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本文通过维修放射设备电源故障的几个常见案例,分享在维修电源故障中的一些经验,提高维修效率,减少停机时间,增加医院效益。  相似文献   

本文介绍了1例海鹰SJN-2032 B超电源故障维修实例,总结了电源故障的维修思路。  相似文献   

根据多年医疗设备维修实践,通过典型实例,介绍大型医疗设备电源故障的检查处理方法、电源故障产生的几种可能原因、电源故障维修中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

0 引言 彩超电源与黑白B超电源相比,在性能方面有了很大提升.彩超电源的输出功率更大、抗干扰能力更强、稳定性更高、保护功能更完善.综合以上因素,彩超电源的复杂程度也更高.因此,在缺乏足够技术资料的前提下,如何快速有效地完成彩超电源的维修任务是医院维修工程师需要直面的问题.笔者基于自身的工作经验以及对新型彩超的学习与了解,将彩超电源单元的典型组成结构和故障维修技巧介绍如下.  相似文献   

朱险峰 《医疗装备》2007,20(6):40-42
本文通过对CT电源典型故障的维修,总结并分析了CT电源故障的特点,为CT维修及检测提供了具有参考价值的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

通过对CT电源典型故障的维修,总结并分析了CT电源故障的特点,为CT维修及检测提供了具有参考价值的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

龙淳  郦宁俊 《医疗装备》2000,13(1):55-56
日冰东芝32B B超是最早进入中国市场的黑白机型之一,在中国各医院有相当数量。本人在长期维修过程中,发现其电源部分较易损坏。本文拟在详述电源工作原理上,简述电源部分的维修技巧。  相似文献   

多数医疗仪器故障发生在电源,电路控制部分。但本文所述故障和电源,电路控制完全没有关系,由于本人在维修此台监护仪时走了不少弯路,特将此经过告知同行,共同提高维修水平。  相似文献   

GE9800血管机电源电路的分析检修   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以GE9800血管机一例机器电源故障为例,讨论了电源原理和维修过程,针对电源常见故障提供了可操作性的解决方法。  相似文献   

本文以GE9800血管机一例机器电源故障为例,讨论了电源原理和维修过程,针对电源常见故障提供了可操作性的解决方法。  相似文献   

感染性腹泻是目前最常见的疾病之一,病原体多样化,随生活水平的改善,有渐上升趋势;可爆发流行,对人群影响较大,所以对病原体的明确诊断,对疾病的及时控制是很重要的。  相似文献   

Towards an Understanding of the Notion of the Spiritual in Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The notion of the 'spiritual' is notoriously difficult to define. While it has been a legal requirement for schools to develop the spiritual aspect of children's lives Since 1944, it is only recently that any serious attempt has been made to define what is meant by the term.

It is not surprising then that teachers have to a large extent left the exploration of the spiritual to one side. If they are unsure of what is meant by the term they are hardly likely to build it into the daily curriculum of the children. I would argue that for any talk of the spiritual to make sense in practical terms it is essential that some understanding of the notion is arrived at. We cannot hope to begin developing the spiritual in children unless we have some idea of what it is we are trying to develop.  相似文献   

In a recent article in Health Care Analysis (Vol. 8, No. 1),Campbell misrepresents our specific arguments about commercialsurrogate motherhood (C.S.M.) and our general philosophical andpolitical views by saying or suggesting that we are `Millsian'liberals and consequentialists. He gives too the false impressionthat we do not oppose, in principle, slavery and child purchase.Here our position on C.S.M. is re-expressed and elaborated uponin order to eliminate possible confusion. Our general ethical andphilosophical framework is also outlined and shown to be otherthan Campbell says that it is. In particular, a moral philosophythat it is based on neither consequentialism nor Kantianism ispresented. C.S.M., it is argued, is not child purchase. It is like it insome respects and unlike it in others. It is unlike it in therespects which, relative to the present discussion, matter.  相似文献   

The value of dramatic play seems to lie in five basic functions: 1) it provides personal expression and catharsis of inner desires; 2) it helps the child to distinguish between reality and fantasy; 3) it provides for children's social adaptation: 4) it is dynamic for learning; and 5) it improves intellectual development and specifically creativity, through interaction, transformation and imagination. Generally, dramatic play is fundamental to emotional, social and intellectual development of children.  相似文献   

论卫生投入行为的比较效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫生投入行为的比较效益无处不在,在当前卫生资源有限,却又不同程度地存在着资源闲置、浪费现象的现实形势下,讲究卫生投入行为的比较效益,意义更大。但卫生投入行为的效益产出是一个复杂的过程,对其进行评估需综合考虑许多相关因素,作多角度的分析,评估过程实质也就是分析、把握如何实现最大效益等的过程。  相似文献   

江滔  何津 《职业与健康》2007,23(11):953-954
运动性疲劳是运动训练过程中普遍存在的现象,是一种正常的生理现象,如这种现象不能及时消除,将会影响运动员体能,导致运动性疾病或损伤,以致发展成为一种病理现象,从而对健康造成不良影响.该文就运动性疲劳着重探讨其产生机制及消除运动性疲劳的有效方法,为教练员、运动员在运动训练及比赛中提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

The issue of violence to animals has been virtually ignored by family scholars and other family professionals. After looking at why animal abuse has not received attention, it is argued that those who study and work with families need to attend to animal abuse for seven reasons: (a) animal abuse is a serious antisocial behavior by children and adolescents; (b) it is a relatively common childhood occurrence; (c) it has potential negative developmental consequences; (d) violence toward animals is related to interpersonal violence; (e) it is connected to and may be a marker of family violence; (f) the well‐being of companion animals is being neglected; and (g) it will help achieve a less violent society. The implications for research, policy, counseling and human services, and family life education are discussed.  相似文献   

The main claim of this paper is that the method outlined and used in Aristotle’s Ethics is an appropriate and credible one to use in bioethics. Here “appropriate” means that the method is capable of establishing claims and developing concepts in bioethics and “credible” that the method has some plausibility, it is not open to obvious and immediate objection. It begins by suggesting why this claim matters and then gives a brief outline of Aristotle’s method. The main argument is made in three stages. First, it is argued that Aristotelian method is credible because it compares favourably with alternatives. In this section it is shown that Aristotelian method is not vulnerable to criticisms that are made both of methods that give a primary place to moral theory (such as utilitarianism) and those that eschew moral theory (such as casuistry and social science approaches). As such, it compares favourably with these other approaches that are vulnerable to at least some of these criticisms. Second, the appropriateness of Aristotelian method is indicated through outlining how it would deal with a particular case. Finally, it is argued that the success of Aristotle’s philosophy is suggestive of both the credibility and appropriateness of his method.  相似文献   

A common assertion about alternative medical technologies is that their results are solely built upon the placebo effect. The reason for this assertion is due to the facts that the placebo effect is perceived as an irrational quantity, and that the placebo effect is considered unspecific. If it is possible to rehabilitate the placebo effect by interpreting it as a specific effect, what consequences would it have for school medicine and the view of certain alternative medical technologies? To answer these questions it is necessary to investigate just what sort of phenomenon the placebo effect is, and what determines its dimensions.  相似文献   

What do we mean by validating a prognostic model?   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Prognostic models are used in medicine for investigating patient outcome in relation to patient and disease characteristics. Such models do not always work well in practice, so it is widely recommended that they need to be validated. The idea of validating a prognostic model is generally taken to mean establishing that it works satisfactorily for patients other than those from whose data it was derived. In this paper we examine what is meant by validation and review why it is necessary. We consider how to validate a model and suggest that it is desirable to consider two rather different aspects - statistical and clinical validity - and examine some general approaches to validation. We illustrate the issues using several case studies.  相似文献   

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