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目的构建护理专业研究生母儿健康管理与促进课程模块,拓宽研究生母婴及早期儿童健康研究领域的基本知识和国际视野。方法以国内外母儿健康领域的最新政策、WHO及国际助产联盟等国际组织在母儿健康领域的最新进展及研究报告、课题组研究成果等为基础,经本课题组5名专家召开3~4轮专家会议,确定母儿健康管理与促进课程模块中教学资源、课程名称、课程目标、课程内容、学时安排、教学方法、考核方式7个方面内容。结果母儿健康管理与促进课程模块包括4门课程,即母婴健康与助产服务的全球发展及循证实践生殖与避孕国际研究进展及应用产后母婴健康管理进展儿童早期的健康促进,共50学时,采用线上与线下相结合的教学方法,考核方式主要包括小组讨论、线上互动、书面作业、口头汇报。结论课程模块构建过程科学、严谨,课程内容具备一定的先进性,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

普外科病人教育的思路与实践   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
整体护理是真正体现了“以病人为中心”的新模式,对病人实施健康教育是整体护理的重要组成部分。健康教育的目的,就是通过专业护士在病人整个住院过程中的一系列教育工作,使病人了解有关自己疾病的病理知识和康复保健知识。通过一年来的临床实践证明,采用集体和个体相结合的教育形式对病人的康复起了有益、有效的作用。  相似文献   

Ongoing advancement and documentation of professional development is required to maintain nursing registration and competency to practise in Australia and many other countries. All Australian registered nurses are required to undertake a minimum of 20 h of continuing professional development annually and demonstrate competence to practice; this is a criterion for nursing registration. Many health care organisations nationally and internationally develop programs to support such processes, assisting nurses to formally document their ongoing education and commitment to best practice, and clearly demonstrate their ongoing continuing professional development. Such programs align with the MAGNET ® principles of providing structural empowerment, exemplary professional practice and new knowledge, innovations and improvements. This study describes the implementation, evaluation and impact of the registered nurse professional recognition program undertaken by one Hospital and Health Service in South East Queensland using Donabedian's structure, process outcome framework. The registered nurse professional recognition program was implemented to invest in and develop the nursing workforce by providing an opportunity for registered nurses to assess and document their professional skills, knowledge and expertise that are critical to the provision of safe and cost-effective patient and family-centred care.  相似文献   

我国本科护理教育发展的概况、面临的机遇及挑战   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
回顾我国大陆地区本科护理教育发展历史,描述发展现状及其在社会发展中的作用。指出我国本科护理教育存在的主要问题:培养目标不明确、学制和学位不统一、培养过程不衔接及教学质量无法保证等问题。国家宏观政策的保障及临床护士紧缺的现状为我国本科护理教育的发展提供了机遇,也提出了挑战。护理教育者应把握机遇,群策群力,努力促进我国本科护理教育的发展。  相似文献   

目的探讨知-信-行模式的手卫生培训提高实习护生的手卫生依从性的效果。方法对82名实习护生进行知-信-行模式的手卫生培训,培训前和培训后分别进行手卫生知识考评,并观察日常工作实际手卫生执行情况,检测手卫生合格率。结果培训后实习护生手卫生概念、洗手指征的知晓率分别92.68%,97.56%,均高于培训前46.34%,64.63%,差异有统计学意义(X2值分别为36.03,25.04;P〈0.01);其他几项手卫生知识知晓率较培训前显著提高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);护生手卫生依从率从50.92%提高到82.97%,检测合格率从58.54%提高到92.68%,差异均具有统计学意义(X2值分别为316.08,25.92;P〈0.01)。结论知一信一行模式应用于手卫生培训对提高实习护生的手卫生依从性具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines the powers and duties that psychiatric nurses have under the Mental Health Act 1983 with respect to the care and treatment of mentally disordered people. This statute saw for the first time specific reference to the powers and duties of psychiatric nurses. These powers and duties are primarily concerned with the nurse's role in relation to consent to treatment, the administration of medication, the right to be consulted and to ensuring that detained patients are informed of their rights under the 1983 Act. The 1983 Act also provides and extends the powers of psychiatric nurses to detain certain inpatients with mental disorder against their will. In order to avoid the potential charges of 'treatment without consent' and 'unlawful detention', it is vital that psychiatric nurses, when caring for this client group, have a sound working knowledge of their powers and duties under current legislation. The legal definitions of mental disorder are explored as well as the issue of 'treatability' for mental disorder in clinical practice.  相似文献   

为实现"停课不停教、停课不停学",借助中国大学慕课社区护理学国家精品课程,结合课堂直播的教学组织方式,对我校2017级的87名护理专业本科生实施线上教学.在8周的教学中,学生单元测验合格率为98.4%,单元作业合格率为100%.线上讨论区学生参与度为100%,直播课中学生到课率为100%,随堂测试答题正确率为92.5%...  相似文献   

健康促进模式(2002版)及其应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
美国护理学家Nolar J.Pender的健康促进模式(health promotion model,HPM),作为原因模式和健康教育策略,已被多个国家的护理实践和护理研究所使用。基于科研研究结果的分析,2002年版“健康促进模式”包含三组共10个类别的健康-促进行为决定因素。作者介绍Pender健康促进模式,将其作为原因模式应用于个案的健康教育,并对此模式在中国文化及健康护理系统背景下的应用作评价和展望。  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨护士和患者群体对临床护理中的护理关怀行为的认知和需求。  相似文献   

Simulation is an important learning approach for the development of skills for healthcare practice. However, it remains under used in the education of mental health practitioners. This article examines the development, implementation and evaluation of a simulated learning experience for final year undergraduate BSc mental health nursing students in the UK. Scenarios involving managing care in an acute in patient ward and community older persons' team were designed to enable students to develop their complex decision making skills. An evaluation of the simulation experience was undertaken. This was informed by the principles of improvement science methodology and data was collected from the student participants using questionnaires. The findings indicated that simulation provided a realistic environment in which students were able to develop skills and manage clinical situations autonomously without fear of being assessed or making mistakes. Reflecting Dieckmann et al.'s (2007) position that simulation is a social situation in itself, the learning approach enabled mental health students to both experience the safety of the Higher Education setting and also the reality of clinical practice. Simulation may therefore provide an important tool to prepare students for the responsibilities of a qualified nurse.  相似文献   

Margaret Newman's theory, Health as Expanding Consciousness (HEC), was used to examine the life pattern of two incarcerated mothers awaiting release from prison. Pattern recognition provided a way to approach understanding the experience of incarceration in a novel fashion. The process increased trust between the mothers and the nurse, and was a useful strategy in articulating the contribution of nursing science and humanistic care.  相似文献   

Several national and international reports and positional papers from professional organizations worldwide have highlighted the urgent need to develop education and training courses for nurses and other health care professionals in substance misuse and addictive behavior at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In addition, the development of courses, both in quantity and quality, in selected centers has not matched the corresponding growth of drug and alcohol related problems. This paper describes the development of a multi-professional course for non-addictions specialists leading to a Certificate in Substance Misuse in England. It aims to examine the value of the Beattie Curriculum Model in the development of an educational program in the management of substance misusers. Two evaluative instruments were tested for their psychometric properties and used to evaluate the efficacy and success of the program. Preliminary evaluations of the course suggest that aims of the course were met and that there was among participants an increase in confidence in working with substance misusers.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨阶段性健康教育对初产妇的负性情绪、疼痛程度和分娩方式的影响.[方法]选择2015年1~12月本院收治的128例初产妇,根据分层抽样法将产妇分为观察组(n=64)及对照组(n=64),对照组围产期应用常规性护理,观察组围产期应用阶段性健康教育护理;应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)及抑郁自评量表(SDS)对两组产妇干预前后负性情绪进行评价,记录两组产妇分娩疼痛、产程及分娩结局情况.[结果]观察组干预后SAS、SDS评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);观察组分娩时疼痛评分低于对照组(P<0.05),第一产程、第二产程时间均短于对照组(P<0.05);观察组产后出血率、剖宫产率、产褥期抑郁症发生率均低于对照组(P<0.05),而42 d母乳喂养率、产妇满意率高于对照组(P<0.05).[结论]阶段性健康教育能有效改善初产妇焦虑、抑郁情绪,有利于缩短产妇产程,减轻产妇分娩疼痛感,降低产妇剖宫产率及产后抑郁症发生率,提高产妇母乳喂养率及满意率.  相似文献   

目的:确定与脊髓损伤患者护理相关的《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)类目。方法:首先在数据库中检索与脊髓损伤患者护理相关的文献,根据ICF的联系规则将文献中结局评价方法里的概念与ICF类目相联系,从而确定文献中与脊髓损伤护理相关的ICF类目。系统性回顾所得ICF类目和一个世界范围内的Delphi专家调查的结果合并,形成国内专家咨询问卷。然后在我国脊髓损伤护理专家中通过电子邮件的形式进行调查。获得80%以上专家认同的ICF类目将被纳入脊髓损伤护理相关ICF组合。结果:系统性回顾确定了72个ICF类目,将这些ICF类目与世界范围内的Delphi专家调查结果合并,形成了包含140个ICF类目的专家咨询表。共有29位国内脊髓损伤护理专家参与了调查,专家积极系数为96.7%,专家的权威系数范围是0.68—1(中位数0.98,四分位距0.86—0.99)。最终81个ICF类目被纳入,包括"身体功能"33个,"身体结构"8个,"活动和参与"24个,"环境因素"6个,"个人因素"10个。结论:初步确定的81个脊髓损伤护理相关ICF类目能够反映中国脊髓损伤护理实践的主要内容,为临床护士应用ICF提供了依据和范围。  相似文献   

Critical care nursing is a postgraduate residency program that was initiated by the Indian Nursing Council to address the critical care service requirements for the increasing number of patients across India due to the increasing burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases among its population. This article describes the experiences and challenges of a leading nursing institution in India, the Manipal College of Nursing (Manipal), in initiating and implementing the program. Additionally, the authors discuss the need for starting a critical care nurse practitioner program in India and the introduction of critical care nursing in the country. The government of India and the Indian Nursing Council have made a prudent decision to start a postgraduate residency program in critical care to address the requirement of the Indian population. Despite the infancy stage of this program, its graduates provide hope for competent care to critically ill patients. It is the most cost-effective method for a resource-scarce country such as India to fulfill the requirements of critically ill patients. However, further nationwide uniform policies are essential for credentialing, privileging, and creating appropriate employment for the graduates of the program.  相似文献   

Changes in the current health care system have rendered the system unprepared to support new demands. Similarly, nursing education both before and after licensure is no longer adequate. Four of the eight recommendations in the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report involve changes to nursing education and pose significant goals to achieve. This makes creating innovative ways to meet the demand for educating RNs a necessity. This article discusses the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations, how they relate to perioperative nursing, and ways in which nurses and educators can help promote expectations.  相似文献   

The Health Maintenance Organization Research Network (HMORN), a consortium of 19 health care delivery systems with integrated research centers, held their 18th annual conference in Seattle, Washington from April 29 to May 2, 2012. Group Health Research Institute hosted the conference, "Learning health care systems: Leading through research". The 2012 theme was chosen to reflect the critical role of collaboration among researchers, clinicians and health systems to improve health care nationally. Over 500 researchers and health care professionals participated in this conference. Representatives from the NCI, NHLBI, NIMH, and PCORI met with researchers to advance the quality and breadth of public domain research in HMOs. In this article we summarize information about the HMORN and its 18th annual conference.  相似文献   

推进护理职业教育现代化,《高等职业学校护理专业教学标准》(以下简称《标准》)的制订势在必行.《标准》制订依据权威规范,适用范围清晰明确,制订过程科学严谨,其核心内容突显了护理职业教育的新理念、新模式、新路径及新机制.《标准》对我国高职护理人才培养起到了规范与引领的重要作用,为护理职业教育体系建设提供了方向和依据.  相似文献   

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