cells resulted in a reduced level of phosphorylated AMPK, with Ki values of 38.8 and 43.3?μM, respectively.

  4. These results suggest that the inhibitory potential of sitagliptin on OCT1 may attenuate the first step of metformin action, that is, the phosphorylation of AMPK. Nevertheless, the likelihood of a drug–drug interaction between sitagliptin and metformin is believed to be remote in usual clinical setting.


The previous in vivo study revealed the carrier-mediated transport of riboflavin (vitamin B2) across the blood-retinal barrier (BRB). In the present study, the blood-to-retina supply of riboflavin across the outer BRB was assessed in RPE-J cells, a rat-derived in vitro cell model of the outer BRB that is formed by the retinal pigment epithelial cells. In the directional uptake analysis on collagen-coated Transwell® inserts, RPE-J cells showed higher basal-to-cell (B-to-C) uptake (22.8 μL/mg protein) of [3H]riboflavin than apical-to-cell (A-to-C) uptake (13.5 μL/mg protein). RPE-J cells showed concentration- and temperature-dependent uptake of [3H]riboflavin with a Km of 297 nM, suggesting the involvement of carrier-mediated process in the blood-to-retina transport of riboflavin across the outer BRB. In RPE-J cells, [3H]riboflavin uptake was affected under a K+-replacement condition while no effect was observed under a choline-replacement condition and at different pH values. Uptake of [3H]riboflavin by RPE-J cells was markedly reduced by riboflavin, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and lumichrome with no significant effect noted for other vitamins. The obtained results suggested the involvement of riboflavin transporters (SLC52A/RFVT) at the outer BRB, and this is supported by the expression and knockdown analyses of rRFVT2 (Slc52a2) and rRFVT3 (Slc52a3).  相似文献   

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