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目的初步构建基于工作流理念的患者报告结局测量信息系统中国中心(Patient-reported Out-comes Measurement Information System National Center-China,PNC-China)信息化管理系统,优化PNC-China的管理流程。方法通过质性访谈了解PNC-China工作人员对信息化管理系统的构建需求及功能设想;结合工作流理论的三大要素,构建PNC-China信息化管理系统初步框架。结果通过质性访谈归纳提炼出PNC-China信息化管理需求的三大主题,即相关工作流程繁琐,急需信息化工具辅助;文件管理工具较落后,急需实现系统化、信息化管理;合作管理欠规范,急需实现标准化。结合需求及功能设想,构建出PNC-China信息化管理系统的3个功能框架,即PROMIS中文版翻译工作流程框架、临床检验工作流程框架及临床应用工作流程框架。结论基于工作流理念,贴合PNC-China工作内容和流程构建的信息化管理系统框架,将有助于推动我国患者报告结局测量信息系统的相关研究和临床实践。 相似文献
目的:基于患者报告结局(PRO)构建老年管理平台(OP),研究其应用效果。方法:选取南通大学附属医院老年医学科住院老年病人作为研究对象,将2021年6月—12月的41例老年病人设为传统纸笔(PaP)组,将2022年2月—7月的41例老年病人设为OP组。PaP组采用PaP方式进行老年风险评估及综合评估管理,OP组采用OP方式进行老年风险评估及综合评估管理。比较两组老年病人护理风险、老年综合征发生风险、生存质量风险筛查情况,老年病人对护理安全预防及老年综合征管理知识的掌握情况,老年病人护理不良事件及防范差错事故发生情况,调查OP组老年病人对平台使用的满意度。结果:OP组在认知障碍、衰弱、睡眠障碍、失眠、焦虑、自理能力下降、跌倒、非计划拔管、深静脉血栓、生活满意度低方面筛查出风险的比例高于PaP组,计时起立行走测试时间长于PaP组,老年病人对护理安全预防及老年综合征管理知识的掌握程度得分除约束具使用外均高于PaP组,护理不良事件发生率(2.4%)低于PaP组(22.0%),防范差错事故发生率(26.8%)高于PaP组(7.3%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。OP组老年病人对平台... 相似文献
《Journal of Radiology Nursing》2019,38(3):201-209
This article discusses the implementation of a new electronic medical record (EMR) on workflow in vascular interventional radiology (VIR) and briefly discusses the preparation for launching EMR system, obstacles, advantages, and disadvantages based on an electronic survey of employees in the VIR unit at King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Launching the EMR system was preceded by 6-month period of a hospital-wide training introducing the new EMR system to all health care providers and associates. During this period, all hospital units were equipped with new computers, iPads, and special printers compatible with the new system. Integration of the radiology information system and new EMR was carefully conducted and monitored by the radiology team and new preprocedure and postprocedure order sets for every VIR procedure were uploaded to the system; these order sets helped in improving the quality of patient care and patient workflow in VIR. Intensive training of staff and “super users” was done in preparation for the actual launch of the system. On call clinical and information technology teams along with hotlines were available on the day of “Go Live” for troubleshooting. 相似文献
Jinyan Zhang Xudong Lu Hongchao Nie Zhengxing Huang W. M. P. van der Aalst 《International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery》2009,4(5):509-516
Purpose Introducing workflow management technology in healthcare seems to be prospective in dealing with the problem that the current healthcare Information Systems cannot provide sufficient support for the process management, although several challenges still exist. The purpose of this paper is to study the method of developing workflow-based information system in radiology department as a use case. Method First, a workflow model of typical radiology process was established. Second, based on the model, the system could be designed and implemented as a group of loosely coupled components. Each component corresponded to one task in the process and could be assembled by the workflow management system. The legacy systems could be taken as special components, which also corresponded to the tasks and were integrated through transferring non-work- flow-aware interfaces to the standard ones. Finally, a workflow dashboard was designed and implemented to provide an integral view of radiology processes. Result The workflow-based Radiology Information System was deployed in the radiology department of Zhejiang Chinese Medicine Hospital in China. The results showed that it could be adjusted flexibly in response to the needs of changing process, and enhance the process management in the department. It can also provide a more workflow-aware integration method, comparing with other methods such as IHE-based ones. Conclusion The workflow-based approach is a new method of developing radiology information system with more flexibility, more functionalities of process management and more workflow-aware integration. The work of this paper is an initial endeavor for introducing workflow management technology in healthcare. 相似文献
Monforto K Figueroa-Altmann A Stevens C Thiele K Ely E 《Journal of pediatric nursing》2012,27(1):26-33
Using a shared governance model, a clinical nursing practice change was implemented to increase collaborative decision making among health care providers at morning rounds. The goal of this project was to improve nursing workflow at the beginning of the shift and improve patient flow by discharging patients earlier. By changing the time of morning vital signs and nursing assessments from 0800 to 0600, staff reported increased collaboration among the multidisciplinary team and improved nursing workflow. 相似文献
目的 探讨应用PDCA循环管理模式提高电子护理病历书写质量的管理方法。方法 甲乳外科病区成立电子护理病历质控小组,护士长为组长,一二区各选一名年资高且文件书写专业知识强的主管护师为组员,针对2013年上半年甲乳外科电子护理病历在书写过程中存在的明显缺陷和问题,进行全科讨论和分析,并提出相应的整改措施。使用PDCA循环管理模式将计划、执行、检查和处理四个阶段严格落实到相应的整改措施中,且通过统计数据比较PDCA循环管理模式实施前后电子护理病历书写质量。结果2013年下半年甲乳外科电子护理病历书写质量显著提高,与上半年相比,差异有显著意义(P〈0.05),且医院病案科年终反馈数据显示,甲乳外科的电子护理病历质控评分明显上升。结论 PDCA循环管理模式能明显提高电子护理病历的书写质量,宜在临床手术科室和非手术科室推广应用。 相似文献
随着高新技术不断应用于医疗领域和医疗现代化的不断推进,医院的耗材种类不断的增多,耗材的科技含量也日趋增加,设计的领域逐步扩大。在目前许多的综合医院之中,医用耗材的管理包括耗材的盘点,库存的管理以及人员不足的问题,直接影响到了医疗工作的质量,所以加强医院耗材的现代化管理势在必行。本文旨在浅析SAP上线对于医院耗材库存管理的改变和展望。 相似文献
个人数字助理在糖尿病患者自我管理中的应用进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正>糖尿病已成为全球性重要的公共卫生问题,据世界卫生组织统计[1],全世界2.2亿多人患有糖尿病,其中2型糖尿病占世界糖尿病患者的90%,如果不进行干预,这一数字在2030年可能会增加1倍以 相似文献
目的 探索上海市建立基于电子病历直推的传染病报告管理模式。方法 建立以ICD10诊断编码与传染病病例报告触发标准为技术支撑、以区域卫生信息平台为介质、基于电子病历直推的传染病报告管理方式。结果 基于电子病历直推的传染病报告管理方式提供智能提示病例报告、推送信息功能、优化质量控制管理方法, 与其他业务系统推送信息、开展预警。结论 基于电子病历直推的传染病报告管理模式改变并优化传染病报告和质量控制方式, 为实现区域信息共享打下基础。 相似文献