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介入放射学个人防护用品的研制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 为介入放射学提供符合辐射防护最优化的个人用品。方法 模拟介入放射手术条件,测量不同厚度的铅胶板以介入手术者身体主要部位散射线的防护效果,确定最防护厚度;根据安全、轻便、舒适、方便的原则,通过对国内外产品的对比分析,征求介入放射学者的意见,设计防护用品的理想结构形式。结果 研制出防护帽、防护颈套、防护眼镜、防护面罩和防护服等可供介入放射学选用的系列防护用品。结论 应用这些防护用品,能确保介入放  相似文献   

一种用于介入放射学的防护装置   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介入放射学是现代医学中一门新兴的边缘学科,该学科的发展,极大地提高了放射诊断、治疗的精度及效果。但目前介入放射设备防护条件差,X射线曝光量大,曝光时间长[1],工作时操作者位于患者床侧,身体各部位均受到不同程度的照射[2],直接影响了介入放射工作的深...  相似文献   

床上球管透视机介入防护装置的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
集影像诊断与微创性治疗为一体的介入放射学 ,近年来发展迅速。一些市、县级和厂矿职工医院也在逐步开展介入治疗 ,其中有的医院采用胃肠透视X射线机 ,除了胃肠透视外 ,还开展介入治疗 ,X射线球管位于床上 ,这对介入手术者的防护具有一定的特殊性。为此 ,笔者研制了与床上球管透视机相匹配的介入防护装置 ,经在两家医院试用 ,其防护效果与适用性能良好 ,而且价位适中 ,具有推广应用价值。一、材料和方法为了将介入手术者的受照剂量降至可以合理达到的尽可能低的水平 ,首先确定适宜的铅当量。并采用屏蔽隔离的方法 ,使防护装置达到比较满意…  相似文献   

10种介入诊疗程序中患者的辐射剂量调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 调查研究介入诊疗程序中患者的受照剂量,评估其放射诊疗风险.方法 利用配置有符合IEC 60601-2标准的穿透型电离室的飞利浦Allura Xper FD20 DSA系统,收集记录10种介入诊疗程序共198例患者的剂量参数,估算出可供评估皮肤损伤的最高皮肤剂量及有效剂量.结果 累计透视时间范围为2.1~80.9 min,摄影帧数范围为15~678帧,剂量面积乘积范围为11~825 Gy·cm2,累计剂量范围为24~3374 mGy.有16例患者最高皮肤剂量超过1 Gy,79例患者有效剂量大于20 mSv.结论 有部分病例的最高皮肤剂量超过了皮肤损伤阈值,所以对患者的放射防护应给予足够的重枧.
Objective To investigate radiation dose to the patients undergoing interventional radiology and make radiation risk assessment.Methods Data was collected on 198 instances of 10 interventional radiology procedures by using Philips Allura Xper FD20 DSA, which was equipped with the transparent ionization chamber system in compliance with IEC 60601-2.Patient peak skin dose and effective dose were estimated.Results Cumulative fluoroscopy time was 2.1 - 80.9 min, and number of images monitored for PSD were above 1 Gy and 79 cases monitored for E were above 20 mSv.Conclusions Substantial number of cases exceeded the dose threshold for erythema.Due attention should be paid to radiation protection of patients.  相似文献   

复习了有关介入过程中透视引起皮肤损伤的最新文献。详细描述了X线皮肤损伤在不同阶段的表现特点,提出了有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

介入诊疗中重要站立区域辐射剂量的测定与评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 给出介入诊疗中重要站立区域的概念,测量这一区域辐射剂量的分布并分析其特点,为介入工作人员特别是第一术者的放射防护提出建议和理论依据。方法 在重要站立区域内,从距地面10cm处向上至180cm处,每10cm选取一个测量点,选用介入诊疗中比较常用的冠脉造影程序,分3种状态:①不使用床上、下防护屏。②使用床上、下防护屏。③使用床上、下防护屏和铅衣防护进行辐射剂量的测定。每实验点重复测量3次,取算术平均值,经刻度校正并折算为mGy/h。结果 成功测量3种状态下的相关数据并绘制介入诊疗中重要的站立区域剂量分布示意图。结论 对第一术者重要站立区域内的辐射防护在整个介入放射防护体系的建立中具有重要的地位,应足够重视这一区域的放射防护。要注意尽可能的联合选用多种防护手段,特别不要忽视上、下防护屏和铅衣的选用。建议在第一术者足踝前部放置一活动铅挡板,或把下防护帘延长至地面以保护下肢足踝部。  相似文献   

3种介入术中工作人员的辐射剂量水平分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 分析和评价临床实施较多的3种典型介入术中,工作人员的辐射剂量水平.方法 用仿真模体模拟实际诊疗情况,用热释光(TLD)元件作为测量工具,检测X射线机旁有/无防护组合时介人工作者眼晶状体、颈部及胸部的辐射剂量水平,估算其眼晶状体当量剂量和有效剂量.结果 X射线机旁有防护设施条件下,头部受照剂量减少85%~90%.脑血管介入术第一手术者眼晶状体当量剂量高于心血管和外周血管介入术,外周血管介入术第一手术者年有效剂量低于脑血管和心血管介入术.结论 介入工作者在本研究中使用的防护措施及适当的工作强度下,年有效剂量不会超过20 mSv的限值,但眼晶状体当量剂量可能会超过ICRP最新推荐的眼晶状体剂量限值(20 mSv),介入工作者应重视对眼晶状体的防护.
Objective To assess the level of radiation exposures of operators in three typical types of interventional fluoroscopic procedures.Methods Alderson Radiation Therapy (ART) phantom was used to stimulate the practices of diagnosis and therapy using TLDs for dose measurement.The radiation exposures of eye lens, neck, and breast were measured when the lead shielding of machine was on/off and the equivalent dose and effective dose to the eye lens were estimated.Results Radiation exposure of head was obviously reduced by 85% -90% when the lead shielding was on.The doses in different procedures were different.In cerebral angiography the dose equivalent of eye len was the highest in the three procedures.The annual effective dose for the operators was smaller in peripheral vascular interventions than that in cardiovascular interventional therapy and that in cerebral angiography.Conclusions The operators involved in intervention will receive an annual effective dose of less than 20 mSv as recommended by the ICRP under the protection conditions provided by the current study, except for eye lens.Attention should be paid to the protection of the eyes of operators.  相似文献   

1964年,介入放射学奠基人——Charles Theodore Dotter(图1)发表第一篇经皮腔内血管成形术(PTA)的论文[1],从此开创了“介入放射学”这一新的医学领域[2].该技术的发明迄今仅半个世纪,但其影响力却造就了介入放射学这门新学科,更重要的是由此催生了以微创为特征的系列诊疗技术,代表了当今医学科学发展方向.因此,我们由衷虔诚地纪念这位大师.我们纪念他,要学习他不断创新的精神.从同轴扩张导管到笼式球囊导管,从球囊导管到支架[3],从初创的导丝到襻状取异物导管,乃至经导管活检术[4],介入治疗的许多早期理念和器械无不留下他的印记.  相似文献   

《介入放射学杂志》和《介入医学杂志(英文)》编辑部为了鼓励大家积极投稿,表彰优秀介入论文,促进我国介入放射学的发展,每年举行一次林贵-刘子江优秀介入论文奖评选,希望广大作者积极参与此项活动。  相似文献   

目的研究"十"字缝合固定在治疗前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折的临床疗效。方法笔者回顾性分析2009年3月~2014年5月应用"十"字缝合固定治疗前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折的24例患者,男性15例,女性9例;年龄16~55岁,平均(35.1±13.6)岁。新鲜骨折21例,陈旧骨折3例;运动损伤17例,跌倒摔伤4例,道路交通伤3例。观察术后疗效。结果所有患者术后X线检查骨折复位均满意,韧带张力恢复;术后8~10周X线复查示所有患者骨折完全愈合。根据Lysholm评分标准,术前为(30.15±2.07)分,术后为(91.46±2.38)分,差异具有统计学意义(t=-95.223,P0.05)。术后Lachman试验均为阴性,患膝屈曲活动均90°,测量下肢力线正常。结论应用"十"字缝合固定治疗前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折的方法具有创伤小、复位准确、手术简单、费用低及术后功能恢复效果好等优点,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   

目的 了解浙江省介入放射学放射防护现状和存在的问题,并提出相应对策。方法 采用简单随机抽样的方法在杭州、宁波、温州、绍兴、金华5个地市抽取70个介入放射工作场所进行监测,医院介入放射机房个人防护用品和辅助防护设施采用医院填报的方法收集,透视防护区工作人员各部位和机房外辐射水平采用现场辐射水平检测的方法收集。结果 41家医院均配备了个人防护用品和个人防护设施,但有22家医院配备不完整;下X射线管照射时,介入放射工作人员的胸部、腹部、下肢部比头部更容易受到大剂量的射线照射,差异有统计学意义(F=4.85、4.92,P<0.05);透视防护区工作人员各部位辐射水平合格率不同,差异有统计学意义(χ2=35.14、14.92,P<0.05);防护吊帘可以显著降低透视防护区工作人员各部位辐射水平,差异有统计学意义(t=11.61~68.28,P<0.05);同时,防护吊帘可以提高透视防护区工作人员各部位的检测合格率,差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.09~28.45,P<0.05)。结论 介入放射工作人员应该充分利用辅助防护设备,加强对胸部、腹部和下肢部等部位的保护;医院必须积极开展放射工作场所的日常监测,及时对防护薄弱环节进行整改。  相似文献   

目的 调查北京地区介入放射诊疗资源分布和放射防护状况,规范介入放射诊疗行为并促进放射防护监管措施的落实。方法 以北京地区开展介入放射诊疗工作的各级各类医疗机构为调查对象,设计专门的调查表并成立市区两级调查组,逐级调查各区域截至2020年底介入放射工作基本情况和介入放射工作人员职业健康监护情况,依据国家有关法规标准对指标参数进行分析评估。结果 截至2020年底,北京地区开展介入放射工作的医疗机构93家,800 mA(含)以上数字减影血管造影机(DSA)236台;开展介入放射学手术135 593例,年介入手术量在1 000例以上的40家,10~1 000例的41家;介入放射工作人员3 539人,持有《放射工作人员证》者为99.0%,职业健康检查、个人剂量监测和放射防护培训通过率分别为96.9%、99.5%和95.8%;配置的工作人员防护用品3 532件,其中98.9%的机构配备了分体式铅衣或一体式铅衣,但6.5%的机构未配置铅防护眼镜、54.9%的机构未配置铅防护手套。结论 北京地区介入放射诊疗防护状况和防护管理总体较好,但应结合介入放射诊疗资源分布的现况进一步完善监管机制,强化人员的在岗期间职业健康检查、放射防护培训和防护用品的配置与使用。  相似文献   

Poul Erik Andersen is a Professor and Interventional Radiologist at the University of Southern Denmark,Odense and Odense University Hospital,Denmark.His innovative and expertise is primarily in vascular interventions where he has introduced and developed many procedures at Odense University Hospital.His significant experience and extensive scientific work has led to many posts in the Danish Society of Interventional Radiology,the European Society of Radiology and the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe,where he is a fellow and has passed the European Board of Interventional Radiology-The European qualification in Interventional Radiology.  相似文献   

The use of swine for teaching purposes in medicine and surgery has largely increased in recent years. Detailed knowledge of the porcine anatomy and physiology is a prerequisite for proper use of pigs as a teaching or an experimental model in interventional radiology. A systematic study of the radiological anatomy was undertaken in more than 100 female pigs aged 6–8 weeks. All studies were performed under general anesthesia in a single session. Animals were sacrificed at the end of the study. Selective angiographies were systematically obtained in all anatomical territories. In other animals CT and MRI examinations were performed and were correlated to anatomical sections and acrylic casts of the vascular structures. Endoscopical examinations of the upper gastrointestinal tract, including retrograde opacification of the biliary and pancreatic ducts, were added in selected animals. The main angiographic aspects of the brain, head and neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis were recorded. Similarities and differences in comparison with human anatomy are stressed. Potential applications in interventional radiology are indicated. Received 20 September 1997; Revision received 30 December 1997; Accepted 5 January 1998  相似文献   

眼晶状体剂量限值的降低,使介入手术中职业人员的眼晶状体剂量监测和防护备受关注。基于文献中模拟计算和实验测量结果的调研,分析了介入人员眼晶状体防护用品的防护效果及影响因素,并提出了选择和使用建议。介入人员的眼晶状体剂量主要来自未被屏蔽而直接入射到眼部的射线;制约眼晶状体防护效果的重点不是铅当量厚度,而是防护用品结构、投照方位、位置布局、人员姿态等几何条件。0.5 mm铅当量对于介入人员眼晶状体防护是足够的;在临床实践中,组合使用铅眼镜和铅屏风能更好地对眼晶状体进行防护。  相似文献   

IntroductionSmart glasses can be adapted to display radiographic images to allow clinician's gaze not to be directionally fixed or predetermined by computer monitor location. This study presents an analysis of eye lens dose during interventional fluoroscopy guided procedures, comparing fixed monitor positions against the use of smart glasses.MethodsUsing a head phantom (simulating the clinician), thermoluminescent dosimeters and lead shielded glasses, the dose to the eye was measured for different head ‘rotations and tilts’ for: gaze directed towards the main scattering source (patient/primary beam) to represent potential gaze direction if smart glasses are used; gaze directed to a range of potential computer monitor positions. An anthropomorphic pelvis phantom was utilised to simulate the patient. Accumulated dose rates (μGy sˉ1) from five 10-second exposures at 75 kV 25.2 mAs were recorded.ResultsAn average DAP reading of 758.84 cGy cm2 was measured during each 10 second exposure. Whilst wearing lead shielded glasses a 6.10 – fold reduction in dose rate to the lens is possible (p < 0.05). Influence of the direction of gaze by the clinician demonstrated a wide range of dose rate reduction from 3.13% (p = 0.16) to 143.69% (p < 0.05) when the clinician's gaze was towards the main scattering source. Increased dose rate to the clinician's eyes was received despite wearing lead shielded glasses, as the angle of gaze moved 45° and 90° from 0°.ConclusionIf the clinician's gaze is directed towards the main scattering source a potential exists for reducing eye lens dose compared with fixed location computer monitors. Introduction of lead lined smart glasses into interventional radiology may lead to improvements in patient care, reducing the need for the clinician to look away from the patient to observe a radiographic image.  相似文献   

我国医用辐射防护研究概况   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
医学放射学技术的迅速发展及介入放射学在临床广泛应用,使更多的人受到电离辐射的照射,同时也促进了医疗照射防护工作的发展。文中重点综述了我国医用辐射防护工作者近年来在X射线CT的医疗照射防护、对介入放射学工作者的剂量监测以及应用医疗照射防护体系,降低医疗照射剂量等方面所作出的成绩和研究进展  相似文献   

介入病房对介入放射学学科发展影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨成立介入病房对介入放射学学科发展的影响。方法通过问卷调查的方法对东北地区三级甲等医院2005年介入放射学现状进行调查,并对从事介入诊疗医师数量、开展介入技术种类、介入诊疗例数等按有无介入病房分为2组进行统计学分析处理。结果52所三甲医院开展介入治疗,有病房组29所,占55.8%,无病房组23所,占44.2%。有病房组与无病房组对比:医师数平均为(4.8±1.7)名:(2.8±1.5)名(P<0.01),2组平均每所医院完成介入手术例数为481∶150(P<0.01),开展介入手术种类为8∶5(P<0.01)。结论成立介入病房有利于介入放射学科的发展。  相似文献   

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