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Smoke-free policies effectively reduce secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure among non-smokers, and reduce consumption, encourage quit attempts, and minimize relapse to smoking among smokers. Such policies are uncommon in permanent supportive housing (PSH) for formerly homeless individuals. In this study, we collaborated with a PSH provider in San Diego, California to assess a smoke-free policy that restricted indoor smoking. Between August and November 2015, residents completed a pre-policy questionnaire on attitudes toward smoke-free policies and exposure to secondhand smoke, and then 7–9 months after policy implementation residents were re-surveyed. At follow-up, there was a 59.7% reduction in indoor smoking. The proportion of residents who identified as current smokers reduced by 13% (95% CI: ?38, 10.2). The proportion of residents who reported never smelling SHS indoors (apartment 24.2%, 95% CI: 4.2, 44.1; shared areas 17.2%, 95% CI: 1.7, 32.7); in outdoor areas next to the living unit (porches or patio 56.7%, 95% CI: 40.7, 72.8); and in other outdoor areas (parking lot 28.6%, 95% CI: 8.3, 48.9) was lower post-policy compared with pre-policy. Overall, resident support increased by 18.7%; however, the greatest increase in support occurred among current smokers (from 14.8 to 37.5%). Fewer current smokers reported that the policy would enable cessation at post-policy compared to pre-policy. Our findings demonstrate the feasibility of implementing smoke-free policies in PSH for formerly homeless adults. However, policy alone appears insufficient to trigger change in smoking behavior, highlighting the need for additional cessation resources to facilitate quitting.  相似文献   

Housing First is a form of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless consumers with mental health and substance abuse issues. In light of the model’s growing popularity and wide diffusion, researchers and policy makers have identified a need to better understand its critical ingredients and the processes through which they affect consumer outcomes. Researchers used a bottom-up approach to understand the critical ingredients of Housing First within community-based programs. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with 60 informants (staff and consumers) across 4 “successful” Housing First programs. Qualitative analysis demonstrated six program ingredients to be essential: (1) a low-threshold admissions policy, (2) harm reduction, (3) eviction prevention, (4) reduced service requirements, (5) separation of housing and services, and (6) consumer education.  相似文献   

USA is experiencing a paradigm shift in public housing policy: while policies used to place people who qualified for housing assistance into spatially concentrated housing complexes, they now seek to geographically disperse them, often to voucher-subsidized rental units in the private market. Programs that relocate residents from public housing complexes tend to move them to neighborhoods that are less impoverished and less violent. To date, studies have reached conflicting findings about the relationship between public housing relocations and depression among adult relocaters. The present longitudinal multilevel analysis tests the hypothesis that pre-/postrelocation improvements in local economic conditions, social disorder, and perceived community violence are associated with declines in depressive symptoms in a cohort of African-American adults; active substance misusers were oversampled. We tested this hypothesis in a cohort of 172 adults who were living in one of seven public housing complexes scheduled for relocation and demolition in Atlanta, GA; by design, 20 % were dependent on substances and 50 % misused substances but were not dependent. Baseline data captured prerelocation characteristics of participants; of the seven census tracts where they lived, three waves of postrelocation data were gathered approximately every 9 months thereafter. Surveys were administered at each wave to assess depressive symptoms measured using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), perceived community violence, and other individual-level covariates. Participants' home addresses were geocoded to census tracts at each wave, and administrative data sources were used to characterize tract-level economic disadvantage and social disorder. Hypotheses were tested using multilevel models. Between waves 1 and 2, participants experienced significant improvements in reported depressive symptoms and perceived community violence and in tract-level economic disadvantage and social disorder; these reductions were sustained across waves 2–4. A 1 standard deviation improvement in economic conditions was associated with a 1-unit reduction in CES-D scores; the magnitude of this relationship did not vary by baseline substance misuse or gender. Reduced perceived community violence also predicted lower CES-D scores. Our objective measure of social disorder was unrelated to depressive symptoms. We found that relocaters who experienced greater pre-/postrelocation improvements in economic conditions or in perceived community violence experienced fewer depressive symptoms. Combined with past research, these findings suggest that relocation initiatives should focus on the quality of the places to which relocaters move; future research should also identify pathways linking pre-/postrelocation changes in place characteristics to changes in mental health.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether two Housing First configurations (scattered site [SS] versus congregated site [CS]) are associated with different health‐related outcomes. Methods: This ecological study employed a longitudinal, quantitative design to compare the outcomes from 63 individuals (SS: n=37; CS: n=26) in Sydney, Australia, over 12 months. Results: Both configurations showed similar improvements in quality of life and psychological distress. While recent use of substances remained stable across the two configurations over time, a marginally greater increase in the proportion of CS individuals injecting more than weekly was found. For health service utilisation, CS participants had notably higher service utilisation rates for mental health specialists and the emergency department for mental health reasons at follow‐up than SS participants. Conclusion: Preliminary evidence of differential injecting and health service utilisation outcomes between configurations emerged within this small‐scale study over the 12‐month period. Implications for public health: Given the rapid expansion of both SS and CS Housing First configurations across Western countries and the indications from this initial study that outcomes may differ according to configuration, there remains a need for robust evaluative evidence on the efficacy of various supported housing models on long‐term individual outcomes.  相似文献   

Researchers, policy-makers, and political leaders in Canada and the US are championing the ‘Housing First’ (HF) intervention as a solution to homelessness. HF supplies people experiencing both homelessness and challenges around mental health with housing and a range of supports that can include case-coordination, psychiatry, and primary care. While HF’s impact on the housing status of individual participants has received considerable scientific and public consideration, less attention has been paid to its effects on societal conversations related to housing, public services, and social justice. We explore some of the impacts, not of HF the intervention, but of HF the conversation – the way public documents related to HF interact with broader discourses. Specifically, we examine the potential for this conversation to undermine the ultimate goal of ending homelessness in Canada. We conclude that positioning program interventions – no matter how important in the current context – as singular solutions to issues like homelessness or preventable chronic disease risks obscuring distal causes and marginalizing systemic responses.  相似文献   

Quality of housing has been shown to be related to health outcomes, including mental health and well-being, yet “objective” or observer-rated housing quality is rarely measured in housing intervention research. This may be due to a lack of standardized, reliable, and valid housing quality instruments. The objective of this research was to develop and validate the Observer-Rated Housing Quality Scale (OHQS) for use in a multisite trial of a “housing first” intervention for homeless individuals with mental illness. A list of 79 housing unit, building, and neighborhood characteristics was generated from a review of the relevant literature and three focus groups with consumers and housing service providers. The characteristics were then ranked by 47 researchers, consumers, and service providers on perceived importance, generalizability, universality of value, and evidence base. Items were then drafted, scaled (five points, half values allowed), and pretested in seven housing units and with seven raters using cognitive interviewing techniques. The draft scale was piloted in 55 housing units in Toronto and Winnipeg, Canada. Items were rated independently in each unit by two trained research assistants and a housing expert. Data were analyzed using classical psychometric approaches and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for inter-rater reliability. The draft scale consisted of 34 items assessing three domains: the unit, the building, and the neighborhood. Five of 18 unit items and 3 of 7 building items displayed ceiling or floor effects and were adjusted accordingly. Internal consistency was very good (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.90 for the unit items, 0.80 for the building items, and 0.92 total (unit and building)). Percent agreement ranged from 89 to 100 % within one response scale value and 67 to 91 % within one half scale value. Inter-rater reliability was also good (ICCs were 0.87 for the unit, 0.85 for the building, and 0.93 for the total scale). Three neighborhood items (e.g., distance to transit) were found to be most efficiently rated using publicly available information. The physical quality of housing can be reliably rated by trained but nonexpert raters using the OHQS. The tool has potential for improved measurement in housing-related health research, including addressing the limitations of self-report, and may also enable documenting the quality of housing that is provided by publicly funded housing programs.  相似文献   

Plymouth Housing is a Housing First organisation in Seattle, WA (USA) that provides far more than housing for its residents—staff are equally concerned with building community and creating a sense of belonging. The objective of this study was to interview residents about their experiences of community and collect their suggestions for improving community, building efforts within this organisation. This exploratory qualitative study was conducted across eight buildings and included 38 participants from November 2018 to February 2019. Data were collected by the researchers in the form of focus groups and individual interviews, utilising a semi‐structured interview protocol. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis. Themes were identified by each researcher separately and then cross referenced for validity using direct quotes from participants. Five main themes emerged from the data: ‘really good community here’; mutual support and care; interpersonal connections; gatherings and events; lack of community. This study demonstrates that regularly held events and activities help to build community, create a sense of stability and increase familiarity and trust amongst residents. An implication of this study is the importance of actively soliciting residents' input to guide community building efforts. This is a small‐scale exploratory study and although the findings are applicable to the participants' experiences, further research is needed to build on these findings in other parts of the USA as well as internationally.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to describe the rates of residential relocations over the course of 10.5 years and evaluate differences in these relocation rates according to gender and decedent status.DesignProspective, longitudinal study with monthly telephone follow-up for up to 126 months.SettingGreater New Haven, CT.ParticipantsThere were 754 participants, aged 70 years or older, who were initially community-living and nondisabled in their basic activities of daily living.MeasurementsResidential location was assessed during monthly interviews and included community, assisted living facility, and nursing home. A residential relocation was defined as a change of residential location for at least 1 week and included relocations within (eg, community-community) or between (community- assisted living) locations. We calculated the rates of relocations per 1000 patient-months and evaluated differences by gender and decedent status.ResultsSixty-six percent of participants had at least one residential relocation (range 0–12). Women had lower rates of relocations from nursing home to community (rate ratio [RR] 0.59, P = .02); otherwise, there were no gender differences. Decedents had higher rates of relocation from community to assisted living (RR 1.71, P = .002), from community to nursing home (RR 3.64, P < .001), between assisted living facilities (RR 3.65, P < .001), and from assisted living to nursing home (RR 2.5, P < .001). In decedents, relocations from community to nursing home (RR 3.58, P < .001) and from assisted living to nursing home (RR 3.3, P < .001) were most often observed in the last year of life.ConclusionsMost older people relocated at least once during 10.5 years of follow-up. Women had lower rates of relocation from nursing home to community. Decedents were more likely to relocate to a residential location providing a higher level of assistance, compared with nondecedents. Residential relocations were most common in the last year of life.  相似文献   

Housing First is an effective intervention that ends and prevents homelessness for individuals with severe mental illness and co-occurring addictions. By providing permanent, independent housing without prerequisites for sobriety and treatment, and by offering support services through consumer-driven Assertive Community Treatment teams, Housing First removes some of the major obstacles to obtaining and maintaining housing for consumers who are chronically homeless. In this study, consumers diagnosed with severe mental illness and who had the longest histories of shelter use in a suburban county were randomly assigned to either one of two Housing First programs or to a treatment-as-usual control group. Participants assigned to Housing First were placed in permanent housing at higher rates than the treatment-as-usual group and, over the course of four years, the majority of consumers placed by both Housing First agencies were able to maintain permanent, independent housing. Results also highlight that providers new to Housing First must be aware of ways in which their practices may deviate from the essential features of Housing First, particularly with respect to enrolling eligible consumers on a first-come, first-served basis and separating clinical issues from tenant or housing responsibilities. Finally, other aspects of successfully implementing a Housing First program are discussed.  相似文献   

Improving diet is one important pathway for addressing cancer disparities. We conducted mixed-method analyses of 468 24-h dietary recalls from 156 African–American women residents of Washington DC public housing to better understand dietary patterns. Recalls were rated for five cancer-related preventive characteristics (adequate fruits/vegetables, moderate fat, moderate calories, no alcohol, and adequate Healthy Eating Index score), combined as a scale. Bivariate and multivariate analyses identified psychosocial and dietary characteristics associated with scale scores. Qualitative analyses of dietary records identified contextual aspects of food patterns within and across score groups. Sixty-one percent of respondents met zero or one dietary goal; alcohol abstention was most common (64%). Only 12% achieve either three (6%), four (4%), or all five (<1%) goals; five fruit and vegetable servings were least common (15%). The underlying scalar structure of responses suggests that fruit and vegetable consumption is seldom achieved in this population without other scale components. Poorer scores were associated with younger age, depressive symptoms, stressful life events, smoking, and food-purchasing practices. Qualitative analyses identified eight themes related to differences between dietary patterns. Findings reinforce the value of nonreductionist approaches to cancer-related nutrition intervention.  相似文献   

《Public health》1975,89(5):227-228

The purpose of this study was to examine family communication within the core and balance model of family leisure functioning. The study was conducted from a youth perspective of family leisure and family functioning. The sample consisted of youth (N= 95) aged 11 – 17 from 25 different states in the United States. Path analyses indicated that family communication mediated a positive relationship between family leisure variables and family functioning variables. Implications and recommendations are discussed. The addition of communication in the Core and Balance Model is recommended.  相似文献   

‘Recovery’ is a key concept in the organisation and delivery of interdisciplinary support for people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH, that is, situations where homelessness overlaps with a range of other complex problems such as mental health issues and drug and alcohol dependencies). At the level of individual support planning, practitioners are expected to ‘work together’ to motivate service users to make positive changes to their lives and to secure outcomes (results) such as employment and permanent accommodation. Drawing on the accounts of 34 (n = 34) people with first‐hand experience of MEH in England, we outline some of the limitations of ‘recovery‐orientated practices’, namely the exclusion of people with unresolved needs and the implications this may have for continuity of provision. To address this issue, we argue that there is a need for a more personalised and inclusive practice model, which can accommodate ‘recovery’ (change outcomes) alongside those for maintenance and prevention. In proposing one such model, we show how this might also take forward the principles of ‘Housing First’ (a US blueprint for tackling entrenched homelessness), which has already begun to challenge the orthodox view that permanent accommodation should be provided only when recovery has been achieved.  相似文献   

This qualitative study introduced the "Manitoba First Nation Strengthening Families Maternal Child Health Pilot Project" program and evaluation methodologies. The study provided a knowledge base for programmers, evaluators, and communities to develop relevant health promotion, prevention, and intervention programming to assist in meeting health needs of pregnant women and young families. Sixty-five open-ended, semistructured interviews were completed in 13 communities. Data analysis was through grounded theory. Three major themes emerged from the data: interpersonal support and relationships; socioeconomic factors; and community initiatives. Complex structural, historical events compromise parenting; capacity and resilience are supported through informal and formal health and social supports.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the longitudinal effects of a Housing First program for homeless, mentally ill individuals' on those individuals' consumer choice, housing stability, substance use, treatment utilization, and psychiatric symptoms. METHODS: Two hundred twenty-five participants were randomly assigned to receive housing contingent on treatment and sobriety (control) or to receive immediate housing without treatment prerequisites (experimental). Interviews were conducted every 6 months for 24 months. RESULTS: The experimental group obtained housing earlier, remained stably housed, and reported higher perceived choice. Utilization of substance abuse treatment was significantly higher for the control group, but no differences were found in substance use or psychiatric symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Participants in the Housing First program were able to obtain and maintain independent housing without compromising psychiatric or substance abuse symptoms.  相似文献   

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