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Objectives To determine the agreement between the chemical dot NexTemp thermometer with mercury and tympanic thermometers and the repeatability of measurements using these devices. Methods A prospective study involving a convenience sample of 194 consenting adult patients presenting to the ED, Freemasons Hospital, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. A survey of emergency medical staff was conducted to determine what they considered an acceptable level of agreement and repeatability for a putative new thermometer. The NexTemp thermometer’s performance was judged against this. For each thermometer, a set of two temperature measurements was made in every patient. The sequence of the set of readings (and hence device) was random between patients and the staff member performing one set was blinded to the results of the other two sets of readings in each patient. The method of Bland and Altman was used for assessing agreement and repeatability. Results Clinicians considered that a new thermometer should exhibit repeatability of ±0.3°C and agree with existing devices within ±0.5°C. The tympanic thermometer had 95% limits of repeatability of ?0.8–0.5°C compared with the NexTemp (?0.3–0.4°C) and mercury thermometers (?0.3–0.4°C). The NexTemp thermometer agreed with mercury thermometer within ?0.6–0.5°C. The tympanic thermometer agreed with the mercury thermometer within ?1.0–1.1°C. Conclusion Based on temperature measurement only, the NexTemp thermometer can be used interchangeably with current mercury and tympanic thermometers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the measurement values obtained with a non‐contact infrared thermometer, a tympanic thermometer and a chemical dot thermometer. The research population was composed of students studying in two departments of a university in Ankara. A total of 452 students who fit the inclusion criteria of the study and volunteered to participate were included in the sample. Body temperature measurements with different thermometers were performed by the same researcher at the same room temperature. Data were analyzed in a computerized environment by SPSS 15.0 statistical program pack and Bland–Altman graph. Mean age of healthy young adults participating in the study was 19.66 ± 0.94, and 55.1% of them were female. The agreement limits for non‐contact infrared and chemical dot was between ?1.30 and 0.32°C; for non‐contact infrared and tympanic was between ?1.26 and 0.13°C; and for chemical dot and tympanic ?0.89 and 0.74°C. It was determined that, although the measurement values of the tympanic membrane and chemical dot thermometers conformed with each other, the conformity of the non‐contact infrared thermometer was weak.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. To compare different body temperature assessment methods in older people and to assess the role of cognitive and functional characteristics in temperature recordings. Background. Axillary gallium‐in‐glass thermometers are commonly used. Their accuracy depends on the proper placement of the device and their permanence in place for eight minutes. With adequate instruction, well‐functioning patients can measure their axillary temperature by themselves, while in cognitively and functionally impaired older people, inadequate understanding of instructions and misplacement of the thermometer might determine significant recording errors. Electronic ear and axillary temperature measurements are faster, but their accuracy has not been demonstrated convincingly with older people. Methods. Patients (n = 107; aged 65–104 years) were recruited. Barthel Index and Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) scores were obtained for each patient. Temperature readings were obtained using: the axillary gallium‐in‐glass thermometer, with (Tnurse) and without (Tself) the nurse's assistance; the electronic axillary thermometer (Tel) and the infrared tympanic thermometer (Ttymp). The Tnurse was considered as the reference method. Results. Mean difference and standard deviation (mean ± SD) in temperature recordings between the different techniques and Tnurse differed significantly from zero for Tself (?0·40 SD 0·42) and Ttymp (+0·19 SD 0·48). No significant differences in temperature recordings emerged between Tnurse and Tel. In simple linear regression models, the difference between Tself and Tnurse significantly correlated with age, gender, SPMSQ score and Barthel Index. Multiple linear regression analysis showed an underestimation of body temperature in older patients with cognitive impairments. Conclusion. Unassisted gallium‐in‐glass axillary temperature assessment is inadequate, in older patients. The differences between Tself and Tnurse are significantly influenced by age and mental decline. Tel provides adequate accuracy. Relevance to clinical practice. In geriatric settings, the electronic axillary thermometer is a safe and accurate alternative to the more traditional gallium‐in‐glass thermometer, with the advantage of saving time (five seconds in recording vs. eight minutes).  相似文献   

目的探讨减少体温计在使用过程中易断损的方法。方法自行设计体温计保护筒装置并进行临床观察。结果有效地解决体温计易断损的问题,且不影响测量、读数和消毒。结论体温计保护筒可降低体温计损坏,减少汞污染及玻璃对人体的伤害;使用方便,适用于医院、家庭、儿童,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 比较水银体温计和红外体温计测温结果 之间的差异.方法 选取需体温监测的ICU住院患者98例,对同一研究对象同时用水银体温计测量腋窝温度和用红外体温计(根据使用说明,校正后额部或耳垂后温度相当于腋窝温度)测量额部温度和耳垂后温度,记录3个部位所测温度值.结果 对参与研究的全部98例患者总体来说,3个部位体温测量值比较差异显著,比较3个部位体温均值,差值在0.2~0.5 ℃,可以认为腋温>耳温>额温;对于17例水银体温计测温在38.0~38.9 ℃的患者,3个部位体温值比较无显著差异,比较3个部位体温均值,差值在0.5~1.1 ℃,从临床角度考虑,3个部位体温差别有临床意义,可以认为腋温>耳温>额温;对于30例水银体温计测温在37.0~37.9℃的患者3个部位体温值比较有显著差异,比较3个部位体温均值,差值在0.2~0.7 ℃,可以认为腋温>耳温>额温;对于51例水银体温计测温在35.0~36.9 ℃的患者,3个部位体温值比较无显著差异,比较3个部位体温均值,差值为0℃,可以认为2种方法 所测3个部位体温比较无显著差异.结论 水银体温计测量腋窝温度在正常范围(35.0~36.9 ℃)的患者,可使用红外体温计替代水银体温计测温.水银体温计测量腋窝温度37.0℃以上的患者,尚不能使用红外体温计替代水银体温计测温.  相似文献   

李甦  陈和平  张钦芳 《全科护理》2008,6(33):3012-3013
[目的]探讨使用玻璃水银体温计为病人测量腋下体温所需的最佳时间。[方法]实验1组随机选取住院病人78例,实验2组选取同一病房的医护人员、病人陪护及家属52人,平均年龄分别为79.0岁、33.5岁。取3支符合测试要求的体温表,同时置于受试者的同侧腋下,于测试时间满5min、10min、15min时分别取出,记录测得的体温值。采用SPSS11.0统计软件包进行统计学分析。[结果]实验1组5min、10min、15min测得体温分别为36.02℃±0.54℃、36.29℃±0.42℃、36.41℃±0.41℃,10min测得的体温值〉5min测得的体温值0.27℃(P〈0.001);15min测得的体温值分别大于5min、10min测得的体温值0.39℃、0.12℃(P〈0.001);实验2组5min、10min、15min测得体温值分别为36.27℃±0.39℃、36.65℃±0.35℃、36.88℃±0.28℃;10min测得的体温值〉5min测得的体温值0.38℃(P〈0.001);15min测得的体温值分别大于5min、10min测得的体温值0.61℃、0.23℃(P〈0.001)。[结论]为病人测量体温,在条件允许的情况下测量15min更接近其真实的体内温度,10min测试时间可能比较适合于临床应用,5min测试时间不能够正确反映体内温度。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨使用玻璃水银体温计为病人测量腋下体温所需的最佳时间。[方法]实验1组随机选取住院病人78例,实验2组选取同一病房的医护人员、病人陪护及家属52人,平均年龄分别为79.0岁、33.5岁。取3支符合测试要求的体温表,同时置于受试者的同侧腋下,于测试时间满5 min、10 min、15 min时分别取出,记录测得的体温值。采用SPSS11.0统计软件包进行统计学分析。[结果]实验1组5 min、10 min、15 min测得体温分别为36.02℃±0.54℃、36.29℃±0.42℃、36.41℃±0.41℃,10 min测得的体温值>5 min测得的体温值0.27℃(P<0.001);15 min测得的体温值分别大于5 min、10 min测得的体温值0.39℃、0.12℃(P<0.001);实验2组5 min、10 min、15 min测得体温值分别为36.27℃±0.39℃、36.65℃±0.35℃、36.88℃±0.28℃;10 min测得的体温值>5 min测得的体温值0.38℃(P<0.001);15 min测得的体温值分别大于5 min、10 min测得的体温值0.61℃、0.23℃(P<0.001)。[结论]为病人测量体温,在条件允许的情况下测量15 min更接近其真实的体内温度,10 min测试时间可能比较适合于临床应用,5 min测试时间不能够正确反映体内温度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨使用玻璃水银体温计为老年病人测量腋下体温所需的较好时间.方法 分为实验组78例,平均年龄79岁;对照组52例,平均年龄33.5岁.取3支符合测量要求的体温表,同时置于受试者的同侧腋下,于测量时间满5,10,15 min时分别取出,记录测得的体温值,进行统计学分析.结果 实验组5,10,15 min测得体温分别为(36.01±0.54),(36.30±0.41),(36.45±0.37)℃,(P<0.01);对照组5,10,15 min测得体温分别为(36.11±0.37),(36.64±0.34),(36.87±0.29)℃,(P<0.01).3组比较,差异有统计学意义.实验组与对照组组间比较,5 min组无统计学意义;10,15 min组有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 老年组病人各时间段体温均较年轻组为低;老年病人测量体温,在条件允许的情况下测量15 min更接近其真实的体内温度,10 min测量时间可能比较适合于临床应用,5 min测量时间不能够正确反映体内温度.  相似文献   



Accurate baseline body temperature measurement is essential for assessment. Tympanic membrane temperature (TMT) measurement is popular, but there is no consensus on whether it is as accurate as oral temperature (OT) for use with the elderly at varying ambient temperature levels.


To test agreement between TMT and OT measurement of body temperature among an elderly population; and to explore whether agreement between the two sites depends on ambient temperature.


A cross-sectional comparison study.


Two samples of older community-dwelling adults were recruited from 17 community senior citizen centers in Taipei, Taiwan in winter (n = 262) and summer (n = 257) of 2007. TMT and OT were simultaneously measured by electronic infrared ear thermometer and electronic digital thermometer. Ambient temperatures measured by digital thermo-hygrometer of the data collection setting were recorded when body temperature was taken.


In winter mean TMT was 36.64 °C (S.D. 0.37), and mean OT was 36.74 °C (S.D. 0.18). In summer, the mean TMT was 37.05 °C (S.D. 0.30) and mean OT was 36.85 °C (S.D. 0.22). The relationship between TMT and OT were r = 0.42 (p < 0.001) in winter and r = 0.57 (p < 0.001) in summer. The values of OT were used as standard to assess the accuracy of the measurement. The bias between TMT and OT was −0.10 °C (S.D. 0.34) and 95% limits of agreement were 0.57 and −0.77 °C in winter; and bias was 0.20 °C (S.D. 0.25) and 95% limits of agreement were 0.69 and −0.29 °C in summer. The findings of this study demonstrate that the TMT has high variability that may under or over estimate body temperatures.


There is a lack of agreement in body temperatures values between TMT and OT in community-dwelling elderly in both winter and summer. OT was more stable than TMT regardless of ambient temperature influences. Therefore, the oral cavity is preferable to the TM site for temperature measurement in alert elderly. The limitation of this study is that hospitalized patients who are most likely to need temperature measurement are not included in this study.  相似文献   

BackgroundMeasuring temperature is an essential part of nursing care. It has been widely accepted as an indication of a patients' clinical condition. Often this enables early intervention and/or treatment as a change in body temperature can indicate the presence of infection or disorders of the thermoregulatory system.ObjectiveThe purpose to this study was to investigate agreement between the BD digital thermometer, the Genius 2 ? tympanic thermometer and the SureTemp® Plus 692 thermometer.MethodA comparative design was used to evaluate the level of agreement between each thermometer in preterm and term infants, ranging from 24 weeks gestation to post term.ResultsA total of 238 infants were enrolled in the study, 52 infants with less than 28 weeks gestation, 112 with 29–36 weeks, 69 infants with more than 36 weeks. In general, BD digital and SureTemp® Plus 692 measurements were in closer agreement than the BD digital and the Genius 2? tympanic thermometer. The mean difference between the BD digital and the SureTemp® Plus 692 measurements was ?0.185 (±2 SD: ?0.561 to 0.91). The mean difference between the BD digital and Genius 2? was ?0.368 (±2 SD: ?1.078 to 0.342). The BD digital and SureTemp® Plsu692 showed a negative but non-significant (r = ?0.07; p = 0.273) correlation between the differences and the averages of the measurements. The correlation of the differences and the averages of the BD digital and Genius 2? measurements was also negative and significant (r = ?0.53; p < 0.001).ConclusionThe results of the study suggested that the SureTemp® Plus 692 thermometer can be used as a reasonable alternative to the BD Digital thermometer in the neonatal population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent research indicates that oral measurement of body temperature is a reliable option in orally intubated patients. In situations such as protective isolation, where dedicated electronic thermometers are not available, are single-use chemical dot thermometers an acceptable alternative? OBJECTIVE: To determine the accuracy of single-use chemical dot thermometers in orally intubated adult patients. METHODS: Subjects included a convenience sample of 85 adult patients admitted to 1 of 2 intensive care units (surgical trauma and neuroscience). For each patient, oral temperatures were measured concurrently (within 5 minutes) with a chemical dot thermometer and an electronic thermometer. The sequence of temperature measurements was alternated with each subsequent patient. Both thermometers were placed in the same posterior sublingual pocket opposite the side of the endotracheal tube. RESULTS: Measurements obtained with electronic and single-use chemical dot thermometers correlated strongly (r = 0.937). With the chemical dot thermometer, body temperature was overestimated in 11.8% of the measurements and underestimated in 10.8% of the measurements by 0.4 degree C or more. The difference between oral temperatures measured with the 2 different thermometers was not related to the patient's age, sex, or sublingual pocket location or to the order of thermometer use. CONCLUSION: The chemical dot thermometer is useful and reliable for measuring body temperature of orally intubated patients. When measurements of body temperature have important consequences for decisions about treatment, clinicians should use an electronic thermometer to confirm measurements made with a chemical dot thermometer.  相似文献   

目的 比较腋窝测量体温时水银体温计放置5 min与10 min所得体温值有无差别.方法 用方便抽样的方法抽取右江民族医学院附属医院住院患者365例,用同一支体温计连续测量同侧腋窝温度5 min与10 min,对测量结果进行比较.检索各数据库,获取相关研究数据,用Meta分析的方法对纳入研究的6篇文献进行分析.结果 在α=0.05水准上,用配对t检验对测量腋温5 min与10 min所得体温值进行检验,差异显著;Meta分析的结果也证明两者差异显著.用365例受试者的体温数据做出的Bland-Altman图显示,2种测量时间所得体温值的差异在临床上不可接受.结论 用水银体温计测腋温时体温计放置时间应持续10 min更为科学.  相似文献   


Aim of the study

Mild therapeutic hypothermia is a major advance in post-resuscitation-care. Some questions remain unclear regarding the time to initiate cooling and the time to achieve target temperature below 34 °C. We examined whether seasonal variability of outside temperature influences the body temperature of cardiac arrest victims, and if this might have an effect on outcome.


Patients with witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests were enrolled retrospectively. Temperature variables from 4 climatic stations in Vienna were provided from the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics. Depending on the outside temperature at the scene the study participants were assigned to a seasonal group. To compare the seasonal groups a Student's t-test or Mann–Whitney U test was performed as appropriate.


Of 134 patients, 61 suffered their cardiac arrest during winter, with an outside temperature below 10 °C; in 39 patients the event occurred during summer, with an outside temperature above 20 °C. Comparing the tympanic temperature recorded at hospital admission, the median of 36 °C (IQR 35.3–36.3) during summer differed significantly to winter with a median of 34.9 °C (IQR 34–35.6) (p < 0.05). This seasonal alterations in core body temperature had no impact on the time-to-target-temperature, survival rate or neurologic recovery.


The seasonal variability of outside temperature influences body temperature of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims.  相似文献   

溶液温度对失血性休克时体温及平均动脉压的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的观察输注不同温度溶液后失血性休克兔肛温及平均动脉压变化的特点 ,探讨液体复苏时不同温度溶液对提高体温和平均动脉压的作用。方法健康新西兰雄兔 30只 ,随机分为 4组进行手术插管及制作休克模型 ,在休克模型稳定 30min后按相同速度、相同液量分别给予低温 (1 0 .7± 1 .6℃ )、常温 (2 0 .6± 1 .3℃ )及温热(39.5± 1 .3℃ )平衡液和自体血 ;在休克前、休克及液体复苏 1h、2h和 4h监测肛温及平均动脉压的变化。结果(1 )失血性休克可以导致肛温和平均动脉压下降 ;(2 )液体输注能帮助恢复中心动脉压 ,常温溶液和温热溶液更有助于肛温和平均动脉压恢复。结论失血性休克能引起体温和平均动脉压下降 ,复苏过程中常温溶液和热溶液在提高体温和平均动脉压方面优于低温溶液 ,温热溶液效果最佳。  相似文献   

经尿道前列腺切除术后膀胱冲洗液温度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨不同温度膀胱冲洗液持续膀胱冲洗与患者体温变化及术后膀胱痉挛等并发症的关系。方法:采用两种不同温度冲洗液对两组患者行持续膀胱冲洗,按计划的观察表观察患者冲洗时间、膀胱痉挛发生率,并留取冲洗液计算出血量。结果:以术前测定的肛温为核心温度的冲洗液冲洗膀胱的患者,并发症少,出血量未有明显变化。结论:患者的核心温度是TURP术后持续膀胱冲洗液的最适宜温度,可降低体温差,减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

孙华  李军  陈桂芳  孙金荣 《护理研究》2004,18(9):761-762
按工作流程 ,研制多功能测温配置器 ,通过试验测定消毒效果及甩表合格率 ,并进入临床试用。结果该仪器能自动完成体温计的消毒、甩表 ,臭氧消毒方法与效果以及甩表效果可靠 ,临床试用认为仪器配置成套测量用具方便、实用 ,自动化程度高 ,有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

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