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Seeking informed consent from patients in the acute phase of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) poses an ethical challenge due to the fact that these patients are under stress and require urgent medical attention. The very procedure of informed consent, which is supposed to protect eligible patients, may in fact cause harm due to a potential delay in the provision of therapy. Whether or not informed consent can and should be obtained under these particular circumstances is far from evident. Patients participating in various large-scale AMI trials have been enrolled with, as well as without, informed consent in recent years. Little is known, however, about how patients experience the informed consent process in the emergency situation of an AMI. This paper reports the results from qualitative interviews with 32 patients, who had to decide whether or not to participate in a large multi-centre clinical trial in Denmark. We analyse to what extent patients found the informed consent process acceptable as well as how various factors influenced their experience of the consent process. We argue that it is morally sound to involve those patients in a brief and concise informed consent process and that consent should be sought in such trials. Finally, we discuss how future AMI trials may nonetheless be improved by accommodating some of the concerns of the patients.  相似文献   

A review is provided in this paper on the empirical literature on informed consent from 1979 to 1995 referring to information disclosure and trial participation in clinical trials. Articles being reviewed focus upon information disclosure, reactions to disclosure and recall, features of consent and perceptions of informed consent, both in hypothetical and in real life situations. It is concluded that further research is needed to study the process of informed consent in clinical trials, to obtain a better insight into the myth and reality of informed consent in daily practice. Future studies should come forward on the limitations of previous empirical research on informed consent. Additional research should focus on the perspectives of patients who accept or decline trial participation.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to (a) discuss the troubled history of informed consent for research on women and its ramifications for women's participation in clinical trials; (b) interrogate current informed consent practices as to their accountability and justice in the treatment of women; and (c) recommend to nurse researchers and clinical nurses ways of improving the practice of informed consent in research with women.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to (a) discuss the troubled history of informed consent for research on women and its ramifications for women's participation in clinical trials; (b) interrogate current informed consent practices as to their accountability and justice in the treatment of women; and (c) recommend to nurse researchers and clinical nurses ways of improving the practice of informed consent in research with women.  相似文献   

If clinicians deem a treatment medically futile, is it appropriate to mention such a treatment to patients? Do healthcare professionals violate informed consent if they do not offer patients an opportunity to decline futile treatments? The notion of futility involves an assessment of patient best interest--both short-term and long-term therapeutic benefit for a patient and the community in which he or she intends to survive and flourish. Although survival interests may be construed as long term, a treatment that offers survival without any promise of flourishing is not the goal of medicine and is futile. Flourishing requires some cognitive and affective function. The goal of informed consent practices is to ensure that patients accept the benefits of treatment with cognizance of the burdens and risks. Given the impact of illness on the emotional and psychological states of patients and their families and their resultant vulnerability, the omission of futile options from treatment plans is logical and exemplifies the best of paternalistic behavior. The claim that requests for futile treatment must be honored is based on a perverse understanding of patient autonomy. Rational medicine demands that patients' requests be reasonable from a clinical perspective, as well as from a subjective one. The practice of informed consent can be implemented as a balance between these two interests.  相似文献   

随着临床试验在国内日渐频繁,知情同意权作为受试者的一项权利已经得到普遍认同,现在医患双方都比较注重诊疗实践中一般的知情同意,而对临床试验中受试者这一特殊群体的"知情同意"没有引起足够的重视,导致在实践中这项权利常被侵犯,为医疗纠纷埋下了隐患。医院作为临床试验的必经场所,理应肩负起保护受试者权益的重任,文章从医院管理着手通过分析目前受试者知情同意权的保护现状进而探讨保护措施。  相似文献   

The global spread of clinical trials activity is accompanied by a parallel growth in research governance and human subject protection. In this paper we analyse how dominant ideas of the 'human subject' in clinical trials are played out in countries that are deemed to be scientifically under-developed. Specifically, we show how rhetorics of individualism, rationality and autonomy implicit in international ethical guidelines governing human subject research are operationalised and localised. We give insights into the ways in which new knowledge forms become embedded in practice. Using the recent upsurge in clinical trials in Sri Lanka as a case study, based on interviews with 23 doctors and researchers carried out during ethnographic fieldwork between 2008-2009, this article explores the tensions that arise for doctors involved with the promotion of bioethics and the attempts to bring local research governance up to international standards. The doctors and researchers intercept, interpret and critique the notions of human subject implicit in new forms of research governance. From their accounts we have identified two concerns. The first is a critique of dominant ideas of the 'human subject' that is informed by ideas of patiency rooted in paternalistic notions of the doctor-patient relationship. Second, 'human subjects' are seen as gendered, and located within family relationships. Both of these bring into question the research subjects' ability to give informed consent and compromise the ideal of an autonomous subject.  相似文献   

Objectives: Pragmatic trials evaluate the comparative benefits, risks, and burdens of health care interventions in real-world conditions. Such studies are now recognized as valuable to the perimarketing stage of drug development and evaluation, with early pragmatic trials (EPTs) being explored as a means to generate real-world evidence at the time of regulatory market approval. In this article, we present an analysis of the ethical issues involved in informed consent for EPTs, in light of the generally recognized concern that traditional ethical rules governing randomized clinical trials, such as lengthy informed consent procedures, could threaten the “real world” nature of such trials. Specifically, we examine to what extent modifications (waivers or alterations) to regulatory consent for EPTs would be ethical. Methods: We first identify broadly accepted necessary conditions for modifications of informed consent (namely, the research involves no more than minimal risk of harm, the research is impracticable with regulatory consent, and the alternative to regulatory consent does not violate legitimate patient expectations) and then apply those criteria to the premarket and early postmarket contexts. Results and Conclusions: The analysis shows that neither waivers nor alterations of regulatory consent for premarket EPTs will be ethically permissible. For postmarket EPTs with newly approved interventions, waivers of consent will be ethically problematic, but some studies might be conducted in an ethical manner with alterations to regulatory consent.  相似文献   

An ethnographic field study about informed consent in hepatitis C clinical trials provides insight into how changes in protocol requirements and patient health status triggered the actions and decisions of researchers and human subjects during the conduct of these trials. U.S. federal guidelines recommend that informed consent should be conceptualized as more than a one-time event. Rather, a process of continuing consent should be the standard but little is understood about how exactly this process should unfold. We used a proposed typology of continuing consent to frame our analysis and were able to document that only some of the proposed types took place at the site of our study. The most frequent practice involved the researchers' re-consent of their subjects for major protocol revisions. Only one subject dissented and chose to withdraw even though he was technically eligible to continue in the study. Two other types of continuing consent were not observed. We discovered an additional type of continuing consent not described in the typology whereby subjects gave implied consent through their cooperation and adherence to the on-going requirements of the protocols. Implications for the informed consent process and the need for further research are presented.  相似文献   

This article addresses the ethical requirements to be considered when conducting clinical trials involving human subjects whose mental condition limits their ability to understand the information and to express fully autonomous and informed consent. It does not address other categories of vulnerable persons, such as children, or advanced directives concerning end-of-life care. There are many ethical issues entailed in clinical trials involving subjects with mental disabilities: how to obtain informed consent, balancing risks and benefits, balancing individual benefits with collective scientific and social interests, legal representation and many more. This article focuses on the issues surrounding the concept of minimal risk and the relationship between informed consent and risk. These issues are addressed with particular emphasis on the regulations adopted by the European Union and the federal government of the United States of America. The conclusion proposes a list of working criteria.  相似文献   

The problem of experimentation involving subjects whose mental condition prevents them from understanding information and providing proper informed consent has been addressed in various codes, declarations, conventions, treaties and regulations adopted by national, international and supranational institutions and authorities. This article summarizes the basic ethical criteria these documents provide and stresses the historical development from the nearly total exclusion of incapacitated subjects, established in the mid-twentieth century, to their contemporary inclusion in clinical trials on certain ethical conditions. The problem of proxy consent by legal representatives for participation in clinical trials is addressed particularly in reference to current Italian regulations. Exceptions to human experimentation requirements in emergency situations are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the factors that may influence a patient's consent to participate in a clinical trial. DESIGN: Systematic literature survey. METHOD: Studies on the characteristics of patients, trials, the physicians requesting informed consent and the informed consent procedures were looked for in Medline, Embase, and Cinahl. Articles published in English, German, Dutch or French in the period 1980-2002 and originating in Europe, the United States, Canada, New Zealand or Australia were included. Studies on non-adults, healthy experimental subjects or less than 30 patients were excluded. RESULTS: Thirty suitable studies were retrieved. Factors that may affect the granting of consent to participate in a clinical trial included: uncertainty of the patient, randomisation and the use of a placebo, the relationship between the person asking for informed consent and the patient, and the dissemination of information during the informed consent procedure. Since these factors are often interrelated, no single factor could be identified as decisive for participation in a clinical trial; they can influence the decision of the patient to participate in a trial in either a positive or a negative direction. CONCLUSION: Optimalization of the information concerning informed consent, the way the information is provided and the attitude of the person requesting informed consent are important and sometimes decisive factors that may determine the participation process.  相似文献   

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) represent the gold standard methodology for determining effectiveness of healthcare interventions. Poor recruitment to RCTs can threaten external validity and waste resources. An inherent tension exists between safeguarding informed decision-making by participants and maximising numbers enrolled. This study investigated what occurs during informed consent appointments in an ongoing multi-centre RCT in the UK. Objectives were to investigate: 1] how study staff presented study information to participants; 2] what evidence emerged as to how well-informed participants were when proceeding to randomisation or treatment selection; and 3] what aspects of the communication process may facilitate improvements in providing evidence of informed consent. Qualitative analysis of a purposive sample of 23 recruitment appointments from three study centres and involving several recruitment staff applied techniques of thematic, content and conversation analysis (CA). Thematic analysis and CA revealed variation in appointment content and structure. Appointments were mostly recruiter-led or participant-led, and this structure was associated with what evidence emerged as to how participants understood information provided and whether they were in equipoise. Participant-led appointments provided this evidence more consistently. Detailed CA identified communication techniques which, when employed by recruiters, provided evidence as to how participants understood the choices before them. Strategic use of open questions, pauses and ceding the floor in the interaction facilitated detailed and systematic exploration of each participant's concerns and position regarding equipoise. We conclude that the current focus on content to be provided to achieve informed consent should be broadened to encompass consideration of how information is best conveyed to potential participants. A model of tailored information provision using the communication techniques identified and centred on eliciting and addressing participants' concerns is proposed. Use of these techniques is necessary to make potential participants' understanding of key issues and their position regarding equipoise explicit in order to facilitate truly informed consent.  相似文献   

A patient's informed consent is required by the Nuremberg code, and its successors, before she can be entered into a clinical trial. However, concern has been expressed by both patients and professionals about the beneficial or detrimental effect on the patient of asking for her consent. We examine advantages and drawbacks of popular variations on consent, which might reduce the stress on patients at the point of illness. Both informed and uninformed responses to particular trials, and trials in general, are discussed. The selection by doctors of patients, to whom entry to trials will be offered, is explored.Alternative forms of consent require restrictions on patients' knowledge, personal responsibility and freedom of choice.  相似文献   

目的通过对某医院伦理委员会近3年206项临床研究伦理审查情况分析,了解医院伦理审查的一般通过率和常见问题。方法查阅伦理会纪录,归类整理并使用ridit的CMH方法和Bootstrap方法统计分析。结果药物试验通过率为36.09%,器械为18.42%,课题为14.29%。在伦理审查发现的问题方面,知情同意占63.59%,方案占14.56%,CRF占7.77%,其他占22.82%;国内申办者的问题明显多于国外申办者。药物伦理审查通过率逐年降低,分别是2006年45.83%、2007年38.78%、2008年19.440A,2008年与2006年相比有统计学上的差异,P=0.029。在药物临床试验中修订项目审查国外明显高于国内,P=0.028。结论医院伦理会对临床研究伦理审查十分必要,审查中尤其要关注知情同意书和研究方案等。  相似文献   

Individual informed consent is a key ethical obligation for clinical studies, but empirical studies show that key requirements are often not met. Common recommendations to strengthen consent in low income settings include seeking permission from community members through existing structures before approaching individuals, considering informed consent as a process rather than a single event, and assessing participant understanding using questionnaires. In this paper, we report on a qualitative study exploring community understanding and perceptions of a malaria vaccine trial (MVT) conducted in a rural setting on the Kenyan Coast. The MVT incorporated all of the above recommendations into its information-giving processes. The findings support the importance of community level information-giving and of giving information on several different occasions before seeking final individual consent. However, an emerging issue was that inter-personal interactions and relationships between researchers and community members, and within the community, play a critical role in participants' perceptions of a study, their decisions to consent or withdraw, and their advice to researchers on study practicalities and information to feedback at the end of the trial. These relationships are based on and continually tested by information-giving processes, and by context specific concerns and interests that can be difficult to predict and are well beyond the timescale and reach of single research activities. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that the current move towards increasingly ambitious and stringent formal standards for information-giving to individuals be counter-balanced with greater attention to the diverse social relationships that are essential to the successful application of these procedures. This may be assisted by emphasising respecting communities as well as persons, and by recognising that current guidelines and regulations may be an inadequate response to the complex, often unpredictable and ever shifting ethical dilemmas facing research teams working 'in the field'.  相似文献   

In this paper several issues are examined that arise from conducting randomized clinical trials in a family practice setting. The distinctive research tradition in family practice involves a patient's primary care physician performing an experimental investigation that usually, though not invariably, is focused on common health problems. Representative clinical trials are presented as examples that illustrate two ethical difficulties evoked by such research: a potential violation of the primary care physician's therapeutic imperative to provide the best possible treatment for his or her patient, and the likelihood that the type of physician-patient relationship fostered in family practice significantly diminishes the capacity of the patient to give true informed consent. In an attempt to resolve these ethical difficulties, a model of moral reasoning is presented that is based on easily understood ethical principles and is applicable to actual clinical decision making. Using that model, a tentative set of rules or guidelines is offered for implementing clinical trials in family medicine.  相似文献   

目的通过对某医院伦理委员会近3年206项临床研究伦理审查情况分析,了解医院伦理审查的一般通过率和常见问题.方法查阅伦理会纪录,归类整理并使用ridit的CMH方法和Bootstrap方法统计分析.结果药物试验通过率为36.09%,器械为1 8.42%,课题为14.29%.在伦理审查发现的问题方面,知情同意占63.59%,方案占14.56%,CRF占7.77%,其他占22.82%;国内申办者的问题明显多于国外申办者.药物伦理审查通过率逐年降低,分别是2006年45.83%、2007年38.78%、2008年19.44%,2008年与2006年相比有统计学上的差异,P=0.029.在药物临床试验中修订项目审查国外明显高于国内,P=0.028.结论医院伦理会对临床研究伦理审查十分必要,审查中尤其要关注知情同意书和研究方案等.  相似文献   

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