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梁丹  韦莹珏 《华夏医学》2021,34(1):168-171
经济、社会的发展推动了人类进步,却也破坏了自然生态.随着全球化的推进,疾病的传播速度加快,传播的范围拓宽.近年来,我国重大突发公共卫生事件频发,对人民健康、经济发展和社会稳定造成了严重威胁,也对我国的公共卫生事业提出了挑战,急需培养更多具备应对突发公共卫生事件的高素质公共卫生人才.  相似文献   

目的/意义 探讨大数据技术在传染病监测预警、突发公共卫生事件应急处置等方面的应用优势、路径及面临问题。方法/过程 以河北省疾控机构公共卫生数据平台为例,从数据平台建设思路、存在问题和建议等方面,探讨如何利用大数据信息技术对传染病及突发公共卫生事件数据更加全面、快速、合理使用,提高监测分析预警、应急处置能力。结果/结论 应用大数据技术进行公共卫生应急管理,可为快速判断传染病传播、及时切断传染途径、形成应对策略提供数据和技术支撑,提高传染病监测预警能力和突发公共卫生事件早期应急处置效率。  相似文献   

孟润堂  罗艺  宇传华  邱杰  周达 《中国全科医学》2015,18(35):4388-4392
随着卫生信息化建设进程的提速,医疗卫生与大数据正发生激烈"碰撞",交叉形成了健康大数据这一新兴概念,健康大数据必将对未来民众健康产生深远影响。本文介绍了健康大数据的基本概念和特点,简要阐明了健康大数据的处理相关技术,重点阐述了健康大数据在疾病预测与预防、循证公共卫生决策、健康管理、健康监测与个性化医疗服务等方面的应用,指出了健康大数据当前所面临的诸如医学伦理学、关键技术突破、"误差"甄别等方面的挑战。以期为更好地推动大数据在公共卫生领域中的应用发挥积极指导作用。  相似文献   

随着公共卫生信息化的迅速发展,公共卫生领域也迎来了大数据时代的潮流。从海量的数据中甄别、过滤有价值的信息就涉及到数据挖掘技术。本文对数据挖掘进行了概述,探讨了数据挖掘在疾病预测与预防、个性化健康预测、流行病学病因研究、传染病预警预报、公共卫生管理5个方面的具体研究现状,并对数据挖掘在公共卫生领域面临的挑战进行了阐述,展望了数据挖掘在公共卫生领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

以公共卫生领域数据为分析对象,探索公共卫生多源数据采集、整理、数据仓库构建、数据挖掘及可视化展示的总体思路与技术框架,以期使数据挖掘技术更好地服务于公共卫生领域,提高相关决策的科学性。  相似文献   

分析医院图书馆在突发公共卫生事件中的作用、地位及任务,详细阐述其信息服务内容,包括突发公共卫生事件监测预警、提供管理型和战略型情报咨询服务、突发公共卫生事件信息资源推介、通过信息组织和分析提供个性化信息服务等。  相似文献   

随着我国医疗事业的迅速发展,国家对农村医疗改革也取得了长足的发展。信息技术在农村公共卫生和疾病防治中心的应用,能够让农民及时了解自身的健康状况,并及时做好疾病防治措施,保证身体的健康。本文主要对信息技术在农村公共卫生事业和疾病防治工作当中的应用做了简要的分析和介绍,以促进农村公共卫生事业的发展。  相似文献   

随着我国医疗事业的迅速发展,国家对农村医疗改革也取得了长足的发展。信息技术在农村公共卫生和疾病防治中心的应用,能够让农民及时了解自身的健康状况,并及时做好疾病防治措施,保证身体的健康。本文主要对信息技术在农村公共卫生事业和疾病防治工作当中的应用做了简要的分析和介绍,以促进农村公共卫生事业的发展。  相似文献   

针对当前科学数据共享中存在的一些问题,结合公共卫生科学数据中心多年来的建设实践,深入剖析了公共卫生数据共享中存在的一些问题及其原因,并提出了一些建设性建议,对公共卫生科学数据共享的未来发展具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍视频会议系统原理,以武汉市公共卫生应急指挥视频会议系统为例,阐述系统建设需求与设计,包括整体设计、扩展性应用、组网方式、视频设备配置,分析应用效果。  相似文献   

Making EHR Data More Available for Research and Public Health (MedMorph) is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-led initiative developing and demonstrating a reference architecture (RA) and implementation, including Health Level Seven International Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7 FHIR) implementation guides (IGs), describing how to leverage FHIR for aligned research and public health access to clinical data for automated data exchange. MedMorph engaged a technical expert panel of more than 100 members to model representative use cases, develop IGs (architectural and content), align with existing efforts in the FHIR community, and demonstrate the RA in research and public health uses. The RA IG documents common workflows needed to automatically send research data to Research Patient Data Repositories for multiple use cases. Sharing a common RA and canonical data model will improve data sharing for research and public health needs and generate evidence. MedMorph delivers a robust, reusable method to utilize data from electronic health records addressing multiple research and public health needs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDuring the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, federally qualified health centers rapidly mobilized to provide SARS-CoV-2 testing, COVID-19 care, and vaccination to populations at increased risk for COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. We describe the development of a reusable public health data analytics system for reuse of clinical data to evaluate the health burden, disparities, and impact of COVID-19 on populations served by health centers.Materials and MethodsThe Multistate Data Strategy engaged project partners to assess public health readiness and COVID-19 data challenges. An infrastructure for data capture and sharing procedures between health centers and public health agencies was developed to support existing capabilities and data capacities to respond to the pandemic.ResultsBetween August 2020 and March 2021, project partners evaluated their data capture and sharing capabilities and reported challenges and preliminary data. Major interoperability challenges included poorly aligned federal, state, and local reporting requirements, lack of unique patient identifiers, lack of access to pharmacy, claims and laboratory data, missing data, and proprietary data standards and extraction methods.DiscussionEfforts to access and align project partners’ existing health systems data infrastructure in the context of the pandemic highlighted complex interoperability challenges. These challenges remain significant barriers to real-time data analytics and efforts to improve health outcomes and mitigate inequities through data-driven responses.ConclusionThe reusable public health data analytics system created in the Multistate Data Strategy can be adapted and scaled for other health center networks to facilitate data aggregation and dashboards for public health, organizational planning, and quality improvement and can inform local, state, and national COVID-19 response efforts.  相似文献   

介绍了我国公共卫生体系建设现况,指出在推进医药卫生体制改革中要充分考虑本地实际,科学规划公立医院公共卫生服务内容,以便进一步明确其职能及管理模式,促进公共卫生工作服务体系的完善。地方应根据国家公共卫生相关法规和公立医院固有的资源配置来规划公共卫生服务内容,以保障基本公共卫生服务正常化、规范化运行。  相似文献   

Investigating the transmission of infectious diseases, predicting the epidemic trend of an infectious disease and evaluating the effects of control measures are the continuing subject of public health participators. In recent years the spatial-temporal model has been proposed as a powerful tool to get this information from large incomplete and insufficiently general monitoring data.  相似文献   

公立医院公共卫生服务补偿中存在的问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了当前我国公立医院公共卫生服务补偿中存在的补偿水平偏低、补偿范围太窄、补偿方式不明确等问题,并对进一步完善公立医院公共卫生服务补偿机制提出了做好成本核算,明确补偿的额度;开设公共卫生服务科,增加补偿的透明性;适度扩展补偿范围;明确补偿方式;建立补偿标准等建议和对策。  相似文献   

ObjectiveRe-identification risk methods for biomedical data often assume a worst case, in which attackers know all identifiable features (eg, age and race) about a subject. Yet, worst-case adversarial modeling can overestimate risk and induce heavy editing of shared data. The objective of this study is to introduce a framework for assessing the risk considering the attacker’s resources and capabilities.Materials and MethodsWe integrate 3 established risk measures (ie, prosecutor, journalist, and marketer risks) and compute re-identification probabilities for data subjects. This probability is dependent on an attacker’s capabilities (eg, ability to obtain external identified resources) and the subject’s decision on whether to reveal their participation in a dataset. We illustrate the framework through case studies using data from over 1 000 000 patients from Vanderbilt University Medical Center and show how re-identification risk changes when attackers are pragmatic and use 2 known resources for attack: (1) voter registration lists and (2) social media posts.ResultsOur framework illustrates that the risk is substantially smaller in the pragmatic scenarios than in the worst case. Our experiments yield a median worst-case risk of 0.987 (where 0 is least risky and 1 is most risky); however, the median reduction in risk was 90.1% in the voter registration scenario and 100% in the social media posts scenario. Notably, these observations hold true for a wide range of adversarial capabilities.ConclusionsThis research illustrates that re-identification risk is situationally dependent and that appropriate adversarial modeling may permit biomedical data sharing on a wider scale than is currently the case.  相似文献   

广西医科大学加强对公共卫生硕士(MPH)的培养,旨在提高学生的公共卫生现场处置能力和岗位胜任力,以满足社会对公共卫生高层次人才的需求.通过科学规划公共卫生技能课程、BOPPPS教学模式应用、建立网络课程、线上线下相混合的形式开展教学.调查结果显示,用人单位对该校MPH毕业生的评价较好,毕业生的就业前景良好、且能从事专业...  相似文献   

追求健康、长寿、与环境的和谐是公共卫生的永恒主题。为此,本文就环境生态健康与医学模式的改变、生态环境的危机及桃战、建设环境生态健康的公共卫生策略进行扼要的阐述。  相似文献   

Clinicians are required to report selected conditions to public health authorities within a stipulated amount of time. The current reporting process is mostly paper-based and inefficient and may lead to delays in case investigation. As electronic medical records become more prevalent, electronic case reporting is becoming increasingly feasible. However, there is no existing standard for the electronic transmission of case reports from healthcare to public health entities. We identified the major requirements of electronic case reports and verified that the requirements support the work processes of the local health departments. We propose an extendable standards-based model to electronically transmit case information and associated laboratory information from healthcare to public health entities. The HL7 v2.5 message model is currently being implemented to transmit electronic case reports from Intermountain Healthcare to the Utah Department of Health.  相似文献   

目的 了解贵州省县级和城市公立医院的卫生资源配置现状及比较变化情况。方法 收集2015—2017年贵州省县级和城市公立医院的卫生人力、财力、物力等卫生资源配置资料,采用统计学方法进行比较分析。结果 贵州省县级和城市公立医院注册护士占卫生技术人员的百分比分别为49.11%、49.76,执业医师占比分别为24.77%、34.66%,执业助理医师占比分别为1.91%、0.72%;县级和城市公立医院医疗收入占比分别为80.28%、87.93%,财政补助收入占比分别为16.75%、9.86%;万元以上设备均主要集中在10万元以下;县级公立医院医护比逐年上升,城市公立医院略降低,2017年医护比分别为1∶1.84、1∶1.41,床位使用率均下降,分别为88.23%、94.20%;每千人口床位数逐年增加,县级和城市公立医院县级和城市公立医院分别为2.23、2.63张,每千人口卫生人员拥有量逐年增加,每千人口注册护士分别为1.11人、1.25人,每千人口执业医师分别为0.67、0.78人,每千人口卫生技术人员分别为2.11、2.44人;县级和城市公立医院卫生资源配置情况经统计分析差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。结论 贵州省县级和城市公立医院卫生资源拥有量均低于全国,财政投入不足,县级公立医院医护比、床护比逐年上升,城市公立医院与之相反。  相似文献   

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