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People make subjective judgments about the severity of environmental problems and on future land use relying on certain information, and on their experiences with the problem. This article examines perceptions of the severity of environmental problems, willingness to expend future funds to solve these problems, and future land use for the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina as a function of race. The null hypothesis that there are no racial differences in perceptions was tested. Of those interviewed, 23% of the 399 people were black, 75% were white, and 2% identified themselves as other. Blacks were significantly more willing than whites to spend federal funds to solve environmental problems such as cleaning up the SRS and Superfund sites, fixing ozone depletion, and reducing the threats from radon and hightension power lines. There were statistically significant racial differences in preferences for future land use at the SRS, with blacks having a higher preference for using it as a preserve, and whites having a higher preference for a research park, camping, hiking, and hunting. These results indicate that the environmental concerns of the blacks interviewed were equal to or stronger than those of the whites. This is in contrast to much of previously published work that shows that blacks exhibit lower concerns and actions than whites for environmental problems.  相似文献   

用自制的乳酸氧化酶配制乳酸测定酶试剂盒,并对酶试剂盒的临床测定方法学进行了研究。线性试验、回收试验、重复性试验、相关性试验及稳定性试验的结果证实制得的酶试剂盒符合临床测定要求。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(3):301-311
Sober living houses’ are alcohol- and drug-free residences for individuals attempting to establish or maintain sobriety. They offer no formal treatment services but do provide social support and an abstinent living environment. ‘Sober living houses’ have been used as aftercare placements for clients completing residential treatment, places for clients to live while attending outpatient treatment, or as stand-alone approaches for substance misuse problems. This article identifies areas of research needing attention and suggests that ‘sober living houses’ have the potential to play a stronger role in the continuum of substance misuse services.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that exposures to methyl iodide (MeI) produce a number of effects in laboratory animals, including fetal toxicity, neurotoxicity, and degeneration of the nasal epithelium. An understanding of the mode of action by which the effects of MeI are produced is useful in guiding critical decisions used in risk assessment. These decisions include the selection of the appropriate internal dose measure(s) calculated using physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling, and evaluating the relevance of the observations in animals to human health. Modified Hill criteria were used to evaluate several possible mode(s) of action through which MeI produces toxicity in animals. For each endpoint, the key studies were summarized and several possible modes of action were compared to the modified Hill criteria. The available data best support the hypothesis that the fetal effects were likely associated with modulation of the thyroid hormones by iodide during development. This mode of action dictates the use of an internal dose measure in the risk assessment that is indicative of fetal iodide status, such as cumulative iodide concentration (area-under-the-curve or AUC) for iodide in fetal blood. The acute transient neurotoxicity observed in rats exposed to MeI is best supported by a mode of action involving modification of ion currents by the parent chemical in nerve cells. In the case of assessing the potential acute neurotoxicity of MeI, the peak concentration of MeI in the brain would be the appropriate internal dose measure. Finally, the nasal lesions associated with exposure to high concentrations of MeI in rats are best supported by a mode of action that involves glutathione (GSH) depletion in the nasal epithelial tissue. The daily minimum GSH level in olfactory epithelium is the most appropriate internal dose measure for use in risk assessment for this endpoint. Confidence in these modes of action is considered low for the neurotoxic effects, medium for the nasal effects, and high for the fetal effects.  相似文献   

建立了人血清中双氯芬酸的反相高效液相色谱测定方法。该法操作简便、精密度好、方法回收率为98.2~102.5%,日内、日间RSD为1.29~4。52%,血药浓度在0.2~10μg/ml范围内呈线性关系,相关系数0;9999,当信噪比为2时,最低检测限为10ng/ml。健康志愿者口服100mg双氯芬酸肠溶衣片,药代动力学过程符合一室开放模型,消除半衰期为2.15h。  相似文献   

建立了人血清中双氯芬酸的反相高效液相色谱测定方法。该法操作简便、精密度好、方法回收率为98.2~102.5%,日内、日间RSD为1.29~4。52%,血药浓度在0.2~10μg/ml范围内呈线性关系,相关系数0;9999,当信噪比为2时,最低检测限为10ng/ml。健康志愿者口服100mg双氯芬酸肠溶衣片,药代动力学过程符合一室开放模型,消除半衰期为2.15h。  相似文献   

马晓红  许逸  刘天培 《药学学报》1997,32(6):470-472
高效液相色谱法测定血清中依普拉芬浓度及在人体的药代动力学研究马晓红许逸刘天培(南京医科大学基础医学院药理教研室,南京210029)依普拉芬(ipriflavone,7异丙氧基异黄酮)为一合成的异黄酮衍生物,是新型治疗骨质疏松药物。它主要通过抑制骨吸...  相似文献   

本文用高效液相色谱法测定人血中普鲁卡因酰胺(PA)及其代谢产物N-乙酰普鲁卡因酰胺(NAPA)。以正丙醇—氯仿(1:9)提取血清样品,蒸干,残渣用流动相溶解;色谱分析条件:NOVA-PAK 5μm ODS柱,醋酸(40 ml)—醋酸钠(4g)—水(1000ml)—乙腈(100ml)为流动相;定量分析以普鲁卡因为内标,样品的比率色谱图表明分离良好,PA和NAPA的线性测定范围分别为0.5~12.0μg/ml和0.5~6.0μg/ml,相关系数均优于0.99,平均回收率分别为99.4%和100.5%,平均变异系数分别为4.16%和4.36%。方法适用于血清样品分析和治疗药物监测,对病人血样的测定结果表明方法不受干扰。  相似文献   

1. An assessment was made of the extent sodium (Na) and potassium (K) intake can be estimated from Na, K and creatinine (Cr) content of a second morning voiding urine (SMU) specimen collected within 4 h after the first voiding upon awakening but before breakfast in 159 clinically healthy, free-living individuals (20–79 years). The SMU and the rest of 24 h urine specimens for a 3–5 day period were collected. 2. The following equations for estimating 24 h urinary Na (24HUNaV) and K (24HUKV) excretions were developed, and the accuracy and the reliability of these equations were evaluated. Estimated value of 24HUNaV (mEq/day) = 16.3 √XNa; estimated value of 24HUKV (mEq/day) = 7.2 √XK, where XNa (or XK) = SMUNa (or SMUK)/SMUCr X predicted 24 h urinary Cr excretion. 3. Highly statistically significant correlations were detected between the values estimated and measured for both Na (r= 0.728, P < 0.001, n= 159) and K (r= 0.780, P < 0.001, n= 159). 4. These equations were applied to Group 1 subjects, who collected the urine for a single day, and to Group 2, for 3 days. The correlation coefficients between the values estimated and measured for Na and K were 0.531 and 0.443 in Group 1, and 0.821 and 0.590 in Group 2, respectively. No statistically significant differences were observed. 5. The SMU specimens provide a satisfactory alternative to both 24HUNaV and 24HUKV in adults for extensive epidemiological surveys but also for clinical application.  相似文献   

A clear picture of ranges of doses of breast-milk contaminants experienced by nursing infants in North America has not yet been described, resulting in a significant gap in our understanding of potential health risks to infants from those contaminants. While point estimates of incremental dose have appeared in the published literature, these do not account for the wide variability in exposures experienced by nursing infants. This research expands on the current state of understanding of breast-milk contaminant exposure by characterizing distributions, rather than point estimates, of dose. Distributions of milk intake by nursing infants were characterized to exam ine intake of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) and dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane (DDE). The results indicate that, despite the uncertainties inherent in modeling incremental body burdens of chemicals from nursing, estimating incremental infant body burdens of lipophilic chemicals from breastfeeding using point estimates may result in overly conservative estimates of the contribution of breastfeeding to long-term body burdens of those chemicals in children. To develop reliable estimates of incremental body burden from nursing, depuration via lactation and half-life in the infant should be considered. Further, incremental infant body burdens of lipophilic chemicals increase rapidly at the start of lactation, but decrease after approximately 5 to 6 mo; by 2 yr postpartum, incremental body burdens have decreased substantially. Given the benefits afforded to infants who breastfeed, and because breastfeeding does not necessarily lead to significantly increased long-term body burdens in infants, breastfeeding should be encouraged and promoted.  相似文献   

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