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Introduction and hypothesis

A study was conducted to assess associations between different overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms and their outcomes on bladder diary and filling cystometry parameters.


We performed a retrospective cohort study in database of 6,876 Urinary Distress Inventories, 3,185 bladder diaries and 2,153 filling cystometries from women referred to our urogynecological center between 2003 and 2009. Women were dichotomized into two groups. Group I: those women without symptoms, and those with symptoms that were not bothersome. Group II: women with bothersome symptoms. Data obtained from bladder diaries were: daytime urinary frequency, nocturnal frequency, minimum voided volume, maximum voided volume, average voided volume, and incontinence episodes. From filling cystometries, volumes at first desire to void, normal desire to void, strong desire to void and maximum cystometric capacity, were extracted. Univariate and multiple linear regression analysis were performed to determine associations between OAB symptoms and bladder diary and filling cystometry measurements.


After multivariate analysis the objective daytime frequency was most strongly associated with the frequency symptom (β 0.27, p?<?0.05), night time frequency with the nocturia symptom (β 0.40, p?<?0.05) and the number of incontinence episodes with the urge incontinence symptom (β 0.37, p?<?0.05). Both frequency and nocturia symptoms were significantly associated with bladder diary and cystometry filling volumes, and their effect size was the same. The urgency symptom proved to be poorly associated with objective parameters.


In contrast to the frequency and nocturia symptom, the urgency symptom is poorly associated with objective parameters on bladder diary and filling cystometry. Therefore, the current practice of using frequency and incontinence episodes in outcome research of OAB trials is justified.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of a portable electronic diary as a data collection device for overactive bladder symptoms, and to evaluate its level of patient acceptability compared with a conventional paper-based voiding diary. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were identified through USA and UK hospital incontinence clinics. Patients were trained in the use of paper and electronic diaries before randomization, to complete either diary for 7 days. The diaries were then collected and, after a further training session, patients completed the other diary type for 7 days. RESULTS: In all, 35 patients were recruited into the trial; overall, patients using the paper diaries (35) and electronic diaries (33) recorded similar data for the median number of incontinent episodes per week (8.2 and 7.0, respectively) and for the median number of significant leaks per day (0.4 and 0.5, respectively). However, the number of daily micturitions was slightly lower for the electronic than for the paper diary (7.3 vs 8.5, respectively). The frequency of urgency recorded in the electronic diary was higher than that recorded in the paper diary (5.8 vs 4.7). As 94% of patients found the electronic diary easy to use, and the electronic diary reflects real-time data entries, the electronic diary data may provide a more accurate reflection of patient symptoms. CONCLUSION: We confirmed that the electronic diary is a novel method of collecting clinically relevant symptom data from patients with an overactive bladder. In addition, the ease-of-use ratings support the use of the electronic diary as a superior alternative to paper diaries, providing real-time data which can be rapidly analysed, and thus allowing a speedy review of data during ongoing clinical studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We retrospectively evaluated the incidence of detrusor overactivity (DO) in uncomplicated overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) patients. METHODS: From December 1993 to October 2003, 139 adult patients were referred to an urodynamic clinic for urodynamic evaluation of frequency and/or urinary incontinence. Of these, 50 patients (12 males and 38 females) with urgency, without any overt pathological conditions, were retrospectively evaluated in regard to patient age, storage symptoms, urodynamic parameters, and the presence or absence of DO (DO patients or no DO patients, respectively). RESULTS: The overall incidence of DO was 75% (nine of 12 patients) and 36.8% (14 of 38 patients) in male and female patients, respectively. Two of nine male DO patients and five of 14 female DO patients revealed DO after provocative maneuvers. In male patients, all DO patients were OAB wet. In female patients, 13 of 14 DO patients were OAB wet (92.9%), whereas 17 of 24 no DO patients were also OAB wet (70.8%). Compared with no DO patients, female DO patients revealed statistically significant lower maximum cystometric capacity (P = 0.0139) and lower vesical compliance (P = 0.0002). Although aged 60 years or more was associated with DO in univariate analysis in female patients, any symptoms, even incontinence, were not associated with DO in both sexes. CONCLUSION: It is supposed that, in contrast to male OAB, DO might not be a major underlying cause of uncomplicated female OAB.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor (MSPF) on involuntary detrusor activity observed during natural filling, and on the overactive bladder symptom complex. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighteen women with detrusor overactivity on conventional cystometry underwent ambulatory urodynamic monitoring over two filling cycles. Fluid intake was standardized, provocative manoeuvres applied at regular intervals and symptoms documented contemporaneously. During the second filling cycle MSPF was delivered whenever the detrusor pressure increased by > 5 cmH2O. The women were subsequently treated with MSPF for 6 weeks; their lower urinary tract symptoms were assessed before and after treatment. RESULTS: Comparing the second (stimulated) cycle with the first (unstimulated) cycle, cystometric capacity was higher (373 vs 224 mL, P < 0.03). and involuntary detrusor activity of shorter duration (370 vs 427 s, P < 0.82) and lower amplitude (53 vs 63 cmH2O, P < or = 0.05). All women tolerated the procedure comfortably, but nine found it too time-consuming and withdrew. In the nine women who completed treatment there was no consistent change in overactive bladder symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: In this pilot study, MSPF during natural filling was associated with a decrease in the amplitude of involuntary detrusor contractions and a significant increase in cystometric capacity. However, MSPF had a variable effect on sensations of urgency, both acutely and after treatment, and currently there is no evidence to suggest that MSPF has an enduring effect on symptoms of the overactive bladder.  相似文献   

目的:研究分析BPH患者并发膀胱过度活动症(OAB)与膀胱出口梗阻(BOO)程度的相关性。方法:163例BPH患者,根据OAB症状评分(OABSS)将患者进行严重程度分级:0级无尿急等OAB症状;OABSS为1级≤5分;2级6-11分;3级≥12分。经腹超声测定前列腺三径和前列腺突入膀胱的距离(IPP),尿动力学检查测定最大尿流率(Q_max)、剩余尿,最大尿流率时的逼尿肌压力(P&_det@Q_max),并计算出AG值,进行方差分析和相关性分析检验。结果:按OAB症状严重程度分为四组:0级44例,1级35例,2级46例,3级38例。OAB症状程度轻重与患者年龄、前列腺体积、最大自由尿流率等无相关。IPSS评分随OAB症状加重而增高,0~3级分别为(8.4±4.2)、(12.7±3.8)、(15.6±3.6)、(18.5±4.1)分(F=49.931,P=0.000);前列腺中叶增生程度(IPP)呈现显著性升高趋势,0~3级分别为(0.4±0.3)、(0.8±0.5)、(1.1±0.7)、(1.3±0.6)cm(F=21.385,P=0.000);剩余尿量显著增多,0-3级分别为(50.6±36.1)、(64.5±29.0)、(68.3±30.8)、(72.71±39.2)ml(F=3.345,P=0.021);P_det@Q_max显著增高,0~3级分别为(48.3±7.5)、(53.6±27.9)、(58.7±29.1)、(70.4±26.8)cmH2O(1cmH2O=0.098kPa,F=3.722,P=0.012)。BOO(AG〉40)发生率分别为:0级36.4%(16/44)、1级54.3%(19/35)、2级58.7%(27/46)、3级73.7%(28/38),显示OAB症状与AG值呈正相关(r=0.263,P=0.001)。结论:BPH患者并发膀胱过度活动症与膀胱出口梗阻存在显著相关性。  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the effects of propiverine and oxybutynin on ambulatory urodynamic monitoring (AUM) parameters, safety, and tolerability in patients with overactive bladder. METHODS: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, crossover study. Patients (n = 77) received two of the following treatments during two 2-week periods: propiverine 20 mg once daily, propiverine 15 mg three times daily, oxybutynin 5 mg three times daily, and placebo. AUM parameters, salivary flow, visual near point, and heart rate were assessed. RESULTS: A consistent order in the efficacy between active treatment groups was observed for the reduction in mean involuntary detrusor contractions (IDCs; oxybutynin 15 mg 相似文献   

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