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Four bacterial isolates were recovered from the blood cultures of four patients, two of whom were from Hong Kong and two of whom were from Canada. The two Hong Kong strains were isolated from a 48-year-old man with intestinal obstruction and secondary sepsis (strain HKU16T) and from a 39-year-old man with acute appendicitis (strain HKU17), while the two Canadian strains were isolated from a 74-year-old man with biliary sepsis (strain CA1) and from a 66-year-old woman with metastatic carcinoma and sepsis (strain CA2). While the first three patients survived, the last patient died 2 weeks after the episode of bacteremia. All four isolates are strictly anaerobic, nonsporulating, gram-positive coccobacilli that were unidentified by conventional phenotypic tests and commercial identification systems. They grow on sheep blood agar as nonhemolytic pinpoint colonies after 48 h of incubation at 37 degrees C in an anaerobic environment. All are catalase positive and motile, with flagella. They produce acid from arabinose, glucose, mannose, and xylose. They do not produce indole or reduce nitrate. They are sensitive to penicillin, vancomycin, and metronidazole but resistant to cefotaxime. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed 16.0%, 16.8%, and 21.0% base differences from Clostridium propionicum, Clostridium neopropionicum, and Atopobium minutum, respectively. The G+C content of strain HKU16T is 40.2% +/- 2.2%. Based on their phylogenetic affiliation, unique G+C content, and phenotypic characteristics, we propose a new genus and species, Catabacter hongkongensis gen. nov., sp. nov., to describe the bacterium, for which HKU16 is the type strain, and suggest that it be assigned to a new family, Catabacteriaceae. The gastrointestinal tract was probably the source of the bacterium for at least three of the four patients. The isolation of a catalase-positive, motile, nonsporulating, anaerobic gram-positive bacillus in clinical laboratories should raise the possibility of C. hongkongensis. Further studies should be performed to ascertain the epidemiology and other disease associations of this bacterium.  相似文献   

Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) may be colonized with unusual gram-negative bacilli whose identification is difficult and clinical impact unclear. We describe the clinical and microbiological features of five colonizations with organisms belonging to the recently described genus Inquilinus in CF patients. Isolates were identified from Burkholderia cepacia selective medium by means of 16S rRNA analysis. All of them were resistant to colistin, penicillins, cephalosporins, and monobactams but exhibited a remarkable susceptibility to imipenem. One of the five patients was transiently colonized with a nonmucoid isolate, whereas the four other patients were persistently colonized over the period of follow-up (8 to 21 months) with mucoid isolates. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of SpeI-digested genomic DNA was powerful for strain genotyping and demonstrated the clonality of Inquilinus sp. colonization for the two patients tested. Clinical evolution after the onset of Inquilinus was heterogeneous, but for at least one patient the lung function worsened and eradication of Inquilinus sp. was unsuccessful despite several imipenem courses. Finally, Inquilinus spp. may represent a new threat for CF patients due to their mucoid characteristic, their multiresistant pattern to antibiotics, and their ability to persist in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

《Research in microbiology》2023,174(3):104008
Ten strains of extremely acidophilic bacteria, isolated from different environments form a distinct monophyletic clade within the phylum Firmicutes. Comparison of complete genomes of the proposed type strains confirm that they comprise two genera (proposed names Sulfoacidibacillus and Ferroacidibacillus), and at least three species (Sulfoacidibacillus ferrooxidans, Sulfoacidibacillus thermotolerans and Ferroacidibacillus organovorans). The bacterial strains share some physiological traits, including catalysing the dissimilatory oxidation and reduction of iron, and in being obligately heterotrophic. Both species of Sulfoacidibacillus are also able to oxidise elemental sulfur and tetrathionate. Both S. ferrooxidans and Ferroacidibacillus spp. are mesophilic, while S. thermotolerans isolates are moderate thermophiles. The isolates display different degrees of acid-tolerance: Ferroacidibacillus spp. are the most acid-sensitive while the type strain of S. ferrooxidans grows at pH 0.9. MK7 was detected as the sole menaquinone present in all three nominated type strains, and their peptidoglycans all contain meso-2,6 diaminopimelic acid type A1γ. The chromosomal DNA of the strains examined contain between 44 and 52 mol% G + C. The nominated type strains of the new species are S. ferrooxidans S0ABT (= DSM 105355T = JCM 33225T); S. thermotolerans Y002T (= ATCC TSD-104T = JCM 31946T); F. organovorans SLC66T (= ATCC TSD-103T = JCM 31945T).  相似文献   

Gram-negative, nonmotile bacteria that are catalase, oxidase, and urease positive are regularly isolated from the airways of horses with clinical signs of respiratory disease. On the basis of the findings by a polyphasic approach, we propose that these strains be classified as Nicoletella semolina gen. nov, sp. nov., a new member of the family Pasteurellaceae. N. semolina reduces nitrate to nitrite but is otherwise biochemically inert; this includes the lack of an ability to ferment glucose and other sugars. Growth is fastidious, and the isolates have a distinctive colony morphology, with the colonies being dry and waxy and looking like a semolina particle that can be moved around on an agar plate without losing their shape. DNA-DNA hybridization data and multilocus phylogenetic analysis, including 16S rRNA gene (rDNA), rpoB, and infB sequencing, clearly placed N. semolina as a new genus in the family Pasteurellaceae. In all the phylogenetic trees constructed, N. semolina is on a distinct branch displaying approximately 5% 16S rDNA, approximately 16% rpoB, and approximately 20% infB sequence divergence from its nearest relative within the family Pasteurellaceae. High degrees of conservation of the 16S rDNA (99.8%), rpoB (99.6%), and infB (99.7%) sequences exist within the species, indicating that N. semolina isolates not only are phenotypically homogeneous but also are genetically homogeneous. The type strain of N. semolina is CCUG43639(T) (DSM16380(T)).  相似文献   

Pulmonary colonization and infection of patients with cystic fibrosis by Mycobacterium spp. has recently been recognized as a potentially important clinical problem. However, frequent contamination of mycobacterial cultures by pseudomonads has hampered efforts to define the extent of this problem. This study was done to evaluate current techniques and to establish a more efficient method of recovering mycobacteria from respiratory secretions of patients with cystic fibrosis. Decontamination of respiratory specimens (n = 121) with 0.25% N-acetyl-L-cysteine and 1% sodium hydroxide (NALC-NaOH) was associated with a high rate of pseudomonas overgrowth for both Lowenstein-Jensen slants (74%) and BacTec vials supplemented with PANTA (polymyxin B [50 U/ml], amphotericin B [5 micrograms/ml], nalidixic acid [20 micrograms/ml], trimethoprim [5 micrograms/ml], azlocillin [10 micrograms/ml]) (36%). This overgrowth limited recovery of mycobacteria to only 64% (9 of 14) of specimens positive by smear for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Decontamination of specimens (n = 441) with NALC-NaOH, followed by 5% oxalic acid treatment, resulted in contamination of only 5% of Lowenstein-Jensen slants and 3% of BacTec vials. AFB were recovered from all 90 AFB smear-positive specimens following the use of this decontamination technique. We recommend that respiratory secretions be decontaminated with NALC-NaOH and oxalic acid to decrease the incidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa overgrowth.  相似文献   

Using an amoebal co-culture procedure, a novel alpha-Proteobacterium phylogenetically close to two uncultured aquatic bacteria was isolated. On the basis of phenotypic characterization and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, we propose the new genus and species Nordella oligomobilis gen. nov., sp. nov. The genus Nordella forms a well separated taxon in the order Rhizobiales within the alpha-2 subgroup of Proteobacteria. Its close relatives are environmental uncultured bacteria.  相似文献   

A bacterium was isolated from the blood and empyema of a cirrhotic patient. The cells were facultatively anaerobic, nonsporulating, gram-negative, seagull shaped or spiral rods. The bacterium grows on sheep blood agar as nonhemolytic, gray colonies 1 mm in diameter after 24 h of incubation at 37 degrees C in ambient air. Growth also occurs on MacConkey agar and at 25 and 42 degrees C but not at 4, 44, and 50 degrees C. The bacterium can grow in 1 or 2% but not 3, 4, or 5% NaCl. No enhancement of growth is observed with 5% CO(2). The organism is aflagellated and nonmotile at both 25 and 37 degrees C. It is oxidase, catalase, urease, and arginine dihydrolase positive, and it reduces nitrate. It does not ferment, oxidize, or assimilate any sugar tested. 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that there are 91 base differences (6.2%), 112 base differences (7.7%), and 116 base differences (8.2%) between the bacterium and Microvirgula aerodenitrificans, Vogesella indigofera, and Chromobacterium species, respectively. The G+C content (mean and standard deviation) is 68.0% +/- 2.43%, and the genomic size is about 3 Mb. Based on phylogenetic affiliation, the bacterium belongs to the Neisseriaceae family of the beta-subclass of Proteobacteria. For these reasons, a new genus and species, Laribacter hongkongensis gen. nov., sp. nov., is proposed, for which HKU1 is the type strain. Further studies should be performed to ascertain the potential of this bacterium to become an emerging pathogen.  相似文献   

Two of the 25 Bartonella isolates recovered during a prevalence study of Bartonella henselae bacteremia in domestic cats from the greater San Francisco Bay region were found to differ phenotypically and genotypically from all prior B. henselae isolates. These isolates, C-29 and C-30, which were recovered from the blood of two pet cats belonging to the same household, grew on chocolate agar as pinpoint colonies following 14 days of incubation at 35 degrees C in a candle jar but failed to grow on heart infusion agar supplemented with 5% rabbit blood. Additional phenotypic characteristics distinguished the isolates C-29 and C-30 from other feline B. henselae isolates. The restriction patterns obtained for C-29 and C-30 by citrate synthase PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis as well as by genomic RFLP could not be distinguished from each other but were distinctly different from that of the B. henselae type strain. In reciprocal reactions, DNAs from strains C-29 and C-30 were 97 to 100% related under optimal and stringent DNA reassociation conditions, with 0 to 0.5% divergence within related sequences. Labeled DNA from the type strain of B. henselae was 61 to 65% related to unlabeled DNAs from strains C-29 and C-30 in 55 degrees C reactions, with 5.0 to 5.5% divergence within the related sequences, and 31 to 41% related in stringent, 70 degrees C reactions. In reciprocal reactions, labeled DNAs from strains C-29 and C-30 were 68 to 92% related to those of the B. henselae type strain and other B. henselae strains, with 5 to 7% divergence. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain C-29 was 99.54% homologous to that of the type strain of B. henselae. On the basis of these findings, the two isolates C-29 and C-30 are designated a new species of Bartonella, for which we propose the name Bartonella koehlerae. The type strain of Bartonella koehlerae is strain C-29 (ATCC 700693).  相似文献   

Fifteen strains of an anaerobic, catalase-negative, gram-positive diphtheroid-shaped bacterium recovered from human sources were characterized by phenotypic and molecular chemical and molecular genetic methods. The unidentified bacterium showed some resemblance to Actinomyces species and related taxa, but biochemical testing, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of whole-cell proteins, and amplified 16S ribosomal DNA restriction analysis indicated the strains were distinct from all currently named Actinomyces species and related taxa. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed that the bacterium represents a hitherto-unknown phylogenetic line that is related to but distinct from Actinomyces, Actinobaculum, Arcanobacterium, and Mobiluncus: We propose, on the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, that the unknown bacterium from human clinical specimens should be classified as a new genus and species, Varibaculum cambriensis gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of Varibaculum cambriensis sp. nov. is CCUG 44998(T) = CIP 107344(T).  相似文献   

Protonaegleria westphali gen. nov. sp. nov., a free-living thermophilic amoeba of the family Vahlkampfiidae, isolated from a ditch near Bombay, India, is described. Amoebae moving by eruptive pseudopodial bulges were grown on agar plates. The division pattern of their nuclei was promitotic. In amoeba saline they transformed to flagellate stage with usually four flagella. In contrast toTetramitus the stage ofP. westphali flagellate has no cytostome. The large cysts produced by trophic amoebae only, are of theNaegleria type having prominent pores sealed with mucous plugs.  相似文献   

Three groups of previously unknown gram-positive, anaerobic, coccus-shaped bacteria were characterized using phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Phenotypic and genotypic data demonstrate that these organisms are distinct, and each group represents a previously unknown subline within Clostridium cluster XIII. Two groups are most closely related to Peptoniphilus harei in the genus Peptoniphilus, and the other group is most closely related to Anaerococcus lactolyticus in the genus Anaerococcus. Based on the findings, three novel species, Peptoniphilus gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov., are proposed. The type strains of Peptoniphilus gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov. are WAL 10418(T) (= CCUG 53341(T) = ATCC BAA-1383(T)), WAL 12922(T) (= CCUG 53342(T) = ATCC BAA-1384(T)), and WAL 17230(T) (= CCUG 53340(T) = ATCC BAA-1385(T)), respectively.  相似文献   

From 1997 to 1999 seven isolates of Campylobacter-like organisms from five patients that were exhibiting symptoms of gastroenteritis, including fever, stomach malaise, and diarrhea, were investigated. The organisms were isolated from stool samples and found to exhibit a diverse colony morphology; hence multiple isolates were submitted from one of the patients. All isolates were found to be identical. The organisms were catalase, urease, alkaline phosphatase, and nitrate negative but oxidase and indoxyl acetate positive. They grew at 37 degrees C but not at 42 degrees C, and three of the isolates from two different patients were sensitive to nalidixic acid and cephalothin. Full 16S rRNA sequence analysis not only grouped these organisms within the Helicobacter genus but also differentiated them from previously identified Helicobacter species. The closest relative by phylogenetic analysis was Helicobacter sp. flexispira taxon 1. Electron microscopy showed that these isolates had one or two bipolar flagella; however, the periplasmic fibers, a characteristic of the known Helicobacter sp. flexispira taxa, were not observed. The present isolates also lacked a flagellar sheath, a trait shared with four other Helicobacter spp., H. canadensis, H. mesocricetorum, H. pullorum, and H. rodentium. On the basis of the unique phenotypic properties of these isolates and 16S rRNA sequence analysis, we propose the classification of a new Helicobacter species, Helicobacter winghamensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

A fastidious, slowly growing, strictly aerobic, gram-negative bacterium was isolated from a culture of blood from a 25-year-old man with common variable immunodeficiency. The man had been admitted to hospital with febrile progressive cerebellar ataxia. The use of standard phenotypic schemes did not lead to identification, but sequence analysis demonstrated that the 16S rRNA gene of the isolate was most similar to those of the environmental bacteria Duganella zoogloeoides (formerly Zoogloea ramigera 115) and Telluria mixta. Further characterization of the bacterium by biochemical analysis, electron microscopy, G+C content estimation, and fatty acid analysis demonstrated significant differences between the bacterium and D. zoogloeoides and Telluria species; thus, we propose it as a new taxon with the name Massilia timonae gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

An aerotolerant, psychrotolerant anaerobe, anNAG3, was isolated from an acidic forest floor solution (in situ pH of 4.5). Cells of anNAG3 stained Gram-positive did not form spores, and were not motile. Cells were ovoid, approximately 1 microm long and 0.7 microm wide, mostly in pairs, and contained a multi-layered cell wall and intracytoplasmic membranes. Growth was observed at pH 3.5-7.5 and 0-35 degrees C. Glucose, galactose, fructose, mannitol, glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, cellobiose, and maltose supported growth. Lactate, ethanol, formate, and acetate were end products. H(2) and CH(4) were not detected, and only very minor amounts of CO(2) were produced. The relative amount of a particular product was dependent on the substrate utilized, and product profiles indicated that (i) sugars were initially metabolized to pyruvate via glycolysis, and (ii) lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate-formate lyase were responsible for the subsequent metabolism of pyruvate. O(2) was not significantly utilized and was not toxic to growth. anNAG3 did not contain detectable membranous or cytoplasmic cytochromes. Nitrate, sulfate, and Fe(III) were not dissimilated. Thus, anNAG3 was characterized as an aerotolerant, non-acetogenic chemoorganotroph with a mixed-fermentative metabolism. The G + C content of the DNA was 37.6 mol%. The similarity of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of anNAG3 to that of its closest phylogenetic relatives (which were in the genera Lactococcus and Streptococcus) approximated 88-89%, indicating that anNAG3 constitutes the type species of a new genus. Based on the collective properties of anNAG3, it is proposed that anNAG3 be termed Lactovum miscens.  相似文献   

A new medium for the isolation of Pseudomonas cepacia from respiratory tract secretions of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is described. This medium consists of inorganic salts, 0.5% pyruvate, and 0.1% proteose peptone as nutritive components and 0.0001% crystal violet, 0.15% bile salts, 100 micrograms of ticarcillin per ml, and 300 U of polymyxin B per ml as selective agents. The medium, designated PC medium, supported superior growth of 38 of 50 stock isolates of P. cepacia after 48 h of incubation when compared with MacConkey agar (0 of 50). The medium completely inhibited the growth of 112 of 124 stock isolates of organisms commonly found in respiratory secretions of CF patients. Cultures were made on PC medium with respiratory secretions of 169 CF patients. P. cepacia was recovered from 35 patients with isolates on PC medium but from only 21 patients with isolates on MacConkey agar. Of 221 other potentially pathogenic isolates found in these specimens, only six (two Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, two molds, one yeast, and one Serratia marcescens isolate) grew on PC medium. PC medium should facilitate the recovery of P. cepacia from CF patients.  相似文献   

Three strains of a gram-positive catalase-negative, facultatively anaerobic coccus-shaped organism originating from human clinical samples were characterized by phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Sequencing of genes encoding 16S rRNA showed that the strains are phylogenetically closely related (99.9 to 100% sequence similarity) and represent a new subline within the genus Facklamia. The unknown bacterium was readily distinguished from all currently described species of the genus Facklamia (viz., Facklamia hominis, Facklamia ignava, and Facklamia sourekii) by biochemical tests and electrophoretic analysis of whole-cell proteins. Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium be classified as Facklamia languida sp. nov. The type strain of F. languida is CCUG 37842.  相似文献   

Five Arthrobacter isolates from clinical specimens were studied by phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, and genetic characterization. Two strains had characteristics consistent with those of Arthrobacter oxydans. One strain was related to A. citreus; however, DNA-DNA hybridization and phenotypic characteristics indicated that this strain belongs to a new species, for which the name Arthrobacter luteolus sp. nov. is proposed. Two strains were closely related to A. cumminsii by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, but DNA-DNA hybridization, peptidoglycan type, and some phenotypic features indicated that they should be assigned to a new species, for which the name Arthrobacter albus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of A. luteolus is CF25 (DSM 13067). The type strain of A. albus is CF43 (DSM 13068).  相似文献   

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