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Varicocele in infertility: incidence and results of surgical therapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Although varicocele is generally regarded as the most common and easily correctable cause of male factor infertility, controversy continues to surround its pathophysiology and treatment. Most likely, a varicocele is the result of a multifactorial process including a longer left internal spermatic vein with its right‐angle insertion into the left renal vein and the absence of valves, which causes a higher hydrostatic pressure resulting in dilatation. Much of the pathophysiology is still unknown, increased blood flow causing an elevated intratesticular temperature may be important. The best method for diagnosis remains a good clinical examination. A key to patient counselling regarding varicocele treatment is an understanding of outcomes data and various predictive factors for response. Positive gonadotrophin‐releasing hormone stimulation test, normal serum follicle‐stimulating hormone level, grade III varicocele, normal testicular size, total motile sperm count more than 5 million per ejaculate and absence of genetic defect are associated with improved outcomes following varicocelectomy. Surgical ligation is still the preferred method of treatment. Percutaneous treatment is reserved for recurrent varicoceles after failure of surgical ligation.   相似文献   

Pharmaceutical treatment for the so-called idiopathic oligozoospermia ( I. O. ) is possible and effective in a fair proportion of patients with the syndrome provided that appropriate investigative procedures may identify the major disorder or its level of disruption, this abnormality is reversible and appropriate prognostic indices for the treatment‘s success are devised and validated. According to the evidence available, minimal evaluation and prognostic indices for treatment eligibility in normogonadotropic men with I.O. include a routine work-up but, mainly, microscopical assessment of spermatogenesis and appraisal of Sertoli cell‘s functional capacity. Published data indicate that men with hypospermatogenesis without maturational arrest, respond favorably to agents stimulating Sertoli cells and germinal epithelium with increased sperm production. Furthermore, Sertoli cell activity as judged by cell-specific indices such as inhibin B secretion, may provide additional discriminating power to the microscopical picture of the testis. In this context, precise identification of the causative factor(s), together with the establishment of prognostic indices are the most important criteria on which the decision, for or against medical treatment in I. 0., should be based. Obviously, further basic research and clinical trials are urgently needed in this particular field, and this should be a major task for clinical andrologists. (Asian J Androl 2000; 2: 25-32)  相似文献   


Varicocele   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Approximately one third of infertile men present with varicocele, while the incidence among males in the general public is approximately 15 per cent. The etiology may be a longer left spermatic vein with its right-angle insertion into the left renal vein and/or absence of valves, which causes a higher hydrostatic pressure in the left spermatic vein causing dilatation. The nutcracker phenomenon is also a possible etiology. Much of the pathophysiology is still unknown, but increased blood flow causing an elevated intratesticular temperature may be of significance. Though there are many recent reports on the importance of a subclinical varicocele, we are not convinced of its significance. The best method for diagnosis remains a good clinical examination. The incidence of adolescents with varicocele is about the same as men with varicocele (approximately 15 per cent). Adolescents with varicocele should be treated if the testicular mass is decreased or if they are symptomatic. Surgical ligation is still the preferred method of treatment. Percutaneous treatment of varicoceles has an approximately 11 per cent incidence of minor complications and an occlusion rate of 73 per cent with a recurrence rate of 5 per cent. We reserve percutaneous treatment for recurrent varicoceles after surgical ligation, but primary percutaneous therapy is a reasonable approach.  相似文献   

Varicocele in schoolboys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was conducted to examine the effect of height and weight on the incidence of varicocele in schoolboys aged 5-16 years and the impact of varicocele on testicular size. Genital stage, height, weight, varicocele grade, and testicular size were recorded for 3047 school boys who were clinically examined while standing by a specialist in urology. Left varicocele was detected in 98 of the boys who were all aged 9-16 years. The mean weight of boys with and without varicocele was 42 kg (95% confidence interval [CI] 40-44 kg) and 47 (95% CI 47-47 kg), respectively (p =.00). There was no difference in mean height between the two groups nor in left and right testicular volume. Although 6 boys with varicocele had a left testicular volume > or =2 mL less than right, there were also 7 boys of comparable age who had a left testicular volume > or =2 mL larger than right. The incidence of varicocele in Greek adolescents is low. Boys with varicocele weighed significantly less but there were no significant differences in height or left versus right testicular volumes. In the light of these observations, the use of left testicular hypotrophy (> or =2 mL compared with the right testicle) should be reconsidered as an indicator for varicocele-induced damage of the testicle in this age group.  相似文献   

This study was done to evaluate the surgical results and the impact on fertility potential of 3 methods of varicocele treatment. Consecutive varicocele patients with primary or secondary infertility were randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups. Of the patients 36 underwent percutaneous embolization, 55 high ligation of the internal spermatic vein and 28 transinguinal simultaneous ligation of the internal and external spermatic veins. The transinguinal ligation proved to be safe. There was no difference in pregnancy rates but the seminal variables showed a slight improvement with statistical significance only in the 2 open surgical methods. There were no surgical failures in the transinguinal group as opposed to the other 2 techniques. Transinguinal ligation of the internal and external spermatic veins may be recommended as the primary treatment for varicocele. This technique also seems to be the procedure of choice when repeat intervention is required for failure of high ligation or embolization.  相似文献   

Although significant advances have been made in the understanding of varicoceles, a clear pathophysiologic mechanism remains elusive. Most likely, a varicocele is the result of a multifactorial process. Appreciation of the complex venous drainage of the testis remains a key to maximizing the chances for treatment success. Likewise, the advent of microsurgical repair has minimized complications. Fortunately, times have improved since the early nineteenth century, when the French surgeon Delpech (1772-1832) was killed by a disgruntled patient on whom he had performed a varicocele repair.  相似文献   

Varicocele , a disease essentially observed in adults, is underestimated der-estimated in children and adolescents, in whom, for the majority of authors, , the therapeutic management is surgical although the benefits in terms of fertility are unknown. Forty-eight children and adolescents, seen between 1978 and 1983, were followed by clinical examination and subsequent sperm count with a mean follow-up of 5.20 years. The presence at the first examination of the subsequent development of testicular atrophy is a pejorative element in the disease: 12% of children simply followed developed left testicular atrophy at puberty associated with severe anomalies of the sperm count. Persistent testicular atrophy after surgery was synonymous with anomalies of the sperm count in all of these children. Regression of moderate atrophy was observed in three children after surgical cure, but the pre- and post-treatment sperm counts were normal.  相似文献   


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