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Management of intrusive luxation injuries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Traumatic intrusion of permanent teeth is a relatively infrequent but serious type of dental injury, cine to the complicated picture it involves. Various treatment approaches have been suggested, so far, regarding management of intrusive luxation. Techniques aiming to reposition the intruded tooth include observation for spontaneous reeruption, surgical as well as orthodontic repositioning. However, development of complications such as pulp necrosis, inflammatory root resorption, replacement resolution and ankylosis and loss of marginal bone support makes selection of the most favorable technique controversial. In this paper, a critical review of the existing treatment modalities is attempted and treatment approaches based on diagnostic parameters that are indicative of the severity of an intrusive injury are presented. Recommendations are made after taking into consideration experimental and clinical study findings and observations from other author's and our own clinical experience. Two cases of intrusive luxation in children are presented and management of the dental injuries as well as the complications which occured are being discussed.  相似文献   

This report presents 5 cases of intrusive luxation in immature permanent central incisors. The intruded incisors, with careful monitoring, were allowed to spontaneously re-erupt, which avoided the need to reposition the tooth either orthodontically or surgically. All of the teeth re-erupted spontaneously in a few months. The root development continued in all of the cases and all pulps remained vital. There were no other signs of pulpal and/or periapical pathology. It can be concluded that intruded immature permanent teeth can spontaneously re-erupt, conserve their vitality, and continue their root development without any surgical or orthodontic management.  相似文献   

Abstract – Intrusion is defined as the axial dislodgment of the tooth into its socket and is considered one of the most severe types of dental trauma. This longitudinal outcome study was undertaken to evaluate clinically and radiographically severely intruded permanent incisors in a population of children and adolescents. All cases were treated between September 2003 and February 2008 in a dental trauma service. Clinical and radiographic data were collected from 12 patients (eight males and four females) that represented 15 permanent maxillary incisors. Mean age at the time of injury was 8 years and 9 months (range 7–14 years and 8 months). Mean time elapsed to follow‐up was 26.6 months (range 10–51 months). The analysis of data showed that tooth intrusion was twice as frequent in males. The maxillary central incisors were the most commonly intruded teeth (93.3%), and falling at home was the main etiologic factor (60%). More than half of the cases (53.3%) were multiple intrusions, 73.3% of the intruded teeth had incomplete root formation and 66.6% of the teeth suffered other injuries concomitant to intrusion. Immediate surgical repositioning was the treatment of choice in 66.7% of the cases, while watchful waiting for the tooth to return to its pre‐injury position was adopted in 33.3% of the cases. The teeth that suffered additional injuries to the intrusive luxation presented a fivefold increased relative risk of developing pulp necrosis. The immature teeth had six times more chances of presenting pulp canal obliteration that the mature teeth and a lower risk of developing root resorption. The most frequent post‐injury complications were pulp necrosis (73.3%), marginal bone loss (60%), inflammatory root resorption (40%), pulp canal obliteration (26.7%) and replacement root resorption (20%). From the results of this study, it was not possible to determine whether the type immediate treatment had any influence on the appearance of sequelae like pulp necrosis and root resorption after intrusive luxation, but the existence of additional injuries and the stage of root development influenced the clinical case outcome in a negative and positive manner, respectively.  相似文献   

目的:通过对年轻恒牙嵌入性脱位的X线片进行回顾性研究,观察患牙复位、牙根发育和牙根吸收情况,并分析其影响因素。方法:收集2013年1月~2019年3月发生嵌入性脱位的年轻恒牙病例,分析其X线片,了解患牙复位、牙根发育及牙根吸收情况。结果:所有患牙基本复位,牙根继续发育占66.7%,发生替代性吸收占25%;嵌入程度较轻的患牙利于牙髓存活(P=0.008);自然再萌的患牙可减少替代性吸收(P=0.005);牙髓存活的患牙牙根可发育,且无替代性吸收(P<0.001)。结论:嵌入性脱位的年轻恒牙牙髓可存活,且牙根可继续发育。牙髓存活的患牙利于牙根发育、减少替代性吸收。重度嵌入的年轻恒牙可有萌出潜力。  相似文献   

年轻恒牙挫入性损伤是预后最差的牙外伤类型之一,常导致牙齿缺失,影响患儿的美观及健康.治疗方案通常包括观察再萌出、正畸牵引复位和外科复位3种;临床上应根据患牙的牙根发育情况及挫入程度,参考患儿及家长意愿,选择单独或结合使用上述3种治疗方案进行治疗.治疗后的主要并发症包括牙髓坏死、牙根吸收、牙槽骨边缘性吸收、根管闭塞等.尽...  相似文献   

Abstract A material of 637 concussed, subluxated, extruded, laterally luxated and intruded permanent incisors was analyzed with respect to factors influencing the development of pulp canal obliteration (PCO) after injury. A total of 96 (15%) developed partial PCO; 9 of these (1% of the total material) went on to develop total PCO. Only 2 teeth exhibited yellow discoloration of the clinical crown and 1 showed grey discoloration. Sensibility to electrometric pulp testing of the teeth with PCO was not significantly different from sensibility of contralateral homologues at the final examination (except for after lateral luxation, where the teeth with PCO had a significantly lower perception threshold). PCO was significantly more frequent among teeth with incomplete root formation than in teeth where root formation was completed. Extrusion, lateral luxation and intrusion showed more frequent occurrence of PCO than did concussion and subluxation. Moreover, the use of orthodontic band/resin splints significantly increased the occurrence of PCO, presumably due to the additional trauma of forceful placement and cementation of orthodontic bands in contrast to the relatively passive placement of an acid-etch/resin splint. Based on previous and present clinical and radiographic findings concerning pulp response to luxation injuries, it is suggested that PCO is a sequel to revascularization and/or reinnervation of a damaged pulp after injury.  相似文献   

Abstract – The aims of this study were three‐fold: First, to determine the prevalence of partial and total intrusion of the primary anterior teeth. Second, to investigate the sequelae of total and partial intrusive luxation in the primary anterior teeth and in their successors and finally, to establish whether the sequelae on both deciduous and permanent teeth were related to the child’s age at the time of the intrusion. Data collected from records of 169 boys and 138 girls, all between the ages of zero and 10 years, who were undergoing treatment during the period of March 1996 to December 2004. The sample was composed of 753 traumatized deciduous teeth, of which 221 presented intrusive luxation injury. Children with ages ranging from one to 4 years were the most affected with falls being the main cause of intrusion. Of all intruded teeth 128 (57.9%) were totally intruded and 93 (42.1%) partially. Pulp necrosis/premature loss and color change were the most frequent sequelae in both total and partial intrusions. Concerning permanent dentition, the most common disturbances were color change and/or enamel hypoplasia. Both types of intrusion caused eruption disturbance. Total intrusion was the most frequent type of intrusive luxation. There was no significant correlation between the child’s age at the time of intrusion and the frequency of subsequent sequela on primary injured teeth (P = 0.035), between the age at the time of injury and the developmental disturbances on permanent teeth (P = 0.140).  相似文献   

The optimal treatment for intruded permanent teeth has not yet been determined. The ideal treatment option is the one with the lowest probability of developing complications such as external root resorption and marginal bone loss. Each case should be considered individually, bearing in mind the severity of the intrusion, the stage of root development, and tooth mobility. Management of an intruded permanent tooth may consist of: (1) observation for spontaneous eruption; (2) surgical crown uncovering; (3) orthodontic extrusion (with or without prior luxation of the intruded tooth); (4) and partial surgical extrusion, immediately followed by orthodontic extrusion and surgical repositioning. The purpose of this article was to review the treatment options for intruded immature permanent incisors, and to present a new modality of an elective internal strengthening of the immature root weakened by external root resorption. A case of an intrusive luxation injury in a 7 1/2-year-old child and the resulting complications utilizing this technique is described. This is the first known report in the pediatric dentistry literature of performing an elective (preventive) internal strengthening of an immature root weakened by severe external inflammatory resorption. The child was followed for 5 years with an excellent clinical outcome. This technique should be considered for treatment of immature permanent teeth with thin cervical root dentin and external or internal root resorption due to trauma or caries.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Intrusive luxation is one of the most severe types of dental trauma. The occurrence of pulp necrosis in intruded teeth with open apices is 100%. The risk of development of inflammatory or replacement root resorptions is high. Thus, endodontic intervention is required soon after the occurrence of trauma, in an attempt to prevent or delay the appearance of such lesions. On the other hand, the access to the root canal is difficult, as the crown is intruded. A multidisciplinary approach comprising Surgery, Orthodontics and Endodontics is required to allow exposure of the crown, orthodontic extrusion and onset of endodontic therapy. The patient GCSA, aged 15 years, attended the community project 'Lugar de dente é na boca' ('teeth should be in the mouth') of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, 1 week after complete intrusion of the right maxillary central incisor. Radiographic examination revealed that the incisal edge of this tooth was at the level of the crown-root interface of the adjacent teeth. After surgical exposure of the crown, pulp sensitivity was evaluated and was found to be negative. After onset of endodontic therapy, the patient was referred for orthodontic extrusion of the intruded tooth. Successive changes of root canal dressing were performed and the root canal was definitely obturated at 3 years and 6 months after onset of treatment. The present paper reports on a case of severe intrusive luxation, discusses the different treatments recommended for repositioning of traumatically intruded teeth, and questions the ideal period of maintenance of calcium hydroxide dressing in the root canal, in an attempt to prevent the occurrence of root resorption and repair any existing resorption.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Intrusive luxation of permanent teeth is a relatively uncommon type of injury to the periodontal ligament. However, it is one of the most severe types of dentoalveolar trauma. By definition, intrusive luxation consists of the axial displacement of the tooth into the alveolar bone, accompanied by comminution or fracture of the alveolar bone. Here we report the treatment management of a traumatically intruded immature permanent central incisor by surgical repositioning undertaken in a 10-year-old child with rheumatic fever 10 days after sustaining a severe dentoalveolar trauma. The intraoral examination showed the complete intrusion of the permanent maxillary right central incisor and the radiographic examination revealed incomplete root formation. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy was prescribed and the intruded tooth was surgically repositioned and endodontically treated thereafter. The postoperative course was uneventful, with both clinically and radiographically sound conditions of the repositioned tooth up to 3 years and 2 months of follow-up. These outcomes suggest that surgical repositioning combined with proper antibiotic prophylaxis and adequate root canal therapy may be an effective treatment option in cases of severe intrusive luxations of permanent teeth with systemic involvement.  相似文献   

目的研究微创正畸牵引复位无自发萌出能力的外伤挫入年轻恒牙的临床疗效。 方法选择年轻恒牙外伤挫入的患者8例,年龄7~ 11岁,共11颗上颌切牙,其中9颗重度挫入、2颗中度挫入。观察1个月以上,确定无自发萌出能力后,采用如下微创正畸牵引方式复位:(1)"2 × 4"镍钛弓丝技术:单颗牙中度挫入,邻牙萌出3/4以上;(2)活动基托牵引:重度根向挫入、邻牙萌出不足1/2或伴脱位性损伤;(3)活动基托牵引联合"2 × 4"镍钛弓丝技术:重度唇向或腭向挫入,邻牙萌出不足1/2或伴脱位性损伤。观察治疗后患牙萌出状况、牙根吸收、边缘骨缺损和(或)牙髓变化情况。 结果(1)患牙萌出状况:所有挫入牙均复位;(2)牙根吸收情况:4颗牙出现轻微根吸收,2颗牙牵引前出现根尖部和根中段侧方低密度影,治疗完成时低密度影消退,余牙均无牙根吸收;(3)边缘骨缺损情况:除2颗牙外均无边缘骨缺损;(4)牙髓活力状况:3颗牙齿发育Nolla 10期的挫入牙,牵引前即行牙髓摘除术,4颗牵引中行牙髓摘除术,4颗牙髓活力正常,其中1颗根管钙化。 结论无萌出潜力的挫入年轻恒牙可根据其挫入方向及邻牙萌出程度和受伤情况,分别选择"2 × 4"镍钛弓丝技术、活动基托牵引技术或活动基托联合"2 × 4"镍钛弓丝牵引技术,及时进行微创牵引,可有效复位挫入牙,避免牙根吸收,减少边缘骨缺损,并可能保存活髓,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

This report presents a case of a completely intrusive luxation of an immature permanent central incisor in a 7 years 9 months-old girl. Because there are severe intrusive trauma and cortical alveolar bone fracture, it was impossible to reposition with orthodontic or surgical method alone. The intruded tooth was repositioned to healthy alveolar bone level by using surgical extrusion and stabilization with sutures and periodontal pack. After healing of adjacent bone, the intruded maxillary central incisor erupted orthodontically by removable orthodontic appliance. It was moved from a high position to level of adjacent tooth in about 7 months. A radiograph was taken 6 months after ceasing forced eruption, which demonstrated minor root resorption, but the alveolar bone height had increased.  相似文献   

Abstract – A prospective study of 140 intruded permanent teeth was examined for the following healing complications: pulp necrosis (PN), root resorption (RR; surface, inflammatory and replacement resorption), and defects in marginal periodontal bone healing (MA). The occurrence of these healing complications was related to various treatment factors such as treatment delay, method of repositioning (i.e. expecting re‐eruption, orthodontic reposition and surgical reposition), type of splint (rigid, semirigid and flexible), length of splinting (days) and the use of antibiotics. Treatment delay, i.e. before and after 24 h, had no effect upon healing. Active repositioning in individuals with incomplete root formation (surgical or orthodontic) had a negative effect upon the three healing parameters compared with spontaneous eruption. In teeth with complete root formation and an age of 12–17 no repositioning was still the best treatment in regard to MA. In individuals older than 17 years of age, cases were not anticipated to spontaneously erupt and in these cases, the general choice of treatment was either active orthodontic or surgical repositioning. The former procedure appeared in this treatment scenario to slightly reduce the risk of MA complications. However, this treatment procedure was also found to be more time demanding (an average of 22 consultations for orthodontic repositioning compared with 17 consultations for surgical repositioning). If a surgical repositioning was performed, the type of splint (i.e. flexible, semirigid or rigid) appeared to have no significant effect on the type of healing. The same applied to the length of splinting time (shorter or longer than 6 weeks). No effect of dentin covering procedures for associated crown fractures (enamel–dentin fractures) could be demonstrated. Likewise, antibiotics had no apparent effect upon healing. In conclusion, in patients with intruded teeth with incomplete root formation, spontaneous eruption should be expected. In patients with completed root formation and with an age of 12–17 spontaneous eruption can still occur, but must be monitored very carefully. In older patients (i.e. >17 years) with completed root formation, either surgical or orthodontic extrusion should be attempted. The latter procedure appeared to lead to a slight reduction (not significant) in the risk of MA complications. The extent and direction of the intrusion may however favour surgical repositioning.  相似文献   

年轻恒牙震荡和移位后牙髓与牙根变化的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
年轻恒牙外伤后,牙髓坏死和牙根吸收在牙齿震荡和牙齿移位中的发生率及发生的时间;牙根的表浅性吸收,置换性吸收,炎症性吸与外伤类型的关系。方法从1984-1996年在北京医科大学附属口腔医院儿科就诊的201例前牙外伤发生牙震荡和牙移位患者的病历资料中选择79例157颗无冠折根折的外伤牙,并且如果有牙松动者使用全牙He  相似文献   

Abstract – Background/Aim: External replacement resorption (ankylosis‐related) is a severe complication leading eventually to tooth loss. Little information exists regarding the influence of variables such as degree of intrusion or treatment method on the development of replacement resolution in intruded permanent incisors. The aim of this study was to report the most frequently involved age group, the preferred type of treatment, and the type and frequency of healing complications. Special attention was paid to the effect of treatment on the occurrence of replacement resorption. Material and Methods: Fifty‐one intruded permanent incisors were studied in 20 boys and 19 girls aged 6 to 17 years. Only three patients were over 12 years of age. Complete intrusion had occurred in 21 teeth, and 31 teeth were classified as immature. Re‐eruption was awaited for 37 teeth. The remaining teeth were repositioned orthodontically (7 teeth) or surgically (7 teeth). Results: Re‐eruption occurred in 35 out of 37 teeth over a period of 3–12 months. After a mean observation period of 4 years ranging from 1–12 years, retained pulp vitality was recorded in 22 teeth (43%). Pulp necrosis had developed in 57%, inflammatory resorption in 26% and replacement resorption in 12%. Whereas all inflammatory resorptions were arrested after long‐term calcium hydroxide treatment, replacement resorption always led to complete root resorption. In the analysis all orthodontic and surgical repositioned teeth were combined into an active treatment group. The non‐active treatment group consisted of teeth allowed to re‐erupt. The distribution of replacement resorption was significantly lower in teeth allowed to re‐erupt than in teeth repositioned actively. Conclusions: The best treatment of intruded incisors in 6–12 year‐old children is to await re‐eruption. Should endodontic treatment be required before re‐eruption has occurred, a gingivectomy can be performed to gain access to the root canal.  相似文献   

目的:探讨牙根发育程度对不同类型恒牙外伤性部分脱位预后的影响,为临床预测其预后提供参考。方法:对202例恒牙外伤性部分脱位进行回顾性研究,重点统计分析(卡方检验) 3种不同类型牙部分脱位(牙移位、半脱位和嵌入深部)不成熟组(A组)、儿童青少年成熟组(B组)、成人成熟组(C组)各组牙周膜的愈合状况的差异。结果:牙移位类型A、B、C3组内及两两之间牙周膜的愈合状况均无显著性差异(P>0. 05),而半脱位和嵌入深部两种类型A、B、C3组内牙周膜的愈合状况有显著性差异(P<0. 05),其中半脱位类型A与B组、B与C组之间无显著性差异,而A与C组之间有显著性差异;嵌入深部类型A与B组之间无显著性差异,而A与C组、B与C组之间有显著性差异。结论:牙根的发育成熟程度对牙移位类型的牙周膜性愈合的影响不大,而对半脱位,尤其是嵌入深部类型的牙周膜性愈合有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract –  The clinical and histological alterations on periodontium of dog's teeth after an intrusion luxation was analyzed. An impact device was used on 12 teeth of six adult dogs with the purpose of making a dislocation on the long axis of these teeth. Of the teeth that suffer intrusion luxation, two did not receive treatment and ten were replaced by orthodontic extrusion with activated springs of 100 gf. The traction was initiated either immediately after the trauma or 7 days later. Observation time was 40 days. Endodontic therapy with calcium hydroxide was performed on the fourteenth day after the intrusive luxation. The intruded teeth that did not receive appropriate treatment had signs of extensive and progressive inflammatory resorption. The teeth that were moved immediately after the trauma had lesser degree of replacement resorption compared with those that were extruded 7 days after the trauma.  相似文献   

Abstract – Aim: To evaluate the pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth. Material and methods: Patients presenting with lateral luxation of permanent teeth during 2001–2002 were enrolled in this clinical study. Laterally luxated teeth were repositioned and splinted with a TTS/composite resin splint for 4 weeks. Immediate (prophylactic) root‐canal treatment was performed in severely luxated teeth with radiographically closed apices. All patients received tetracycline for 10 days. Re‐examinations were performed after 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 and 48 months. Results: All 47 laterally luxated permanent teeth that could be followed over the entire study period survived. In 10 teeth (21.3%), a prophylactic root‐canal treatment was performed within 2 weeks following injury. The remaining 37 teeth showed the following characteristics at the 4‐year re‐examination: 19 teeth (51.4%) had pulp survival (no clinical or radiographic signs or symptoms), nine teeth (24.3%) presented with pulp canal calcification, and pulp necrosis was seen in another nine teeth (24.3%), within the first year after trauma. None of the teeth with a radiographically open apex at the time of lateral luxation showed complications. External root resorption was only seen in one tooth. Conclusions: Laterally luxated permanent teeth with incomplete root formation have a good prognosis, with all teeth surviving in this study. The most frequent complication was pulp necrosis that was only seen in teeth with closed apices.  相似文献   

Intrusive luxation is a serious dental injury that causes damage to the pulp and supporting structures of a tooth because of its dislocation into the alveolar process. This paper presents the case of the re-eruption of a severely intruded immature permanent incisor with a crown-root fracture. A 9-year-old boy was referred to the clinic 1 day after a fall. Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed intrusive luxation of the immature left permanent incisor and a crown-root fracture without pulp exposure. Palatal gingivectomy was done 2 weeks later to facilitate re-eruption. Root canal therapy with intracanal calcium hydroxide paste was initiated during the first month owing to severe spontaneous pain. Six months later, the tooth re-erupted to a normal position, after which root canal obturation and a final esthetic restoration were done. The present case demonstrates the possibility of obtaining re-eruption of intruded immature permanent teeth with interim medication (calcium hydroxide) in the root canal.  相似文献   

Intrusion injuries commonly occur in the primary dentition. They can be described as luxation injuries resulting from an axially directed impact, which drives the tooth deeper into the alveolar socket. The impact results in compression of and damage to the periodontal ligament as well as injury to the pulp of the intruded incisor. In addition to rendering treatment to the intruded primary tooth, the dentist must also be aware of the possibility of an injury to the developing permanent teeth germs located in close proximity to the roots of the injured primary teeth. This review will discuss the characteristics, implications, and management of intrusion injuries of primary incisors.  相似文献   

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