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Skin forms an excellent barrier against drug permeation, due to the rigid lamellar structure of the stratum corneum (SC) lipids. Poor permeability of drugs can be enhanced through alteration in partition and diffusion coefficients, or concentration gradient of drug with an appropriate choice of solvent system, along with penetration enhancers. The aim of the current investigation was to assess applicability of lipid bilayer alteration by fatty acids and terpenes toward the permeation enhancement of a high-molecular-weight, lipophilic drug, paclitaxel (PCL) through rat skin. From among the fatty acids studied using ethanol/isopropyl myristate (1:1) vehicle, no significant enhancement in flux of PCL was observed (p > 0.05). In the case of cis mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids lag time was found to be similar to control (p > 0.05). This suggests that the permeation of a high-molecular-weight, lipophilic drug may not be enhanced by the alteration of the lipid bilayer, or the main barrier to permeation could lie in lower hydrophilic layers of skin. A significant increase in lag time was observed with trans unsaturated fatty acids unlike the cis isomers, and this was explained on the basis of conformation and preferential partitioning of fatty acids into skin. From among the terpenes, flux of PCL with cineole was significantly different from other studied terpenes and controls, and after treatment with menthol and menthone permeability was found to be reduced. Menthol and menthone cause loosening of the SC lipid bilayer due to breaking of hydrogen bonding between ceramides, resulting in penetration of water into the lipids of the SC lipid bilayer that leads to creation of new aqueous channels and is responsible for increased hydrophilicity of SC. This increased hydrophilicity of the SC bilayer might have resulted in unfavorable conditions for ethanol/isopropyl myristate (1:1) along with PCL to penetrate into skin, therefore permeability was reduced. The findings of this study suggest that the permeation of a high-molecular-weight and lipophilic drug cannot be enhanced through bilayer alteration by penetration enhancers, and alteration in partitioning of drug into skin could be a feasible mode to enhance the permeation of drug.  相似文献   

Purpose: The objective of this study was to determine the availability of the topical drug terbinafine (TBF) in human stratum corneum (SC) in vivo following its administration in formulations containing isopropyl myristate and ethanol. Methods: The ventral forearms of human volunteers were treated for 4 h with TBF, at a concentration equal to 1/4 saturation, in isopropyl myristate (IPM), in ethanol (EtOH) and in 50:50 v/v IPM/EtOH. At the end of the application period, the treated sites were carefully cleaned of excess vehicle and the SC was progressively removed by sequential tape stripping. TBF was quantified in the SC by: (a) extraction of the tape strips and subsequent HPLC analysis; and (b) attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) of each sequentially exposed SC surface during the tape stripping procedure. Results: The concentration profile of TBF in the SC (i.e. drug concentration as a function of depth in the membrane) was fitted to the appropriate solution of Fick's second law of diffusion, allowing thereby the drug's SC/vehicle partition coefficient (K) and characteristic diffusion parameter (D/L(2), where D is the diffusivity of TBF in the SC of thickness L) to be deduced. Conclusions: While D/L(2) for TBF derived from the three vehicles remained essentially constant, the drug's partitioning into the SC was significantly higher from formulations containing ethanol. Both the semi-quantitative infrared data and the more rigorous HPLC results supported these deductions.  相似文献   

Previous studies described several dry powder coating procedures. Most of these techniques used polymer powders and plasticizers for attaining film formation. Thermo analytical methods showed that some of the used plasticizers did not reduce the glass transition temperature of the polymer markedly and consequently did not act as a plasticizer in a typical way. Further studies suggested that these substances were promoting capillary forces between the polymer particles thereby promoting the adhesion of the polymer on the cores and enhancing the coating efficiency. In this study these substances will be called capillary force promoters (CFP). The aims of this study are to evaluate the effectiveness of acetylated monoglyceride, isopropyl myristate and palmitate in terms of coating efficiency enhancement and to shape the idea about the way of action of CFPs in dry coating procedures. One of the main features of a good CFP represents its ability not to be taken up by the polymer but to remain on the polymer’s surface being able to build up interparticle capillary forces. A CFP is further characterised by a good spreadability on the polymer. In this context, the lowering of the glass transition temperature has been found to be a good indicator for the affinity of the CFP to the polymer and its uptake by the polymer, whereas the contact angle between the polymer and the CFP represents a measure of its spreadability.  相似文献   

The mechanism of multidrug resistance (MDR) reversal is not fully understood yet. Interaction of MDR modifiers with lipid bilayer of cell membranes and alterations of fluidity or other biophysical properties of plasma membrane might be an important factor in mechanism of MDR modulation and reversal. In this review we focus on phenothiazines which belong to the group of drugs known to modify MDR in different types of cells, from cancer cells up to various kinds of microorganisms. First, the aggregation properties of phenothiazines and their interactions with lipid bilayers are described. The localization of phenothazine derivative molecules in bilayers and alteration of membrane properties are discussed. Apart from the influence on model bilayers also the interactions of phenothiazines with cellular membranes (especially of erythrocytes) are reviewed. In subsequent sections the anti-MDR activity of phenothiazine derivatives observed in microorganisms and in cancer cells is described. The possible molecular mechanisms involved in MDR reversal by these compounds are presented. The direct interactions of phenothiazines with multidrug transporters and other effects of these modulators on plasma membranes are discussed. Finally, the structural features of phenothiazine derivatives essential for their optimal MDR reversal activity are described.  相似文献   

The design of liposomal delivery systems for hydrophobic drug molecules having improved encapsulation efficiency and enhanced drug retention would be highly desirable. Unfortunately, the poor aqueous solubility and high membrane binding affinity of hydrophobic drugs necessitates extensive validation of experimental methods to determine both liposome loading and permeability and thus the development of a quantitative understanding of the factors governing the encapsulation and retention/release of such compounds has been slow. This report describes an efflux transport method using dynamic dialysis to study the liposomal membrane permeability of hydrophobic compounds. A mathematical model has been developed to calculate liposomal membrane permeability coefficients of hydrophobic compounds from dynamic dialysis experiments and partitioning experiments using equilibrium dialysis. Also reported is a simple method to study the release kinetics of liposome encapsulated camptothecin lactone in plasma by comparing the hydrolysis kinetics of liposome entrapped versus free drug. DB-67, a novel hydrophobic camptothecin analogue has been used as a model permeant to validate these methods. Theoretical estimates of DB-67 permeability obtained from the bulk solubility diffusion model and the "barrier-domain" solubility diffusion model are compared to the experimentally observed value. The use of dynamic dialysis in drug release studies of liposome and other nanoparticle formulations is further discussed and experimental artifacts that can arise without adequate validation are illustrated through simulations.  相似文献   

The management of the central nervous system(CNS)disorders is challenging,due to the need of drugs to cross the blood-brain barrier(BBB)and reach the brain.Amon...  相似文献   

The currently existing treatment modalities of cancer suffer from a major drawback of systemic toxicity, which results from high systemic drug exposure. Delivery of chemotherapeutic agents by delivery systems that alleviate systemic side effects but at the same time provide therapeutic advantage by controlling tumor growth exists as a viable option. To achieve this objective, a thermo reversible poloxamer gel containing paclitaxel incorporated in liposomes was formulated at three dose loadings. These paclitaxel loaded formations were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) in Sprague Dawley rats. Blood samples collected at various time points were used in the determination of drug concentration as well as white blood cell and neutrophil counts for the estimation of systemic toxicity of the formulation. Absorption of paclitaxel after s.c. injection occurred slowly with prominence of absorption phase in plasma profile, suggesting presence of flip-flop pharmacokinetics. In spite of increase in dose of paclitaxel administered, no statistically significant increase in plasma levels and pharmacokinetic parameters occurred. Further, no significant increase in hematological toxicity was observed with increased drug exposure to animals. These results show that liposomal poloxamer gels reduce systemic toxicity of paclitaxel even at high doses; and thus, can serve as an effective delivery system for alleviating body burden of this toxic chemotherapeutic agent.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to prepare diclofenac sodium (DNa) solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) by a modified emulsion/solvent evaporation method for transdermal delivery. Five independent processing parameters including the lipid matrix, emulsifiers, co-emulsifiers, water-dispersed phase and organic phase were assessed systematically to enhance the entrapment of DNa. The SLNs produced by optimal formulation were submicrometre size with low polydispersity index, the entrapment efficiency was about 89% and the drug loading was about 9.5%. Shape and surface morphology were determined by transmission electron microscopy, which revealed the fairly spherical and core-shell shapes of the SLNs. The in vitro release of SLNs showed a two-step release pattern: one initial burst release followed by a second slow-release phase. In the in vitro cutaneous permeation studies, value of flux obtained for DNa solution was higher than that of SLNs suspension. SLNs had also been shown to improve the dermal localization of DNa.  相似文献   

The effects of water and ethanol vehicles on stratum corneum and silastic membrane partitioning of 11 industrial and agricultural compounds were studied to aid in characterizing and assessing risk from skin exposure. Zero percent, 50% and 100% aqueous ethanol solutions were used as solvents for (14)C labeled phenol, 4-nitrophenol, pentachlorophenol, dimethyl parathion, parathion, chloropyrifos, fenthion, triazine, atrazine, simazine and propazine. Compound partitioning between the solvents and porcine stratum corneum/silastic membrane were estimated. Stratum corneum was exposed to aqueous ethanol ranging from 0% to 100% v/v ethanol in 20% increments and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used to obtain an index of lipid disorder. Gravimetry and FT-IR were used to demonstrate lipid extraction in aqueous ethanol solutions. Partitioning patterns in silastic membranes resembled those in stratum corneum and were correlated with octanol/water partitioning. Partitioning was highest in water and was higher from 50% ethanol than from 100% ethanol, except for parathion, 4-nitrophenol, atrazine and propazine. Correlation existed between molecular weight and partitioning in water, but not in ethanol and ethanol/water mixtures. Lipid order, as reflected in FT-IR spectra, was not altered. These studies suggest that stratum corneum partitioning of the compounds tested is primarily determined by relative compound solubility between the stratum corneum lipids and the donor solvent. Linear relationships existed between octanol/water partitioning and stratum corneum partitioning. Partitioning was also correlated with molecular weight in water solvent systems, but not in ethanol and ethanol/water mixtures. Ethanol and ethanol/water mixtures altered the stratum corneum through lipid extraction, rather than through disruption of lipid order.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to improve the therapeutic potential of a paclitaxel (PTX) and curcumin (CU) combination regimen using solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs). PTX and CU were successfully co-encapsulated at a predetermined ratio in SLNs (PC-SLNs) with high encapsulation efficiency (CU: 97.6%, PTX: 95.8%), appropriate particle size (121.8 ± 1.69 nm), small PDI (0.267 ± 0.023), and negative zeta potential (–30.4 ± 1.25 mV). Compared with PTX or the combination of CU and PTX (CU + PTX), PC-SLNs can greatly reduce the dose of PTX while still achieving the same therapeutic effect on four cancer cell lines, among which the inhibitory effect on A549 lung cancer cells was the strongest. PC-SLNs improved the area under the curve (CU: 1.40-fold; PTX: 2.88-fold), prolonged the residence time (CU: 6.94-fold; PTX: 2.51-fold), and increased the half-life (CU: 5.62-fold; PTX: 6.46-fold), achieving long circulation. PC-SLNs were used to treat lung cancer in a nude mouse xenograft tumor model and the tumor suppression rate reached 78.42%, while those of PTX and (CU + PTX) were 40.53% and 51.56%, respectively. As PC-SLNs can prevent P-glycoprotein efflux, reverse MDR and downregulate the NF-κB pathway. PC-SLNs are a potential antineoplastic agent that is more effective and less toxic in treating lung cancer.  相似文献   

Topical application of lutein as an innovative antioxidant, anti-stress and blue light filter, which is able to protect skin from photo damage, has got a special cosmetic and pharmaceutical interest in the last decade. Lutein is poorly soluble, and was therefore incorporated into nanocarriers for dermal delivery: solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) and a nanoemulsion (NE). Nanocarriers were produced by high pressure homogenization. The mean particle size was in the range of about 150 nm to maximum 350 nm, it decreased with increasing oil content of the carriers. The zeta potential in water was in the range -40 to -63 mV, being in agreement with the good short term stability at room temperature monitored for one month. In vitro release was studied using a membrane free model. Highest release in 24h was observed for the nanoemulsion (19.5%), lowest release (0.4%) for the SLN. Release profiles were biphasic (lipid nanoparticles) or triphasic (NE). In vitro penetration study with a cellulose membrane showed in agreement highest values for the NE (60% in 24h), distinctly lower values for the solid nanocarriers SLN and NLC (8-19%), lowest values for lutein powder (5%). Permeation studies with fresh pig ear skin showed that no (SLN, NLC) or very little lutein (0.4% after 24h) permeated, that means the active remains in the skin and is not systemically absorbed. The nanocarriers were able to protect lutein against UV degradation. In SLN, only 0.06% degradation was observed after irradiation with 10 MED (Minimal Erythema Dose), in NLC 6-8%, compared to 14% in the NE, and to 50% as lutein powder suspended in corn oil. Based on size, stability and release/permeation data, and considering the chemical protection of the lutein prior to its absorption into the skin, the lipid nanoparticles are potential dermal nanocarriers for lutein.  相似文献   

The management of the central nervous system (CNS) disorders is challenging, due to the need of drugs to cross the blood‒brain barrier (BBB) and reach the brain. Among the various strategies that have been studied to circumvent this challenge, the use of the intranasal route to transport drugs from the nose directly to the brain has been showing promising results. In addition, the encapsulation of the drugs in lipid-based nanocarriers, such as solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) or nanoemulsions (NEs), can improve nose-to-brain transport by increasing the bioavailability and site-specific delivery. This review provides the state-of-the-art of in vivo studies with lipid-based nanocarriers (SLNs, NLCs and NEs) for nose-to-brain delivery. Based on the literature available from the past two years, we present an insight into the different mechanisms that drugs can follow to reach the brain after intranasal administration. The results of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics studies are reported and a critical analysis of the differences between the anatomy of the nasal cavity of the different animal species used in in vivo studies is carried out. Although the exact mechanism of drug transport from the nose to the brain is not fully understood and its effectiveness in humans is unclear, it appears that the intranasal route together with the use of NLCs, SLNs or NEs is advantageous for targeting drugs to the brain. These systems have been shown to be more effective for nose-to-brain delivery than other routes or formulations with non-encapsulated drugs, so they are expected to be approved by regulatory authorities in the coming years.KEY WORDS: Nose-to-brain delivery, Intranasal administration, Nanostructured lipid carriers, NLC, Solid lipid nanoparticles, SLN, Nanoemulsions, In vivo studies, Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamics  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study the effect of temperature on the permeation of imipramine hydrochloride (IMH) across rat skin from two different vehicles. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterize the phase transitions of rat epidermis and extracted rat SC lipids, and the transition temperatures were correlated with the permeability of IMH at different temperatures. Permeability of IMH from ethanol and propylene glycol (PG) was determined at five different temperatures and observed that a significant increase in IMH permeability occurred 45 degrees C from both the vehicles. Further, high energies of activation for rat skin permeation suggested that IMH diffuses across intercellular lipid matrix and therefore any change in the packing of SC lipids will have an effect on IMH permeation. Three endotherms T(1), T(2) and T(3) of rat epidermis were observed in DSC thermograms at 44, 53 and 64 degrees C and were assigned as transitions corresponding to orthorhombic to hexagonal, hexagonal to more disordered phase and melting of lipids with high cholesterol content, respectively. The high permeability values of IMH above 45 degrees C were therefore reasoned to be because of orthorhombic to hexagonal phase transition in rat skin from close to that temperature.  相似文献   

Solubility and permeability being important determinants of oral drug absorption, this study was aimed to investigate the effect of d--tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) on the solubility and intestinal permeability of paclitaxel in vitro, in situ and in vivo, in order to estimate the absorption enhancement ability of TPGS. Aqueous solubility of paclitaxel is significantly enhanced by TPGS, where a linear increase was demonstrated above a TPGS concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. Paclitaxel demonstrated asymmetric transport across rat ileum with significantly greater (26-fold) basolateral-to-apical (B–A) permeability than that in apical-to-basolateral (A–B) direction. Presence of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor, verapamil (200 μM), diminished asymmetric transport of paclitaxel suggesting the role of P-gp-mediated efflux. TPGS showed a concentration-dependent increase in A–B permeability and decreased B–A permeability. The maximum efflux inhibition activity was found at a minimum TPGS concentration of 0.1 mg/ml, however, further increase in TPGS concentration resulted in decreased A–B permeability with no change in B–A permeability. Thus, the maximum paclitaxel permeability attained with 0.1 mg/ml TPGS was attributed to the interplay between TPGS concentration dependent P-gp inhibition activity and miceller formation. In situ permeability studies in rats also demonstrated the role of efflux in limiting permeability of paclitaxel and inhibitory efficiency of TPGS. The plasma concentration of [14C]paclitaxel following oral administration (25 mg/kg) was significantly increased by coadministration of TPGS at a dose of 50 mg/kg in rats. Bioavailability is enhanced about 4.2- and 6.3-fold when [14C]paclitaxel was administrated with verapamil (25 mg/kg) and TPGS, respectively, as compared to [14C]paclitaxel administered alone. The effect of verapamil on oral bioavailability of [14C]paclitaxel was limited relative to the TPGS, consistent with the in vitro solubility and permeability enhancement ability of TPGS. In conclusion, the current data suggests that the coadministration of TPGS may improve the bioavailability of BCS class II–IV drugs with low solubility and/or less permeable as a result of significant P-gp-mediated efflux.  相似文献   

This study describes the preparation, characterisation and in vitro activity of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) encapsulating natural molecules with antimicrobial activity, such as plumbagin, hydroquinon, eugenol, alpha-asarone and alpha-tocopherol. NLCs were prepared by melt and ultrasonication method, characterised by Cryo-TEM for morphology and SdFFF for dimensional distribution and active encapsulation yields. In vitro tests were conducted on bacteria, fungi and human cell cultures. In vitro tests demonstrated that plumbagin is strongly toxic towards F. oxysporum especially when active molecules are loaded on NLC. Plumbagin was completely non toxic on cyanobacterial model strain up to a threshold over which cell viability was completely lost. NLC loaded with active molecules showed a lower toxicity as compared to their free form on human cultured cells. Although further studies need to be performed, these systems can be potentially proposed to control phytopathogenic organisms.  相似文献   

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