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The present study has re-evaluated the mobility of glycoprotein Ib/IX (GPIb/IX), the von Willebrand factor receptor, on surface-activated platelets. A previous report employing immunogold cytochemistry with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific for GPIb/IX concluded that the receptor remained stabilized in plasma membranes and did not move during platelet attachment and spreading on formvar grids, despite the observation that immunogold particles marking GPIb/IX were missing from peripheral margins and pseudopods of the surface-activated platelets. Addition of thrombin to surface-activated, spread platelets freed GPIb/IX from its anchor to the membrane and stimulated movement of receptor-ligand complexes into caps over centers of spread platelets. In our investigation, surface-activated platelets, stimulated or not by thrombin, were fixed in a higher concentration of glutaraldehyde than used by the earlier workers before exposure to monoclonal or polyclonal antibody to GPIb/IX, after incubation with the antibody, but before treatment with the immunogold marker, protein A gold (PAG), or after both antibody and PAG. When fixed before exposure to antibody and PAG, GPIb/IX receptors were dispersed evenly over dendritic and spread platelets from edge to edge, including peripheral margins and pseudopods. Thrombin had no influence on distribution of the receptors. Exposure to antiglycocalicin antibody before fixation caused movement of GPIb/IX receptors from peripheral margins of spread cells and pseudopods of dendritic forms. Thrombin treatment did not enhance the movement. Fixation after exposure of surface-activated platelets, treated or not with thrombin, to antibody and PAG caused movement of GPIb/IX receptors into caps over cell centers. Results indicate that central movement of GPIb/IX receptors is unrelated to surface activation, spreading, or thrombin stimulation. Rather, the translocation is caused by the antiglycocalicin antibody and accentuated by PAG.  相似文献   

The present investigation has re-examined the hypothesis proposing that glycoprotein (GP)Ib/IX receptors for von Willebrand factor are rapidly cleared from exposed surfaces to internal membrane systems after activation of platelets by thrombin in suspension. Platelets were prelabeled with either a polyclonal antibody to GPIb alpha, antiglycocalicin (A-Gl), or a cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies, AP1 and 6D1, exposed to 0.1 or 0.2 U/ml thrombin for 5 or 10 minutes, fixed and stained with Staphylococcus protein A coupled to gold to detect A-Gl or goat anti-mouse IgG bound to gold particles to locate AP1 and 6D1 before or after preparation of frozen thin sections or embedding for plastic thin sections. The frequency and distribution of protein-A-gold markers for GPIb/IX on thrombin-activated platelets viewed in thin plastic sections did not differ from the density on resting platelets stained with A-Gl. Cryosections of A-Gl-prelabeled platelets labeled again on cryosections revealed GPIb present on linings of the open canalicular system of resting and activated platelets, but the density of gold in interior channels and frequency of gold particles on exterior surfaces were not altered by thrombin stimulation. Platelets prelabeled with the cocktail of 6D1 and AP1 and studied in cryosections also failed to reveal uptake of GPIb/IX receptors into the open canalicular system after activation by thrombin. The findings do not support the concept that thrombin causes clearance of GPIb/IX receptors from exterior surfaces to interior membranes of activated platelets.  相似文献   

We propose a method for measurement of plasma glycocalicin, a fragment of platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib. The concentration of glycocalicin is elevated in thrombocythemia and reduced in thrombocytopenia caused by insufficient platelet production, but not in immune thrombocytopenia due to enhanced platelet degradation. Thus, plasma content of glycocalicin is an indicator of platelet turnover. The proposed assay can be used for differential diagnostics of thrombocytopenia. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 128, No. 10, pp. 476–479, October, 1999  相似文献   

目的:制备抗人血小板膜糖蛋白Ib(GPIb)单克隆抗体(mAb),并进行生化鉴定与初步探讨其临床应用.方法:采用血小板免疫BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞融合.经间接ELISA法筛选和克隆化培养,获得1株抗人GPIb mAb的杂交瘤细胞,纯化其腹水获得mAb;免疫双扩散鉴定其抗体亚类;流式细胞术和免疫放射法鉴定...  相似文献   

背景:血管性血友病因子和血小板表面受体之间的相互作用在血小板黏附、传播、聚集等血栓形成过程中起到关键作用。目前关于血管性血友病因子突变信息的数据库并不完善且血小板表面受体相关的数据库仍未构建。目的:致力于构建血管性血友病因子及血小板糖蛋白Ibα相关突变的数据库,以利于相关领域的研究人员快速查找到该分子对的重要突变信息。方法:以数据库Uniprot、VWFdb及文献报道的突变信息为数据源,采用MySQL和Apache为后台数据库和服务器,运用PHP语言开发血管性血友病因子及血小板糖蛋白Ibα突变数据库。结果与结论:收集了341条血管性血友病因子,13条血小板糖蛋白Ibα的野生或者突变序列数据,并人工构建A1结构域的虚拟突变3 920条,建立了包括背景介绍、相关病理图册和资料下载等登录页面,初步实现了数据检索、突变位点分析以及虚拟突变位点信息等相关功能。该数据库较全面搜集及分析血管性血友病因子及血小板糖蛋白Ibα的数据信息,有利于研究人员对血管性血友病因子和血小板糖蛋白Ibα相关信息的查询,有助于新型抗血栓药物的研发,进一步提高临床诊断和治疗水平。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

Platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb-IIIa plays a focal role in primary hemostasis by serving as the cell surface receptor for fibrinogen. Recent studies by several groups have suggested that GPIIb-IIIa, which is dispersed randomly in the resting cell, undergoes migration leading to receptor clustering after platelet activation. The authors have investigated this activation-dependent relocation of fibrinogen receptors on platelets adherent to a standardized artificial surface. The correlative use of immunogold electron microscopy, ligand-gold binding, and stereo (three-dimensional) electron microscopy (EM) revealed specific localization of fibrinogen and its receptor at points of platelet to platelet interaction. Fibrinogen distribution on the plasma membrane, studied through the use of fibrinogen-gold conjugates with whole-mount adherent platelets, was primarily over the granulomere and at the cell periphery corresponding to sites of platelet-platelet interaction. Compared with the general hyalomere, fibrinogen density over the granulomere and at contact regions was increased 12-fold and 22-fold, respectively, and the specificity of binding at these sites was verified by positive competition with native fibrinogen, one of its degradation products (Fragment D1), and by monoclonal antibodies (HP1-1d and AP-2) specific for GPIIb-IIIa. The distribution of receptor antigens, localized by immunogold EM using antibodies against GPIIb-IIIa, also was localized over the hyalomere, where fibrinogen did not bind. To understand this apparently nonfunctional hyalomere GPIIb-IIIa further, correlative immunocytochemistry was performed using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for GPIIb and GPIIIa simultaneously. Colocalization of the antigens was observed consistently over the granulomere and at regions of cell contact, whereas the hyalomere antigens tended to be nonassociated. The studies document GPIIb-IIIa as a function complex at sites of cell interaction where fibrinogen binds.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis TOX3201 has a 12-base-pair insertion in the S1 subunit gene of pertussis toxin (PTX), which encodes for a 4-amino-acid insertion between residues 107 and 108 of the mature S1 subunit (Black et al., Science 240:656-659, 1988). This mutant strain has been shown to secrete a holotoxin analog of PTX, designated CRM3201, with reduced ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. In the present study, we evaluated the biochemical, biological, and immunoprotective activities of purified CRM3201. Assay of enzymatic activities showed that CRM3201 had 20 to 30% of the ADP-ribosyltransferase activity and 55 to 60% of the NAD glycohydrolase activity of native PTX. CRM3201, however, had only 2 to 6% of the activity of PTX in clustering CHO cells, promoting leukocytosis, inducing histamine sensitization, and potentiating an anaphylactic response to bovine serum albumin. In contrast, activities associated with the B oligomer (binding to fetuin, hemagglutination of goose erythrocytes, and lymphocyte mitogen activity) were comparable to those of native PTX. Injection of BALB/c mice with CRM3201 mixed with Al(OH)3 elicited high titers of antibody to PTX (as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), which neutralized a leukocytosis-promoting dose of PTX in these mice and neutralized PTX in a CHO cell assay. Passive transfer of the anti-CRM3201 antibody protected 20-day-old Swiss-Webster mice against a lethal aerosol challenge with B. pertussis 18323. Active immunization with CRM3201 significantly reduced lung colonization in adult BALB/c mice with a B. pertussis respiratory infection. These results demonstrate (i) that the reduced ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of CRM3201 is associated with reductions in certain biological and toxic activities of PTX (the enzymatic and biological activities are not, however, totally concordant); (ii) that CRM3201 possesses a functional B oligomer; and (iii) that CRM3201 can induce toxin-neutralizing antibodies which protect mice against a respiratory challenge with B. pertussis. Our studies with CRM3201 show that recombinant analogs of PTX have the potential to be developed into safe, protective immunogens for use in new acellular pertussis vaccines.  相似文献   

Two polymorphisms of platelet glycoprotein Ib, VNTR and Thr/Met(145), regarded as the possible inherited risks factors for thromboembolic complications, have been suggested to underlie platelet response to activating stimuli. This study examined the functional significance of these polymorphisms in platelet reactivity and sensitivity to aurintricarboxylic acid (the antagonist of von Willebrand factor, vWF). To evaluate platelet function at low and high flow conditions we monitored the ristocetin-induced and vWF-mediated aggregation of isolated platelets and the platelet function analyzer collagen/ADP closure time (PFA-100 CT(CADP)), which reflects platelets' ability to adhere and aggregate in whole blood. Aurintricarboxylic acid significantly reduced ristocetin-induced platelet agglutination in a dose-dependent manner (IC(50)=3.5+/-1.9 microM). At the concentration of 100 microM it also markedly prolonged PFA-100 CT(CADP) (up to 147+/-32 s vs. 94+/-17 s in control). The efficacy of this antagonist in the inhibition of vWF-mediated platelet agglutination was approximately 1.5-fold higher in the VNTR B/Met145(+) carriers than in VNTR B/Met145(-) carriers ( P<0.05). Otherwise, no significant differences occurred between VNTR B/Met(145)-positive and B/Met(145)-negative individuals in the prolongation of closure time by ATA. These findings indicate that under certain experimental conditions VNTR-B and Met(145) alleles may contribute to the increased platelet sensitivity to some antagonists of platelet natural ligands.  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to determine whether pertussis toxin (PT), an exotoxin virulence factor produced exclusively by Bordetella pertussis, is important for colonization of the respiratory tract by this pathogen by using a mouse intranasal infection model. By comparing a wild-type Tohama I strain to a mutant strain with an in-frame deletion of the ptx genes encoding PT (deltaPT), we found that the lack of PT confers a significant peak (day 7) colonization defect (1 to 2 log(10) units) over a range of bacterial inoculum doses and that this defect was apparent within 1 to 2 days postinoculation. In mixed-strain infection experiments, the deltaPT strain showed no competitive disadvantage versus the wild-type strain and colonized at higher levels than in the single-strain infection experiments. To test the hypothesis that soluble PT produced by the wild-type strain in mixed infections enhanced respiratory tract colonization by deltaPT, we coadministered purified PT with the deltaPT inoculum and found that colonization was increased to wild-type levels. This effect was not observed when PT was coadministered via a systemic route. Intranasal administration of purified PT up to 14 days prior to inoculation with deltaPT significantly increased bacterial colonization, but PT administration 1 day after bacterial inoculation did not enhance colonization versus a phosphate-buffered saline control. Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples from mice infected with either wild-type or deltaPT strains at early times after infection revealed that neutrophil influx to the lungs 48 h postinfection was significantly greater in response to deltaPT infection, implicating neutrophil chemotaxis as a possible target of PT activity promoting B. pertussis colonization of the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that pertussis toxin (PT) decreased agonist-induced contractions of isolated rat small mesenteric resistance arteries independently from endothelium, nitric oxide-synthase or intracellular calcium concentrations. In this study, it was investigated if the PT-induced decreased contractile properties of small mesenteric resistance arteries could be a consequence of a PT-induced vascular and/or smooth muscle cell injury, leading to loss of contractile functionality. Male Wistar rats were treated with PT (30 microg/kg, intravenously) and sections of isolated small mesenteric resistance arteries were investigated with light- and electron microscopy. Light microscopic investigation of cross-sectioned small mesenteric resistance arteries of control animals clearly showed a contracted phase, while PT-pretreated animals showed a relaxed smooth inner surface of the vessel, indicating a vasodilated state. Electron microscopic investigation showed that PT-pretreatment neither induced vascular lesions nor caused morphological or numerical changes in cell organelles such as contractile elements of vascular smooth muscle cells. In conclusion, the PT-induced decreased contractile properties of isolated rat small resistance arteries are not caused by a PT-induced vascular and/or smooth muscle cell injury.  相似文献   

In this study it is demonstrated for the first time that shear stress induces the binding of exogenous von Willebrand factor (vWF) multimers to platelets. The vWF preparations used were:125I-vWF purified from human cryoprecipitate (and including all vWF multimers present in normal plasma); and35S-cysteine-vWF secreted by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (and containing unusually large vWF forms, as well as all plasma-type vWF multimers). Direct shear-induced binding to washed platelets (300–360×103/μl) of radiolabeled vWF was maximum at 60–120 dynes/cm2 evaluated at 30 sec and was in extent about one-quarter of the binding stimulated by ristocetin after 3 min of incubation. The shear-induced binding of only a small percentage of added radiolabeled vWF was sufficient to initiate aggregation. Radiolabeled vWF attached to both glycoprotein (GP) Ib and GPIIb-IIIa receptors in the shear field, with complete inhibition of binding occurring with simultaneous blockade of both receptors. Binding was potentiated by ADP released from sheared platelets.  相似文献   

Platelets from a patient with congenital afibrinogenemia (CA) were tested in their native plasma for reactivity in vitro to Staphylococcus aureus 502A. Previous studies of the interactions between normal human platelets and this organism have shown rapid irreversible aggregation responses in which the bacteria were regularly trapped between aggregating platelets. Engulfment of microbes by single normal platelets in a process akin to phagocytosis was a very rare occurrence. In contrast, CA platelets showed a delayed aggregation response to contact with this microorganism. The CA platelets were also much more sensitive to the concentration of bacteria than were normal platelets. Electron microscopy showed that individual CA platelets often engulfed the stimulatory organism rather than participating in aggregation. Postfixation staining with a colloidal tracer, lanthanum nitrate, indicated that the bacteria were sequestered in the open canalicular system of the CA platelets in a manner analogous to that previously observed with latex particles. Restoration of normal levels of human fibrinogen to the CA platelet-rich plasma corrected the delay in aggregation but did not eliminate the frequent engulfment of bacteria by the CA platelets. These findings indicate that fibrinogen is an important, although not essential, cofactor in the response of human platelets to contact with this common bacterial pathogen.  相似文献   

An experimental model system has been developed to study the interaction of platelets with a damaged vessel wall, in vivo, without deep surgical intervention. Endothelium of the central ear artery of an anesthetized rabbit is damaged by placing artery forceps on the ear directly over the vessel. Forceps are removed 30 min later and blood flow resumes. After 30 min, blood is washed out with Tyrode's solution and the vessel is perfused with 1% glutaraldehyde solution. Tissue containing the vessel is then removed and further prepared for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Damage to the endothelium observed by scanning electron microscopy included separation of adjacent endothelial cells (EC); partial destruction and lifting up of some EC, exposing subendothelium; and denudation of larger areas of endothelium. Disc-shaped platelets were seen clinging to some damaged endothelial cells. Platelets adhered, formed pseudopods, and spread over the surface of some areas of exposed subendothelium. The extent of platelet adhesion to exposed subendothelium was estimated by eight "blind" evaluators and the average taken. Aspirin (8 mg/kg, ip) significantly inhibited adhesion (P less than 0.05) when compared to controls. No other agent tested gave significant inhibition after a single treatment. Dipyridamole (1.5 mg/kg, ip) given five times on 3 successive days, inhibited adhesion significantly (P less than 0.001). Heparin (800 U/kg, iv) or dipyridamole (0.7 mg/kg, ip) enhanced the inhibitory effect of aspirin (8 mg/kg, ip), with either combined treatment giving P less than 0.001.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin (PT) and adenylate cyclase toxin (AT) are AB enterotoxins produced by Bordetella pertussis. PT is a powerful mucosal adjuvant whose cellular target and mechanism of action are unknown; however, emerging evidence suggests that dendritic cells (DC) may be a principal adjuvant target of PT. Here, we investigate the mechanism underlying the effects of these toxins on human monocyte-derived DC (MDDC) in vitro. We found that the effects of PT and AT on MDDC, including maturation, are mediated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). In this regard, adenosine 5'-diphosphate-ribosylation-defective derivatives of PT failed to induce maturation of MDDC, whereas dibutyryl-cAMP (d-cAMP) and Forskolin mimic the maturation of MDDC and dominant inhibition of cytokine production induced by these toxins. Also, cAMP-dependent kinase inhibitors blocked the ability of PT, AT, d-cAMP, and Forskolin to activate MDDC. Taken together, these results show that the effects of PT and AT on MDDC are mediated strictly by cAMP.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein Ib (GP-Ib) is a major platelet receptor protein concerned with von Willebrand-factor binding, platelet agglutination, and platelet adhesion, and it is required for normal hemostasis. By the use of botrocetin (venom coagglutinin), both quantitative and semiquantitative assays for GP-Ib activity were developed. The latter assay uses limiting dilutions of botrocetin as a measure of GP-Ib activity. Platelets, stored up to 23 days under blood bank conditions, were assayed by the limiting dilution test. Values of GP-Ib were progressively diminished after 9 to 10 days of storage, reaching levels of less than 10% at 23 days. Platelets from a subject with Bernard-Soulier syndrome showed less than 10% GP-Ib activity. These assays appear to be a specific measure of functional GP-Ib activity, and, when combined with GP-Ib antigen measurement by other methods, they provide a means for further characterizing GP-Ib abnormalities.  相似文献   

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