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Zimbrón J, Ruiz de Azúa S, Khandaker GM, Gandamaneni PK, Crane CM, González‐Pinto A, Stochl J, Jones PB, Pérez J. Clinical and sociodemographic comparison of people at high‐risk for psychosis and with first‐episode psychosis. Objective: To compare clinical and sociodemographic characteristics previously associated with psychosis, between individuals at high‐risk for psychosis (HR) and patients experiencing a first episode psychosis (FEP), to achieve a better understanding of factors associated with psychosis. Method: Cross‐sectional comparison of 30 individuals at HR with 30 age‐gender matched FEP, presenting to an early intervention service for psychosis. Participants were followed‐up for 2 years to establish the proportion of HR who made the transition into FEP. Results: Both groups showed similar socio‐clinical characteristics, including immigration status, employment history, marital status, family history of psychotic illness, self‐harm and alcohol and drug use. The HR group had a lower level of education, higher burden of trauma, earlier onset of psychiatric symptoms and a longer delay in accessing specialised services. A younger onset of symptoms was associated with a longer delay in accessing services in both groups. After a 2 year follow‐up, only three (10%) of the HR group made a transition into FEP. Conclusion: The similarities observed between individuals at HR and those with FEP suggest that known variables associated with psychosis may be equally prevalent in people at HR who do not develop a psychotic disorder.  相似文献   

Aim: The purpose of this study was to undertake a first step in trying to understand the types of treatments young people at clinical high risk of psychosis are interested in pursuing. Methods: The sample consisted of 30 young people who were current participants in the ongoing North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS 2) and who met criteria for being at clinical high risk for psychosis. Participants were administered a questionnaire that asked them to identify the types of mental health problems they were currently getting help with or would like to get help with and the types of treatments they thought would be helpful and may be interested in receiving. Results: Results showed that when individuals first began participation in NAPLS, almost half had no expectations for treatment. They wanted help but they did not really know what kind of help to be asking for. Participants had a wide range of concerns for which they wanted help. Although a majority endorsed attenuated positive symptoms as a concern, many other issues such a family and social problems were often identified. For those who were already receiving help, the general opinion was that it was beneficial. Conclusions: The findings suggest that this population sees many different interventions as being potentially helpful. Furthermore, they are open to participating in a variety of treatments, including psychotherapeutic and psychiatric interventions as well as more general treatments addressing a range of possible deficits or difficulties.  相似文献   

In schizophrenia patients, cognitive functions appear linked to widespread alterations in cerebral white matter microstructure. Here we examine patterns of associations between regional white matter and cognitive functions in individuals at ultra‐high risk for psychosis. One hundred and sixteen individuals at ultra‐high risk for psychosis and 49 matched healthy controls underwent 3 T magnetic resonance diffusion‐weighted imaging and cognitive assessments. Group differences on fractional anisotropy were tested using tract‐based spatial statistics. Group differences in cognitive functions, voxel‐wise as well as regional fractional anisotropy were tested using univariate general linear modeling. Multivariate partial least squares correlation analyses tested for associations between patterns of regional fractional anisotropy and cognitive functions. Univariate analyses revealed significant impairments on cognitive functions and lower fractional anisotropy in superior longitudinal fasciculus and cingulate gyrus in individuals at ultra‐high risk for psychosis. Partial least squares correlation analysis revealed different associations between patterns of regional fractional anisotropy and cognitive functions in individuals at ultra‐high risk for psychosis compared to healthy controls. Widespread higher fractional anisotropy was associated with better cognitive functioning for individuals at ultra‐high risk for psychosis, but not for the healthy controls. Furthermore, patterns of cognitive functions were associated with an interaction‐effect on regional fractional anisotropy in fornix, medial lemniscus, uncinate fasciculus, and superior cerebellar peduncle. Aberrant associations between patterns of cognitive functions to white matter may be explained by dysmyelination.  相似文献   

High‐density electroencephalography (hdEEG) is an emerging brain imaging technique that can be used to investigate fast dynamics of electrical activity in the healthy and the diseased human brain. Its applications are however currently limited by a number of methodological issues, among which the difficulty in obtaining accurate source localizations. In particular, these issues have so far prevented EEG studies from reporting brain networks similar to those previously detected by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Here, we report for the first time a robust detection of brain networks from resting state (256‐channel) hdEEG recordings. Specifically, we obtained 14 networks previously described in fMRI studies by means of realistic 12‐layer head models and exact low‐resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA) source localization, together with independent component analysis (ICA) for functional connectivity analysis. Our analyses revealed three important methodological aspects. First, brain network reconstruction can be improved by performing source localization using the gray matter as source space, instead of the whole brain. Second, conducting EEG connectivity analyses in individual space rather than on concatenated datasets may be preferable, as it permits to incorporate realistic information on head modeling and electrode positioning. Third, the use of a wide frequency band leads to an unbiased and generally accurate reconstruction of several network maps, whereas filtering data in a narrow frequency band may enhance the detection of specific networks and penalize that of others. We hope that our methodological work will contribute to rise of hdEEG as a powerful tool for brain research. Hum Brain Mapp 38:4631–4643, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates longitudinal neuropsychological performance and its association with clinical symptomatology and psychosocial outcome in individuals identified as ultra high risk (UHR) for psychosis. METHODS: Thirty-five UHR individuals completed neurocognitive, clinical, and social/role functioning assessments at baseline and, on average, 8.3 months later. RESULTS: UHR subjects showed significant cognitive deficits at baseline and 2 distinct profiles of cognitive change over time. On average, 50% demonstrated improvement in social and role functioning over the follow-up period, while the other half showed either stability or decline in functioning. Functional improvement was associated with improved processing speed and visual memory, as well as improvement in clinical symptoms over the follow-up period. In contrast, patients who did not improve functionally showed stable clinical symptoms and cognitive performance over time. CONCLUSIONS: Although the degree of neurocognitive deficit at baseline in UHR patients does not predict psychosocial outcome, the course of neurocognitive change over the first 8 months of follow-up does differentiate patients with good and poor functional outcomes.  相似文献   

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