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周丽  徐新云  杨荣兴 《职业与健康》2008,24(19):2012-2013
目的探讨镉对作业工人尿镉、尿β2-微球蛋白和视黄醇结合蛋白的影响。方法用原子吸收法检测尿镉和空气中镉水平,用ELISA方法测定尿β2-微球蛋白和视黄醇结合蛋白。结果受检对象中尿镉水平(ug/g肌酐)的分布情况是:0~有86人,2-有145人,3-有182人,4~有159人,〉5有80人。其中2人不仅尿镉超标而且β2-微球蛋白达到慢性轻度镉中毒水平。工作场所空气中镉浓度0.005—0.16mg/m^3,样品超标率33.3%。结论镉作业可引起部分接触者尿镉和尿β2-微球蛋白水平发生改变,是评价镉毒性作用的重要指标。  相似文献   

目的了解汞对生产环境的污染状况及对作业工人的健康危害。方法结合车间空气中汞浓度,对311名汞作业工人尿汞检测结果进行分析。结果 311名汞作业工人中,211人尿汞含量超过正常值上限,阳性率67.8%,尤其是工龄5-9年者阳性率最高,达78%;长期接触汞的作业工人(〉5年工龄),其尿汞阳性率随工龄增加而下降,尿中汞含量也随工龄增加出现先升后降。结论接毒工龄长短与尿汞阳性率关系密切,车间空气中汞浓度与尿汞含量呈正相关,汞在生产场所的二次污染值得重视,应采取综合性治理措施,降低其对作业工人的健康危害。  相似文献   

对接触组厂房环境污染和接触组与对照组工人健康状况进行检测,结果表明:接触组厂房空气中汞和甲基汞平均浓度分别为0.24mg/m3和2.3μg8/m3。接触组发生慢性轻度汞中毒58名(49.15%),职业性慢性甲基汞中毒10名(8.5%)和观察对象11名(9.3%)。而对照组无汞中毒和甲基汞中毒,两组间差异非常显著(P<0,01)。  相似文献   

汞作业工人健康状况调查报告   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为探讨汞的职业危害及防治对策,我们于1997年11月对陕西省医疗仪器厂开展了劳动卫生学研究。结果表明:该厂车间空气中汞浓度最高达1.22mg/m^3,所测点空气中汞肖度超过国家卫生标准(0.01mg/m^3)的占98.36%。且体检结果显示:神经症状、消化症状、口腔症状、精神症状及尿汞水平,在不同接触浓度下差异存在显著性意义,且随浓度的增高而增加。  相似文献   

镉及其他合物主要用于电镀、制造镍镉电池、镉合金等 ,长期接触可引起机体肾功能障碍 ,肺气肿、肝损害等。人类流行病学调查和动物实验都表现镉慢性毒作用的主要靶器官是肾脏。为了做好镉作业工人的健康监护 ,我们对本市某厂镉作业工人尿蛋白、尿氨基酸的含量进行调查分析 ,现将结果报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 调查对象 某厂镉作业工人 72名 ,其中男 5 2人 ,女 2 0人 ,平均年龄 35 .6岁 (2 1岁~ 5 3岁 ) ;镉接触工龄平均 16 .4年 (2年~ 35年 ) ,同时选择不接触职业危害因素的干部、工人 72名 ,基本情况与前相近。1.2 调查项目 尿蛋白…  相似文献   

汞作业工人调离后健康状况分析王敬钦1赵海森1孙晓红2徐俊霞2叶涤秋3我们对112例汞作业工人进行了调离原岗位前后汞中毒检出率对比研究,结果如下。男101例,女11例;年龄29~52岁,平均34.5岁;汞作业工龄5~21年,平均13.2年;接触汞浓度0...  相似文献   

南京第二灯泡厂汞作业工人健康调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

汞对作业工人细胞遗传学指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前,汞对作业工人细胞遗传学影响的检测资料报道尚少。为了解汞的致突变作用,本文介绍了30名汞作业工人外周血淋巴细胞姐妹染色单体和微核率测定结果,现报道如下。1 对象及方法1.1 对象 选择30名在空气汞浓度为0.05~0.11  相似文献   

汞作业工人神经行为功能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对某金矿工人199人(对照组108人)进行的神经行为功能研究表明:接触组情绪状况得分(除有力-好动一项)和其余各项行为学指标得分均低于对照组。且随接触汞浓度增加,大多数行为功能得分呈递减趋势。在较低汞浓度接触组(平均为0.0114mg/m^3)神经行为功能得分明显低于对照组。尿汞含量〈49.85nmol/L的汞作业工人神经行为异常人数明显高于对照组。提示:长期职业接触汞蒸气在未引起明显的临床损害之  相似文献   

Summary The urinary protein patterns of sixteen control workers and twenty-two workers exposed to cadmium were determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The results were compared with those obtained by the quantitative determination in urine of total protein and specific proteins ( 2-microglobulin, albumin, transferrin, and IgG). They confirm that the molecular weights the proteins which are excreted in greater amounts in case of renal damage induced by cadmium range from 10,000 to 160,000. The areas of the electrophoretic peaks with the relative mobility of 2-microglobulin, albumin, transferrin, and IgG are significantly correlated with the results obtained by the immunological determination of these proteins. A correlation was also observed between the total peak area of the electrophoretic patterns and the total urinary protein measured by the biuret method. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel containing sodium dodecyl sulfate appears to be a suitable-semi-quantitative method for the detection of kidney damage induced by cadmium.  相似文献   

Summary Determinations of mercury in urine were made in samples collected from workers that were: (a) exposed prior to sampling — urine has been sampled over 3 weeks' post-exposure period; (b) currently exposed — sampling on consecutive days of the working week; (c) currently exposed —urine sampled over 24 hrs, during working shift (morning or afternoon) and off work.Mercury excretion in group (a) followed a two-term exponential equation with rate constants of about 0.35 and 0.01 day–1. Regardless of exposure time pattern in all groups studied, a diurnal variation of urinary concentrations of mercury was observed with a maximum at night and morning hours, and minimal values in the afternoon. The great variability in Hg-concentrations could have been related to the time of day at which the sampling took place, and partly to variation of urine excretion rate, the 2 factors being interrelated. Only a moderate variability in urinary concentrations of mercury was found when the sampling was instituted at a constant time of day, and when the results were standardized for specific gravity of urine.Investigations supported in part by the Polish-American agreement 05-009-2 and 05-003-2 with NIOSH, USA.  相似文献   

On two occasions, chloralkali workers were investigated with regard to personal air mercury exposure, blood mercury and urinary mercury. The first investigation (13 workers, 2 weeks) was made at an exposure above the threshold limit value (64 microgram/m3, range 36--112), the second (16 workers, 8 weeks) at a lower exposure (23 microgram/m3, range 15--43). At the higher level of exposure, good correlations were found between air exposure and blood or urinary mercury for the group, but not for individuals. At the lower level, the correlations were less pronounced for the group. For individuals, the best correlation was found between mean air exposure during one week and blood mercury about half a week later. Other individuals, mainly the least exposed, showed no such correlation. Corresponding correlations were not found for urinary mercury. The urinary excretion rate was determined only for the last few hours of the workday, but the results agree with earlier investigations of 24-h excretion on a group basis. The threshold limit value for mercury in air (50 microgram/m3) corresponds to 150--175 nmol Hg/1 blood (= 30--35 microgram/1) for the group, with large individual variation.  相似文献   

S P Xue  H Z Luo  J B Zhu  H Z Li  S Y Zhao 《Contraception》1988,37(2):163-171
The present study assessed the urinary protein with SDS-PAGE technique and by using gentamicin as a positive control for a comparative study to evaluate the renal toxic effect of gossypol. Results indicated that gentamicin could induce proteinuria by alteration of glomerular permeability to cause over-filtration of high molecular weight proteins, damage the brush border (BB) membrane of proximal renal tubules and impair tubular reabsorption function. Gossypol could also induce proteinuria in certain cases of guinea pigs but not at all in gossypol-treated rats. However, an increase in low molecular weight protein bands (M.W. range 20-30 kd) in urinary electrophoregram of gossypol-treated rats were detectable.  相似文献   

Human milk proteins are of nutritional and physiological significance to the newborn infant. To further study these proteins, a rapid procedure to separate and analyze human milk whey proteins was developed using fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). First, to separate whey proteins from casein, different variables such as low- or high-speed centrifugation at different temperatures with or without adjustment of pH to 4.6 or 4.3 and with or without addition of calcium to whole milk or skim milk were tested. Each variable was evaluated by gel filtration, anion-exchange chromatography, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, and immunodiffusion. The optimum method for a discrete separation of whey and casein is the adjustment of whole milk to pH 4.3 with addition of 60 mmol calcium/L, followed by ultracentrifugation. Rapid and sensitive separation and analysis of whey proteins was achieved by FPLC gel filtration and anion-exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

The present report completes a previous study made on three chloralkali plants that was presented at the 8th International Conference on Occupational Health in the Chemical Industry, Tokyo, 1980, with the final results from five plants located in various regions of Italy. A total of 14,339 measurements of mercury in air and 8,042 determinations of mercury in urine were considered. The total number of workers involved was 275. On the basis of these data, we believe it can be concluded that, as previously reported, a correlation exists between mercury concentrations in the air and in the urine of exposed workers. This correlation is such that for exposures in the order of the present TLV (0.05 mg/m3), the value of the Z ratio (ratio between mean urinary mercury values expressed in mg/l and mean airborne mercury concentrations expressed in mg/m3) is 1.3, while the urinary mercury values vary from 0.051 mg/l to 0.078 mg/l with a mean value of 0.065 mg/l.  相似文献   

The iso-enzyme profiles of urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosoaminidase (NAG) were studied in the workers from a chloro-alkaline electrolysis plant that had been continuously exposed to elemental mercury. The same workers then had a work break of four months and were later re-exposed to mercury for another five months. The activities of urinary NAG in workers exposed to mercury before and after the work break and in the control group were 2.09 +/- 1.03 IU/L; 0.90 +/- 0.52 IU/L and 1.13 +/- 0.35 IU/L, respectively. The fraction of the dominant A form activity in the total activity, in the workers exposed to mercury after a work break (85.31 +/- 5.32%), was almost equal to the fraction of A in the control group (84.64 +/- 2.75%). The percent fraction of A forms (A and A2) during continuous exposure was almost equal to the sum of the fractions A and A2 in the control group and for exposure after the work break. The fraction of the B form activity in the total activity during exposure to elemental mercury for five months after the work break (7.41 +/- 3.45%) was lower (P < 0.1) than the fraction of the B form in the control group (8.62 +/- 2.19%). The decrease in the fraction of the B form compared with the control group was more significant (P < 0.001) in the case of continuously exposed workers (5.25 +/- 2.55%). Beside the major A and B iso-enzymes of NAG, the A2 form was also isolated, and its fraction in the control group (6.73 +/- 2.15%) was not negligible. For workers exposed to mercury for five months, it was 7.28 +/- 3.52%. It is concluded that mercury affected the increased exocytosis of iso-enzyme A and the inhibition of B iso-enzyme of NAG. The increase in activity of urinary NAG in subjects exposed to mercury was a consequence of the increased excretion of A form. It was established also that the four months work break was sufficient for the repair of renal damages that occurred during continuous exposure, and which were monitored by the activity of NAG. Thus, the effects of mercury seem to have been reversible.  相似文献   

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