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SUMMARY It is becoming apparent that gamma delta T cells form an important part of the adaptive immune response. However, the ligands recognized by gamma delta T cell receptors (TCRs) and the exact biological function of the cells that express this receptor remain unclear. Numerous studies have shown that the dominant human peripheral blood subset of gamma delta T cells, which express a V gamma 9V delta 2 TCR, can activate in response to low molecular weight nonpeptidic molecules. Some of these components have been purified from bacteria or parasites. We examined the activation of polyclonal gamma delta T cell lines, clones with V gamma 9V delta 2 and V gamma 9V delta 1 TCRs, and gamma delta T cells directly ex vivo in response to multiple phosphate, alkylamine and aminobisphosphonate (nBP) antigens and purified protein derivative from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPD). V gamma 9V delta 2 T cells were able to respond to multiple small organic molecules of highly variable structure whereas cells expressing a similar V gamma 9 chain paired with a V delta 1 chain failed to recognize these antigens. Thus, the TCR delta chain appears to make an important contribution to the recognition of these antigens. The kinetics of responses to alkylphosphate and alkylamine antigens differ from those of responses to the nBP pamidronate. These different classes of antigen are believed to have differed mechanisms of action. Such differences explain why nBPs can be pulsed onto antigen presenting cells (APCs) and still retain their ability to activate gamma delta T cells while alkylphosphate and alkylamine antigens cannot. We also demonstrate that a substantial proportion of the cells that produce IFN gamma directly ex vivo in response to PPD are gamma delta T cells and that gamma delta T cell activation requires contact with cells of human origin.  相似文献   

In order to study the role of gamma/delta T cells in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in humans, we measured the percentage of these cells in the peripheral blood, assessed the ratio of the non-disulphide-linked (delta TCS1) type of T cell receptor (TCR) in the total gamma/delta T cells, studied the co-expression of gamma/delta TCR and accessory molecules CD8 and CD16, and compared these data with both the type and the activity of the disease. Percentage levels and absolute numbers of gamma/delta+ T cells were higher in active patients than in controls (P < 0.05), mainly as a result of an increase of V delta 1+ (delta TCS1) T cell subset (P < 0.05). This trend was strongly retained independently of disease activity and clinical picture. An increased percentage of TCR delta 1+/CD16+ cells was observed in our patients compared with controls (P < 0.05). In contrast, no difference was observed as far as the TCR delta 1+/CD8+ cells were concerned. These results suggest that IBD is associated with an expansion of gamma/delta T cells in peripheral blood, which may play a role in the pathogenesis of these disorders.  相似文献   

The phenotypic characteristics of peripheral blood T cells, isolated from 37 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and 17 healthy controls were determined with special emphasis on gamma delta+ T cells and CD4-CD8- alpha beta+ T cells. Two- and three-colour automated flow cytometry analyses were performed using a panel of MoAbs directed against differentiation antigens and T cell receptor molecules. The results demonstrated: (i) no significant difference between the percentages of CD4-CD8- alpha beta+ T cells in patients and controls; (ii) a significant decrease of the gamma delta+ T cell level in the peripheral blood of RA patients relative to controls; (iii) phenotypic abnormalities of circulating gamma delta+ T cells in RA patients suggestive of an activation status in vivo. These abnormalities included a significant reduction in the density of the T cell differentiation antigen CD3 and an increase in the expression of HLA-DR antigen. The level of circulating HLA-DR+/gamma delta+ T cells was significantly higher in patients with active disease. HLA-DR+/gamma delta+ T cells were also present in the synovial fluid obtained from three patients with an active disease. In addition, preliminary experiments showed that the activated gamma delta+ T cells were predominantly V delta 1. Taken together, these data support the involvement of gamma delta+ T cells in the pathogenesis of RA.  相似文献   

The functional and phenotypic properties of normal human CD3+CD5- T cells which have a higher frequency of cytotoxic cells than CD3+CD5+ T lymphocytes have been described. Using three- and four-colour immunofluorescence flow cytometric cell sorting, the CD3+CD5- and CD3+CD5+ populations were subdivided into alpha beta or gamma delta T cell receptor positive cells. The four subsets were examined for the in vitro cytotoxic activity and were also stimulated with mitogens in limiting-dilution assays to measure the frequencies of proliferating and interleukin-2 (IL-2) producing cells. CD3+CD5- alpha beta +, CD3+CD5- gamma delta + and CD3+CD5+ gamma delta + cells had lower frequencies of proliferating and IL-2-producing cells than did CD3+CD5+ alpha beta + cells. However, the cytotoxic activity of the different phenotypes was higher in the CD3+CD5- subsets, especially when these cells were gamma delta +. Expression of gamma delta or lack of expression of CD5 appeared to be associated with the acquisition of cytolytic potentials. CD8 was expressed on 20% of fresh CD3+ gamma delta + cells. Cultured gamma delta + cells retained the expression of gamma delta, but quickly lost that of CD8 and with time modulated the expression of CD5. The expression of CD5 was found to be higher on sorted CD3+CD5+ gamma delta - than on CD3+CD5+ gamma delta + cells. These observations indicate that gamma delta is preferentially expressed on CD5-negative or weakly positive T lymphocytes and that CD3+CD5- gamma delta + cells appear to constitute a discrete small subset of mature T lymphocytes which are cytotoxic in nature. However, the exact immunological function of these cells and their place in T cell ontogeny are yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Gamma/delta T-cell lymphoma is a rare neoplasm that is not well characterized and is associated with a poor prognosis. We report a case of gamma/delta peripheral T-cell lymphoma that appeared as a breast lump in a 35-yr-old woman. The patient was examined for a 2-mo history of a right-sided breast mass with associated hepatosplenomegaly 2 yr in duration. A fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was performed, and the diagnosis of lymphoma was rendered. The patient received two cycles of CHOP and is alive with persistent disease. FNAB showed evidence of polymorphous lymphoma, consisting of medium-size to large cells with immature chromatin. Flow cytometric immunophenotyping showed expression of CD2, CD3, and CD7 with lack of expression of CD1a, CD4, CD5, CD8, and CD56. Flow cytometry also showed predominant expression of the gamma/delta T-cell receptor. Cytogenetic analysis showed 48XX+i7(q11.2),+7(3). Our case indicates that gamma/delta peripheral T-cell lymphoma can be diagnosed by FNAB. This rare entity requires further investigation.  相似文献   

To study the possible role of T cells bearing the gamma delta T cell receptor (TCR) heterodimer in the pathogenesis of autoimmune chronic active hepatitis (AI-CAH) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) in children, we measured levels of gamma delta+ T cells in the peripheral blood, assessed the proportion of cells bearing the disulphide-linked (BB3+) and non-disulphide-linked (A13+) subtypes of the receptor, and studied the co-expression of TCR-gamma delta and the activation markers HLA-DR and IL-2 receptor (IL-2R), and the memory cell marker CD45RO. Percentage levels and absolute numbers of gamma delta +T cells were higher in both groups of patients than in controls (P less than 0.01), mainly as a result of an increase in both percentage levels and absolute numbers of the A13+ subtype (P less than 0.001). Co-expression of IL-2R and TCR-gamma delta was not found in controls but was present in some patients with AI-CAH (four out of 17) and PSC (six out of 12) at low levels (median 2.3%, range 1.7-5.0%). Expression of HLA-DR on gamma delta+ T cells was similar in both groups of patients and controls. The majority of gamma delta+ T cells in children with AI-CAH and PSC also expressed CD45RO (74.7 +/- 18.4% and 79.8 +/- 24.3%, respectively) at levels significantly higher than in controls (53.3 +/- 17.2%, P less than 0.01). These results suggest that autoimmune liver diseases in children are associated with an expansion and activation of gamma delta+ T cells in the peripheral blood, which may be important in the pathogenesis of these disorders.  相似文献   

Gammadelta T cells are expanded in human IgA nephropathy and in a rat model of adriamycin (ADR)-induced nephropathy. Despite different diseases and species, these renal gammadelta T cells use a restricted set of gammadelta T cell receptor (TCR) genes. To explore whether this phenomenon of post injury expansion of gammadelta T cells occurs in autoimmune-mediated glomerulonephritis, we studied gammadelta TCR genes in Heymann nephritis (HN). Gammadelta T cells were increased in HN kidneys (p<0.001). These gammadelta T cells predominantly expressed Vgamma6/Vdelta1 genes and used canonical matching sequences previously seen in the other models of renal injury. Gammadelta T cells from the kidneys expressed high levels of TGF-beta, IL-4 and IL-5. The gammadelta T cells from both ADR-treated and HN kidneys expressed NKG2D, the NK cell-activating receptor. These results demonstrate that the majority of gammadelta T cells in the HN kidney use a canonical Vgamma6/Vdelta1 TCR--the gammadelta TCR previously described in the rat ADR-treated kidney. The restriction in gammadelta TCR seen in two completely different models of kidney injury and the expression of an innate activating molecule NKG2D suggests that the gammadelta T cells may be responding to tissue stress from injury and producing a regulatory response.  相似文献   

The role of gamma/delta T cell receptor positive cells in pregnancy.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PROBLEM: Due to the lack of classical HLA antigens on the trophoblast, fetal antigens are possibly presented in a non major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restricted way. Decidual gammadelta T cells, which significantly increase in number during pregnancy, might play a role in recognition of fetal antigens and also in determining the quality of the response to these antigens. Our study was aimed at investigating the role of this cell population in progesterone-dependent immunomodulation. METHOD OF STUDY: Peripheral lymphocytes from healthy pregnant women and from habitual aborters were tested by immunocytochemistry for the presence of gamma/delta T cell receptor (TCR) and progesterone receptor. To investigate the effect of treatment with a pan anti gamma/delta antibody, lymphocytes were incubated for 3 hr with the antibody, and then interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12 and progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF) expression (by immuno-cytochemistry) as well as natural killer (NK) cell activity were determined. RESULTS: In peripheral blood of healthy pregnant women the percentage of gamma/delta TCR+ cells was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than in that of recurrent aborters or of non-pregnant individuals. Ninety-seven percent of gamma/delta TCR+ pregnancy lymphocytes expressed progesterone receptor. Binding of a specific antibody to the gamma/delta TCR inhibited PIBF- as well as IL-10 production, whereas it increased NK activity and IL-12 expression. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest the role of gamma/delta TCR-bearing lymphocytes in progesterone-dependent immunomodulation.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution of T gamma delta cells in the peripheral blood of 35 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 36 age-matched controls. The monoclonal antibodies A13, BB3 and Ti gamma A, which are specific for the V delta 1, V delta 2 and V delta 9 gene products respectively, were used to define T gamma delta cell subsets. A significantly lower frequency of T gamma delta cells was found in peripheral blood lymphocytes of SLE patients compared with normal subjects (3.2% versus 5.9%). There was a marked reduction in the V delta 2+ subset of T gamma delta cells, which resulted in a reversal of the ratio of V delta 2+/V delta 1+ cells from 4.34 to 0.56. No correlation was found with either clinical or laboratory measures of disease activity. These results suggest that the observed changed in T gamma delta subset distribution are related to the SLE itself, and not secondary to changes in disease activity.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: To determine if pregnancy is recognized by the immune system and if inadequate recognition of fetal antigens might result in failed pregnancy. METHOD OF STUDY: Review of literature and current data. RESULTS: In the decidua gamma/delta TCR positive cells significantly increase in number. A subset of gamma/delta T cells reacts with nonpolymorphic Class I or Class I like molecules. Trophoblast recognition is mediated by the V gamma 1 subset which recognize a conserved mammalian sequence on the trophoblast. Almost all gamma/delta T cells in the decidua are activated and use the V delta 1 chain, whereas the majority of human peripheral gamma/delta lymphocytes expresses V gamma 9/V delta 2 TCR. Peripheral gamma/delta T cells of healthy pregnant women preferentially use V gamma V delta 1 chains, on the other hand, those of recurrent aborters use the V gamma 9V delta 2 combination. Signaling via the V gamma 1.4V delta 1 receptor induces a Th2 type response, whereas activation of the lymphocytes via the V gamma 9V delta 2 receptor results in increased IL-12 production and natural killer (NK) activity. In the presence of progesterone, activated lymphocytes synthesize the progesterone induced blocking factor (PIBF), which inhibits NK activity and exerts an anti abortive effect in vivo. Decidual CD56+ and gamma delta+ cells are to a high extent the same population. CONCLUSION: All decidual CD56+ cells express PIBF, thus it cannot be excluded that local production of this substance contributes to low decidual NK activity and thus to the success of the pregnancy.  相似文献   

Transfer of contact sensitivity (CS) responses by immune lymphoid cells was the first finding that distinguished cellular from humoral immunity. CS has remained the most studied T cell reaction in vivo, and is the prototype for a variety of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses. DTH in essence is the recruitment of effector alphabeta-T cells out of vessels into peripheral tissues. The T cells then are activated by antigen presenting cells to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines. It has been assumed that the alphabeta-T cells alone are responsible, but recent studies show that three other lymphocyte subsets are involved: CS-inducing NK T cells, CS-initiating B-1 cells, and CS-assisting gammadelta-T cells. Therefore, the effector alphabeta-T cells are essential, but cannot be recruited into the tissues without the local action of IgM antibodies produced by B-1 cells rapidly (1 day) post-immunization. The IgM complexes with the challenge antigen to locally activate complement to lead to vascular activation required for T cell recruitment. This process occurs early (1-2 hours) in the elicitation phase, and is called CS-initiation. The essential CS-inducing NK T cells activate the B-1 cells by producing IL-4 rapidly (1 hour) after immunization, and gammadelta-T cells assist the local inflammatory function of the recruited CS-effector alphabeta-T cells. Thus, four lymphocyte subsets are required for elicitation of responses: CS-inducing NK T cells, CS-initiating B-1 cells, CS-assisting gammadelta-T cells, and finally the CS-effector alphabeta-T cells. Three of these four cell types are present in the immune lymphoid cell population that adoptively transfers CS: B-1 cells, gammadelta-T cells, and the alphabeta-T cells.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that gamma delta T cells in the synovial compartment of patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) express activation antigens (CD69 and HLA-DR) and that they are predominantly of the V delta 1 subset. In this study we have analysed the expression of activation antigens (CD69 and HLA-DR) and different isoforms of the leucocyte common antigen (CD45RO and CD45RA) on the V delta 1 and the V delta 2 subsets of gamma delta T cells in paired samples of synovial fluid and peripheral blood of nine patients with JRA, and in the peripheral blood of five children with idiopathic scoliosis. In the synovial fluid of children with JRA, there were significantly more V delta 1+CD69+ and V delta 2+CD69+ cells compared with the peripheral blood of the same patients. In contrast, however, in the synovial fluid the V delta 1 and the V delta 2 subsets differed with respect to the expression of the two isoforms of the leucocyte common antigen. The majority of the V delta 1+ cells expressed the high molecular weight isoform (CD45RA+) while most of the V delta 2+ cells carried the low molecular weight variant (CD45RO+) of this molecule.  相似文献   

We analysed TCR-gamma delta expression in tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) obtained from 13 patients with colorectal cancer and simultaneously isolated the T lymphocytes from normal intestinal tissue (IL) to compare the frequencies of TCR-gamma delta expression in TIL, IL, and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in the same patient. Flow cytometric analysis showed that the frequency of TCR-gamma delta expression in TIL (2.75 +/- 1.84%) was significantly lower than that in IL (15.28 +/- 9.45%, P < 0.01). However, a larger quantity of TIL was separated than IL per unit weight of specimen, so the total number of gamma delta T cells obtained per unit weight was not different between tumour tissue and normal intestine. In addition, phenotypic analysis revealed that about half of the TCR-gamma delta + TIL were CD8+ (CD4+, 3.0 +/- 3.1%; CD8+, 54.7 +/- 19.9%, mean +/- s.d. of five patients), and a very similar result was obtained in TCR-gamma delta + IL (CD4+, 2.7 +/- 2.4%; CD8+, 53.1 +/- 17.4%). In contrast, most TCR-gamma delta + PBL were double-negative (CD4+, 3.2 +/- 3.0%; CD8+, 20.6 +/- 7.4%). These results indicated that TCR-gamma delta + CD8+ T cells selectively and consistently localized in colorectal tumour tissue, similarly to normal intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

We established six human T cell lines derived from rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid (RASF). Phenotypically, T cell receptor (TCR) gamma delta T cells occupied the majority of these lines and most of them expressed the TCR V delta 1 molecule. In contrast, V delta 2+ T cells, the majority population of peripheral blood gamma delta T cells, were rarely detected in these lines. To study the immunobiological roles of RASF V delta 1+ T cells in RA development, their cytotoxic profile was studied. The results showed that these T cells selectively lysed Daudi, but not K562 cells. The cytotoxic response was MHC-unrestricted, and was inhibited by anti-CD3 MoAb. Moreover, the cold target inhibition assay showed that the cytotoxicity was competitively inhibited by autologous and allogeneic primarily cultured RA synovial cells as well as synovial sarcoma and chondrosarcoma lines. However, PBL did not inhibit this cytotoxicity. These data suggest that V delta 1+ T cells in RASF may recognize the antigen which is commonly expressed on the surface of Daudi and the cells derived from RA synovium. We can assume that the cytotoxic V delta 1+ T cells are selectively expanded in RASF, playing a significant role for the pathogenesis of certain RA cases.  相似文献   

The principal cause of IL-2 deficiency, a common feature of both murine lupus and human SLE, remains obscure. Recent studies of our own as well as others have shown that dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an intermediate compound in testosterone synthesis, significantly up-regulates IL-2 production of T cells, and that administration of exogenous DHEA or IL-2 via a vaccinia construct to murine lupus dramatically reverses their clinical autoimmune diseases. Thus, we have examined serum levels of DHEA in patients with SLE to test whether abnormal DHEA activity is associated with IL-2 deficiency of the patients. We found that nearly all of the patients examined have very low levels of serum DHEA. The decreased DHEA levels were not simply a reflection of a long term corticosteroid treatment which may cause adrenal atrophy, since serum samples drawn at the onset of disease, which are devoid of corticosteroid treatment, also contained low levels of DHEA. In addition, exogenous DHEA restored impaired IL-2 production of T cells from patients with SLE in vitro. These results indicate that defects of IL-2 synthesis of patients with SLE are at least in part due to the low DHEA activity in the serum.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that T lymphocytes expressing gamma delta T cell receptors (TCR) could play an important role in the defence of epithelia against infection and neoplastic transformation, but the potential for gamma delta T lymphocytes to serve these functions in human respiratory epithelium has received little attention. In this study, we used immunohistochemical techniques and specific monoclonal antibodies to characterize the number and distribution of T lymphocytes expressing alpha beta and gamma delta TCR in normal human lung and in lung carcinomas. T lymphocytes present in normal bronchi and alveolar parenchyma were predominantly of the alpha beta TCR phenotype, whereas gamma delta T lymphocytes represented only 1.1 +/- 0.7% and 1.3 +/- 0.5% of total CD3+ lymphocytes respectively. An important lymphocytic infiltration was noted in the stroma of all primary lung carcinomas examined, and some T lymphocytes were also present infiltrating between tumour cells. These T lymphocytes were almost entirely alpha beta T cells and only rare gamma delta T cells were found, regardless of the histologic type of carcinoma (0.8 +/- 0.1% of CD3+ T cells). This study demonstrates that T cells present in normal bronchi and lung parenchyma and those infiltrating primary lung carcinomas express predominantly alpha beta TCR. These findings do not support the conclusion that gamma delta T lymphocytes play an important role either in the defence of human lung epithelia or in immune responses directed against primary lung carcinomas.  相似文献   

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease in which immune system activation is evidenced by high levels of different cytokines in the sera and/or in the supernatants of cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and by the presence of specific autoantibodies. gamma/delta T cells accumulate in the lung and the skin of SSc patients suggesting their potential role in the development and maintenance of the disease. The aim of this study was to assess cytokine production and cytotoxic activity of circulating gamma/delta T lymphocytes obtained from SSc patients and to evaluate their potential role during this disorder. Our results showed that both the proportion and the absolute number of IFN-gamma gamma/delta-producing cells (i.e. displaying a Th1 polarization) in SSc was significantly higher than either the proportion and the absolute number of IL-4 gamma/delta-producing cells in SSc or the proportion and the absolute number of IFN-gamma gamma/delta-producing cells in healthy controls (P < 0.05 for both groups). Furthermore, the cytotoxic activity of enriched gamma/delta T cells was significantly increased in SSc patients compared with controls. The results concerning the Vdelta1+ T cell subset paralleled those of total gamma/delta T lymphocytes. In contrast, alpha/beta T cells from SSc and control subjects displayed Th2 cytokine production. All these findings were independent of both disease subset and clinical status. Our data demonstrate that, although SSc is generally considered a Th2 autoimmune disease, Th1 polarization of gamma/delta T cells and an increase in their cytotoxic activity is observed in SSc, suggesting that gamma/delta T cells could have a relatively autonomous role in the pathogenesis in this disease.  相似文献   

In 29 patients experiencing their first P. falciparum malarial attack, blood levels of TcR gamma delta+ lymphocytes were studied from the onset of infection to up to 6-9 months later. Blood TcR gamma delta+ lymphocytes, revealed using the TcR delta 1 monoclonal antibody (MoAb), were increased both in absolute and relative numbers. Alterations lasted for up to 3-4 months following the attack. A Ti gamma A/BB3 reactive V gamma 9 subset was preferentially amplified. In vitro, TcR gamma delta+ lymphocytes from both malaria-sensitized and unprimed donors responded to P. falciparum schizont extract (PFSE). PFSE-stimulated polyclonal T cell lines consisted principally in TcR gamma delta+ cells with a Ti gamma A+/BB3+ phenotype. Several TcR gamma delta+ T cell clones obtained from patients recovering from acute malarial attack were maintained in the presence of PFSE and autologous irradiated PBL. They belong to the V gamma 9 subset. In long-term cultures, TcR gamma delta+ clones progressively lost their capacity to react to PFSE antigen while they were able to proliferate and to exert cytotoxic activity in response to autologous TcR alpha beta+, PFSE-specific T lymphocyte clones. This suggests that regulatory interactions occur between activated TcR gamma delta+ and TcR alpha beta+ cells generated by P. falciparum. Sequential variations in blood TcR gamma delta+ and TcR alpha beta+ lymphocyte levels after primary exposure to P. falciparum suggest that such regulatory interactions may occur in vivo.  相似文献   

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