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目的了解东莞市病媒生物鼠、蚊、蝇、蜚蠊、伊蚊的本底和种群季节消长,为制定防制对策提供依据。方法2006年在城区及郊区选点,分别用笼夜法、诱蚊灯法、诱蝇笼法、粘捕盒法、诱蚊诱卵器法监测鼠、蚊、蝇、蜚蠊、伊蚊密度。结果鼠类以小家鼠为优势种,占43.10%;蚊类以致倦库蚊为优势种,占99.70%;蝇类以家蝇为优势种,占64.29%;蜚蠊以德国小蠊为优势种,占97.64%。年平均密度分别为6.01%、27.4只/灯、0.87只/笼、1.29只/盒。鼠、蚊、蜚蠊全年有活动,出现两个明显的活动高峰,分别在5月、8月;5月、12月和7月、11月。蝇的活动受环境因素影响较大,密度季节消长不明显,波动较大。伊蚊全部为白纹伊蚊,年平均密度为2.33%,活动高峰在7月和10月。结论掌握本市病媒鼠、蚊、蝇、蜚蠊、伊蚊的本底情况,应在病媒密度高峰前采取有针对性的防制措施,降低病媒密度。  相似文献   

选取成蝇较易出现的公园和居民区环境类型,采用腐鱼笼诱法分别于2002与2013年对上海中心城区世博建设前后蝇类群落构成和季节消长状况进行监测并对比分析.结果显示,与2002年相比,2013年居民区环境蝇密度显著下降,捕获的蝇种类总数稍有上升;最优势蝇种由2002年的丝光绿蝇转变为2013年的大头金蝇(当年构成比分别为46.06%和20.50%),亮绿蝇、元厕蝇的密度及构成比较2002年显著上升.2002与2013年成蝇高峰分别均出现于6月份,2013年夏季气温高热造成7月份出现一个波动较大的低谷;丝光绿蝇在不同年代的季节分布差异较明显,其他蝇种分布趋势前后较吻合.据此推论上海城区蝇类侵害以丽蝇科为主,不同监测环境差异较大;城区卫生环境的改善对减少住区蝇滋生起了重要作用,但人口密度高、部分老城区环境复杂、各行业所产生垃圾较多而容易造成蝇类滋生侵害的状况依然存在,蝇类防控措施应针对金蝇和绿蝇等优势蝇种开展,防控工作任重而道远.  相似文献   

目的了解粤北地区的医学媒介生物本底情况。方法采用光催化诱捕器捕蚊,捕蝇笼诱捕法捕蝇.粘蟑盒诱捕法捕蜚蠊。结果蚊类有1亚科2属3种,以致倦库蚊为优势种群,季节消长从4月份开始升高,后呈双峰型,冬季密度较低。蝇类有3科4属6种,以家蝇和市蝇为优势种群,2004年季节消长在6月份有一个高峰,2005年全年密度大幅下降。蜚蠊有2科2属4种,以德国小蠊为优势种群,季节消长以冬季密度较低,后随气温升高而升高,2005年密度比2004年有所上升。结论从2004与2005年的对比可见,韶关市区除匹害工作还有待进一步加强,须采取以环境治理为主的综合防治措施,防止媒介传播疾病的发生和扩散。  相似文献   

目的了解2010—2021年上海市闵行区流感样病例(ILI)的流行病学特征及流感病毒的病原学动态变化趋势。方法利用上海市闵行区2010年第1周—2021年第52周共12个监测年度间的流感监测哨点医院和流感网络实验室的监测数据进行统计分析。结果 2010—2021年上海市闵行区国家级流感监测哨点医院共报告122 903例ILI, 年平均流感样病例百分比(ILI%)为0.94%, 总体呈现上升趋势(P<0.001)。ILI中, 0~4岁、5~14岁、15~24岁、25~59岁、≥60岁年龄组病例分别占4.35%、13.30%、14.30%、54.32%、13.73%。ILI%呈现明显的周期性, 12月—次年2月为冬季高峰, 7—9月为夏季高峰, 2013年初的冬季高峰有所推延, 2021年未出现明显就诊高峰。2010—2021年闵行区共检测ILI标本11 625份, 流感病毒阳性率为20.92%(2 432/11 625), 甲型流感病毒阳性率为12.83%(1 492/11 625), 乙型流感病毒阳性率为8.09%(940/11 625), 甲型流感的流行强度高于乙型流感。201...  相似文献   

目的探讨北京市2004-2013年肾综合征出血热时间分布特征。方法采用集中度与圆形分布分析方法对北京市2004—2013年肾综合征出血热发病情况进行时间聚集性分析。结果2004—2013年北京市肾综合征出血热共报告450例,发病时间主要集中在春季;季节性分布M值为0.40,具有一定的季节分布特征;圆形分布分析显示:发病高峰在4月9日,流行期为1月23日至6月27日。结论集中度法和圆形分布法可以较好地分析北京肾综合征出血热时间分布特征。  相似文献   

用竹筒诱捕、等间距取样方法对白纹伊蚊成蚊前期季节消长作了近一年的调查,并进一步对成蚊前期死亡率作研究。南昌市区白纹伊蚊成蚊前期始见于晚春,7、8月为密度高峰,12月消失。成蚊前期经历了高达95.6%的总死亡率,死亡主要发生在晚期Ⅳ龄幼虫之前的龄期与时段内。对种群消长与气象因素的关系作了分析,并对新引入的变量相对降雨日进行了讨论。  相似文献   

广州地区农村登革热旧疫点白纹伊蚊密度消长特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索广州农村登革热旧疫点白纹伊蚊密度特点及消长规律。方法在农村设立监测点对自然环境中白纹伊蚊幼虫及成蚊密度进行长期连续监测。结果农村中白纹伊蚊幼虫孳生地以室外环境为主,全年皆可在积水容器中检出幼虫,白纹伊蚊幼虫和成蚊密度消长与季节密切相关。结论以室外孳生地为主的农村地区白纹伊蚊种群易受气候因素影响,幼虫密度高峰与成蚊密度高峰之间存在一定的时间差,其规律性有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市手足口病病例发病时间分布特征,为手足口病防制提供依据.方法 采用集中度与圆形分布分析方法对北京市2007-2015年手足口病发病时间分布的集中趋势进行分析.结果 集中度分析结果为M值0.58,圆形分布分析结果为手足口病发病高峰在6月28日,流行期为4月28日-8月28日.结论 手足口病发病具有较强的季节分布特征,呈春夏季高发、秋冬季低发的特征.  相似文献   

目的了解2010—2012年广州地区发热呼吸道感染病人的冠状病毒(HCoV)流行状况和特点,为进一步了解人冠状病毒的流行规律及防控奠定基础。方法收集广州市2010—2012年5家哨点医院共3376例符合要求的发热同时伴随有呼吸道感染症状病人的咽拭子标本及相关临床信息,采用Real—timePCR方法检测冠状病毒的核酸并对其进行主要型别鉴定,从人群分布、月份分布及各型别发病率等方面进行分析。结果3376例发热伴有呼吸道感染症状的病例中,55例为冠状病毒阳性标本,检出率为1.63%。亚型0C43、229E和NL63阳性的标本分别为23、13和19例,阳性率分别为0.68%、0.39%和0.56%,其中SARS、HUKl及EMC亚型未检出。冠状病毒流行高峰为1月(5.33%),不同月份之间发病率比较差异有统计学意义(xz=38.197,P〈0.01);阳性率最高年龄组为60。93岁,检出率为2.6%。亚型OC43发病高峰为12—1月,与其他月份比较差异有统计学意义(xL30.054,P〈0.01),检出率最高的年龄组为60~93岁(1.3%);229E月分布较为分散,各月份间差异无统计学意义(x:=15.651,P〉0.05),在各年龄组的分布呈不集中趋势;NL63流行高峰为6-9月,与其他月份比较差异有统计学意义(x2=5.801,P〈0.05),检出率最高的年龄组为7~17岁(1.03%)。结论广州市2010—2012年冠状病毒流行高峰为1月份。老年组检出率最高;亚型中OC43阳性率最高,NL63次之,229E亚型阳性率最低;0C43流行高峰为冬季,老年组检出率较高;229E流行高峰及感染人群较为分散;NL63流行高峰为夏季,儿童青少年组检出率最高。  相似文献   

1979~2006年采用网捕法,调查四川省有瓣蝇类区系分布情况。四川地区有瓣蝇类有1173种,隶属9科220属,以东洋界蝇类为主,有803种(含特有种537种),占已知种的68.46%,其次为(东洋+古北)界种,有254种,占21.65%。国内动物区系分布以西南区蝇类分布为主,有621种,占已知种的59.24%,其次为(西南+青藏)区种,有63种,占5.37%。以上数据表明,四川地区有瓣蝇类世界区系分布以东洋区蝇类为主,国内区系分布以西南区为主。  相似文献   

Species diversity and seasonal abundance of muscoid flies (Diptera: Muscidae) developing in biosolid cake (dewatered biosolids) stored at a wastewater treatment facility in northeastern Kansas were evaluated. Emergence traps were deployed 19 May through 20 October 2009 (22 wk) and 27 May through 18 November 2010 (25 wk). In total, 11,349 muscoid flies were collected emerging from the biosolid cake. Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) and house flies (Musca domestica (L.)), represented 80 and 18% of the muscoid flies, respectively. An estimated 550 stable flies and 220 house flies per square-meter of surface area developed in the biosolid cake annually producing 450,000 stable flies and 175,000 house flies. Stable fly emergence was seasonally bimodal with a primary peak in mid-July and a secondary peak in late August. House fly emergence peaked with the first stable fly emergence peak and then declined gradually for the remainder of the year. House flies tended to emerge from the biosolid cake sooner after its deposition than did stable flies. In addition, house fly emergence was concentrated around midsummer whereas stable fly emergence began earlier in the spring and continued later into the fall. Biosolid age and temperature were the most important parameters affecting emergence for house flies and stable flies, whereas precipitation was not important for either species. This study highlights the importance of biosolid cake as a larval developmental habitat for stable flies and house flies.  相似文献   

Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) is an important public health challenge in Iran. It is often caused by the protozoan parasite, Leishmania major. This pathogen is principally transmitted by the infectious bites of adult female phlebotomine sand flies which belong to the subgenus Phlebotomus (Phlebotomus) Rondani and Berte (Diptera: Psychodidae). A recent outbreak of clinical ZCL cases in the rural district of Jask, Hormozgan province, southern Iran prompted the identification of sand flies naturally infected with L. major using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A total of 8,123 wild sand flies were caught using sticky paper traps indoors and outdoors in seven villages of Jask from March 2007 to February 2008. About 120 trap-nights per month were carried out during peak seasonal density. Eight sand fly species of two distinct genera were morphologically identified. The most abundant species, Phlebotomus papatasi (≈60?%) and Phlebotomus salehi (17?%), had simultaneous population peaks in May and October. The anthropophilic index of P. papatasi was approximately twice that of P. salehi. PCR reactivity of L. major infections in P. salehi was weaker than those in P. papatasi. This is discussed with regard to their role in the natural transmission cycle of ZCL. This study provided the first PCR and ELISA evidence on P. salehi as a vector of L. major parasites in a new endemic region of ZCL in southeast Iran.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate seasonal changes in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values, we examined HbA1c values among 34,590 patients in 2010, and calculated the monthly average of HbA1c values through the year. HbA1c values were the highest in March and the lowest in October with a difference of 0.30%. The similar annual pattern was observed in HbA1c values from 2006 to 2009. Then we selected 453 diabetic patients whose treatment did not change through the year, and calculated average HbA1c values in four seasons each. There were also significant seasonal changes in diabetic patients, which were the highest in the spring and the lowest in the autumn, especially found in patients with insulin therapy. These effects may be caused by cold climate, decreased physical activity, over food intake and body weight gain in the winter. These seasonal changes in HbA1c should be concerned in the case of health service research, clinical trials and evaluation of the effects of medical treatment.  相似文献   

Diurnal activity of host-seeking "canyon flies" (Fannia benjamini complex) (Diptera: Muscidae) was determined on a warm, sunny day during their peak seasonal activity period (early July) in the coastal mountain community of La Habra Heights in Los Angeles County, California. High levels of activity persisted for several hours in the morning and evening, but peak abundance was within an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset, when >600 flies (mainly Fannia conspicua Malloch) could be collected in 5 min from a person using a sweep net. Host-seeking activity was low during midday hours, when flies apparently were seeking shelter from the heat, and activity ceased after sunset. Potential bait materials, including some known to elicit a response by other host-seeking Diptera (water, rabbit feces, egg bait, milk bait, Limburger cheese, ethanol, and CO2) were tested for "canyon fly" response using CDC-type suction traps (without light). CO2 resulted in significantly higher capture of female "canyon flies" (up to approximately 2,000 flies per trap in a 6-h period) relative to traps baited with other materials or with no bait. Host-seeking activity in relation to distance from a putative developmental site was evaluated. The proportional capture of flies in CO2-baited suction traps was significantly explained by distance from a residential area planted with Aptenia cordifolia (L.) (Aizoaceae; red apple), a ground cover plant that is a developmental site for F. conspicua. Proportional trap capture rapidly decreased as distance from the residential area increased. Implications of these studies for "canyon fly" control are discussed.  相似文献   

A mark-recapture technique was used to estimate daily populations of host-seeking Tabanus abactor Philip. Daily population estimates were calculated for 31 and 37 d for areas of 2.1 km2 and 4.6 km2 for 1982 and 1983, respectively. In 1982, population estimates ranged from 22,767 to 2,125,322 flies/2.1 km2 per d with a mean of 467,277 flies/d. In 1983, population estimates ranged from 48,962 to 2,794,389 flies/4.6 km2 per d with a mean of 759,616 flies/d. The estimated average number of host-seeking females per hectare was 2,225 (0.22 flies/m2) and 1,651 (0.17 flies/m2) for 1982 and 1983, respectively. Although daily population estimates fluctuated greatly, primarily because of fluctuation in recapture rates, seasonal trends during both years were similar. The estimates calculated in this study appear to be representative of the population of T. abactor in northcentral Oklahoma based on previous studies determining seasonal abundance.  相似文献   

BackgroundInfluenza A/H5N1 actively circulated in Kamphaeng Phet (KPP), Thailand from 2004 to 2006. A prospective longitudinal cohort study of influenza virus infection in 800 adults conducted during 2008–2010 in KPP suggested that subclinical or mild H5N1 infections had occurred among this adult cohort. However, this study was conducted after the peak of H5N1 activity in KPP. Coincidentally, banked serum samples were available from a prospective longitudinal cohort study of primary school children who had undergone active surveillance for febrile illnesses from 2004 to 2007 and lived in the same district of KPP as the adult cohort.ObjectivesWe sought to investigate whether subclinical or mild H5N1 infections had occurred among KPP residents during the peak of H5N1 activity from 2004 to 2006.Study designH5N1 microneutralization (MN) assay was performed on banked serum samples from a prospective longitudinal cohort study of primary school children who had undergone active surveillance for febrile illnesses in KPP. Annual blood samples collected from 2004 to 2006 from 251 children were selected based on the criteria that they lived in villages with documented H5N1 infection.ResultNo H5N1 neutralizing antibodies were detected in 753 annual blood samples from 251 children.ConclusionDuring 2004–2006, very few subclinical or mild H5N1 infections occurred in KPP. Elevated H5N1 MN titers found in the adult cohort in 2008 were likely due to cross-reactivity from other influenza virus subtypes highlighting the complexities in interpreting influenza serological data.  相似文献   

目的通过对2006-2010年重庆市北碚区急性出血性结膜炎(AHC)流行病学特点进行分析,为AHC的防控工作提供科学依据。方法利用来自国家疾病报告管理信息系统的疫情资料,对重庆市北碚区2006-2010年AHC监测数据进行描述性流行病学分析。结果重庆市北碚区2006-2010年报告AHC病例1152例,年平均发病率38.39/10万,各年发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=992.88,P〈0.05),童家溪镇(225例)、天生街道(161例)和歇马镇(85例)报告病例数较多,8-10月为发病高峰,此间报告病例977例,占报告病例总数的84.81%;报告病例数最多的年龄段为10~19岁(521例),男女发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=117.18,P〈0.05),男性高于女性;职业以学生(58.68%)和农民(10.42%)为主。结论北碚区AHC防控关键时期在5-7月,防控重点对象是男性、学生和农民,中学校为重点地区,加强健康教育宣传,发生疫情后采取有效的控制措施是防控AHC暴发流行的关键。  相似文献   

目的分析广州市2006-2010年流行性腮腺炎流行特征,为制定腮腺炎预防控制策略提供科学依据。方法采用流行病学的回顾性调查方法,对广州市2006-2010年流行性腮腺炎发病及暴发情况进行分析。结果 2006-2010年广州市发生流行性腮腺炎23940例,年平均发病率为57.38/10万,其中2006年报告发病率最高,2007年发病率最低,分别为85.41/10万和45.04/10万。全年均有发病,发病高峰在5-7月,人群主要分布为学生(45%)、幼托儿童(23%)和散居儿童(18%),以5~9岁年龄组的发病数最高(9888例)。男性发病率比女性高,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。腮腺炎暴发疫情共20起,均发生在学校。结论广州市腮腺炎发病率较高,托幼儿童和学生是防控的重点人群。  相似文献   

目的分析广州市海珠区2007-2010年麻疹、风疹流行特征,为麻疹、风疹的预防和控制提供可靠依据。方法对辖区内2007-2010年的麻疹、风疹病例的实验室检测结果进行统计分析。结果辖区内2007-2010年间麻疹年平均发病率为15.61/10万;风疹年平均发病率为2.57/10万。麻疹病例多集中在婴幼儿及中青年人群;风疹病例以10~25岁青少年为主,且麻疹、风疹的病例发生具有明显的季节性。结论要达到消除麻疹、控制风疹发病率的目标,应继续做好计划免疫工作,提高免疫覆盖率,严密监测,预防暴发。  相似文献   

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