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郭勇 《中国现代医生》2018,56(17):135-138+142
目的对比2017年研究医院与标杆医院住院医疗指标,通过诊断相关组(DRGs)评价研究医院住院医疗绩效水平。方法选取2017年1~12月研究医院9760例住院患者为研究对象,涉及DRGs组数334组,以北京诊断相关组分组方式,分析研究医院出院病例与标杆医院的病例组合指数(CMI)、费用效率指数、时间效率指数、低风险死亡率、中低风险死亡率等指标。结果研究医院CMI为0.78,标杆医院0.98;研究医院费用消耗指数0.83,标杆医院0.90;研究医院时间消耗指数1.18,标杆医院1.09;研究医院低风险死亡率0.22%,标杆医院0.01%;研究医院中高风险死亡率6.45%,标杆医院2.96%;研究医院高风险死亡率25.81%,标杆医院19.62%。结论与标杆医院对比,研究医院DRG组数少,CMI偏低,费用消耗指数偏低,时间消耗指数偏高,低风险死亡率偏高,中高风险及高风险死亡率高于标杆医院。数据说明研究医院疾病诊疗广度低于标杆医院,医疗技术难度低于标杆医院,平均住院日高于标杆医院。诊断相关组可做为评估医院医疗质量的方法。  相似文献   

张娟  侯佳  张怡  鱼锋  李笠 《中国病案》2021,(2):33-36
目的 应用诊断相关组对医院学科发展不足领域肾脏及泌尿系统疾病进行住院医疗绩效评价,为医院加强精细化管理和学科建设提供数据支持.方法 以国家版DRGs(CN-DRGs)分组方式,运用CMI、DRGs组数、费用消耗指数、时间消耗指数、低风险组死亡率等指标对2015年-2019年医院出院病例进行分析.结果 2015年-201...  相似文献   

罗瑶  何雅兰  李路萍  肖伟  梁超 《重庆医学》2021,50(19):3404-3406
目的 探索中低风险死亡病例的管理方法,降低其发生率,保障患者安全.方法 利用病例诊断相关分组(DRGs)对2017年65179份出院病例进行筛查,发现38份中低风险死亡病例并对其分析,通过加强病案首页管理及核心制度的落实、加快临床路径、多学科综合治疗(MDT)的开展等方面的管理,促进医疗质量改进.结果 2019年出院患者死亡率0.514%,中低风险死亡率0.012%,较2017年出院患者死亡率0.687%,中低风险死亡率0.058%,降幅分别达24.18%、79.31%.结论 通过管理有效降低了中低风险病例死亡率,保障患者安全.  相似文献   

目的基于DRGs绩效体系对重庆市24家三级医院2018年1月1日-12月31日住院医疗服务能力进行评价,为下一步地区卫生健康事业发展提供参考。方法以国家版诊断相关分组器(CN-DRGs)为基础标准,参照北京版诊断相关组分组器(BJ-DRGs),结合重庆本地病例特征及专家论证,构建本地化分组标准(CQ-DRGs)。利用国家卫生统计网络直报信息采集的住院病案首页数据,通过重庆市住院医疗服务绩效系统,从服务能力、服务效率、医疗安全3个维度共计5个指标进行分析。结果2018年度前五的主要诊断大类(Major Diagnostic Category,MDC)依次为MDCE(呼吸系统疾病)、MDCG(消化系统疾病)、MDCB(神经系统疾病)、MDCF(循环系统疾病)、MDCI(肌肉、骨骼系统疾病);DRGs组数超过600组的共有19家,病例组合指数(CMI)超过1的共有7家,费用消耗指数和时间消耗指数在四个象限分布较为平均,低风险组死亡率平均为0.37%,仅有两家医院高于平均水平,共有14家医院综合评分得分为正值。结论2018年度重庆市三级综合医院服务能力总体较强,收治的DRGs组数较多,技术难度较大,不同三级医院时间消耗指数与费用消耗指数差异较大,主城区外医院服务效率较高,低风险组死亡率控制较好。  相似文献   

采用“中国医疗质量指标体系(CHQIS)”中部分住院病例死亡指标,对北京市五所大型综合医院的医疗质量进行了比较分析。结果表明,CHQIS的患者死亡指标可以存不同角度、不同层次对住院病例死亡情况进行分析。同时采用多家医院横向比较的方法,结合CUQIS的死亡率指标分析结果,可以比较准确地评价各个医院特定的医疗质量问题。  相似文献   

杨晓蓉  秦文敏 《中国病案》2010,11(12):18-20
目的探讨病例死亡风险分级方法,为提高医院综合诊治和管理水平提供方向,为医疗质量评价提供参考。方法以9008例循环系统住院病例为例,以主诊断转归为目标变量,应用卡方自动交互作用检测法CHAID进行分组,并对急性心肌梗死组分年度进行初步评价。结果样本共计分为35个不同死亡风险的组,归入零风险组、超低风险组、低风险组、高风险组和超高风险组五级。其中急性心肌梗死组,低风险组和超高风险组各年度死亡率不同,说明利用零风险组、超低风险组和低风险组患者群死亡率进行基础医疗质量评价更为合理和敏感,而利用高风险组和超高风险组患者群死亡率可进行医院危重救治能力和综合管理水平方面的评价。结论可将病例进行死亡风险分级,并用于科间、院间或不同时段医疗质量评价。  相似文献   

疾病诊断相关分组(DRGs)是一种根据患者的年龄、性别、住院天数、临床诊断、手术操作、合并症、并发症及转归等因素,综合考虑疾病的严重程度和复杂性,以及医疗需要和医疗资源的消耗程度,将临床同质和资源同质的病例进行组合的一种支付管理工具[1]。其可通过效能指标管理提升医疗服务质量和医院评估评价。患者出院病案首页是DRGs分组信息的基础数据源,其数据的完整准确及时与否直接影响DRGs分组结果。因此,必须对病案首页数据质量进行及时监控并改进,以确保DRGs病例的上传率和入组率[2]。病案首页质量监控需要医院多部门及临床科室的协同配合,本文拟基于DRGs概念,来探讨军队医院病案首页质量监控,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的 比较疾病诊断相关分组(DRGs)绩效评价体系和传统医疗服务评价体系对安徽省某三甲医院医疗绩效评价的结果,以探讨更加全面、客观的医疗绩效评价方法。方法 分别采用DRGs绩效评价体系和传统医疗服务评价体系对安徽省某三甲医院2017、2018年度162 762例出院患者病案首页信息进行评价并纵向对比评价结果,同时对一个临床科室(以骨科4个病区为例)2018年度绩效评价结果进行横向对比分析。结果 纵向对比显示,在医疗效率评价方面,两种评价体系结果一致;在安全评价方面,传统医疗服务评价显示,2018年医院总体死亡率为0.52%,较2017年度减少0.09%;DRGs绩效评价体系显示,2018年低风险组死亡率为0.30‰,较2017年上升0.19‰;在能力评价方面,传统医疗服务评价显示,2018年医院出院人次、出院患者手术台次、三四类手术占比分别为91 795人、37 155台、68.00%,均较2017年度(70 967人、27 889台、61.84%)增长;DRGs绩效评价体系显示,2018年医院DRGs总权重、DRGs组数分别为82 446.85、669组,均较2017年(64 371.85、651组)上升,但是相对权重(RW)≥2占比及病例组合指数(CMI)分别为5.63%、0.90,均较2017年(6.09%、0.91)下降。横向对比显示,DRGs绩效评价体系对2018年骨科A、B、C、D 4个病区的绩效排名从优到劣依次为A、B、C、D,而传统医疗服务评价体系则为A、C、B、D。结论 两种评价体系评价医院医疗绩效结果存在一定差异。在医疗绩效管理工作中,可根据实际情况将DRGs绩效评价体系与传统医疗服务评价体系相结合,以客观反映医疗绩效水平。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析基于DRGs的入组低风险死亡病例的原因,查找解决方法,减少低风险死亡病例发生率。方法 根据北京地区住院医疗服务绩效评价平台反馈某二级综合医院2016年1月1日-2021年12月31日住院患者DRGs数据,获得19例低风险死亡病例,临床专家与编码专家联合对每份进行督查审核、分析原因。结果 按疾病系统构成情况,骨髓增生疾病和功能障碍,低分化肿瘤占比最高,占42.11%。按入组低风险死亡组原因情况,临床诊疗过程存在问题占低风险死亡病例的57.89%;住院病案首页数据填写错误占低风险死亡病例的36.84%;住院病案分组器数据相关问题占低风险死亡病例的5.26%。结论 临床科室诊疗欠规范和住院病案首页主要诊断的选择错误是出现低风险死亡病例的主要因素。通过对低风险死亡病例的分析,找出临床诊疗或管理过程存在的问题加以改进,从而减少低风险死亡病例入组率,有利于持续改进医疗质量。  相似文献   

李娜  李梁  张祺 《中国病案》2020,(3):15-18
目的研究北京市某医院住院病案首页质量,探讨住院病案首页质量改进对DRGs绩效评价的影响。方法收集北京市某区域医疗中心综合三级医院2017年2月1日-2018年1月31日的住院病案首页数据,应用BJ-DRGs分组软件和Epidata软件收集原始数据,通过对医师书写及编码专业培训,将2017年2月1日-7月31日出院病案做为对照组,2017年8月1日-2018年1月31日出院病案做为研究组,分析2组数据对DRGs绩效评价的影响变化,从医疗服务产出、医疗服务效率、医疗服务质量3个维度进行住院医疗绩效评价。结果通过住院病案首页规范管理培训,住院病案首页在入院诊断、主要诊断、手术操作、其他诊断等几个方面填写的错误率明显下降。其中入院诊断错误率从24.00%下降到9.33%;主要诊断错误率从28.00%下降到10.67%;手术操作错误率从5.67%下降到0;其他诊断错误率从89.33%下降到18.67%;改进前后住院病案首页数据比较,DRGs组数从391增加到423;总权重数从5893.12增加到6238.32;CMI值从0.89提升到0.93;低风险组死亡率由0.20%降低为0;时间效率指数从0.89降低到0.82;费用效率指数从0.98下降到0.96,综合分值从1.32上升到1.36。住院病案首页错误率与综合分值呈负相关,相关系数r=-0.991,回归系数b=-1.602,P<0.05。结论住院病案首页质量的提高在一定程度上影响了DRGs的绩效评价,为了客观的评价DRGs绩效,通过对病案首页主要诊断、手术操作等的质控,提升了住院病案首页的质量,使病案首页数据更能客观地评价DRGs绩效。  相似文献   

北京三所三甲医院循环系统住院病人DRGs分组及质量评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择北京市某三所三级甲等医院2003年度所有住院病例(共67610例),按照美国3M公司的AP-DRGsv18.0(AllPatientDiagnosisRelatedGroupsVersion18.0)分组,主要诊断属于MDC5(即循环系统疾病)的共11133例,并针对其进行分组,分入52个DRG组中。并对其死亡率、住院费用及住院日长短等影响因素进行分析,同时对医疗质量的评价提出建议。  相似文献   

Flaws in mortality data. The hazards of ignoring comorbid disease   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
S Greenfield  H U Aronow  R M Elashoff  D Watanabe 《JAMA》1988,260(15):2253-2255
Recent public releases of hospital mortality data have sparked debate over methods to identify poor-quality care. We examined variations among hospitals in patient characteristics known independently to affect the risk of adverse outcomes and focused on patient comorbidity, defined as the state of health at admission apart from the primary diagnosis. Data from a study of 2935 incident cancer patients treated in seven Southern California hospitals revealed substantial variations among hospitals in age, cancer stage, and the burden of comorbid conditions. In the highest-ranked hospital, 17.9% of patients had high levels of comorbidity, compared with 9.3% in the lowest-ranked hospital. The three hospitals with the highest comorbidity were also identified as high-mortality outliers in a recent California report on hospital mortality rates. We conclude that comorbidity must be considered in any hospital quality assessment method based on patient outcome. If it is not considered, variations in referral and admission patterns may be misinterpreted as differences in hospital quality.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Growing evidence suggests that nurse staffing affects the quality of care in hospitals, but little is known about whether the educational composition of registered nurses (RNs) in hospitals is related to patient outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether the proportion of hospital RNs educated at the baccalaureate level or higher is associated with risk-adjusted mortality and failure to rescue (deaths in surgical patients with serious complications). DESIGN, SETTING, AND POPULATION: Cross-sectional analyses of outcomes data for 232 342 general, orthopedic, and vascular surgery patients discharged from 168 nonfederal adult general Pennsylvania hospitals between April 1, 1998, and November 30, 1999, linked to administrative and survey data providing information on educational composition, staffing, and other characteristics. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Risk-adjusted patient mortality and failure to rescue within 30 days of admission associated with nurse educational level. RESULTS: The proportion of hospital RNs holding a bachelor's degree or higher ranged from 0% to 77% across the hospitals. After adjusting for patient characteristics and hospital structural characteristics (size, teaching status, level of technology), as well as for nurse staffing, nurse experience, and whether the patient's surgeon was board certified, a 10% increase in the proportion of nurses holding a bachelor's degree was associated with a 5% decrease in both the likelihood of patients dying within 30 days of admission and the odds of failure to rescue (odds ratio, 0.95; 95% confidence interval, 0.91-0.99 in both cases). CONCLUSION: In hospitals with higher proportions of nurses educated at the baccalaureate level or higher, surgical patients experienced lower mortality and failure-to-rescue rates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine characteristics and outcomes of patients who did not wait to see a doctor in emergency departments (EDs). DESIGN AND SETTING: Population-based outcome study using probabilistically linked ED and Western Australian death records, with ED records from all seven Perth public hospitals that have EDs from 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2003. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rates of "did not wait" (DNW) presentations, overall and for individual hospitals; characteristics of DNW patients; mortality rates among DNW patients at 2, 7 and 30 days. RESULTS: DNW rates varied from 2.6% to 6.3% (average, 4.1%) and were generally lower in tertiary teaching hospitals. DNW patients had conditions of lower urgency, predominantly Australasian Triage Scale category 4 (67.1%) and 5 (23.4%). The DNW rates in these categories were 5.8% and 10.6%, respectively (P < 0.001). Patients referred by health care providers had lower DNW rates (0.5%; P < 0.001). DNW patients were more frequently male (4.4% v 3.8%; P < 0.001), and young to middle-aged adults (15-44 years; 5.8%; P < 0.001). Patients with a higher than average DNW rate were more likely to arrive by private transport (5.0%; P < 0.001) or with police (5.8%; P < 0.001), re-present for review (8.6%; P < 0.001) or have social or behavioural problems (7.7%; P < 0.001). Most patients (91.9%) did not wait on only one occasion. The 30-day mortality rate among DNW patients was significantly lower than for patients seen by a doctor and discharged (0.14 v 0.20%; P = 0.026), and for all patients seen in the ED (1.28%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who did not wait for medical assessment in Perth EDs had conditions of lower acuity and had lower mortality rates than those who waited for assessment.  相似文献   

单中心胃癌围手术期死亡因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾诊断为胃癌并行手术治疗后于住院期间或手术后<30 d死亡患者36例,同时随机调取胃癌手术后恢复良好并顺利出院且术后生存时间≥30 d的患者共230例,采用二分类非条件Logistic回归分析围手术期死亡主要影响因素。结果显示胃癌围手术期死亡率为0.50%(36/7133)。多因素Logistic回归分析提示年龄、ASA评分、合并呼吸系统疾病及肿瘤分期是导致胃癌围手术期死亡的危险因素。高龄晚期胃癌伴有合并疾病患者围手术期死亡率较高,应完善术前准备,进行术前干预,降低胃癌围手术期死亡率。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Randomized trials have established statin treatment as secondary prevention in coronary artery disease, but it is unclear whether early treatment with statins following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) influences survival. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between statin treatment initiated before or at the time of hospital discharge and 1-year mortality after AMI. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective cohort study using data from the Swedish Register of Cardiac Intensive Care on patients admitted to the coronary care units of 58 Swedish hospitals in 1995-1998. One-year mortality data were obtained from the Swedish National Cause of Death Register. PATIENTS: Patients with first registry-recorded AMI who were younger than 80 years and who were discharged alive from the hospital, including 5528 who received statins at or before discharge and 14 071 who did not. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Relative risk of 1-year mortality according to statin treatment. RESULTS: At 1 year, unadjusted mortality was 9.3% (1307 deaths) in the no-statin group and 4.0% (219 deaths) in the statin treatment group. In regression analysis adjusting for confounding factors and propensity score for statin use, early statin treatment was associated with a reduction in 1-year mortality (relative risk, 0.75; 95% confidence interval, 0.63-0.89; P =.001) in hospital survivors of AMI. This reduction in mortality was similar among all subgroups based on age, sex, baseline characteristics, previous disease manifestations, and medications. CONCLUSIONS: Early initiation of statin treatment in patients with AMI is associated with reduced 1-year mortality. These results emphasize the importance of implementing the results of randomized statin trials in unselected AMI patients.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Issues of cost and quality are gaining importance in the delivery of medical care, and whether quality of care is better in teaching vs nonteaching hospitals is an essential question in this current national debate. OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of hospital teaching status with quality of care and mortality for fee-for-service Medicare patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Analysis of Cooperative Cardiovascular Project data for 114,411 Medicare patients from 4361 hospitals (22,354 patients from 439 major teaching hospitals, 22,493 patients from 455 minor teaching hospitals, and 69,564 patients from 3467 nonteaching hospitals) who had AMI between February 1994 and July 1995. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Administration of reperfusion therapy on admission, aspirin during hospitalization, and beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors at discharge for patients meeting strict inclusion criteria; mortality at 30, 60, and 90 days and 2 years after admission. RESULTS: Among major teaching, minor teaching, and nonteaching hospitals, respectively, administration rates for aspirin were 91.2%, 86.4%, and 81.4% (P<.001); for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 63. 7%, 60.0%, and 58.0% (P<.001); for beta-blockers, 48.8%, 40.3%, and 36.4% (P<.001); and for reperfusion therapy, 55.5%, 58.9%, and 55.2% (P =.29). Differences in unadjusted 30-day, 60-day, 90-day, and 2-year mortality among hospitals were significant at P<.001 for all time periods, with a gradient of increasing mortality from major teaching to minor teaching to nonteaching hospitals. Mortality differences were attenuated by adjustment for patient characteristics and were almost eliminated by additional adjustment for receipt of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of elderly patients with AMI, admission to a teaching hospital was associated with better quality of care based on 3 of 4 quality indicators and lower mortality. JAMA. 2000;284:1256-1262  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantify the morbidity and mortality associated with acute interhospital transfer of critically ill patients requiring intensive care (ICU) services. DESIGN: Three-year (1 July 1996-30 June 1999) retrospective case-control study based on review of patients' medical records. SETTING: Metropolitan hospitals in Melbourne, Victoria. PARTICIPANTS: 73 (of 75) consecutive, critically ill patients from one metropolitan teaching hospital who were transferred to other hospitals because ICU services were not available. OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary endpoints included inhospital mortality and length of stay in ICU and hospital. Secondary endpoints included time from study entry to ICU admission and the change in predicted mortality risk after resuscitation and transfer to ICU (inter- or intrahospital transfer). RESULTS: The Transfer Group experienced a significant delay in admission to ICU (5.0 [4.0-6.0] v 3.0 [2.0-5.5] hours; P=0.001), and a longer stay in ICU (48 [33-111] v 44 [25-78] hours; P=0.04), and hospital (10 [3-14] v 6 [3-13] days; P=0.02). Hospital mortality in the Transfer Group (24.7%) was not statistically different from that in the Control Group (17.8%; P= 0.41; OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 0.68-3.4). CONCLUSION: Acute interhospital transfer is associated with a delay in ICU admission and a longer stay in ICU and hospital, but no statistically significant difference in mortality. A study of over 300 patient transfers would be required to clarify the morbidity and mortality risk of acute interhospital transfer.  相似文献   

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