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Objective To study the developmental changes of glutamic acid decarboxylase-67 (GAD-67, a GABA synthetic enzyme) in normal and hypoxic ischemic (HI) brain. Methods C57/BL6 mice on postnatal day (P) 5, 9, 21and 60, corresponding developmentally to premature, term, juvenile and adult human brain were investigated by using both Western blot and immunohistochemistry methods either in normal condition or after hypoxic ischemic insult. Results The immunoreactivity of GAD-67 was up regulated with brain development and significant difference was seen between mature (P21, P60) and immature (P5, P9) brain. GAD-67 immunoreactivity decreased in the ipsilateral hemisphere in all the ages after hypoxia ischemia (HI) insult, but, significant decrease was only seen in the immature brain. Double labeling of GAD-67 and cell death marker, TUNEL, in the cortex at 8h post-HI in the P9 mice showed that (15.6 +/- 7.0)%TUNEL positive cells were GAD-67 positive which was higher than that of P60 mice. Conclusion These data suggest that GABAergic neurons in immature brain were more vulnerable to HI insult than that of mature brain.  相似文献   

Glutamate decarboxylase (EC, GAD) activity was studied in the brain of 12-day-old and adult rats treated with 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA), an inhibitor of GAD competitive with glutamate. Control GAD activity in the brains of immature animals (91.8 ± 18.2 nmol/h/mg of protein) was lower than that of the adult rats (228 ± 37.5 nmol/h/mg of protein). Brain GAD inhibition in adult rats was 58% at the onset of seizures (9 min on the average after administration of 70 mg 3-MPA/kg). At the same time, 3-MPA-treated young rats exhibited 76% inhibition of GAD despite the fact that at 9 min these animals were not yet having seizures. At the onset of seizures (19 min after 3-MPA on the average) their GAD activity remained at the same level. The difference between the groups was not related to the presence of the coenzyme pyridoxal-5′-phosphate in the enzyme assay. The inhibition of GAD by 3-MPA in vitro in the immature and adult brains was similar (Ki at 5.1 μM and 4.8 μM concentrations of 3-MPA, respectively). Identical values were found for Km of GAD (at 4.5 mM concentration of -glutamate). Calculations based on the results suggest that 3-MPA enters the immature brain more easily than the brain of the adult animals. While GAD inhibition by 3-MPA is the primary cause of seizures, their onset is influenced by other factors, in which the immature brain differs from the adult one and which may include less sensitivity to GABA decrease due to relative overactivity of the GABA system.  相似文献   

This study compares the immunohistochemical distributions of N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) and the large isoform of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD(67)) in the visual system of albino and pigmented rats. Most retinal ganglion cells and their axons were strongly immunoreactive for NAAG, whereas GAD(67) immunoreactivity was very sparse in these cells and projections. In retinorecipient zones, NAAG and GAD(67) immunoreactivities occurred in distinct populations of neurons and in dense networks of strongly immunoreactive fibers and synapses. Dual-labeling immunohistochemistry indicated that principal neurons were stained for NAAG, whereas local interneurons were stained for GAD(67). In contrast to the distribution observed in retinorecipient zones, most or all neurons were doubly stained for NAAG and GAD(67) in the thalamic reticular nucleus. Ten days after unilateral optic nerve transection, NAAG-immunoreactive fibers and synapses were substantially reduced in all contralateral retinal terminal zones. The posttransection pattern of NAAG-immunoreactive synaptic loss demarcated the contralateral and ipsilateral divisions of the retinal projections. In addition, an apparent transynaptic reduction in GAD(67) immunoreactivity was observed in some deafferented areas, such as the lateral geniculate. These findings suggest a complicated picture in which NAAG and GABA are segregated in distinct neuronal populations in primary visual targets, yet they are colocalized in neurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus. This is consistent with NAAG acting as a neurotransmitter release modulator that is coreleased with a variety of classical transmitters in specific neural pathways.  相似文献   

目的 探讨抗谷氨酸脱羧酶65(GAD65)抗体脑炎患者的临床特点。方法 回顾性总结分析2016年4月至2022年3月就诊于中南大学湘雅医院神经内科的9例抗GAD65抗体脑炎患者的临床资料。结果 9例患者发病年龄为14~76(31.2±20.5)岁;男女比例为4∶5。1例有前驱感染史。首发症状:癫痫发作3例、头痛2例、头晕1例、听力下降与幻嗅1例、不自主运动1例、面部感觉异常1例。临床表现:边缘性脑炎5例、单纯癫痫发作1例、边缘性脑炎伴小脑性共济失调1例、僵人综合征伴脑干脑炎1例、癫痫发作伴僵人综合征及小脑性共济失调1例。9例患者中,合并胰岛素依赖型糖尿病2例、合并甲状腺功能亢进1例、血抗甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体阳性4例。9例均进行了头部磁共振(MRI)检查,海马或颞叶异常信号3例、小脑萎缩1例。有7例患者在急性期进行了脑电图检查,4例合并癫痫样放电,均累及额颞区,其中有3例还累及双侧。9例患者均接受免疫治疗,单用一线治疗3例、一线联合二线治疗6例。6例接受了抗癫痫药治疗,其中4例需联合应用2种及2种以上的抗癫痫药。对9例患者进行了随访,失访1例;6例预后良好,其中2例症状完全缓解,4例部分...  相似文献   

The birth dates of neurons showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity have been determined in mouse somatosensory cortex. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E10 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). The distributions of thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive and nonimmunoreactive (non-GAD) cells as a function of depth under the pial surface were recorded in adult animals. The maximum rate of generation of GAD-positive neurons occurred at E14, whereas the generation of non-GAD neurons reached its maximum rate at E13. Except for those in layer I, GAD-positive neurons followed an inside-out sequence of positioning. GAD-positive neurons born at E12 and E13 were located in layers VI-IV. GAD-positive neurons born at E14 were found throughout the cortical thickness, with a maximum in layer IV. The GAD-positive neurons labeled after pulses at E15 or E16 or E17 were limited to the superficial strata, forming a band that became narrower as it moved toward the pial surface with increase in age of pulse labeling. GAD-positive neurons in layer I were generated at a constant rate during the whole embryonic period analyzed. Non-GAD neurons also followed an inside-out spatiotemporal gradient. Two partially overlapping phases were distinguished in non-GAD neurogenesis. During the first phase (from E12 to E14) neurons populating adult layers VI and V originated, while neurons located in layers IV through I were generated during the second phase (from E13 to E17). Since GAD-immunoreactive neurons form a heterogeneous population, we envisage further studies in order to test whether differences exist in birth dates among the classes.  相似文献   

Aromatic L‐amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is an uncommon inherited neurometabolic disease. The clinical presentations and MR findings in children with AADC deficiency were investigated. Total 12 children (6 boys, 6 girls), aged from 9 to 50 months (mean, 23 ±13 months), with AADC deficiency, were enrolled for analysis. Of 12 patients enrolled, clinical presentations included global developmental delay with generalized hypotonia in 12 (100%), dystonia in 12 (100%), oculogyric crisis in 12 (100%), and excessive sweating in 8 (67%). Sleep problem was also found in 4 (33%). Of 15 MR examinations, the major changes included 6 (40%) with diffusely prominent bilateral frontal sulci, 10 (67%) with prominent frontal horns, and 12 (80%) with hypomyelination. In AADC patients, the frontal horn was significantly widened (P < 0.01), and the volume of caudate nucleus was also significantly smaller than that of controls (P = 0.02). The ratios of thickness of the splenium to that of the genu of corpus callosum were also significantly increased (P < 0.01). There was also significant decrease of fiber density indices in major white matter fiber tracts. Using Tract‐Based Spatial Statistics approach, we also revealed significant change in major fiber tracts related to language function and motor function. In conclusion, the present study indicated that AADC deficiency may have significant impact on brain development, especially the frontal lobe and fiber tracts related to language function and motor function. Long‐term follow‐up of brain MRI in patients with AADC deficiency may clarify the possible effect of AADC deficiency on brain development. Hum Brain Mapp 38:1532–1540, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Limbic encephalitis (LE) is a neurological syndrome that may present in association with cancer, infection, or as an isolate clinical condition often accompanying autoimmune disorders. LE associated with glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (anti-GAD) is rare in children. Here, we characterized the clinical and laboratory features of a patient presenting with brainstem involvement with non-paraneoplastic LE associated with anti-GAD antibodies. In our patient, after plasma exchange, we determined a dramatic improvement of the neurological deficits.  相似文献   

Immediate and delayed effects of glucose deprivation, oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) and both oxygen and glucose deprivation (in vitro ischemia) on glutamate efflux from guinea pig cerebral cortex slices were studied. Immediate effects were evaluated by measuring changes of glutamate efflux during the metabolic insults. Delayed effects were evaluated by measuring the response of the tissue to a 50 mM KCl pulse applied 60 minafter the metabolic insults. Deprivation of glucose in the medium did not induce either immediate or delayed effects, while hypoxic condition produced an immediate slight stimulation of glutamate efflux without any delayed effect. Conversely, in vitro ischemia produced both immediate and delayed effects on glutamate efflux. During in vitro ischemia glutamate efflux dramatically increased in a calcium-independent and tetrodotoxin-sensitive manner; this effect was potentiated by a low sodium containing medium. The blockade of the sodium/potassium ATPase exchanger by ouabain caused a glutamate outflow similar to that induced by in vitro ischemia. On the whole, these data demonstrate the central role played by the sodium electrochemical gradient and by the membrane glutamate uptake system in the glutamate overflow induced by in vitro ischemia. Moreover, in slices previously exposed to both oxygen and glucose deprivation the effect of KCl on glutamate efflux was potentiated. This in vitro ischemia-induced delayed potentiation of neurotransmitter efflux, until now unreported in the literature, was found to be selectively restricted to glutamatergic structures and to be mainly due to an enhancement of the exocytotic component of glutamate release. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The temporal patterns of neurogenesis of cells showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity were determined in the area dentata of the mouse. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E11 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). The distribution of (3H)thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive neurons in the hilus and in the different strata of the fascia dentata (stratum infragranulosum, stratum granulosum, stratum moleculare) were recorded in adult animals. A radial gradient of neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells in the area dentata was not apparent. In the transverse axis, neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells seemed to follow a faint suprapyramidal to infrapyramidal gradient, which was due to differential timing of neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells destined for the stratum infragranulosum of the suprapyramidal and infrapyramidal blades of the fascia dentata. GABAergic neurons in the fascia dentata comprise a limited number of well-defined cell types. All of the different morphologic types of GAD-positive neurons present in the area dentata were generated prenatally. These diverse forms did not have specific times of neurogenesis. These results support the concept that the adult morphology of GAD-positive cells in the area dentata of the mouse do not bear any relationship to their times of origin.  相似文献   

背景由于对药物疗法不良反应的担忧,近几年人们对使用针灸治疗癫痫越来越感兴趣。尽管现已报道了不少针灸抗癫痫作用的临床证据,但其确切机制仍不清楚。目的 研究电针(EA)对癫痫大鼠自发性复发性癫痫(SRS),以及海马CA3和齿状回(DG)区中谷氨酸脱羧酶67(GAD67)表达的影响。方法 将50只Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠随机分为对照组、癫痫组、假刺激组、非穴位电针组和穴位电针组,每组10只。除对照组外,其余4组均制备氯化锂—匹罗卡品颞叶癫痫大鼠模型。造模成功的大鼠采用针刺或电针穴位治疗,8周后观察自发性复发性癫痫发作的次数。分别取5组大鼠海马组织,采用荧光定量PCR和Western blotting分别检测各组大鼠海马组织中GAD67 mRNA水平和蛋白水平表达变化;采用免疫组化法检测各组大鼠海马CA3和DG区GAD67蛋白水平表达变化。结果 治疗8周后,穴位电针组与癫痫组、假刺激组、非穴位电针组比较,减少了自发性复发性癫痫发作的次数,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。qRT-PCR结果显示:与对照组相比,癫痫组、假刺激组、非穴位电针组和穴位电针组大鼠海马组织中GAD6...  相似文献   

The adult distribution and development of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-synthesizing cells and fibers in the spinal cord of the lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L.) was studied by means of immunohistochemistry using antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Complementary immunostaining with antibodies against GABA, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and HuC/HuD (members of the Hu/Elav family of RNA-associated proteins) and staining with a reduced silver procedure ("en bloc" Bielschowski method), Nissl, and hematoxylin were also used. In adults, GAD-immunoreactive (GAD-ir) cells were observed in the ventral horns, in the spinal nucleus of the dorsal horn, at the base of the dorsal horns, and around the central canal, where some GAD-ir cells were cerebrospinal fluid-contacting (CSF-c). In addition, a few GAD-ir cells were observed in the lateral funiculus between the ventral horn and the marginal nucleus. The adult spinal cord was richly innervated by GAD-ir fibers. Large numbers of GAD-ir fibers and boutons were observed in the dorsal and ventral horns and also interstitially in the dorsal, lateral, and ventral funiculi. In addition, a rich GAD-ir innervation was observed in the marginal nucleus of the spinal cord. In the embryonic spinal cord, GAD-ir cells develop very early: The earliest cells were observed in the very thin mantle/marginal layer of stage 22 embryos in a short length of the spinal cord. At stages 25 and 26, several types of GAD-ir cells (commissural and noncommissural) were distinguished, and two of these cells were of CSF-c type. At stages 28, 30, and 31, the GAD-ir populations exhibited a marked longitudinal columnar organization. Double-immunolabeling experiments in embryos showed the presence of two different GAD-ir CSF-c cell populations, one ventral that is simultaneously TH-ir and other more dorsal that is TH-negative. By stage 33 (prehatching), GAD-expressing cells are present in virtually all loci, as in adults, especially in the ventral horn and base of the dorsal horn. The present results for the lesser spotted dogfish suggest an important role for gamma-aminobutyric acid in sensory and motor circuits of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution of neurons and terminals immunoreactive for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in the thalamus and adjacent structures of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) and the rabbit and have compared this distribution with the distributions we described previously for the cat and bushbaby (Galago senegalensis). The significance of these experiments depends, first, on the fact that GAD is the synthetic enzyme for GABA, and therefore that GAD immunoreactivity is a marker for GABAergic inhibitory neurons, and second, on previous findings that suggest that GABAergic neurons in the dorsal thalamus are local circuit neurons. In both cat and Galago, GAD-immunoreactive neurons are distributed essentially throughout the entire thalamus. In the opossum, GAD neurons are chiefly confined to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and the lateral extremity of the lateral posterior nucleus. The distribution of GAD neurons in the rabbit is intermediate between that found in the opossum on the one hand and cat and Galago on the other. Like opossum, about 25% of the neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of rabbit are GAD immunoreactive. Unlike opossum, however, as many as 18% of the cells in the ventral posterior nucleus of the rabbit are GAD immunoreactive, and scattered cells are also labeled in other thalamic areas, such as the medial geniculate and the lateral group. Aside from the findings in the dorsal thalamus, the chief observation is that GAD-immunoreactive neurons and/or terminals densely fill all principal targets of the optic tract, including the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus; the superficial gray layer of the superior colliculus; the anterior, posterior, and olivary pretectal nuclei; the nucleus of the optic tract; and the medial and lateral terminal nuclei of the accessory optic tract. These results support the idea first put forward by Cajal that local circuit neurons increase in number during the course of the evolution of complex mammalian brains. If we can assume that the conservative opossum retains characteristics reflecting an early stage of mammalian evolution, the results suggest that thalamic local circuit neurons arose first in the visual system and only later in evolution spread throughout the thalamus.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activities were measured in various visual structures of the pigeon brain after long-term monocular deprivation followed by short-term binocular presence or absence of light stimulation. The short-term phase (45 min) was coupled with a 2-deoxyglucose experiment in order to select the adequate brain samples. After monocular deprivation during the first 6–11 months, ChAT activity was higher by 40–60% in the dorsolateral visual Wulst contralateral to the deprived eye, as compared to the other side. In the same structure, animals, either monocularly deprived or undeprived and exposed binocularly to environmental light for 45 min, had higher ChAT activities on both sides than those maintained in the dark. Monocular deprivation performed in adult animals did not affect the ChAT activity in visual Wulst. GAD activity was bilaterally decreased in the visual Wulst after early monocular deprivation. These results suggest that early monocular deprivation has an effect on biochemical systems involved in synaptic transmission at selected relays of the visual pathways.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical procedures reveal perikarya containing glutamic acid decarboxylase immunoreactivity in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the rat. After colchicine pretreatment, neurons were observed in all subdivisions of the nucleus with a particular concentration in the ventrolateral and intermediate subdivisions.  相似文献   

The neurogenetic gradients of neurons showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity were determined in the regio superior and in the regio inferior of the mouse hippocampus. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E11 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). Distributions of (3H)thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive neurons in the different strata of the hippocampus proper were recorded in adult animals. GAD-positive neurons in this region are generated prenatally. Radial gradients of neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells are characterized by two main features: 1) with the exception of the stratum lacunosum-moleculare and its interface with the stratum radiatum, GAD-positive neurons of the plexiform strata are generated before those destined for the pyramidal layer; 2) within the pyramidal layer, GAD-positive cells are positioned according to an inside-out sequence. In the transverse axis, neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells follows a regio inferior to regio superior gradient. This gradient is due to prolonged neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells for the pyramidal layer in the regio superior. Given the selective laminar disposition of the GABAergic interneurons in the hippocampus, the present authors explored whether or not the diverse types of these interneurons could have specific birth dates and concluded that no relationship exists between birth dates and adult phenotypes of GAD-immunoreactive cells in the mouse hippocampus proper.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation two glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) cDNAs from zebrafish with over 84% identity to human GAD65 and GAD67. In situ hybridization studies revealed that both GAD65 and GAD67 were expressed in the early zebrafish embryo during the period of axonogenesis, suggesting a role for GABA prior to synapse formation. Both GAD genes were detected in the telencephalon, in the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus in the midbrain, and at the border regions of the rhombomeres in the rostral hindbrain. In the caudal hindbrain, only GAD67 was detected (in neurons with large-caliber axons). In the spinal cord, both GAD genes were detected in dorsal longitudinal neurons, commissural secondary ascending neurons, ventral longitudinal neurons, and Kolmer-Agduhr neurons. Immunohistochemistry for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) revealed that GABA is produced at all sites of GAD expression, including the novel cells in the caudal hindbrain. These results are discussed in the context of the hindbrain circuitry that supports the escape response. We conclude that fish, like mammals, have two GAD genes. The zebrafish GAD65 and GAD67 are present in identified neurons in the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, and they catalyze the production of GABA in the developing embryo. J. Comp. Neurol. 396:253–266, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was determined in 53 patients with neurological diseases as follows: Epilepsy (n:17), febrile convulsions (n:3), meningoencephalitis (n:17), encephalopathies (n:10), CNS leukemia (n:3), congenital hydrocephalus (n:2) and pseudoileus neonatorum (n:1). Compared with the mean normal value (5.2 +/- 2.5 pmol CO2 formed/hr/ml) reported in Part I, a significant increase of GAD activity in CSF was demonstrated in patients with uncontrolled epileptic seizures (11.4 +/- 3.9 pmol CO2 formed/hr/ml), febrile convulsions (13.5 +/- 8.7), viral meningitis with or without encephalitis (20.3 +/- 13.6), encephalopathies (30.0 +/- 25.9), CNS leukemia (11.1 +/- 5.0), congenital hydrocephalus (20.5 +/- 7.3) and pseudoileus neonatorum (28.6). Markedly high GAD activity was found in patients with CNS leukemia several days after intrathecal injection of methotrexate (39.8 +/- 18.0). On the other hand, significantly low GAD activity was shown in patients with bacterial meningitis or brain abscess (1.3 +/- 1.2). This suggests that some bacterial factors may be inhibitory toward GAD activity in CSF. High GAD activity in CSF may be useful as an indicator of aseptic brain dysfunction, although it was not always correlated with the severity of symptoms.  相似文献   

目的谷氨酸脱羧酶2 (glutamic acid decarboxylase 2,GAD65) 是γ-氨基丁酸(gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA)的合成酶。本研究拟构建重组大鼠GAD65基因的慢病毒载体(recombinant lentivirus-rGAD65,rLV-rGAD65),并在体内外分析其功能。方法用RT-PCR法克隆大鼠GAD65基因的cDNA 并亚克隆至慢病毒载体上,形成重组慢病毒质粒(rLV-GFP-rGAD65)。在包装质粒的帮助下,获得重组慢病毒颗粒(rLV-rGAD65)并检测其滴度。用rLV-rGAD65感染原代培养的大鼠肺成纤维细胞,并用免疫细胞化学和蛋白印迹法检测rGAD65在成纤维细胞中的表达,用高效液相法(high-performance liquid chromatograph, HPLC)检测培养上清中GABA的含量。在体内, rLV-rGAD65 定点注射到Sprague-Dawley大鼠的丘脑底核(subthalamic nucleus,STN)。用免疫组织化学和蛋白印迹法检测GAD65基因在STN中的表达水平,HPLC检测黑质网状部(su...  相似文献   



Autism is a heterogeneous neurological disorder that is characterized by impairments in communication and social interactions, repetitive behaviors, and sensory abnormalities. The etiology of autism remains unclear. Animal, genetic, and post‐mortem studies suggest that an imbalance exists in the neuronal excitation and inhibition system in autism. The aim of this study was to determine whether alterations of the measured parameters in children with autism are significantly associated with the risk of a sensory dysfunction.


The glutamine synthetase (GS), kidney‐type glutaminase (GLS1), and glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody levels were analyzed in 38 autistic children and 33 age‐ and sex‐matched controls using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays.


The obtained data demonstrated significant alterations in glutamate and glutamine cycle enzymes, as represented by GS and GLS1, respectively. While the glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies levels were remarkably increased, no significant difference was observed compared to the healthy control participants.


The obtained data indicate that GS and GLS1 are promising indicators of a neuronal excitation and inhibition system imbalance and that combined measured parameters are good predictive biomarkers of autism.

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