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沈燕 《护理与康复》2010,9(12):1017-1019
目的探讨目标性监测在综合性重症监护病房呼吸机相关性肺炎监控中的应用。方法对2009年11月至2010年4月入住综合性重症监护病房实施呼吸机治疗患者进行呼吸机相关性肺炎的目标性监测,并与前期全面综合性监测进行对比研究。结果采用目标性监测后呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生率为15.73%,全面综合性监测期间呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生率为31.91%,两种方法比较,x2=6.557,P0.05。结论目标性监测是一种有效的医院感染控制方法,可降低综合性重症监护病房呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生率。  相似文献   

神经外科重症监护室( NSICU)中,重度颅脑损伤及重大手术后,患者常伴意识障碍或处于意识模糊状态,常发生与之相关的呼吸闭塞或中枢性呼吸功能衰竭,需行气管插管或气管切开进行机械通气治疗,是NSICU中VAP发生的主要途径之一。病人发生一旦VAP,会产生严重的呼吸困难,进而加重病情并延长住院时间,甚至会造成死亡。现在,VAP的高发病率,高死亡率,高医疗资源消耗已经引起了高度重视,如何改进治疗及护理技术来降低VAP的发病率及病死率已提上日程。本文从VAP的发病危险因素和各项预防措施进行了具体阐述,总结了VAP的发生与发展与临床护理工作中的各项操作有着密不可分的关系。临床上各种护理措施如严格遵守无菌原则、气道护理、口腔护理、体位护理、翻身叩背、严格的呼吸机消毒及正确的操作、正确的给予肠内营养等简单易行且花费低,结合各种治疗措施等积极预防治疗VAP,是降低NSICU患者VAP发病率和病死率、缩短住院时间、降低医疗费用的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨集束照护策略对提高新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)医护人员手卫生依从性的作用.方法 通过开展品质罔活动,实施医护人员手卫生的集束照护策略(care bundle),即:(1)加强培训和管理,增强手卫牛意识,强化手卫牛观念;(2)进行环境改造和流程再造,创建手卫生的氛围和方便的洗手设施;(3)加强监督,医护人员共同参与,保证洗手的正确性.对实施集束照护策略前后NICU医护人员入室及接触患儿前手卫生的落实情况进行比较分析. 结果NICU医护人员入室、接触患儿前手卫生实施率分别由集束照护策略实施前的32.1%、92.0%上升至实施后的97.4%、99.3%;新生儿院内感染的发生率由实施前的2.22%下降到实施后的1.38%.结论 集束照护策略能有效提高医护人员手卫生的依从性,预防医院内感染发生.  相似文献   

Background: Ventilator‐associated pneumonia (VAP) has been identified as the most common nosocomial infection in intensive care units (ICUs) with associated health and financial costs. To date, more research has been carried out in adult ICUs than in paediatric units, thus prompting a review and investigation of the implications for paediatric practice. Aims: To identify relevant paediatric literature surrounding VAP and use this in association with research carried out in the adult environment to establish the implications of VAP and possible management strategies. Search strategies: A literature search was undertaken using databases within DialogDatastar to identify the extent to which VAP has been researched in both paediatric and adult centres. This information was used to try and gain a clearer concept of the impact and management of VAP in the paediatric setting. Key words and combinations included VAP, intensive care, paediatric, antibiotics, positioning, suction, economics, management, nosocomial and morbidity and mortality. Results of analysis: Despite the documented significance of VAP in terms of its financial and health implications, discrepancies and inconsistencies exist surrounding the identification and treatment of VAP. This is reflected in paediatric centres by a dearth of literature on the subject and the lack of a national standard as to the management and prevention of VAP. Inappropriate management of VAP plays an important role in the development and spread of multiresistant bacteria within hospitals. Conclusions: While inadequate paediatric research exists, extrapolating from adult research suggests that the financial and health costs of VAP are substantial and can be reduced by introducing simple low‐cost measures. Such measures include improving education surrounding VAP and its implications and making small changes in practice to improve and maintain oral hygiene standards. Implications: With a growing cohort of paediatric patients requiring short‐ and long‐term ventilation, progress must be made in identifying the extent and impact of VAP in paediatric ICUs and among the community ventilated patients. This will require changes in practice and attitudes towards VAP for which an appropriate knowledge base would need to be established using audit and research. These issues are particularly relevant in the current environment given the links with multiresistant strains of bacteria within hospitals and the community.  相似文献   

目的:探讨机械通气集束化护理在预防呼吸机相关性肺炎的作用。方法:选择2011年1~12月机械通气患者225例作为对照组,2012年1~12月机械通气患者262例作为观察组,对照组采用常规的护理方法,观察组采用包括严格手卫生、加强口腔护理、重视气道湿化、定时监测气囊压、持续声门下吸引、每天进行拔管评估、呼吸机管路的护理、半卧位(抬高床头30°~45°)等集束化护理措施,观察两组患者VAP的发病率、入住ICU的时间、机械通气时间、ICU的医疗费用。结果:观察组患者VAP的发病率、入住ICU时间、机械通气时间、ICU的医疗费用均低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:集束化护理可降低机械通气患者VAP发病率,减少机械通气时间和医疗费用,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   



Ventilator associated pneumonia remains an important concern in the intensive care unit (ICU). An increasing body of evidence shows that mortality and morbidity can be reduced by implementing a range of preventive strategies, including optimizing oral hygiene.


The aim of this feasibility study was to test two oral hygiene strategies on the effects of microbial colonization of dental plaque with respiratory pathogens (primary outcome) and incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia (secondary outcome).


A single blind randomised comparative study was conducted in a 20-bed adult intensive care unit in a university hospital. Patients with an expected duration of mechanical ventilation more than 48 h were eligible. Patients were randomised to one of three study regimens (Group A control, second hourly oral rinse with sterile water, Group B sodium bicarbonate mouth wash second hourly, and Group C twice daily irrigations with chlorhexidine 0.2% aqueous oral rinse and second hourly irrigations with sterile water). All study options included cleaning with a toothbrush and non foaming toothpaste.


Data from a total of 109 patients were analyzed. Group A 43, Group B 33 and Group C 33 (mean age: 58 ± 17 years, simplified acute physiology score II: 44 ± 14 points). On admission no significant differences were found between groups for all clinical data. While Group B showed a greater trend to reduction in bacterial colonization no significant differences could be demonstrated at Day 4 of admission (p = 0.302). The incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia was evenly spread between Groups B and C (5%) while Group A was only 1%.


While a number of studies have advocated the use of various mouth rinses in reducing colonization of dental plaque a standardized oral hygiene protocol which includes the use of mechanical cleaning with a toothbrush may be a factor in the reduction of colonization of dental plaque with respiratory pathogens. This feasibility study provides data to inform future adequately powered studies.  相似文献   



Healthcare-associated respiratory tract infections are common and markedly affect the quality of life and mortality, as well as increasing costs for health systems due to prolonged hospitalisation. This study aimed to assess the change in both level and trend of respiratory tract infections after a specific hand hygiene program for intensive care unit (ICU) staff.

Materials and methods

The infection data collection was carried out from January 2013 to August 2014. The hand hygiene program started in December 2013. To analyse the change in level and trend of infections after the intervention, the Interrupted Time Series method was used. Chi-square test was used to compare the incidence of respiratory tract infections before and after the intervention.


A total of 825 patients were hospitalised in three Italian ICUs. The infection level was significantly decreased by 36.3 infections per 1000 device-days after the intervention. The infection trend was also decreased of about 1 infection per month.


After the hand hygiene program a decreased level of infection was found. Continuous performance feedback should be provided to promote a long-term adherence to the guidelines. Organisational and individual risk factors must be individuated and correctly managed to increase quality of practice.  相似文献   

呼吸机集束干预策略对呼吸机相关性肺炎的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨呼吸机集束化干预策略在预防呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)中的影响。方法:采用回顾性研究方法,对2008年10月~2010年10月收住ICU的机械通气病人共286例进行集束化治疗与护理。所有病人采取抬高床头、每天"唤醒计划"、消化性溃疡的预防、深静脉血栓的预防等集束化干预策略。通过对体温、痰量和性状、血象、胸部X线片及下呼吸道细菌学检查监测,观察VAP的发生率及死亡率;取本院ICU2006年1月~2007年12月机械通气病人262例作为对照组。结果:机械通气病人集束化干预后,病人VAP的发生率较对照组有显著下降(P<0.01),死亡率较对照组下降(P<0.05)。结论:集束化干预策略能有效降低VAP的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨呼吸机相关性肺炎的护理策略。方法:运用循证护理,先确定60例机械通气病人需要解决的问题,后针对问题查阅相关文献和资料,寻找直接和间接实证,并对其真实性、可靠性、临床价值及实用性进行分析、归纳,选择最佳护理证据,研究出最佳护理策略,制定出最佳护理方案,并执行相应的护理措施。结果:60例机械通气病人发生呼吸机相关性肺炎5例,发生率为8.3%,低于文献报道14.3%。结论:运用循证护理理论指导临床护理可提高护理质量,对机械通气病人运用恰当的护理策略,采取相应的护理措施可降低呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生率。  相似文献   

Aims and objectives: The aim of this review was to critically analyse recent research that has investigated ventilator care bundle (VCB) use, with the objective of analysing its impact on ventilator‐associated pneumonia (VAP) outcomes. Background: The VCB is a group of four evidence‐based procedures, which when clustered together and implemented as an ‘all or nothing’ strategy, may result in substantial clinical outcome improvement. VAP is a nosocomial lung infection associated with endotracheal tube use in ventilated patients. Since the VCB was introduced there have been several studies that have reported significant VAP rate reductions. Search strategy: A comprehensive search for research, published between 2004 and 2009, was conducted using Medline and PubMed. Key words were used to identify English language studies reporting VCB implementation within adult intensive care units (ICU) and associated clinical outcomes. Studies that implemented bundle variations that did not include all four elements were excluded. Conclusions: Because of the limitations of the observational designs used in the studies retrieved, a definitive causal relationship between VCB use and VAP reduction cannot be stated. However, the evidence to date is strongly indicative of a positive association. Several studies reported the use of additional VCB elements. In these cases it is difficult to establish which elements are related to the measured outcomes. Further research is recommended to establish baseline outcome measures using the four‐element VCB, before adding further processes singly, as well as research investigating the effect of audit and feedback on VCB compliance and its effect on clinical outcomes. Relevance to clinical practice: A reduction in VAP is associated with VCB use. The evidence to date, whilst not at the highest experimental level, is at the highest ethically permissible level. In the absence of contradictory research, the current evidence suggests that use of the VCB represents best practice for all eligible adult ventilated patients in ICU.  相似文献   

目的探讨强化胃残余量控制对预防肠内营养患者呼吸机相关性肺炎的作用。方法分析96例机械通气超过48h的患者,随机分成病例组和对照组各48例。分别采用强化胃残余量控制和普通控制。比较2组呼吸机相关肺炎的发生率、病死率、机械通气时间及住院时间。结果病例组呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率为20.83%、病死率18.75%、机械通气时间(15.21±2.36)d、住院时间(22.38±12.34)d;对照组呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率为39.58%、病死率39.58%、机械通气时间(19.85±4.58)d、住院时间(29.46±15.24)d。2组各项指标比较差异显著。结论强化胃残余量控制可减少呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生,缩短机械通气和住院时间。  相似文献   

目的 探讨强化胃残余量控制对预防肠内营养患者呼吸机相关性肺炎的作用.方法 分析96例机械通气超过48 h的患者,随机分成病例组和对照组各48例.分别采用强化胃残余量控制和普通控制.比较2组呼吸机相关肺炎的发生率、病死率、机械通气时间及住院时间.结果 病例组呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率为20.83%、病死率18.75%、机械通气时间(15.21±2.36)d、住院时间(22.38±12.34)d;对照组呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率为39.58%、病死率39.58%、机械通气时间(19.85±4.58)d、住院时间(29.46±15.24)d.2组各项指标比较差异显著.结论 强化胃残余量控制可减少呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生,缩短机械通气和住院时间.  相似文献   

目的 探讨呼吸机集束化干预策略在恶性肿瘤患者呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的预防作用.方法 采用前瞻性研究方法,对我院147例ICU的机械通气恶性肿瘤患者进行集束化干预策略,采取抬高头部≥30°角体位、每日唤醒并评估患者进行脱机实验,预防消化性溃疡以及深静脉血栓的预防等措施.比较实施前后患者的机械通气时间、VAP发生率.结果 采用集束化干预策略后,患者VAP的发生率有所下降,机械通气时间缩短,入住ICU时间较对照组明显缩短.结论 呼吸机集束化干预策略可预防恶性肿瘤患者VAP的发生,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

张敬  付研  丁宁  田玮 《临床急诊杂志》2009,10(3):141-144
目的:通过研究急诊监护病房(EICU)机械通气相关性肺炎(VAP)的发病危险因素及病原学特点,为VAP防治提供流行病学资料,为制定和采取干预对策提供科学依据。方法:采用前瞻性队列研究,以我院EICU行气管插管或气管切开患者为对象作单因素和Logistic回归分析,筛选VAP发病的危险因素。结果:102例患者行机械通气,其中56例发生VAP,发生率54.9%,将17项变量行单因素分析显示,COPb病史、白蛋白〈25g/L、连续使用抗生素〉3d等11项因素有统计学意义。Logistic回归分析显示,VAP的独立发病危险因素有同时使用2种以上抗生素、重复气管插管、APACHEⅡ评分〉15分、躯干平卧位、机械通气时间延长。VAP的病原菌为多重耐药菌。结论:EICU发生VAP是多种因素共同作用的结果,应采取综合性干预对策,以切实降低感染率,提高救治成功率。  相似文献   

气管插管后气囊上液与呼吸机相关性肺炎的相关性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨气管插管后气囊上液与呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的相关性.方法 对气管插管后确诊为VAP的患者,进行气囊上液、下呼吸道、口腔分泌物、胃液培养,并进行菌群对比,找出其相关性.结果 下呼吸道分泌物与气囊上液的细菌成分为正相关,差异具有统计学意义,P<0.05.结论 气囊上液是引起气管插管患者的呼吸机相关性肺炎的主要原因之一,气囊上液的细菌大多数来源于胃腔和口腔细菌的定植.  相似文献   

目的研究提高新生儿重症监护室的手消毒依从性。方法建立手卫生干预措施,并用视频监测手段观察干预前后共13个月的各类接触。结果实施手卫生干预措施后手消毒依从性从25.15%上升为88.20%;培训后护理员的手消毒依从性较医生和护士低,夜间护士和护理员的手消毒依从性低于白班(P〈0.01)。结论手卫生干预措施能有效提高手消毒的依从性。  相似文献   

目的探讨口腔免疫疗法对预防早产儿呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的影响。方法选择我院2018年1月至2019年1月接收的行机械通气早产儿120例作为研究对象,随机等分为3组,均进行机械通气常规护理,对照组1采用0.9%氯化钠溶液口腔护理,对照组2给予5%碳酸氢钠溶液口腔护理,试验组应用初乳口腔免疫疗法。3组均每3 h口腔护理1次,观察3组72 h后口咽部分泌物及气管导管分泌物阳性率,口腔感染率及VAP发生率。结果试验组口咽部分泌物阳性率、气管导管分泌物阳性率均为2.50%,口腔感染、VAP发生率均为2.50%,均低于对照组1和对照组2(P<0.05)。结论对早产儿应用初乳口腔免疫疗法,可降低其气管导管分泌物、口咽部分泌物阳性率,有效预防VAP、口腔感染发生,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

基层综合ICU呼吸机相关肺炎原因分析与防治策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究基层综合ICU呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的原因及并提出防治策略,以降低VAP的发生率,缩短了住院天数,降低了医疗费用及死亡率。方法对36例机械通气发生VAP患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析及问卷调查。结果呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的原因是多方面。如:机械通气、患者及医务人员、侵人性操作、使用制酸剂、病房环境等。结论尽可能缩短呼吸机通气治疗时间有利于降低VAP的发生率,加强预防措施是减少呼吸机相关性肺炎发生的关键,采取综合的防治措施是减少其发生的最佳策略。  相似文献   

目的探讨集束化干预策略在胸外科术后机械通气患者呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)预防中的应用效果。方法选择2007年1月至2008年12月胸外科术后机械通气患者共81例为对照组,2009年1月至2011年11月胸外科术后机械通气患者共109例为干预组。对照组给予常规护理;干预组除实施常规护理外,实行集束化干预策略,包括半卧位(抬高床头30~45°)、密闭式吸痰、持续声门下吸引、严格执行手卫生、每日唤醒并进行拔管评估、早期肠内营养、预防深静脉血栓及消化性溃疡等措施。分析两组VAP发生率。结果干预组VAP发生率为8.26%,明显低于对照组20.99%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.376,P<0.05)。结论在胸外科术后机械通气患者治疗期间,实行呼吸机集束化干预策略能有效降低VAP发生率,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

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