Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus(SARS-CoV) has been identified as the causal agent of SARS.Although not common, acute renal failure (ARF) in SARS patientsusually has a catastrophic outcome, with a mortality rate of77% [1]. The causes of ARF in association with SARS are unknown.An increase in creatine kinase (CK) may play a role [2]. Wepresent two patients who met the definition of probable SARS.   A 78-year-old man  相似文献   

Acute renal failure and hyperkalaemia associated with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors.     
Gregory L Braden  Michael H O'Shea  Jeffrey G Mulhern  Michael J Germain 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2004,19(5):1149-1153
BACKGROUND: The renal effects of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors have been incompletely elucidated, and acute renal failure (ARF) due to COX-2 inhibitors has been reported. METHODS: In order to determine the causes of ARF and hyperkalaemia in five patients during COX-2 inhibitor therapy, we carefully analysed case studies of consecutive in-patients or out-patients referred to our Renal Division over a 6-month period for ARF and hyperkalaemia who had recently received COX-2 inhibitors. RESULTS: ARF developed 2-3 weeks after COX-2 inhibitor therapy in five patients. The ARF was consistent with pre-renal azotaemia from renal hypoperfusion. Four patients were receiving the loop diuretic, furosemide. Four patients developed hyperkalaemia and decreased serum bicarbonate despite diuretic therapy, and one patient had changes in plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels consistent with reversible hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism. Renal failure was reversible after discontinuation of diuretics and COX-2 inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: COX-2 inhibitors may cause reversible ARF and hyperkalaemia in patients with oedematous conditions treated with low sodium diets and loop diuretics.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure following poisonous snakebite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K S Chugh  Y Pal  R N Chakravarty  B N Datta  R Mehta  V Sakhuja  A K Mandal  S C Sommers 《American journal of kidney diseases》1984,4(1):30-38
This study describes acute renal failure (ARF) following snakebite in humans and the effects of viperide venoms on the renal structure and function in subhuman primates. ARF developed in 45 of 157 patients with a history of snakebite admitted to the hospitals of the Postgraduate Medical Institute, Chandigarh, India. They were studied clinically, hematologically, and in 35 cases, for renal histopathology. All 45 were treated with antibiotics, and 8 received anti-snake venom. Ten cases had bilateral renal cortical necrosis (BRCN), eight of whom died; less severe acute tubular lesions (ATL) occurred in 23 patients, four of whom died (P less than .001). Sepsis was significantly more common with BRCN than ATL (P less than .05). No statistical difference was found between these groups in bleeding incidence, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), hemolysis, or hypotension. Monkeys given lethal doses of viperide venom developed hypotensive shock, DIC, and hemolysis, with significantly reduced serum complement, and died within 24 hours. However, no renal functional changes or lesions were found. Monkeys given sublethal doses of viperide venom showed a significant increase in serum creatinine levels after 48 hours, and renal lesions were observed in a majority of animals. In conclusion, ARF in snakebite victims appears to be multifactorial in origin. Although hypotension, hemolysis, and DIC are likely to be important pathogenetic factors, a direct cytotoxic effect of the venom on the kidney in producing ARF cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

急性肝功能衰竭患者肝移植术后急性肾功能衰竭的病因分析及综合治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢同海  彭志海  张政  徐琴君  陈国庆  徐军明  钟林  孙星 《中华普通外科杂志》2008,23(7):496-499
目的 分析急性肝功能衰竭(acute liver failure,ALF)患者肝移植术后肾功能衰竭的原因,评价以持续肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)为基础的综合疗法的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2001年1月至2006年6月在我院施行的412例肝移植资料,根据UNOS肝功能分级标准筛选出54例ALF患者(UNOS1和2A),其中17例移植术后出现急性肾功能衰竭(acute renal failure,ARF).在CRRT治疗基础上,进行抗排斥、抗感染、营养支持等治疗,并对患者围手术期情况、术后并发症、死亡原因及随访结果进行了分析.结果 CRRT治疗过程中无并发症发生.无ARF组围手术期死亡率为5.4%,术后并发症发生率为35.1%,1、3年生存率分别为89.2%和81.1%.ARF组围手术期死亡率为58.8%,术后并发症发生率为100%,1、3年生存率分别为41.2%和41.2%.结论 肝移植效果主要取决于肝外器官功能和术前肝功能状态.ALF患者围手术期死亡率较高,其中术前血肌酐高术后出现ARF率高,死亡率更高.以CRRT为基础的综合疗法能有效治疗ARF患者.  相似文献   

Steroid-free immunosuppression after renal transplantation-long-term experience from a single centre.     
Mohamad El-Faramawi  Nils Rohr  Bente Jespersen 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2006,21(7):1966-1973
BACKGROUND: A steroid-free immunosuppressive protocol may improve the general well-being of patients, but long-term renal graft survival has been a concern. METHODS: In a retrospective clinical study, 329 consecutive transplantations with renal grafts at our centre during the period 1995-2004, were followed for up to 9.3 years. Patients mainly received steroid-free immunosuppression with an initial induction with antithymocyte globulin or basiliximab and maintenance therapy with ciclosporin and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). Steroids were given after rejection, or if the physician judged it necessary, for instance because of primary kidney disease or when calcineurin inhibitor toxicity was suspected. RESULTS: About 71% of the patients did not take steroids at all. Nevertheless, graft survival rates at 1, 5 and 7 years were 95, 77 and 72% for all grafts, including 27% living donor transplants and 27% second or subsequent grafts. Ten patients (3.2%) died with functioning grafts. Within the first year of transplantation there were 69 acute rejections in 63 patients (19%). Four cases (1.3%) of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) occurred with one graft loss and no deaths. Owing to a high PTLD rate in a previous patient cohort, total immunosuppression was lessened after 1998. CONCLUSIONS: Steroid avoidance is possible with good results with respect to acute rejection and long-term graft survival. After introducing MMF, largely avoiding muromonab-CD3 mouse raised monoclonal antibody against CD (OKT3), and reducing doses of calcineurin inhibitor, the rates of PTLD did not differ from what is usually found. For the present, induction and use of MMF, together with a calcineurin inhibitor, is probably to be preferred.  相似文献   

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BACKGROUND: Elderly individuals need a host of diagnostic procedures and therapeutic interventions to take care of ailments. This prospective study was carried out to determine the magnitude of treatment-related acute renal failure (ARF) in the elderly in a hospital setting, to know about pathogenetic factors and to study the factors that could predict an adverse outcome. METHODS: All elderly patients (>60 years) admitted over a 12-month period were screened prospectively throughout their hospital stay for the development of ARF. RESULTS: Of 31860 patients admitted, 4176 (13%) were elderly. Of these 59 (1.4%) developed ARF in the hospital. Nephrotoxic drugs contributed towards development of ARF in 39 (66%), sepsis and hypoperfusion in 27 (45.7%) each, contrast medium in 10 (16.9%) and postoperative ARF occurred in 15 (25.4%) patients. These pathogenetic factors were responsible for ARF in different combinations. Amongst these combination of pathogenetic factors, radiocontrast administration (partial chi(2) 28.1, P<0.0001), surgery (partial chi(2) 14.89, P=0.001), and drugs (partial chi(2) 6. 22, P=0.0126) predicted ARF on their own. Nine patients (15.23%) needed dialytic support. Of 59 patients, 15 (25.4%) died, of those who survived, 38 (86.3%) recovered renal function completely and six (13.6%) partially. Mortality in the elderly with ARF was significantly higher than in those without ARF (25.4 vs 12.5%; chi(2) 8.3, P=0.03). Sepsis (odds ratio 43), oliguria (odds ratio 64), and hypotension (odds ratio 15) were independent predictors of poor patient outcome on logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSION: Incidence of treatment-related ARF in the elderly was 1.4%, with more than one pathogenetic factor playing a role in the development of ARF in the majority. Sepsis, hypotension, and oliguria were the independent predictors of poor patient outcome.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure in Eastern India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The present study included 426 patients with acute renal failureage range 7 months to 85 years, during 8-year period (1984–1992).Medical, surgical and obstetric causes were responsible forARF in 68.3, 17.8, and 14% of cases respectively. The main aetiologicalfactors encountered were volume depletion secondary to gastrointestinalfluid loss (35.2%), acute glomerulonephritis (10.3%), nephrotoxin(8.6%), falciparum malaria (4.2%), obstructive uropathy (13%),post-abortal (10.5%), and miscellaneous factors (1.4%) of patients.The overall mortality was 19.2%. Thus our observation revealedthat diarrhoeal diseases (35.2%), obstructive uropathy (13.3%),and septic abortion (10.5%) were the main causes for ARF inmedical, surgical, and obstetric groups respectively. In contrastto our studies, acute renal failure associated with diarrhoealdiseases, septicaemia, falciparum malaria and septic abortionare rare in European countries.  相似文献   

Prognosis of acute renal failure in the elderly   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Life expectancy is uncertain in the elderly with ARF. In orderto determine whether a costly supportive management is worthwhile,we have studied a group of 68 elderly patients (over 65 yearsof age) admitted to the ICU with ARF. Patients: 47 male; 21 female; 72 ± 6 years old. Types of ARF include prerenal 24; obstructive 9; intrinsic 35(acute tubular necrosis 30; glomerulo-nephritis 4; vascular1). The mean simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) was 14±4;39 patients (57.3%) had more than two underlying diseases; 42patients (61.7%) were on mechanical ventilation; 40 patients(60%) underwent haemodialysis. The overall survival rate was 36.7%. Among the parameters studied,organic systemic failure index (OSF), diuresis, blood lactate,systolic blood pressure, urea appearance rate (UAR), differedsignificantly in survivors and deceased. From these resultswe conclude that the elderly with non-oliguric ARF, normal bloodlactate, low catabolic state, and no more than two organ failureshave a fair chance of recovering and should therefore be treatedaggressively. In other cases, decisions to proceed with intensivesupportive measures should be made according to individual characteristics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sound data about the prevalence of acute renal failure (ARF) among patients with severe sepsis and septic shock are lacking. Further, it is not known whether ARF is an independent risk factor for mortality in septic patients or merely an indicator of disease severity. METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional one-day prevalence study was carried out in a representative sample of German ICUs, divided into five strata (< 200 beds; 201-400 beds; 401-600 beds; > 600 beds; university hospitals). 3877 patients were screened of whom 415 had severe sepsis and septic shock. RESULTS: Fourteen patients (3.4%) had chronic dialysis-dependent RF and were excluded from analysis. Of the remaining 401 patients, 166 (41.4%) had ARF, as defined by a rise in creatinine above twice the upper limit of normal and/or a drop in urine output to < 0.5 ml/kg bodyweight. Median APACHE II score was 22 in patients with ARF and 16 in patients without ARF (p< 0.0001). Patients with severe sepsis/septic shock had an overall hospital mortality of 55.2%. Hospital mortality in patients with ARF was 67.3% and without ARF 42.8% (p< 0.0001). After adjustment for APACHE II score and age, ARF remained a significant independent risk factor for death [odds ratio (OR) 2.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.27-3.52]. Mortality in septic patients was not associated with pre-existing, non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease, whereas in dialysis-dependent patients with sepsis mortality increased to 86%. CONCLUSION: In this representative survey in patients with severe sepsis/septic shock, prevalence of ARF is high with 41.4%. ARF represents a significant independent risk factor for mortality in these patients.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure (ARF) is an unwelcome complication of major surgical procedures that contributes to surgical morbidity and mortality. Acute renal failure associated with surgery may account for 18-47% of all cases of hospital-acquired ARF. The overall incidence of ARF in surgical patients has been estimated at 1.2%, although is higher in at-risk groups. Mortality of patients with ARF remains disturbingly high, ranging from 25% to 90%, despite advances in dialysis and intensive care support. Appreciation of at-risk surgical populations coupled with intensive perioperative care has the capacity to reduce the incidence of ARF and by implication mortality. Developments in understanding the pathophysiology of ARF may eventually result in newer therapeutic strategies to either prevent or accelerate recovery from ARF. At present the best form of treatment is prevention. In this review the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and possible prevention of ARF will be discussed.  相似文献   

Elderly individuals comprise the faster growing patient population group and acute renal failure (ARF) is quite common among them, although exact numbers are not known. We reviewed the literature with regards to the characteristics of ARF in elderly patients and describe some useful guidelines. The ageing kidney is characterized by many structural and functional changes, which are mainly due to various chronic disorders, such as hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis, which are highly prevalent in these patients. A number of structural and functional changes characteristic of the ageing kidney make elderly people especially prone to renal damage. ARF in the elderly is frequently of multifactorial origin and often with an atypical presentation, like the “intermediate syndrome”, which combines characteristics of pre-renal azotemia and acute tubular necrosis. Physical examination and laboratory blood and urine indices may sometimes be misleading occasionally leading to misdiagnosis. Prophylaxis remains the preferred approach to therapy: one should avoid nephrotoxic drugs and poly-pharmacy, adjust drug doses and achieve adequate hydration of the patient as cautiously as possible. Dialysis therapies can be used for treatment of ARF irrespective of age and carry a good prognosis.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure (ARF) occurs in wide range of conditions, making the evaluation of its prognosis a difficult task. Data regarding prognostic factors in ARF in a general population in developing countries are scarce. The objective of the study was to describe predictors of mortality in ARF that are relevant in the developing world. This prospective study was carried out over a one-year period; all hospitalized adults with ARF were included in the study. Predictors of mortality studied included causes of ARF, pre-existing diseases, and severity as well as complications of ARF. Of 33,301 patients admitted during the study period, 294 (0.88%) were either admitted with or developed ARF after hospitalization. Mean age was 43.9 ± 16.9 (18–86 yrs). Sepsis was the most common cause (63.26%). Pre-existing diseases like cardiovascular disease (CVSD), respiratory system disease (RSD), central nervous system disease (CNSD), hypertension, diabetet mellitus (DM), and malignancy were significantly higher in elderly as compared to younger patients. On univariate analysis sepsis, hypoperfusion as a cause of ARF and hospital-acquired ARF were associated with higher mortality. Pre-existing diseases viz. RSD, CVSD, CNSD, and DM had higher mortality. Among the severity and complications of ARF, oliguria, bleeding and infection during the course of ARF and critical illness were predictors of poor outcome. Age >60 yrs was associated with significantly higher mortality. However, on multivariate analysis, only critical illness (odds ratio 37.3), age > 60 years (odds ratio of 5.6), and sepsis as cause of ARF (odds ratio of 2.6) were found to be independent predictors of mortality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polyomavirus associated nephropathy (PVN) in renal transplant recipients has been observed with increasing frequency recently and has emerged as a cause of allograft failure linked to highly potent new immunosuppressive regimens containing tacrolimus or mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). METHODS: Polyomavirus associated nephropathy was identified in nine out of 182 patients who received renal transplantation between October 1998 and July 2003. PVN was confirmed by allograft biopsy. The clinical records of these nine patients were reviewed, as were all of the allograft biopsies. Electron microscopy was performed in all nine cases. After the diagnosis of PVN, maintenance immunosuppression was reduced. The clinical course and outcome of the PVN patients were reviewed in relation to manipulation of immunosuppressive agents. RESULTS: There were nine cases of PVN in renal transplant recipients and the incidence of PVN was 4.9%. All patients with PVN were under triple immunosuppression comprising tacrolimus and MMF. The mean time to a diagnosis of PVN was 7.8 months after transplantation. Three of the nine patients received antirejection therapy prior to PVN. Seven out of nine PVN patients presenting acute allograft dysfunction were initially treated with high-dose intravenous steroid pulse or OKT3 before reduction of the immunosuppression. After reduction of the immunosuppression, seven patients stabilized their renal function. Two (22%) lost their grafts due to persistent PVN and chronic rejection. Two (22%) patients later developed acute rejection after reduction of the immunosuppression. CONCLUSION: PVN can cause allograft dysfunction and graft loss. Renal allograft recipients who are at risk of PVN should be routinely screened with urine cytology and quantitative measurements of viral load in the blood, particularly patients who had graft dysfunction. Early diagnosis and judicious alteration of immunosuppressive agents might permit a superior prognosis and reduce the graft loss from PVN in renal transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure in a patient suffering from chronic alcoholism.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Introduction Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in adults and areknown to cause deterioration in renal function in patients withchronic renal impairment, solitary kidneys and renal transplants.Acute non-obstructive pyelonephritis is rarely considered inthe differential diagnosis of acute renal failure (ARF), especiallyin patients with little or no evidence of previous kidney disease.Diagnosis is particularly difficult if the infection is asymptomatic.Chronic alcohol abuse increases the risk of ARF in unobstructedacute pyelonephritis [1] and is a rare cause of renal papillarynecrosis [2,3]. We present an unusual case of asymptomatic acute pyelonephritisin combination with renal papillary necrosis in an otherwisewell individual with a history of substantial alcohol abuse. Case A 62-year-old man was admitted to another hospital with an 8week history of increasing dyspnoea and lower limb oedema. Hehad no  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Withdrawal of cyclosporin in the early post-transplant period may provoke acute graft dysfunction, although the reported incidence is variable. We have reviewed our experience of 212 renal transplant recipients to determine the incidence of early post-withdrawal acute graft dysfunction and examine which factors predict it. Gender, age at initiation of withdrawal, timing and duration of withdrawal, pre-withdrawal immunosuppression, doses of prednisolone and azathioprine at initiation of withdrawal and, during the first 6 months post witfidrawal, episodes of prior acute transplant rejection, human leucocyte antigen match and previous renal transplantation were considered. In classifying acute graft dysfunction, a 50% increase in serum creatinine from baseline was taken as a minimum criterion, and additional evidence (biopsy, fine needle aspirate, response to immunotherapy) was sought for evidence of a link with cyclosporin withdrawal. Acute graft dysfunction was documented in 28 (13.2%) patients, 26 episodes occurring within 4 months of completion of cyclosporin withdrawal. the mean time interval from transplantation to initiation of withdrawal was significantly shorter in this group (239 vs 299 days, P < 0.02). the median withdrawal period was of similar duration in the groups with and without acute dysfunction, but for the subgroup of patients previously on triple therapy (cyclosporin, prednisolone and azathioprine, n = 78), withdrawal had occurred more rapidly in those with dysfunction (25 vs 67 days, P < 0.05). None of the remaining variables that were considered had a significant effect on outcome, although subgroups tended to be small. Cyclosporin withdrawal may be safer if delayed until after the first post-transplant year with gradual dose reduction over a period of months.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure (ARF) associated with sepsis has a high rate of mortality. It is not merely a surrogate marker for severity of disease but also an independent predictor of mortality and a separate pathogenic entity, even when nearly physiological doses of fluid and small-molecule clearance are maintained with currently available renal replacement therapies (RRT). The techniques to remove cytokines, including high-volume haemofiltration, haemodialysis using high-cut-off haemofilters, and absorptive techniques, lead to some improvement in outcome but are still insufficient to reverse the complicated biological dysregulation resulting from ARF associated with sepsis. The novel and exciting technique of cell therapy, which is based on the principle of using functional cells to replace a greater range of renal functions, may add significant benefit to current RRT in dealing with this disease process. Because renal tubule cells appear to play critical roles in immunoregulation, renal tubule cell therapy during ARF associated with sepsis should alter the detrimental multiple-organ consequences of sepsis. The development of a bioartificial kidney consisting of a conventional haemofiltration cartridge in series with a renal tubule assist device containing renal proximal tubule cells represents a new therapeutic approach to this clinical disorder. The results to date of large animal studies and recent Phase I/II and Phase II clinical trials show that such a device replaces multiple kidney functions and modifies the sepsis condition to improve survival in ARF.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure developed in a 57-year-old woman who had Rosai-Dorfman disease diagnosed 1 year previously on a cervical lymph node. Organ imaging showed diffuse masses infiltrating both kidneys. The renal biopsy showed a lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic process extensively replacing the parenchyma, which is in keeping with Rosai-Dorfman disease of the kidneys. However, the typical lymphophagocytic cells were lacking. This case illustrates that diagnosis of Rosai-Dorfman disease in renal biopsy can be very difficult, requiring both exclusion of many benign and malignant lesions and a high index of suspicion for this condition. In particular, lymphoma was excluded based on the mixed polyclonal composition of inflammatory cells and the absence of atypical lymphoid proliferation. The renal function partially recovered after a course of therapy combining VP-16 (etoposide) and dexamethasone and remained stable over 4-year follow-up. This report emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and intervention to safeguard renal function in extensive Rosai-Dorfman disease.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure (ARF) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children. It may be pre-renal, intrinsic, or post-renal (obstructive) in aetiology. ARF was investigated in children in the south-southern part of Nigeria to determine the prevalence, aetiology, management and outcome of ARF. A retrospective review of data from all children from birth to 16 years of age admitted into the Department of Paediatrics, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), with the diagnosis of ARF over an 18 year period (January 1985 to December 2003) was performed. Information was obtained about the age, sex, clinical features, blood pressure, laboratory and radiological investigations, aetiology, and treatment received including dialysis. Information on the outcome, factors influencing outcome, and possible causes of death were reviewed. There were 211 patients, 138 (65.4%) males and 73 (34.6%) females (M:F, 1.9:1), with a hospital prevalence of 11.7 cases/year. The patients were aged 5 days to 16 years (mean 5.6±4.7 years). Oliguria was the most common clinical presentation in 184 (87.2%) patients. Hypertension was seen in only 39 (18.5%) patients. The causes were age-related. The neonates had ARF from severe birth asphyxia 27 (35.5%), septicaemia 17 (22.4%), with tetanus 4 (5.3%) and congenital malformations 11 (14.5%). Sixty-one (28.9%) and 29 (13.7%) patients had ARF from gastroenteritis and malaria respectively. The patients with leukaemia were all more than 10 years old and had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Two patients (1.9%) had Burkitts lymphoma involving the abdomen and 3 patients had HIVAN. 112 (53%) patients had anaemia with a mean haematocrit of 20.25±6.9%. Dialysis was indicated in 108 patients, but only 24 patients (22.2%) had peritoneal dialysis (PD), because of financial constraints and lack of dialysis equipment. Mortality rate was 40.5%. The causes of death were uraemia 60 (70.6%), overwhelming infection 5 (5.9%), and recurrent anaemia 20 (23.5%). Hypertension (X2 15.7, P<0.001) and lack of dialysis (X2 7.96, P<0.01) significantly affected outcome. Other factors associated with demise were delayed presentation (58.8%), use of herbal treatment (35%), and unaffordability of treatment (40%). ARF is a significant cause of mortality in Nigerian children. The patients are not adequately managed because of poverty and lack of facilities for dialysis. The causes of ARF in our environment are preventable, and should be expected.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure in Central Anatolia.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: The aetiological spectrum of acute renal failure (ARF) has changed in developed countries. It was the purpose of the study to evaluate whether similar changes have occurred in this part of the world as well. METHODS: In a prospective study a total of 439 patients with ARF were evaluated. They had been admitted to one hospital during two successive periods, i.e. 1983-1990 and 1991-1997. RESULTS: Of 439 patients with ARF, 116 were admitted in 1983-1990 (first period) and 323 in 1991-1997 (second period). The age of presentation increased from 49.8+/-6.2 years in the first period to 58.8+/-16.4 years in the second. Medical causes were present in 259 cases (59%), surgical causes in 110 cases (25%), and obstetric causes in 70 cases (16%). The frequency of surgical cases decreased from 28.4% in the first period to 23.8% in the second period. The respective figures for obstetric cases were 18.9% and 14.8%. Mortality did not change with time (33.6% in the first and 31.0% in the second period); the overall mortality was 31.7%. The mortality was higher for surgical (45.5%) than for obstetric (27.8%) and medical ARF (24.3%). CONCLUSION: In the mid-1970s, the most common causes of ARF in Turkey were obstetric complications and septic abortion. The aetiological spectrum of ARF has changed and today medical causes predominate. ARF resulting from septic abortion has become rare, possibly because of liberalization of abortion in 1983 in Turkey.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old boy presented to the Naha Municipal Hospital complaining of back pain. After intravenous pyelography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography and biopsy, he was suspected to have sarcoma of the prostate and was referred to the University of the Ryukyus Hospital. Acute renal failure of the post renal type was evident, accompanied by minimal hydronephrosis. Emergency hemodialysis and right ureterostomy were performed, as was a transurethral prostate biopsy. The specimen showed a poorly differentiated sarcoma not otherwise classifiable. After recovery from surgery, chemotherapy was attempted over 2 months, but the patient died of tumor 250 days after admission.  相似文献   

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