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尺骨冠突骨折的分型及治疗   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的探讨尺骨冠突骨折的分型及治疗方法。方法31例尺骨冠突骨折患者,男19例,女12例;年龄18-52岁,平均29.8岁。根据尺骨冠突骨折线的位置、尺侧副韧带是否损伤、冠突受损程度及对肘关节稳定性的影响分为四型:尺骨冠突尖部不超过冠突高度1,2骨折为Ⅰ型;尺骨冠突高度1,2处骨折为Ⅱ型,常合并尺侧副韧带前柬损伤;尺骨冠突基底部骨折为Ⅲ型,常伴肱尺关节半脱位或后脱位,偶伴尺侧副韧带前柬损伤;尺骨冠突严重粉碎性骨折伴肘关节不稳定,须行冠突和尺侧副韧带前柬重建为Ⅳ型。31例尺骨冠突骨折患者Ⅰ型11例,Ⅱ型9例,Ⅲ型6例,Ⅳ型5例。针对不同类型骨折选择相应的治疗方法。结果患者伤口均一期愈合,骨折愈合率为100%。术后随访18-72个月,平均28.6个月。无一例发生感染、神经损伤和肘关节不稳定,但Ⅲ型1例及Ⅳ型2例有创伤性关节炎表现,Ⅲ型2例及Ⅳ型2例发生异位骨化。Ⅳ型骨折患者术后患侧肘关节活动范围明显小于健侧(P〈0.05)。结论Ⅰ型冠突骨折可行保守治疗,若骨折片移位突入关节间隙影响肘关节活动,可手术摘除碎骨片;Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型冠突骨折可行切开复位内固定,同时注意修补或重建韧带以稳定肘关节;Ⅳ型冠突骨折,应重建冠突及尺侧副韧带前束,并保持冠突的高度达到原高度的1,2以上,同时加强术后功能锻炼。  相似文献   

目的 探讨子母螺钉固定治疗Regan-MorreyⅡ型尺骨冠突骨折的初期临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2010年10月至2012年6月,采用子母螺钉固定治疗12例Regan-MorreyⅡ型尺骨冠突骨折患者资料,男8例,女4例;年龄19~69岁,平均42.3岁.其中9例合并桡骨头骨折,2例合并尺骨近端骨折,1例合并尺神经损伤,8例合并韧带损伤,7例合并肘关节脱位;7例诊断为肘关节恐怖三联征.先治疗桡骨头骨折,然后采用1枚子母螺钉固定治疗冠突骨折,最后复位肘关节及修复韧带损伤.采用Mayo肘关节功能评分(Mayo elbow performance score,MEPS)评估临床功能,以Broberg-Morrey影像学标准对骨关节炎进行分级.结果 12例患者均获得5~18个月随访,肘关节屈伸活动度平均为121.8°,旋转活动度为平均145.1°.MEPS评分为72~100分;优4例,良7例,可1例,优良率91.7%.术后2例(16.7%)有骨关节炎征象,其中Broberg-Morrey分级1级1例,2级1例.末次随访时1例发生轻度异位骨化.肘关节均得到解剖复位;骨折均愈合,愈合时间1.8~3.4个月.1例尺神经损伤患者术后3个月完全恢复.术后无一例发生继发性关节脱位、内固定松动、移位或断裂、感染及行二次手术.结论 采用切开复位子母螺钉固定治疗Regan-MorreyⅡ型尺骨冠突骨折,术后肘关节功能恢复良好,并发症少.  相似文献   

目的探讨尺骨冠突骨折、肘关节恐怖三联征使用肘关节后侧入路术中暴露、固定效果及临床疗效。方法回顾近期单纯尺骨冠突骨折、肘关节恐怖三联征及肱骨远端粉碎性骨折并尺骨冠突骨折患者资料,均使用肘关节后侧入路暴露固定,术中暴露固定情况及临床疗效。结果以上骨折患者均使用后侧入路,术中各结构暴露清楚,固定牢固,冠突前侧肱肌止点剥离较少。结论采用后侧入路术中尺骨冠突、桡骨小头均可完整暴露、固定,如向近端扩切口,肱骨远端内外侧髁均可完整暴露,同时固定肱骨远端骨折,修复肘关节内外侧副韧带等。减少前侧入路固定冠突对神经、血管损伤风险,前侧入路位置深、暴露困难及对前侧屈肘肌群止点大量剥离等,从而减少术后异位骨化及肘关节僵硬发生。  相似文献   

尺骨冠突骨折临床上并不少见,常合并肘关节脱位及肘部骨折。对尺骨冠突骨折合并尺侧副韧带损伤及严重粉碎性冠突骨折伴肘关节不稳定,需行冠突重建等在临床中未予关注。本文回顾性地分析本院2002年至2005年收治的15例尺骨冠状突骨折患者,其疗效满意。现报告如下。  相似文献   

桡骨头MasonⅢ型骨折切开复位内固定治疗及疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组19例中,男11例,女8例,年龄21~67岁(平均38.7岁).左侧7例,右测12例.按Mason分类:全部为MasonⅢ型,其中6例合并副韧带损伤,尺骨鹰嘴骨折1例,肘关节后脱位及肱骨小头骨折1例,桡骨近端粉碎性骨折1例,肘关节后脱位伴冠状突骨折1例,冠状突撕脱性骨折1例.损伤原因:外展位跌倒伤9例,高处坠落伤2例,机动交通事故8例.  相似文献   

冠突骨折及合并桡骨小头粉碎骨折生物力学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
[目的]分析尺骨冠突骨折及合并桡骨小头粉碎骨折时肘关节的稳定性。[方法]选取上肢尸体标本8对,测试各种冠突骨折及合并桡骨小头粉碎骨折时肘外翻位移及外旋角。[结果]肘关节稳定性在冠突无骨折、Ⅰ型骨折、Ⅱ型骨折各组间无显著差异,冠突Ⅲ型骨折时显著不稳定。[结论]冠突骨折及合并桡骨小头粉碎骨折在冠突Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型骨折时肘关节稳定,可行桡骨小头切除术,Ⅲ型骨折不稳定,应修复桡骨小头或假体置换,并修复桡侧副韧带。  相似文献   

尺骨鹰嘴骨折合并肘关节前脱位的手术治疗   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的应用内固定治疗尺骨鹰嘴骨折合并肘关节前脱位。方法对15例资料完整的病例进行回顾性分析。其中男10例,女5例;年龄22-48岁,平均38岁。车祸伤9例,高处坠落伤6例。开放性损伤3例,闭合性损伤12例。尺骨鹰嘴粉碎性骨折14例,斜形骨折1例。13例合并冠状突骨折,2例合并肱骨外髁骨折。对所有病例应用内固定治疗,包括单纯张力带固定4例,张力带加螺钉固定5例,张力带加重建钢板或半管状钢板固定6例。3例行一期植骨。结果术后平均随访18个月。肘关节和前臂平均活动范围:屈肘105°,伸肘-20°;前臂旋前50°,旋后60°。按照Broberg和Morrey评估标准进行评价,优8例,良6例,可1例。其中张力带加钢板治疗组6例均为优。结论  高能量损伤中因尺骨近端多为粉碎性骨折,且多同时合并冠状突骨折,肘关节极不稳定,单纯应用张力带固定不能获得稳定的固定,建议用重建钢板对尺骨近端骨折进行稳定固定,以获得正常的鹰嘴宽度和肱尺关节对合关系。一旦尺骨骨折向前移位得到纠正,桡骨头脱位也大多同时得到复位。存在明显骨缺损者应一期植骨。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨尺骨冠突骨折的分型及治疗方法.[方法]对54例尺骨冠突骨折患者,根据尺骨冠突骨折线的位置、尺侧副韧带是否损伤、冠突受损程度及肘关节稳定性的影响分为4型.[结果]患者伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,骨折愈合率为100%.术后随访16~72个月,平均27.9个月.无1例发生感染、神经损伤和肘关节不稳定,但Ⅲ型1例、Ⅳ型2例有创伤性关节炎表现,Ⅳ型骨折患者术后患侧肘关节活动范围明显小于健侧(P<0.05).[结论]Ⅰ型冠突骨折可行保守治疗,若骨折片移位突入关节间隙影响肘关节活动,可手术摘除碎骨片;Ⅱ、Ⅲ型冠突骨折可行切开复位内固定,同时注意修补或重建韧带以稳定肘关节;Ⅳ型冠突骨折,应重建冠突及尺侧副韧带前束,并保持冠突的高度达到原高度的1/2以上,同时加强术后功能锻炼.  相似文献   

[目的]桡骨小头粉碎骨折时往往行桡骨小头切除术。本研究目的是分析桡骨小头粉碎骨折伴尺骨冠突骨折时行桡骨小头切除前后肘关节的稳定性。[方法]选取骨密度值相近的上肢标本20对,经X线片证实无风湿、结核、肿瘤、骨折、畸形等。剥离上肢所有的皮肤、肌肉和筋膜,完整保留肘关节囊、内外侧副韧带、环状韧带及尺、桡骨骨间膜。调制好的牙托粉与标本两端固定后,将标本伸直侧位自由放置于生物力学机,关节轴与水平面垂直,肱骨外髁向上,于肱骨外髁处垂直向下载荷,记录肘外翻位移。将标本竖直固定于生物力学机,尺桡骨向下,肘关节伸直位,做肘外旋扭转,记录肘关节的转角。[结果]桡骨小头粉碎骨折伴冠突无骨折、Ⅰ型骨折、Ⅱ型骨折在桡骨小头切除后较切除前肘外翻位移及外旋角经统计学比较各组间并无显著性差异;伴冠突Ⅲ型骨折时在桡骨小头切除后较切除前肘外翻位移及外旋角显著增大。[结论]桡骨小头粉碎骨折伴冠突Ⅰ、Ⅱ型骨折行桡骨小头切除前后肘关节均稳定,可行桡骨小头切除术,Ⅲ型骨折不稳定,应修复桡骨小头或假体置换,并修复冠突及尺桡侧副韧带。  相似文献   

组配型桡骨头假体置换治疗桡骨头粉碎性骨折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价采用组配型人工桡骨头假体置换治疗桡骨头严重粉碎性骨折的早期疗效和并发症.方法 2009年11月至2011年3月共收治22例桡骨头粉碎骨折患者,男16例,女6例;年龄21~62岁,平均41.5岁;左侧部9例,右侧13例.桡骨头骨折均为MasonⅢ型粉碎骨折,其中1例Ⅱ型Monteggja骨折脱位,13例合并肘部损伤“三联征”;1例合并肘关节脱位但不伴有冠状突骨折,3例合并Essex-Lospresti损伤,4例合并内侧副韧带损伤.采用Acumed组配型桡骨头假体对桡骨头进行置换,冠状突骨折采用克氏针固定,尺骨近端骨折则采用钢板螺钉固定,对2例肘部损伤“三联征”患者同时辅以铰链式外固定支架.结果 22例患者术后获6~22个月(平均12 95)随访.其中1例患者桡骨头假体位置过高,影响肘关节活动,屈肘小于90°;1例肘部损伤“三联征”患者假体位置过低,活动范围基本正常,但出现明显的肘关节侧方不稳定;1例患者术后1个月即出现严重的异位骨化并形成骨桥,最终肘关节完全僵直于屈肘70°;其余19例肘关节功能满意,平均屈肘131.5°±4.4°( 130°~140.),平均伸直受限5.4°±6.3°(0~20°),平均屈伸126.1°±7.7°(120°~140°);前臂平均旋前81.6°±6.4°( 70° ~90°),平均旋后85.6°±3.1° (80°~90°),平均旋转167.2°±8.2°(150°~ 180°),Mayo肘关节评分(MEPS)平均为(94.2±5.1)分(85 ~ 100分). 结论 组配型人工桡骨头假体可根据个体差异进行组配,是桡骨头严重粉碎性骨折的可选治疗方法之一,早期疗效较满意,但有一定的并发症,需严格把握手术适应证.  相似文献   

Monteggia''s骨折脱位的相关内容回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monteggia’s骨折脱位是指任何部位的尺骨骨折合并桡骨头脱位。这种累及前臂和肘部的损伤并不常见,其发生率约占前臂骨折总数的5%。本文通过回顾Monteggia’s骨折脱位的历史发展,进一步明确了其定义分型、损伤机制和治疗原则,并对现有的治疗方法和预后评价标准进行了总结,并指出治疗的关键是及时诊断和及时治疗,使尺骨获得优良的解剖复位和稳定固定,另外必须重视对发生在肘关节水平的合并损伤的处理,包括冠状突骨折、桡骨头骨折、肱尺关节后外侧旋转不稳定等。而尺骨的粉碎骨折合并桡骨头骨折、冠状突骨折都将明显影响预后。  相似文献   

The terrible triad injury of the elbow is the combination of an elbow dislocation, a radial head fracture and a coronoid process fracture. In this study, we explored the outcome of a modified protocol for terrible triad injury of the elbow in a consecutive series of 14 patients, with a focus on reconstruction of comminuted coronoid fractures. Fourteen patients with terrible triad injuries of the elbow were retrospectively reviewed at a mean follow-up of 23?months (range, 15–30?months) and were clinically and radiographically evaluated. For comminuted coronoid fractures, autografting with resected radial head fragment or ilium fragment with cartilage surface and transosseous suture with non-absorbable suture were performed. Internal fixation of the radial head was performed in six cases and arthroplasty in five. The collateral ligaments were repaired. Mean flexion at last follow-up was 125°, ranging from 100° to 135°. Mean extension loss was 13°, ranging from 0° to 38°. Mean pronation was 70° and mean supination was 66°. No patient experienced dislocation of the radial head prosthesis. The mean Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) was 87 (range, 75–100), with six excellent cases and eight good cases. According to our intraoperative examination, no patient demonstrated unacceptable residual instability in extension following restoration of all of the osseous and ligamentous lesions. In conclusion, our protocol can achieve stable reconstruction of the coronoid process, which promotes the functional outcome of surgical treatment on terrible triad injuries of the elbow.  相似文献   

Internal fixation of proximal radial head fractures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The treatment of choice for proximal radial head fractures remains controversial. The goal of any treatment for an intra-articular fracture must be the complete restoration of the joint and its function. Nonoperative treatment leads to full motion in cases of less than 1-2 mm of fracture displacement. Resection of the radial head can be recommended only for very comminuted fractures. All other fracture types should be treated by open reduction and internal fixation. Our own personal follow-up observation of 19 patients who had surgical intervention demonstrated restoration of elbow function after an average follow-up time of 11.7 months. Five patients had a slightly restricted range of motion of less than 10 degrees extension and flexion as well as less than 8 degrees pronation and supination, without signs of arthritis. Because complications were minimal, we recommend internal fixation of displaced proximal radial head fractures to restore the anatomic function of the elbow. This is especially true in cases with accompanying proximal ulna fractures and/or ruptured collateral ligaments of the elbow joint and/or disruption of the distal radio-ulnar joint.  相似文献   

Objective: To discuss the classification, management and outcome of fractures of the ulnar coronoid process. Methods: Retrospective analysis was carried out in 31 patients (19 men and 12 women of average age 29.8 years [range, 18–52 years]) with fractures of the ulnar coronoid process. The fractures were classified into four major groups based on the extent of injury to the ulnar coronoid process, the state of the anterior bundle of the ulnar collateral ligaments (UCL) and elbow stability. A fracture of the coronoid process less than halfway up was defined as type I (eleven cases); of the middle of the coronoid process with injury of the UCL as type II (nine cases); of the base of coronoid process with dislocation of the elbow joint, sometimes with injury of the UCL, as type III (six cases); and severe comminuted fracture of the coronoid process with elbow instability as type IV (five cases). We chose treatment according to the type of injury. Results: Follow‐up was 18–72 months (average 28.6 months). All patients achieved fracture union without inflammation, neural injuries or elbow instability. One type III and two type IV patients had traumatic osteoarthritis, and two type III and two type IV developed heterotopic ossification. There was a statistically significant difference between the ranges of movement of the two‐side joints in type IV. Conclusion: We choose conservative treatment for type I fractures unless the bone fragment affected movement of the elbow joint, in which case we chose operative treatment so that elbow stability was not affected. Type II and type III fractures with elbow instability were reduced by internal fixation and the ligament repaired or reconstructed. In type IV cases, bone reconstruction was necessary to recover elbow stability. Proper post‐operative rehabilitation can decrease the occurrence of traumatic osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of posttraumatic elbow instability   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Successful reconstruction of posttraumatic elbow instability depends on restoration of the anatomic contributors to stability. The osseous and articular structures are paramount. The radial head and coronoid should be repaired or reconstructed and the olecranon (proximal ulna) should be repaired in anatomic alignment so that the contour and dimensions of the trochlear notch are restored and the radiocapitellar joint is aligned appropriately. The lateral collateral ligament complex is commonly disrupted and usually can be reattached to its origin from the lateral epicondyle. Patients with longstanding subluxation or dislocation may require temporary hinged external fixation or reconstruction of the collateral ligaments with tendon grafts.  相似文献   

Radial head fractures represent the most common elbow fractures. Undisplaced fractures usually occur in isolation and can be treated nonsurgically. Displaced fractures should be treated surgically. Simple two-part fractures can easily be handled by osteosynthesis, but comminuted fractures pose a major problem for reconstruction. As the radial head is an important stabilizer of the elbow joint??especially in the context of concomitant ligamentous injuries??its resection may lead to pain, limited range of motion, and instability. Therefore, radial head resection is not recommended for the acute situation and open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) or prosthetic replacement should be aimed for. Complications such as secondary loss of fixation, radial head necrosis, and nonunion due to insufficient stability of the osteosynthesis have often been described. Therefore, prosthetic replacement is recommended if stable reconstruction is impossible. With the development of new locking plates especially designed for the maintenance of radial head fractures, the indications for osteosynthesis may be extended. As radial head fractures are complicated by a high percentage of ligamentous injuries and concomitant elbow fractures such as the coronoid, capitellum, and proximal ulna, these additional injuries have to be taken into account. The current treatment concepts are discussed within this paper.  相似文献   

Abstract The coronoid process of the ulna forms the anterior boundary of the trochlear notch and is crucial for elbow stability. Coronoid fractures are uncommon and they occur in aproximately 10% of elbow dislocations. They are mostly associated with ligamentous and capsular disruptions as well as concomitant fractures. Posterior elbow dislocations, combined with fractures of the coronoid and the radial head are known as the terrible-triad of the elbow. These injuries result in instability of the elbowjoint and, if not treated properly, lead to recurrent dislocations that can cause further damage. Depending on the pattern of the injury and the quality of the bone, the surgeon has to choose from a variety of treatment options. Large coronoid fragments and other associated fractures are ideally treated by ORIF (open reduction internal fixation); a prosthetic radial head replacement may be favorable if a comminuted radial head fracture is not reconstructable. Isolated small coronoid process fractures can be treated non-operatively with satisfactory results. Although rough guidelines can bemade, it is important to view each patient's elbow injury individually and then make a specific treatment plan. Data on treatment results are sparse. Improved understanding of coronoid fractures and their management will result in better outcomes and decrease possible complications including a certain degree of stiffness, neuropathy and arthrosis.  相似文献   

目的研究分析切开复位内固定治疗桡骨头复杂骨折的效果。方法方法2003年3月至2008年6月,我院收治桡骨头复杂骨折共35例,其中男性21例,女性14例;平均年龄32.5岁(18~62岁);受伤至手术平均时间为5.5 d(2~15 d);伴发其他部位损伤11例,包括同侧肱骨小头骨折2例,同侧尺骨近段粉碎性骨折1例,同侧尺骨鹰嘴撕脱性骨折2例,冠状突骨折6例(Regan-Morrey分型Ⅰ型2例,Ⅱ型3例,Ⅲ型1例,需要手术处理3例);根据Mason-Johnston分型,Ⅲ型26例,Ⅳ型9例。采用Kocher切口经肘肌与尺侧腕伸肌之间进入,显露旋后肌保护桡神经深支,骨折复位后以微型钢板结合克氏针固定,探查并修补外尺侧副韧带,部分桡骨颈骨缺损取用肱骨外髁植骨。对伴有冠状突骨折需要手术患者采用前内侧Z形切口复位固定,探查并修补内侧副韧带。对2例配合使用肘关节外固定支架固定,1例术后给予外固定支具保护。结果术后平均随访时间12.6个月(7~24个月),骨折均获得骨性愈合,平均愈合时间5.5个月(3.5~6.5个月)。2例内外侧副韧带附着处出现骨化现象。根据Broberg-Morrey评分进行评定,Mason-JohnstonⅢ型26例中优8例,良14例,可3例,差1例,优良率为85%;Ⅳ型9例中优1例,良3例,可3例,差2例,优良率仅为44%(其中1例优者配合用了外固定支架)。Ⅲ型组疗效明显优于Ⅳ型组,两者差异有统计学意义(P=0.03)。结论对桡骨头复杂骨折,尤其是Ⅲ型患者,应采取切开复位内固定治疗,并对伴有的肘关节韧带损伤进行修补,适时进行植骨术,可取得较为满意的疗效;不应行一期桡骨头切除。对少数Ⅳ型骨折,可采取肘关节外固定支架结合有限内固定治疗或延期桡骨头切除术,但具体疗效还有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Treatment options in radial head fractures of Mason types III and IV range from open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) to radial head resection with or without prosthetic replacement. PATIENTS: In a prospective study, the radiographic and clinical outcome was evaluated in 23 patients (age median 51 years) with 23 complex radial head fractures median 2 (1-4) years after ORIF using a new fixation device (FFS; Orthofix). 14 Mason type-III fractures with 2 concomitant olecranon fractures and 1 ulnar nerve lesion, and 11 type-IV fractures with 2 olecranon fractures and 2 fractures of the coronoid process were treated. 2 patients were lost to follow-up. In 7 cases of joint instability, an elbow fixator with motion capacity was applied after ORIF of the radial head. RESULTS: No radial head resection was necessary. No secondary dislocations or nonunion occurred. The Morrey elbow score was excellent in 8 and good in 4 Mason type-III fractures and excellent in 5, good in 3, and fair in 3 Mason type-IV fractures. INTERPRETATION: Reconstruction of comminuted radial head fractures can be performed with this device and radial head resection can be avoided.  相似文献   

This is a report on an unusual complication of the Sauve-Kapandji procedure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Two women with rheumatoid arthritis who previously had an ipsilateral Sauve-Kapandji procedure experienced spontaneous transverse divergent elbow dislocations without evident trauma. Their radiographs showed medial dislocation of the proximal ulna, which was separated from the radial head. The radial head and distal end of the ulnar shaft showed remarkable instability by a pronation and supination motion without the radial and ulnar shafts being separated from each other. Stress radiographic examination showed significant loosening of all ligaments except the medial collateral ligament around the elbow and did not show disruption of the interosseous membrane. A unique chronic twist radioulnar dissociation which consists of gross instability of the radial head and the distal ulna without disruption of the interosseous membrane was considered to cause instability of the humeroulnar joint, which results in medial dislocation of the proximal ulna. This report suggests that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between the residual distal ulnar instability and the development of transverse divergent dislocation of the elbow in patients with rheumatoid arthritis after the Sauve-Kapandji procedure.  相似文献   

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