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地震是危害很大的灾难性事件,它不仅夺去生命、摧毁房屋,对于生者的心灵也是一次重创.灾难性事件引发的创伤后心理应激反应是普遍存在的.心理应激反应是人体对各种紧张刺激产生的适应性反应.突如其来的灾难事件发生时,个体会表现出情绪、认知、行为活动等一系列改变,这些改变可能会导致一些人出现各种轻重不一的躯体症状,可能加重或诱发原有疾病,严重时产生意志失控、情感紊乱等心理危机~([1]).  相似文献   

认知行为治疗是根据认知进程影响情感和行为的理论假设,通过认知行为技术来改变患者不良认知的一类心理疗法的总称。它包括许多方法:如理性情绪疗法、应对技术疗法等。本文报告1例抑郁症伴惊恐发作的患者的心理护理过程。  相似文献   

正认知行为疗法是一组通过改变思维和行为的方法来改变不良认知,达到消除不良情绪和行为的短程的心理治疗方法,已被广泛应用,是目前最有影响的心理辅导和心理治疗方法之一。本文就认知行为疗法的含义、特点、实施过程及其在精神疾病患者中的应用等方面进行综述。1认知行为疗法的理论研究认知行为疗法(cognitive behavioral therapy,CBT)是一种有结构、短程、认知取向的心理治疗方法,此法强调认知活动在心  相似文献   

态度是人们对待某一对象所持有的评价和行为倾向。它是一种复杂的心理现象,是由认知因素和情感因素所构成的,它的形成以需要为基础,它一旦形成就会对人们的心理及行为发生重要的作用。首先,态度决定着主体对外界的判断和选择;其次,态度潜在地决定着一个人对特定事物的行为方式;最后,态度影响一个人的活动效率。一个人对自己的行为抱有积极态度,就能  相似文献   

过认知和行为技术纠正患者不良认知,从而矫正不良行为的一种治疗方法.根据认知行为理论,改变人的认知过程和观念可纠正人的情绪和行为.认知行为治疗强调认知活动在心理和行为问题的发生和转归中所起的重要作用,通过采用各种认知矫正技术和行为治疗技术,影响患者的健康信仰、增强自我效能和自我管理的意愿,提高应对技能,培养良性情绪,提高认知的成熟度以产生长期的行为改变.现将认知行为疗法在2型糖尿病健康教育中的作用做如下综述,以探讨更好的提高患者的生存质量.  相似文献   

正精神疾病是指在内外各种致病因素的影响下,大脑机能活动发生紊乱,导致认知、情感、行为和意志等精神活动出现不同程度障碍的疾病[1]。对社区精神疾病患者的护理干预是以社区为基础,最大限度地动员家庭与社会力量,对患者进行生理、心理和社会康复护理。本文旨在综述通过对精神病患者的社区护理干预,进而达到预防、减少精神病复发,恢复患者的生活交往、学习、工作能力,使之重返社会的目的[2]。1社区精神病患者护理干预的意义  相似文献   

随着新的医学模式(社会—心理—生物)的建立,医学心理学取得了较大的进展。近年来,不少中医心理学者均把情感学说作为研究的核心内容。本文通过讨论情感与精神的生理和病理性改变,认为喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊这七种情志变化是人体对客观外界环境的一种生理反映,属于正常的情感活动,一般不会使人致病。只有在强烈而持久的作用于人体时,才可能发生疾病。若过极的情感变化,就会对内脏产生不同的病理影响,  相似文献   

正我国是世界上自然灾害种类最多、活动最频繁、危害最严重的国家之一。在上世纪100年间世界死亡人数最多的十大自然灾害中,发生在我国的就占了四起~([1])。汶川大地震、青海玉树地震、甘肃舟曲特大泥石流、新疆暴风雪等不同类型的自然灾害不仅造成严重人员伤亡和财产损失,更对人的心理造成冲击。儿童的心理、认知与行为水平均处于发展阶段,在遭遇重大突发  相似文献   

目的:现代生活对心理治疗提出了更多更高的要求,可现状是心理治疗的理论越来越多,但未能对其有深刻准确的认识,这对于心理治疗的长远发展甚为不利,本文对其原因做了一定的梳理与综述。资料来源:应用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库1994-01/2005-11与心理治疗有关的相关文章,检索词为“心理治疗”,限定语种为中文。同时检索Pumbed数据库1981-01/1989-11期间的相关文献,检索词“Psychotherapy”,限定语种为英文。并手工查阅相关内容的书籍。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选择与心理治疗理论实质问题相关的文章,排除重复性研究。资料提炼:共收集52篇相关文章,参阅相关书籍5本。选择与本文密切相关的7篇,在此基础上对心理治疗理论起作用的内在机制作了进一步的阐述分析。资料综合:心理治疗的种类繁多,但其内在机制都未能超出精神分析疗法、行为疗法、人本主义疗法、认知疗法以及认知-行为疗法这几大西方主流心理治疗的范畴。人本主义疗法特点:强调人的主体性,引导来访者面向未来,以来访者为中心,主要是以意识的情绪体验方式起作用;精神分析疗法特点:否定人的主体性,认为人是非理性的,挖掘过去,以治疗者为中心,无意识的情绪体验方式;认知疗法特点:相信人是理性的,注重现在,以治疗者为主;行为疗法特点:人是非理性的,以治疗者为中心,通过行为影响心理,由外至内方向发挥作用;认知-行为疗法特点:兼具行为疗法与认知疗法两者的特点。结论:各疗法都能产生疗效,是因为不同治疗理论与方法中存在着共同的心理机制-患者认知的改变,情绪情感的调整及行为的矫正。或通过情绪,或通过行为,或通过认知,最终达到认知-情绪-行为三者的和谐一致,这是各种表面看起来差异悬殊的心理疗法可以整合的基础。得出心理治疗理论应走整合发展之路的观点。  相似文献   

认知疗法是医学心理学中一种心理治疗技术,是根据认知过程影响情感和行为的理论假设。通过认知和行为技术来改变患者的不良认知的一类心理治疗方法的总称。神经性抑郁症是一种抑郁情感为突出症状的一种神经官能症,而神经官能症患者在临床和社会上往往被医护工作者或亲朋好友,甚至患者本人常误认为是思想问题而延误诊治和缺乏关爱,造成患者备受痛苦,甚至产生自杀念头。认知疗法的是将认知过程作为行为和情感的中介,帮助患者找出不良认知以及不良行为情感,使患者的认知更接近现实和实际。继而对不良认知正确合理的再认知,同时进行有效调整,使患者的心理障碍逐步好转,从而改善患者的不良行为和情感。  相似文献   

This study posits a model of funeral satisfaction in which religiosity predicts general funeral attitudes, which predict levels and types of funeral participation, mediating the relationship between attitudes and satisfaction in a particular bereavement context. Over a thousand respondents rated their attitudes toward funerals in general and evaluated the most recent funeral they had actually attended. The resulting model indicated that religiosity and favorable attitudes, when enacted through participation and involvement, tend to predict funeral satisfaction, in combination with favorable comparisons, and when the deceased was close and the death unexpected or tragic. Evaluations of the funeral, in turn, independently influence a person's general attitudes about funerals. Theoretical and practical implications for understanding funerals and bereavement are explored.  相似文献   

We performed a study to measure funeral director attitudes and practice toward selected newborn death issues. A questionnaire was designed, piloted and then mailed to 269 funeral directors in northeastern Ohio. One hundred and thirteen (42 percent) responded and they constitute the sample. The sample indicated that 85 percent of the time fathers alone plan the newborn funeral, 13 percent of the time mothers and fathers together, and 12 percent of the time grandparents plan alone or assist others. Eighty-one percent of funeral directors would offer parents the option to see their dead baby, 64 percent to touch, 27 percent to hold, and 11 percent the option to dress the baby. Thus, the more intimate the contact, the less likely an option will be offered. In contrast, 81 percent would seldom or almost never encourage viewing the visibly deformed dead infant. Funeral directors had misconceptions and mixed feelings about the newborn autopsy. Sixty-five percent thought the newborn autopsy is performed primarily for research, 48 percent felt it provides helpful information for parents, and 36 percent indicated that it makes their job more difficult. Lack of cooperation between funeral directors and pathologists and lack of funeral director skill in preparing the autopsied newborn seems to account for most of the difficulties. Improved physician-to-funeral director cooperation and expanded pre-and-post graduate funeral director education and training may enhance the ability of funeral directors to help families achieve a healthy outcome when a newborn dies.  相似文献   


We performed a study to measure funeral director attitudes and practice toward selected newborn death issues. A questionnaire was designed, piloted and then mailed to 269 funeral directors in northeastern Ohio. One hundred and thirteen (42 percent) responded and they constitute the sample. The sample indicated that 85 percent of the time fathers alone plan the newborn funeral, 13 percent of the time mothers and fathers together, and 12 percent of the time grandparents plan alone or assist others. Eighty-one percent of funeral directors would offer parents the option to see their dead baby, 64 percent to touch, 27 percent to hold, and 11 percent the option to dress the baby. Thus, the more intimate the contact, the less likely an option will be offered. In contrast, 81 percent would seldom or almost never encourage viewing the visibly deformed dead infant. Funeral directors had misconceptions and mixed feelings about the newborn autopsy. Sixty-five percent thought the newborn autopsy is performed primarily for research, 48 percent felt it provides helpful information for parents, and 36 percent indicated that it makes their job more difficult. Lack of cooperation between funeral directors and pathologists and lack of funeral director skill in preparing the autopsied newborn seems to account for most of the difficulties. Improved physician-to-funeral director cooperation and expanded pre-and-post graduate funeral director education and training may enhance the ability of funeral directors to help families achieve a healthy outcome when a newborn dies.  相似文献   

目的了解殡仪场所内的消毒卫生状况及主要影响因素,为实施有效干预措施提供依据。方法采用问卷调查和现场采样检测相结合的方法,对殡仪场所卫生消毒管理及质量状况进行了调查,分析了相关因素。结果殡仪职工普遍卫生防护意识差、消毒卫生知识缺乏,殡仪场所细菌污染严重,配备的消毒设备不足,消毒效果较差。结论国内殡仪场所卫生消毒工作缺乏有效管理,卫生状况堪忧,应改善消毒硬件设施,提高消毒质量。  相似文献   


A growing number of companies are offering digital products and services for use in funerals. Drawing on interdisciplinary research in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, we explore how funeral directors operate as intermediaries for these digital products and services. We critically examine the popular framing of the funeral industry as a “conservative” business and examine how funeral directors actively mediate between their clients and the companies offering innovative products and services. This study provides an account of current developments in the funeral economy as well as a broader narrative about how funeral industry professionals have engaged with technology.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a survey of clergy and funeral directors in South Carolina to determine the extent to which the clergy, as representatives of the institutional church, support directions taken by the funeral industry. A total of 150 questionnaires were sent to funeral directors and to 50 United Methodist, 50 Roman Catholic and 50 Episcopalian ministers. Responses by Catholic priests were similar to those of funeral directors in their endorsement of current funeral practices, with Methodists more critical and Episcopalians markedly stronger in their advocacy of alternate customs such as memorial services, cremation, etc. The cooperation dictated by their respective functions seems in some cases to foster supportive relationships, in others, resentful differences.  相似文献   

殡仪馆遗体表面微生物污染状况调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的调查殡仪馆遗体表面微生物的状况,研究适用于遗体清洁与消毒方法,减少殡仪场所交叉感染。方法采用棉拭采样检验方法对北京、河北等6省、市、区的25个殡仪馆的遗体表面进行了检测。结果遗体口与鼻部位污染细菌总数分别为52 273 cfu/cm2和36 322 cfu/鼻;耳部细菌总数为17 241 cfu/只,面部细菌污染总数平均为1333 cfu/cm2;手部携带细菌总数平均为23 cfu/cm2。结论殡仪场所遗体表面微生物污染严重,殡仪职工在处理遗体的过程中应注意生物安全防护和消毒问题。  相似文献   

目的了解殡仪场所内物体表面污染情况及其污染菌分布,以加强殡仪场所传染病防控。方法采用抽样调查和现场采样方法,对国内部分殡仪馆内物体表面污染状况进行了监测。结果在国内13个殡仪馆内共采集标本195份,污染菌数范围在62~689 cfu/件,检出大量致病菌。在各种检测对象中,以整容工具和水龙头污染最严重,检出总菌数分别为350 cfu/件和689 cfu/件。从195份标本中,检出1 915株菌,其中革兰阳性菌占52.69%,革兰阴性菌占47.31%;包括致病菌605株,占检出总菌数的31.59%。结论国内殡仪场所内物体表面细菌污染严重,其中致病菌所占比例较大,应加强殡仪馆内卫生管理和消毒工作,以避免传播疾病。  相似文献   


Attitudes and experiences of clergy regarding funeral directors and funeral practices were surveyed in a brief questionnaire. A national sample of clergy was drawn from major Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish groupings. The 113 usable returns represented somewhat over 20 percent of the original sample. On the whole, the experiences of clergy with funerals and funeral directors were positive, although a significant minority provided negative judgments. The general consensus of the clergy, in spite of their favorable evaluations, was that people did need more protection from inappropriate funeral practices than they were presently getting.  相似文献   

Attitudes and experiences of clergy regarding funeral directors and funeral practices were surveyed in a brief questionnaire. A national sample of clergy was drawn from major Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish groupings. The 113 usable returns represented somewhat over 20 percent of the original sample. On the whole, the experiences of clergy with funerals and funeral directors were positive, although a significant minority provided negative judgments. The general consensus of the clergy, in spite of their favorable evaluations, was that people did need more protection from inappropriate funeral practices than they were presently getting.  相似文献   

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