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Over a 7-month period, from a total of 417 transrectal ultrasound (US) studies, 45 transperineal biopsies of the prostate were performed in the radiology department. Transrectal US guidance and local anesthesia were used. Twenty-two of 32 hypoechoic lesions, located within the peripheral zone tissue of the gland, were proved by histologic study to be cancerous. Hyperechoic lesions were all histologically benign hyperplasias. The patients experienced no major complications necessitating hospitalization or increased length of hospital stay as a result of the procedure.  相似文献   

Prostatic evaluation by transrectal endosonography: detection of carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transrectal endosonography is one of the most sensitive techniques to evaluate prostatic disease and is far more accurate than conventional sonography. A retrospective review of sonographic characteristics of the prostate was made in an attempt to define the ability of the technique to distinguish benign from malignant disease. Analysis included evaluation of the capsule (smoothness, regularity, and/or invasion), abnormal foci (echogenicity, margination, brightness, thickness, and symmetry), and presence of acoustic shadowing and/or enhancement from the abnormal foci. Evaluation of 443 pathologically proved cases (the majority being large lesions) showed that differentiation between benign and large and/or invasive malignant disease may be suggested by results of transrectal endosonography. However, there is still great overlap of the sonographic appearances.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight patients with prostatic carcinoma who underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and subsequent radical prostatectomy were studied. The resected prostates were sectioned axially, and the whole-mount prostatic specimen was compared with the corresponding MR images. The carcinoma could be identified in 20 cases (71%), but the tumor volume was underestimated in 12 patients (43%). In 19 of 20 visualized cases (95%), the carcinoma was seen as an area of low signal intensity within the peripheral zone on T2-weighted images. However, in one case the signal intensity of the carcinoma was higher than that of the remainder of the peripheral zone. All carcinomas were located within the peripheral zone. The accuracy of MR imaging in the prediction of extraglandular tumor spread was 82%, with a sensitivity of 37.5% and a specificity of 100%. Nineteen patients (67%) exhibited histologically benign hyperplasia, which could be identified on MR images in 10 cases (53%). The signal intensities of the nodules varied. All areas of benign hyperplasia were located within the central zone. The location of the pathologic changes must therefore be considered in differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

前列腺癌和增生的MRI与病理对照研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 研究前列腺癌不同MRI表现的病理基础,以提高MRI对前列腺癌和增生诊断的准确性。方法 观察经病理证实的43例前列腺癌和40例增生患者的前列腺形态及信号改变,并加以比较,前列腺癌组中17例取前列腺左右两侧外周区上中下、左右移行区上下共10点进行穿刺,对穿刺组织分别进行病理检查,同时计算癌变组织占总穿刺体积的百分比,并与其MRI进行对比。结果 前列腺癌形态规则31例,不规则12例,增生组分别为3  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-five patients with biopsy proved clinical stage A or B prostatic carcinoma were evaluated with biplane transrectal ultrasonography (US) prior to radical prostatectomy. Sonograms were evaluated for capsular transgression of the tumor into the posterior and posterolateral aspects of the glands as manifested by local contour deformity and irregularity or interruption of the periprostatic fat echoes. Correlation of the findings at US with the findings at pathologic examination of the step sections was obtained, and the presence and depth of capsular penetration were assessed. Of the 250 halves or hemispheres of the prostate gland that were evaluated, capsular penetration was seen at pathologic examination in 86. US enabled correct identification of pericapsular tumor spread in 59 of the 86 hemispheres but did not depict pericapsular tumor spread in 27 hemispheres. Absence of pericapsular tumor spread was verified at pathologic examination in 149 of the 164 hemispheres that either did not have tumor or did not show pericapsular tumor spread. Pericapsular tumor spread was incorrectly diagnosed in 15 hemispheres. A positive US diagnosis of pericapsular tumor spread correlated moderately well with the depth of penetration demonstrated at pathologic examination. Transrectal US is an effective noninvasive procedure that demonstrates the presence of prostatic cancer.  相似文献   

High-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of 24 fresh radical prostatectomy specimens was performed on an experimental 1.9-T system. Direct correlation between the findings in 7-micron-thick macrosections and their corresponding MR images was possible. Fourteen patients had macroscopic evidence of cancer. In all 14 cases, the carcinoma nodules appeared as areas of low signal intensity on images obtained with a repetition time of 2,500 msec and an echo time of 80 msec. Ten of 14 nodules had well-defined margins and consisted of densely packed glandular elements, which displaced the surrounding normal glandular material of higher signal intensity. Ten specimens displayed benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The MR characteristics of this entity were quite variable but relatively predictable, depending on the distribution and size of the glandular elements, as well as the composition of the surrounding stroma. In BPH, the changes began in the central portion of the gland. The areas of highest signal intensity corresponded to dilated glandular elements (cystic ectasia), while the areas of lowest signal intensity corresponded to collagen (scar) and fibromuscular stroma. Nodules of mixed glandular BPH and fibromuscular BPH were found to have signal intensities similar to those of well-differentiated nodules of prostatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Transvaginal sonography (TVS) is the procedure of choice in evaluating the viability of embryos early in pregnancy. However, viability based on TVS can be assessed more accurately when the exact gestational age from the last menstrual period is known or when the findings are correlated with beta human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels. No large series has been reported with correlative data between early pregnancy findings, HCG, and gestational age. We performed 75 transvaginal examinations in 53 patients with proved normal pregnancy in the fifth through seventh weeks of gestation. The presence and size of the gestational sac, presence of a yolk sac, and identification of embryonic heart activity were correlated with the level of HCG. Sac size was correlated with yolk sac and heart activity and the three parameters correlated with gestational age in days. When the level of HCG reached 1000 mIU/ml by using the first International Reference Preparation, a gestational sac was seen sonographically in each patient. When the HCG level reached 7200 mIU/ml, a yolk sac was seen in every patient. Ten of 22 patients with HCG between 1000 and 7200 mIU/ml had a visible yolk sac. Every patient with an HCG level greater than 10,800 mIU/ml had a visible embryo with a heartbeat. A discriminatory level of 32 days was found for the presence of a gestational sac. A yolk sac was first seen in every patient between 36 and 40 days. Every patient with accurate dates greater than 40 days had an embryo with a heartbeat identified. When correlating sac size with structures within the sac, a yolk sac was first seen in a gestational sac between 6 and 9 mm and a heartbeat seen in every patient with a 9-mm or greater gestational sac diameter. These data allow identification of normal intrauterine pregnancy and distinction of normal from ectopic gestation at least 1 week earlier than is possible with transabdominal techniques.  相似文献   

A case of staphylococcal seminal vesicle abscess after vasectomy was diagnosed by transrectal CT (computed axial tomography) and sonography. The patient was a 43-year old man who was transferred to Massachusetts General Hospital after being treated unsuccessfully at another hospital with gentamicin and carbenicillin for a pelvic infection. He had developed fever, hematuria, dysuria and purulent drainage from the scrotal incision site 3 weeks after vasectomy. A CT scan done at the previous institution showed a mass in the prostatic region. On admission a transrectal linear array sonogram delineated a 5 cm lesion in a enlarged left seminal vesicle. The lesion was drained of purulent material by transurethral endoscopy. Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from the exudate. A follow-up transrectal sonogram 2 months later was normal. Seminal vesicle infections are very rare, except when associated with prostatitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The likelihood that carotid plaque will give rise to cerebral ischemia probably relates to the degree of arterial stenosis and to plaque morphology. The aim of this study was to assess whether features seen at CT angiography might be used to predict carotid plaque stability by comparing CT angiograms with histopathologic examinations of the carotid artery bifurcation. METHODS: Nine patients with symptomatic severe carotid stenosis at intraarterial angiography had CT angiography of the carotid bifurcation before carotid endarterectomy. After endarterectomy, multiple sections of the specimens through the carotid bifurcation were examined histologically. Plaque characteristics recorded included the proportion of necrotic/lipid core, presence of hemorrhage, extent of fibrosis, ulceration, calcification, inflammatory cell infiltrate, and fibrous cap thickness. Corresponding CT angiograms were assessed for plaque size, distribution, and radiodensity as well as presence of calcific density and ulceration. Histologic findings and CT angiograms were compared. RESULTS: Plaque with a large necrotic/lipid core, which was often hemorrhagic, was found in 16 of 23 sections, and in 15 of these this histologic appearance corresponded with patchy or homogeneous low density on CT angiograms. Six of seven predominantly fibrous plaques were of soft-tissue density on CT angiograms. High density consistent with calcification was seen more frequently on CT angiograms than it was detected histologically, but CT angiography depicted plaque ulceration poorly (four ulcers at histology; two false-positive and two false-negative findings at CT angiography). CONCLUSION: CT angiography is a promising method for assessing the lumen and wall of the carotid artery. The apparent correlation between histologic appearance and plaque density on CT angiograms has important implications for the prediction of plaque stability, even though ulceration is shown inconsistently.  相似文献   

Twenty patients with non-small cell bronchogenic carcinoma were prospectively studied for intrathoracic lymphadenopathy using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The CT and MRI results were correlated with the surgical histopathology results of 103 harvested lymph nodes. Based on node dimension (utilizing a 1-cm cutoff value), neither imaging modality was accurate in predicting the histopathology of the nodes. CT had a sensitivity of 21%, specificity of 95%, and an overall accuracy of 85%; MRI had a sensitivity of 14%, specificity of 97%, and an overall accuracy of 85%. Moreover, CT and MRI detected preoperatively only 17% and 14%, respectively, of the harvested nodes. In summary, lymph node sizes measured by CT and MRI are inaccurate in predicting the benignity or malignancy of lymph nodes. Lymphadenopathy can be present even with a "negative" CT or MRI scan of the thorax.  相似文献   

Distal ureteral calculi: diagnosis by transrectal sonography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight patients were studied by both transrectal sonography and excretory urography for the presence of distal ureteral calculi. The sonographic diagnosis was correct in 5 of 5 true positives and 3 of 3 true negatives. Urography was correct in 4 of 5 true positives and 2 of 3 true negatives. None of the sonograms and two of the urograms were considered equivocal. Transrectal sonography appears to be a useful adjunct for the diagnosis of distal ureteral calculi when excretory urography is equivocal or contraindicated.  相似文献   

Endorectal sonography provides a potential means of detecting seminal vesicle invasion by prostatic cancer that is too subtle for diagnosis by digital rectal examination. To assess this application of sonography, we examined 300 patients with transrectal sonography of the prostate and seminal vesicles followed by histologic examination of the seminal vesicles from core biopsies and/or prostatectomy specimens. Of the 38 patients with histologically proved seminal vesicle invasion by prostatic cancer, 35 (92%) had an abnormal appearance of the seminal vesicles on sonography. Of 167 patients with prostatic cancer without histologic evidence of seminal vesicle involvement, sonograms showed abnormal seminal vesicles in 42 (25%). In 95 patients with histologically normal prostates and seminal vesicles, sonograms showed abnormal seminal vesicles in 11 (12%). The sonographic findings correlating best with tumor invasion of the seminal vesicles were hyperechogenicity and a combination of two or more of the following abnormalities: cystic dilatation, asymmetry, enlargement, and anterior displacement. Our experience in these patients suggests that endorectal sonography can be useful in the detection of seminal vesicle involvement by prostatic cancer.  相似文献   

Kim KA  Lee WJ  Lim HK  Park CM  Park CK  Cha IH  Seol HY 《Clinical imaging》2003,27(5):340-345
It is known that small hepatocellular carcinoma (HCCs) were usually hypoechoic at ultrasonography (US). In this study, we analyzed US findings of 42 small HCCs less than 2 cm in diameter and correlated them with histopathologic findings. US parameters were tumor size, tumor echogenecity, and morphologic features (peripheral halo, lateral shadow, posterior enhancement, and mosaic pattern), while histopathologic parameters were Edmonson grade and microscopic features (coagulation necrosis, interstitial fibrosis, fatty metamorphosis, sinusoidal dilatation, hemorrhage, encapsulation, and internal septation). One-third of HCCs was not hypoechoic. Tumor echogenecity and morphologic features were variable, regardless of tumor differentiation and microscopic features. In our study, it seemed that US detected histopathologic changes in small HCCs more frequently than previously known, but none of these US findings could suggest a specific histopathologic finding in small HCCs less than 2 cm in diameter.  相似文献   

We evaluated the role of MR imaging in assessing the effect of preoperative irradiation in 11 patients with primary rectal carcinoma. Findings on MR images obtained before radiotherapy and 5-6 weeks afterward were analyzed and correlated with the histopathological findings (nine patients) or the findings at laparotomy (two patients). Before irradiation, the tumor volumes on MR images were between 3.3 and 51.7 cm3 (mean 19.7 cm3). After irradiation, the volumes were from 0.8 to 33.2 cm3 (mean, 10.4 cm3), representing a decrease in volume of 11% to 88% (mean, 55%). On the MR images obtained before irradiation, the tumors were confined to the bowel wall in four cases (stage A-B1), penetrated the perirectal fat in six cases (stage B2), and involved an adjacent organ in one case (stage B3). After irradiation, no apparent changes were seen in the MR appearance of the local tumor stage in nine of the 11 patients. In one patient, progression of stage was suspected on the postirradiation MR images, but this was not confirmed at histologic examination. In one patient, possible downstaging occurred after irradiation, although this could not be proved. Our findings suggest that MR imaging may be useful for determining the effect of preoperative radiotherapy on rectal carcinomas.  相似文献   

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