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The study was prompted by a long-standing concern about how best to educate nurse administrators for work in complex health service organizations. In the last decade, there has been increasingly widespread agreement in nursing that advanced education for clinical specialization alone may be insufficient. To improve understanding of education for nursing administration (NA), the suggestions in 37 publications printed between 1976 and 1985 were analyzed. Inferences were made from these publications about curriculum content, program structure, instructional placement, and practicum experiences. Content suggested most often pertained to health systems, nursing practice, research, and policy. Reference was least often made to perspectives in organization theory, ethics, and future studies. Suggestions for international NA were made in only one publication. Administration majors with a clinical nursing emphasis in multidisciplinary programs controlled by schools of nursing were widely recommended, as were administrative practicums of variable length. Few suggestions were made about the epistemological considerations needed to guide the development of interdisciplinary nursing administration. In the future, consideration of the overlap--from nursing and management science--of concepts, research problems, and modes of inquiry, will be important for the education of nurse administrators. In the 1960s and early 1970s, clinical specialization was the central focus of graduate nursing education. During this period of time, emphasis on nursing administration (NA) declined, as did the number of NA programs, resulting in a critical shortage of nurse administrators academically prepared to manage health services (Blair, 1976a-b).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In response to the current information explosion in nursing service administration (NSA), the authors felt a need to collect and organize available resources for use by their faculty and graduate students. An electronic database was developed to facilitate the use of the collected print and software resources. This article describes the creation of the NSA Resource Database from the time the need for it was realized to its completion. There is discussion regarding the criteria used for writing the database, what the database screens look like and why and what the database contains. The article also discusses the use and users of the NSA Resource Database to date.  相似文献   

At the dawn of the 20th century, postmodern academics stressed the cultural differences among human beings. Philosophers predicated differing value systems based on these cultural differences, and conflicts have arisen among those who hold distinctly different religious traditions. Many people believe there can be no universal system to explain reality and thus form the basis for norms in human behavior. However, at the close of the 20th century scientists and philosophers had come full circle: physics quite literally became metaphysics, and ethical systems made sense. Rush Kidder interviewed two dozen "men and women of good conscience" from around the world and asked them if there is a single set of values that wise people use to make decisions. They answered with a resounding YES! Thus, in addition to the customary principles of beneficence, nonmalfeasance, honesty, and so forth, the author proposes a set of ethical principles based on those universal values, adapted to fit nursing administrators' dual responsibilities. Ethical decision making and behavior, the author contends, help to reconcile perspectives and interests and to keep values and mission uppermost in one's mind. In the process, ethical behavior establishes long-term relations of trust and cooperation, which in turn promote consistency and stability in an unstable world.  相似文献   

Because nursing informatics is a young specialty, perhaps it is not surprising that much of the research done to date has been problem-driven, as opposed to model-driven. Continuing to struggle with definitions, nursing informatics lacks a theoretical base on which to build its science. When models or theories have been used to guide research, they typically have been applied to a single, or to very few, studies. In this paper, I describe and evaluate several of the models that have been described in nursing informatics literature and then propose an organizing model that may be used as an overarching framework to guide research.  相似文献   

门诊是医院对外的窗口 ,分诊护理位于窗口的第一线 ,是为人们提供健康服务的特殊岗位[1 ] 。我院门诊部为适应病儿医疗保健的需求增长 ,于 1997年开始实行三级分诊制。6年来 ,实行综合质量 (目标 )考核责任制 ,通过护理部、门诊部、职业道德办公室分别制订质量考核标准 ,并分层级严格考核 ,多角度实施质量管理 ,奖惩兑现 ,取得了好的效果 ,现介绍如下。全方位制订考核指标每年初 ,护理部按照医院当年综合质量 (目标 )考核原则 ,门诊部依据医院发展对门诊部的要求 ,职业道德办公室根据职业道德建设标准 ,分别从不同的职能对分诊处提出质量考…  相似文献   

The use of an integrative nursing theoretical framework for both clinical and administrative practice has recently been suggested. The author developed a theoretical framework which incorporates key concepts from the writings of Ida J. Orlando and Virginia Henderson and proposes it to be used as an integrative framework. The rationale for using a framework is discussed along with clinical and administrative examples of how to integrate concepts from the proposed framework. The reasons for using an integrative theoretical framework are that it: serves as a guide for both clinical and administrative decisions; forms the basis of the nursing philosophy; facilitates communication with patients and colleagues; helps identify congruent supporting theories and concepts; provides a basis for educational programmes; helps to differentiate nursing from non-nursing activities; and enhances nurse unity and self-esteem. The premise of the article is that benefits are derived from the use of a nursing theoretical framework because it provides a specific vision of nursing.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Kidz First paediatric community homecare nursing team in South Auckland. While the service was not initially planned as an integrated approach to child health, its evolution reflects the move to more community based care delivery and the expansion of nurse-led initiatives in New Zealand. The components of a community paediatric home nursing team as described by Eaton (2000) are used to provide the framework with which to describe the service. A focus group held with the Kidz First paediatric community homecare nurses has enabled definition of the key nursing components provided to children and their families living in South Auckland.  相似文献   

School nurses must consider the ethical principles that guide everyday practice. Autonomy, beneficence, justice, and nonmaleficence are the ethical principles most often confronted in the school setting. When beneficent care-giving begins to conflict with the family's decision-making autonomy, paternalism, a form of beneficence, affects the family's autonomy. This creates an ethical dilemma for the school nurse who guides his or her practice by ethical principles but who also must decide when it is appropriate to refer a child or family to a medical provider for further evaluation. A case study is presented to illustrate a specific ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma is described using a model that examines external factors, professional responsibilities, and possible courses of action. The discussion includes cultural considerations and barriers pertinent to the case example.  相似文献   

An alternative framework for teacher preparation in nursing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Little nursing research has been done to explore the effectiveness of teacher preparation models. Nursing still uses traditional survey-type teacher preparation programs, yet educational research using these same models shows limited success in promoting students' teacher competence and confidence, limiting their desire to teach. However, current educational research reveals that courses designed around a constructivist model have had success in getting students to feel competent and confident to take on the teacher role and to incorporate new ideas of teaching into their teaching repertoire. The Experimental Teaching Course: Models of Teaching and Learning is designed to enhance graduate nursing students' competence and confidence as they identify and develop their own personal educator models for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Nurses must frequently make ethical decisions. These decisions require judgment, knowledge, and skills. This article will provide one framework for ethical decision making and provide several examples of the process.  相似文献   

服务补救作为服务营销理论中的一个新概念,近年来被越来越多的医院管理者所重视。推行服务补救管理策略对减少护理服务纠纷,提高病人满意度起到了重要的作用。本文就服务补救在护理管理中的应用研究作一综述。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨感动服务在护理质量管理中的应用效果,提高护理质量和病人满意度,增进护理团队建设。[方法]选择2011年6月—2011年12月实施感动服务前住院的病人480例为对照组,2012年1月—2012年6月实施感动服务后的病人480例为观察组。对照组采取传统护理模式,观察组实施感动服务,确立感动服务理念,创造舒适便捷的住院环境,提供人性化服务,注重工作质量的反馈和监督。比较两组病人对护理工作的满意率。[结果]实施感动服务后病人对护理服务的满意度显著提高,两组满意率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]在护理管理中引入感动服务理念,能提高护理质量和病人满意度,提高护理团队凝聚力。  相似文献   

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