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Abstract – The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of teeth with untreated dental trauma among children aged 4–15 years in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A sample of 4524 children from three districts of different socio-economic status in the Dar es Salaam area was examined for signs of dental trauma in 1998/99.
In 21% of all children examined, at least one type of untreated dental trauma was observed. A high percentage of untreated dental trauma was observed at the ages of 4 and 15 years. The most frequently observed type of dental trauma was enamel fracture (67%) followed by enamel-dentin fracture (26%). A significant gender influence on the occurrence of untreated dental trauma was observed, with more boys (23%) having untreated dental trauma than girls (19%). A higher percentage of untreated dental traumas was observed among children in the district with highest SES (26%) compared to the prevalence in the other two districts (14–17%). The findings of this study show that dental traumas are prevalent among Tanzanian children. Therefore, provision of information to the lay community about the importance of early management of dental trauma, ways of preventing trauma and appropriate handling of avulsed teeth is essential in order to minimize the rate of dental injuries and the related complications.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the history of traumatic dental injury (TDI) among children with and without autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at the Centro Integrado de Educação Especial (CIES), in Teresina, Brazil. The dental records of 228 children, 114 with ASD (SG = study group) and 114 without ASD (CG = control group), paired by age, gender and socioeconomic characteristics between January 2007 and September 2014 were reviewed. Data were analyzed using chi‐square test and multivariate logistic regression (alpha = 5.0%). Dental trauma in SG was lower than in the CG (24.6% and 41.2%, respectively, p = 0.007). The risk of trauma was lower among males in SG (OR: 0.35; 95%CI: 0.18 to 0.67). The likelihood of TDI in SG was 3.17 higher in females than that of males (p = 0.040). The prevalence of TDI was lower in ASD individuals compared to controls. Dental trauma was higher among ASD girls than ASD boys.  相似文献   

Abstract Pulpal and periodontal tissues of immature incisors of 10 dogs were radiographically and histopathologically evaluated immediately, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after experimental intrusion induced by mechanical blows. Forty upper central and mesial lateral incisors showing incomplete root formation on radiographs were submitted to intrusive force. After the observation periods, the dogs were killed, two at a time. The hemi-maxilas were removed and processed for histopathologic examination. The traumatized teeth showed accelerated apical formation with reduced radicular length. Pulpal vitality was maintained and the subjacent tissues did not present irreversible changes. All traumatized teeth re-erupted spontaneously.  相似文献   

The influence of premature extraction of primary teeth. The influence of the site of extraction was analyzed by studying the frequency of malocclusion in the group of children with extraction in the mandible or maxilla only. It was found that early loss of primary teeth would result in an increased frequency of sagittal, vertical as well as transversal malocclusion. As a consequence the need for treatment would increase significantly by early extraction of primary teeth. Whereas extraction in the maxilla would tend to result in need for extraction of permanent teeth; extraction in the mandible would often lead to need for orthodontic treatment of longer duration. On the basis of these findings it could be concluded that maintaining a high standard of dental service for preschool children must be considered good economy, since the need for premature extractions is reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract A six-year-old boy presented with extraoral eruption of a mandibular permanent canine and a loosely attached lateral incisor in the labial vestible, 3 months following trauma to the chin. The trauma not only caused displacement of the permanent tooth buds, but also resulted in transposition of the lateral incisor and canine with subsequent ectopic eruption. The case is presented Lo demonstrate one of the infrequent complications of trauma involving the unerupted tooth buds of permanent teeth and its unusual clinical presentation.  相似文献   

Traumatic injuries to anterior teeth among schoolchildren in Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract – Evidence of traumatized permanent incisors was recorded as part of a national oral health survey of schoolchildren in Malaysia. A total of 4085 schoolchildren aged 16 years were examined. The prevalence of injury was 4.1% and it was significantly higher in males than females, with a ratio of 2:1. Almost 75% of the subjects had one tooth affected. Out of a total of 200 fractured teeth, 78.0% involved the maxillary central incisors. A high level of untreated traumatized teeth (89%) was noted. However, of the untreated traumatized teeth, only 9% presented with problems such as discoloration of tooth, sinus or abscess formation.  相似文献   

Traumatic dental injuries are highly prevalent among preschool children. When occurring at a very young age (prior to the eruption of the primary teeth), such trauma can disturb the normal development of the permanent dentition and, more rarely, affect the primary dentition. This report describes a case of a patient who suffered dentoalveolar trauma at six months of age that caused rare developmental problems in the primary dentition, such as impaction, dilacerations, hypoplasia, and odontoma. Imaging revealed that alterations also occurred in the permanent dentition. This report demonstrates that dentoalveolar trauma prior to complete development of the dentition and even before the eruption of the primary teeth can lead to highly uncommon abnormalities in the primary dentition. Moreover, there may be repercussions in the permanent dentition when the germs of these teeth are injured by the intraosseous displacement of primary teeth.  相似文献   

目的 探讨西安市学龄儿童年轻恒牙外伤的患病情况、分布特征及外伤原因,为卫生行政部门的决策提供科学依据。方法 采用简单随机抽样及整群抽样的方法,抽取西安市九区四县在校小学生4 013人,对学生及其家长进行问卷调查,并对有年轻恒牙外伤史的学生做口腔检查,记录外伤牙的数目与牙位。结果 西安市学龄儿童年轻恒牙外伤患病率为10.5%,各区县患病率无统计学差异(P>0.05);儿童年轻恒牙外伤发病高峰期是7~9岁,8岁最为多见(31.5%);最常见的牙外伤原因是跌倒(50.9%),其次是碰撞(36.0%);最常见的外伤牙是上颌中切牙(75.4%)。结论 西安市儿童年轻恒牙的外伤患病率处于中位水平,对处于牙外伤年龄高发阶段的儿童应该做相应的牙外伤预防措施,以降低牙外伤的发生。  相似文献   

Abstract –  The incidence of traumatic injuries to primary teeth is high. Previous studies report frequencies ranging from 4% to 33% of all children. The damage limitation and the prevention of sequelae are goals that shall direct the treatment for dental trauma. Inappropriate approachs to dental trauma can cause more damage than the trauma itself. This article describes the diagnosis, management and follow-up of a 5-year-old boy who presented with uncommon sequelae of an inappropriate approach following a severe luxation of the primary maxillary right central incisors 2 years ago.  相似文献   

Although usually considered to be of developmental origin, dentigerous cysts (DCs) have been reported to form in response to chronic periapical inflammation associated with primary teeth that have necrotic, infected pulps. This article describes the management of a DC associated with tooth 21 in a seven-year-old Caucasian child with a history of multiple TDIs to the primary maxillary incisors. Chronic periapical inflammation associated with a necrotic pulp in tooth 61 was identified as the likely cause of the lesion. Initial conservative management involved marsupialization of the lesion by extracting the necrotic tooth 61. Following significant decompression of the cyst, surgical enucleation was carried out under general anaesthesia and an orthodontic attachment was bonded to the crown of the unerupted tooth 21 to facilitate traction. Histopathological assessment of the enucleated tissue confirmed it to be a DC. Two years after the initial presentation, teeth 21 and 22 had erupted into the oral cavity, improving patient aesthetics. However, the root of tooth 22 was transposed with the crown of the unerupted tooth 23. This case highlights the undesirable sequelae that may occur following delayed and inappropriate management of TDIs.  相似文献   

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口腔颌面部外伤是常见的意外伤害,占全身外伤的5%,其中有90%患者伴有牙齿外伤.儿童牙齿外伤的发生率更高,由于儿童外伤患者处于生长发育阶段,其治疗和预后较复杂,治疗计划的制定除急诊处理外,还要考虑牙体牙髓的冶疗、咬合诱导以及进一步的修复治疗等多方面因素.外伤乳牙的治疗除了对症处理外,还应预估外伤对继承恒牙胚的影响.本文依据年轻恒牙及乳牙的特点,结合临床经验,分类总结了儿童牙外伤的治疗方法.  相似文献   

This retrospective study examined some different types of treatment to primary teeth. The aim of this study was to assess the treatment of traumatized primary teeth and the importance of a long-term follow up. Brazilian children in the age group of 1-4 years from a baby clinic took part in the study. Three hundred and fifteen patients suffered some type of traumatic injury, a total of 338 affected teeth. Data were registered in specific records and submitted to statistic analysis. The most prevalent type of treatment was monitor only (85%) followed by tooth extraction and endodontic procedure. Invasive treatments were performed in case of severe traumas, usually 6 months after the injury. We verified that a careful follow up might be the preferential choice to the treatment of traumatic primary teeth even in some severe cases.  相似文献   

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