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I A Hendry 《Brain research》1976,107(1):105-116
The effects of surgical transection of the postganglionic nerve trunk of the superior cervical ganglion on the total protein content and levels of the enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase, DOPA decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase have been studied in the adult rat. There is a minor decrease in the total activities of these 3 enzymes accompanied by a large increase in the total protein content of the ganglion. The trans-synaptic induction of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase by reserpine is not affected by postganglionic axotomy. Increased activity mediated by reserpine caused no change in the total activities of either DOPA decarboxylase or choline acetyltransferase. Previously observed effects of postganglionic axotomy on preventing transmission through the ganglion are compared with these results and the possible mechanisms by which trans-synaptic induction may occur are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of dynein in retrograde axonal transport   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fast axonal transport is manifested at the sub-cellular level as the anterograde or retrograde movement of membrane-bounded organelles along microtubules. Earlier work implicated the protein kinesin as the motor for anterograde axonal transport. More recent work indicates that a brain microtubule-associated protein, MAP 1C, is responsible for retrograde transport. Of additional interest, MAP 1C has been found to be a cytoplasmic form of the ciliary and flagellar ATPase dynein, indicating a much more general functional role for this enzyme in cells than had been suspected.  相似文献   

The mechanism and regulation of fast axonal transport   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent in vitro studies of microtubule-dependent organelle movement have provided a great deal of information on the molecular mechanism of fast axonal transport. Microtubule-dependent organelle movement occurs in most cells, but in neurons active transport is absolutely necessary for materials to travel from the cell body to the synapse. Since fast transport is crucial for neuronal survival, it is likely that specialized regulatory mechanisms have been developed. It is clear that the microtubule-based motors, kinesin and cytoplasmic dynein are the enzymes that power organelle motility; however, additional cytoplasmic components are required to create an 'organelle translocation complex' that is competent for transport. Organelle transport might be regulated at the level of any of these components, i.e. the motors, their accessory factors, or the organelle binding sites. The direction of organelle movement is probably governed by the membrane binding site. In this review we discuss these topics and consider the mechanism of transport of the retrograde motor, cytoplasmic dynein, to the nerve terminal, and possible ways that unidirectional transport could occur on the non-polarized array of microtubules found in some dendrites.  相似文献   

Regulation of substance P in adult rat sympathetic ganglia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Factors regulating the putative peptide neurotransmitter, substance P, were examined in the adult rat sympathetic superior cervical ganglion (SCG). Surgical section of the preganglionic nerves resulted in a 55% increase in ganglion content of SP-like immunoreactivity (subsequently termed SP). Treatment with chlorisondamine, which blocks nicotinic ganglionic transmission, also increased SP, reproducing the effects of decentralization. Conversely, treatment with phenoxybenzamine, which reflexly increases sympathetic activity, reduced ganglion SP. Axotomy of the postganglionic nerves did not alter ganglion SP. Finally, treatment of rats as neonates with 6-hydroxydopamine, which selectively destroys principal ganglion neurons, profoundly decreased SP in the adult SCG. Our observations suggest that impulse activity of preganglionic nerves decreases ganglion SP in principal ganglion neurons through a transsynaptic process. Viewed in conjunction with previous work, our studies suggest that transsynaptic stimulation has opposite effects on SP and noradrenergic transmitter characters in the SCG.  相似文献   

The response of pre- and postsynaptic beta-adrenoreceptors to depletion of brain norepinephrine (NE) with reserpine in the rat was characterized by studying the anterograde and retrograde axonal transport of presynaptic receptors and the receptor binding changes induced in postsynaptic frontal cortex cells. Anterograde transport was shown to occur by the linear accumulation of [3H]dihydroalprenolol ([3H]DHA) binding sites (by in vitro binding assay) proximal to a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion placed in the ascending pathway of the locus coeruleus and was blocked by more proximal lesions in the pathway. Retrograde transport was demonstrated by the accumulation of [125I]iodocyanopindolol binding distal to similar lesions. Autoradiograms from sections of 6-OHDA injected brains were produced with [3H]DHA binding in the presence of the beta 2-agonist, zinterol, and suggested that the anterograde accumulation of binding sites was primarily of the beta 1-subtype. A single injection of reserpine (5 mg/kg, i.p.) produced a long lasting (6-8 weeks), biphasic decrease in cortical NE levels with nadirs and 4 and 28 days (10% and 45% of control, respectively). Frontal cortex binding of [3H]DHA increased to a maximum at 7-14 days and again at 28 days post-reserpine (230% and 167% of control, respectively). These increases were not prevented by the destruction of presynaptic noradrenergic nerve terminals with intraventricular administration of 6-OHDA 1 day prior to sacrifice and therefore appeared to take place solely in postsynaptic cells. Presynaptic, anterograde axonal transport of beta-receptors was completely blocked from 4-14 days post-reserpine, increased to 323% of control at 21 days, was blocked again at 6 weeks and returned to control by 8 weeks. Retrograde transport of beta-receptors followed a similar pattern suggesting that the presynaptic alterations in beta-receptors in noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus take place independently from those in postsynaptic cortical beta-receptors as a response to NE depletion by reserpine.  相似文献   

To investigate cellular responses of injured mammalian CNS neurons, we examined the slow transport of cytoskeletal proteins in rat retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons within the ocular stump of optic nerves that were crushed intracranially. RGC proteins were labeled by an intravitreal injection of 35S-methionine, and optic nerves were examined by SDS PAGE at different times after injury. In one group of rats, the RGC proteins were labeled 1 week after crushing. From 14 to 67 d after axotomy, the labeling of tubulin and neurofilaments was reduced in relation to other labeled proteins and to the labeling of tubulin and neurofilaments in the intact optic nerve of controls. To determine whether this reduction in labeling was due to an alteration in axonal transport after axotomy, we prelabeled RGC proteins 1 week before crushing. In such experiments, the rate of slow axonal transport of tubulin and neurofilaments decreased approximately 10-fold from 6 to 60 d after injury. Our results cannot be due only to the retrograde degeneration of RGCs and injured axons caused by axotomy in the optic nerve, because fast axonal protein transport and the fluorescent labeling of many axons were preserved in the ocular stumps of these optic nerves. This selective failure of the slow axonal transport of tubulin and neurofilaments may affect the renewal of the cytoskeleton and contribute to the gradual degeneration of RGCs that is observed after axotomy. The alterations in slow transport we document here differ from the enhanced rates we previously reported when injured RGC axons regenerated along peripheral nerve segments grafted to the ocular stump of transected optic nerves (McKerracher et al., 1990).  相似文献   

We studied the effect of destruction of the adrenergic neuronal population on the recovery of preganglionic choline acetyltransferase activity in adult rat sympathetic ganglia. To produce a partial destruction of the adrenergic system, rats were injected with guanethidine for 4 weeks; the preganglionic nerve to the superior cervical ganglion was then crushed and the guanethidine injections were continued for an additional 3 days to 6 weeks. To determine that the drug was effective, tyrosine hydroxylase activity was assessed; enzymic activity was reduced by 76% or more after guanethidine administration. In addition, electron microscopy studies showed that the number of principal cell-synaptic contacts and vesicle-containing varicosities were decreased by 90% after guanethidine administration. Those measures indicated the drug effectively destroyed the postsynaptic adrenergic neurons. In contrast, crushing the preganglionic nerve in animals not treated with guanethidine did not change tyrosine hydroxylase activity, suggesting minimal nonspecific damage to the ganglion as a result of the lesion. Choline acetyltransferase activity was measured as an index of presynaptic cholinergic integrity. After crush of the preganglionic nerve, there was a gradual recovery of ganglionic choline acetyltransferase activity in the saline-injected rats from 5% of control 3 days after the crush to 49% of control after 6 weeks. On the other hand, in the ganglia of rats administered guanethidine, there was a much enhanced recovery of choline acetyltransferase activity after the nerve crush compared with saline-injected animals; in the guanethidine-injected rats, the ganglionic choline acetyltransferase activity 3 days and 6 weeks after the nerve crush was 15 and 96%, respectively, compared with the uncrushed side. These results demonstrate after destruction of the adrenergic target tissue, recovery of presynaptic choline acetyltransferase activity in the adult rat sympathetic ganglion can still occur after denervation; however, the mechanism(s) that controls the regeneration is altered, so that enzymic activity is enhanced.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that sympathetic noradrenergic nerve fibers, in addition to supplying the smooth muscle of the splenic capsule, trabeculae and blood vessels, also form very tight appositions with lymphocytes of the periarteriolar lymphatic sheath. To determine whether there is a direct communication between the sympathetic neurons and the immune cells we have grown dissociated superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons together with splenic lymphocytes. Sympathetic neurons were grown both as mixed preparations (neurons and non-neuronal ganglion cells) and neuron-enriched preparations. These systems were used to investigate whether coculture with splenocytes alters neurotransmitter gene expression in SCG cultures. Northern blot analysis was used to measure changes in neurotransmitter mRNA expression. The results showed that expression of mRNA for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, was significantly decreased when SCG cultures were grown in the presence of spleen cells compared to control SCGs grown either alone or in the presence of erythrocytes. When the mitogen concanavalin A (ConA) was used to stimulate the spleen cells in the cocultures the decrease in TH was more pronounced. In contrast, preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A) mRNA expression in cultured SCGs increased in the cocultures. Another neuropeptide, neuropeptide Y (NPY), showed different responses in the presence of stimulated vs. unstimulated splenocytes. NPY mRNA was slightly increased in the presence of resting spleen cells, but showed a 70% decrease when ConA was added to the cocultures. Thus, our results suggest that lymphocytes can differentially regulate neurotransmitter gene expression in sympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

This study examined sciatic motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) and the accumulation of 6-phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity proximal and distal to a sciatic nerve ligature in rats fed a diet containing 20% galactose for 4 weeks. MNCV was reduced in the galactose-fed rats to 94% of controls, (P less than 0.05) but PFK activity accumulations were not different from those in controls. Daily administration of the aldose reductase inhibitor ponalrestat throughout the study to another group of galactose-fed rats prevented dulcitol accumulation, myo-inositol depletion and increased water content of the sciatic nerve seen in galactose-fed rats. This effective aldose reductase inhibition also prevented the reduced MNCV and had no effect on accumulations of PFK activity. These data support earlier work suggesting that deficits in the axonal transport of PFK activity in diabetic rats are unrelated to either exaggerated flux through the polyol pathway, polyol accumulation or ischemic hypoxia and indicate the possible need for the elucidation of other pathogenic mechanisms which may contribute to the development of diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   

The effects of the hormone testosterone on neurotransmitter synthesis in peripheral sympathetic ganglia were examined in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Tyrosine hydroxylase (T-OH), the rate limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis was examined in the hypogastric (HG), coeliac (CG), and superior cervical ganglion (SCG) subsequent to castration. Initial studies indicated that 2 weeks after surgery, HG T-OH activity fell to approximately 30% of control. In order to more clearly define the pattern of testosterone effects, HG was examined 1, 2 and 4 weeks after surgery. T-OH activity was 67%, 50% and 11% of control at these 3 respective time points, and the observed alteration in T-OH activity appeared to parallel changes in the size of pelvic target organs. Similar hormonal effects did not occur in other peripheral sympathetic ganglia; T-OH activity was unchanged in SCG and CG when examined 1 month after castration. Enzyme activity was restored following replacement therapy with testosterone, whereas the neural metabolite 17-beta estradiol was without effect. The recovery in T-OH activity was associated with partial recovery of target organ size. These studies suggest that hormonal factors regulate neurotransmitter synthesizing enzymes in adult sympathetic neurons and may do so via consequences of alterations in target organs. These observations parallel similar events in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that rat sympathetic neurons exposed to increased concentrations of glucose in vitro initiate an apoptotic program which culminates in neuronal cell death, a process proposed to contribute to the development of human diabetic autonomic neuropathy. We tested this hypothesis in an in vivo streptozotocin model of diabetic autonomic neuropathy using an unbiased counting method to quantitate neuron numbers in control and diabetic rats. Ten months of severe untreated diabetes failed to produce significant neuron loss in either the rat superior mesenteric or superior cervical sympathetic ganglia indicating that apoptotic neuronal cell death is unlikely to play a role in the pathogenesis of experimental diabetic autonomic neuropathy.  相似文献   

Increased axonal transport in peripheral nerves of thiamine-deficient rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thiamine deficiency has been implicated as a significant contributing factor in the development of peripheral neuropathies in chronic alcoholic patients. We hypothesized that thiamine deficiency may lead to an alteration in axonal transport because it has been associated with "dying-back" neuropathies and its importance in neural tissue has been demonstrated with antimetabolites. To test this possibility rats were made thiamine-deficient by feeding a liquid diet lacking thiamine. Control rats were pair-fed a complete liquid diet. The deficiency developed after 3 to 4 weeks and was evidenced by anorexia, weight-loss, and a significant increase in the erythrocyte transketolase activity ratio. Also, the sural nerve conduction velocity was found to be significantly reduced in these animals (18.74 m/s) relative to that of pair-fed control rats (31.99 m/s). In vitro transport experiments utilizing dorsal root ganglia-sciatic nerve preparations indicated that twice as much [35S]methionine-labeled protein accumulated at a ligation by fast transport in the thiamine-deficient rats as in nerves of their pair-fed controls. There was no difference in the level of incorporation of radioactive precursor into the dorsal root ganglia. The increase in transport suggests that thiamine deficiency per se has no detrimental effects on the transport machinery and process, but may indicate extensive regenerative activity in the distal portions of these axons.  相似文献   

The use of retrograde axonal horseradish peroxidase (HRP) transport in determining cells of origin of central fiber systems has been explored in young and adult rats by injecting HRP in different portions of the forebrain. After HRP injection in different cortical areas, HRP reaction granules were found in the neuronal cell bodies of the corresponding thalamic nuclei, while after injection into the caudate putamen HRP-positive granules were found also in the cell bodies of the parafascicular nucleus and the substantia nigra. It is concluded that the HRP injection method represents a promising technique for determining remote cells of origin of fiber systems in brains of young and adult rats and that it produces especially striking results when the material is examined under dark field illumination.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical sympathectomy on moxibustion-induced changes in splenic natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity, T and B cell proliferation were studied. Direct moxibustion was applied to the unilateral Zusanli region. NK cell cytotoxicity was suppressed by moxibustion in both vehicle-treated rats and sympathectomized rats. T cell proliferation was not affected by moxibustion. B cell proliferation showed no significant change in vehicle-treated rats, but an increase was seen in sympathectomized rats treated with moxibustion. Sympathectomy alone induced an augmentation of NK cell cytotoxicity and a suppression of T cell proliferation. These results suggest that the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) has no significant role in the mechanism of moxibustion-induced immunomodulation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that, in rat, individual sympathetic neurons can express both adrenergic and cholinergic biosynthetic enzymes in culture. Moreover, the levels of these enzymes can be regulated by factors present in their environment. In the present study, we sought to determine whether cultures of chick sympathetic neurons express both adrenergic and cholinergic enzymes, whether both enzymes are expressed in the same neurons, and whether the levels of these enzymes can be influenced by environmental factors. In our system, we tested one such factor found in embryonic eye extract (EEE) which has been shown to specifically increase the activity of the cholinergic enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in cultures of chick parasympathetic neurons Varon et al., Brain Res., 173 (1979) 29-45; Nishi and Berg. J. Neurosci., 1 (1981) 505-513). At various times in vitro, cultures were analyzed using biochemical, immunocytochemical and autoradiographic techniques. We found that only those cultures of sympathetic neurons supplemented with EEE developed detectable levels of ChAT enzyme activity at 2 days, which increased significantly by 14 days in vitro. Supplementation with EEE did not affect the level of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity. Furthermore, irrespective of nutrient medium, all neurons in all cultures contained TH immunoreactivity and possessed a high-affinity amine uptake system as demonstrated by autoradiography. These studies suggest that neurons of chick sympathetic ganglia can be influenced by factors present in EEE to express a cholinergic enzyme and that this enzyme is coexpressed by cells also exhibiting an adrenergic phenotype.  相似文献   

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