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加强预防性职业卫生监督势在必行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了改善劳动条件,控制职业危害,保护劳动者健康,减少职业病发生,卫生行政部门要根据国家有关法规及《天津市职业病防治条例》,对新、改、扩建的企业实行预防性职业卫生监督.但目前在这方面还存在较多不尽人意之处.现就我市存在的问题及改进措施分述如下.  相似文献   

职业卫生监督与服务管理   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
宋文质 《中国公共卫生》2005,21(10):1278-1280
随着国家各项事务逐步走向法制化管理的轨道,职业卫生监督执法已成为职业卫生管理的重要内容和特点。本文将主要根据有关法律法规的规定,对职业卫生行政监督管理和专业服务管理进行论述。1职业卫生管理概述1·1职业卫生管理的含义职业卫生管理是指为消除和控制职业危害、保护劳  相似文献   

对<北京市职业病防治卫生监督条例>实施后职业卫生监督与技术服务分开的做法,技术服务单位的工作内容、工作方法以及取得的效益和经验进行了论述,作者还对今后卫生监督、卫生防病和体制改革阐述了体会和思考.  相似文献   

加强职业卫生服务的法律意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》颁布以后 ,作为职业卫生技术服务机构与被服务者之间的关系 ,已不仅仅是一般的服务性质 ,更多的是同时承担专业技术和法律的双重责任 ,为被服务对象提供具有法律效力的各种卫生检测数据同时 ,为执法部门行使卫生监督提供法律依据。在法律不断完善的当今法制社会中 ,民众法律意识的增强 ,也给我们职业卫生技术服务机构工作规范化、法制化提出了更高的要求。加强职业卫生技术服务法律意识 ,是职业卫生技术服务机构应当解决的主要问题之一。1 转变观念 ,摆正位置随着全国卫生体制的改革 ,职业卫生工作的监督与…  相似文献   

为保护职工健康,预防职业病,我们不断加强预防性职业卫生监督工作,特别是1996年1月《天津市职业病防治条例》(以下简称《条例》)实施后,健全了法制,强化了预防性卫生监督。现将我们的工作简要总结如下。1.领导重视、加强法制建设、提高监督人员素质是做好预...  相似文献   

1 主要问题1.1 分布广泛,规模小,工艺落后,生产环境中有害因素突出 由于乡镇政府领导在经济利益的驱使下,只顾眼前经济效益,使得农村私营企业投资少,上马快,分布广泛,其暴露出来的职业卫生问题十分明显:规模小,生产工艺相对落后,生产厂房简陋,且绝大部分不符合卫生学要求,设备差,技术力量薄弱,职业卫生防护设施不全,因而生产环境中有害因素突出。1.2 法律意识淡薄,法制观念不强 企业主和职工文化素质普遍低,对《职业病防治法》等卫生法律、法规认识不够深刻,职业卫生意识淡化,法制观念淡薄,企业主意识不到自己在职业卫生方面应当承担的…  相似文献   

随着卫生监督体制的改革,职业卫生监督工作将面临着三个转变,即从业务行政管理向法制管理转变、从事业单位执法向卫生行政部门执法转变、从分散专业执法向综合统一执法转变。为进一步规范职业卫生监督工作,笔者从职业卫生监督的内容、一般程序、监督员队伍建设、以及职业卫生监督分级管理诸方面作一探讨。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》的颁布,以法律的形式明确了国家实行职业卫生监督制度,保证了WHO提出的“人人享有职业卫生”全球战略的贯彻实施,对于保护和促进广大职业人群的身心健康有着现实的意义。笔者就职业卫生监督与职业人群健康促进的关系浅述如下: 1 对职业卫生概念的重新认识 职业卫生是一个范围很广、已确定的新兴学科,  相似文献   

无锡市职业卫生监督管理面临的问题及思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
长期以来,职业卫生监督管理工作一直是卫生工作的重点和难点. 随着无锡市经济体制转型及卫生监督体制改革的进行,再加上职业卫生法律法规日趋完善,特别是去年5月1日<中华人民共和国职业病防治法>(以下简称职业病防治法)正式实施以来,职业卫生监督管理工作将面临新的挑战,以往职业卫生的监督管理模式及观念已不能适应当前形势的需要.为了继续做好我市的职业病防治工作,切实保护劳动者的合法权益和身体健康 ,本文从加强职业卫生监督管理工作的角度对无锡市目前职业卫生监督管理工作的现状、存在问题及对策进行探讨.  相似文献   

卫生监督体制改革是卫生部提出的今年要做好的三项工作之一,势在必行。改革后的职业卫生监督职能将从职业卫生防治机构(指各级卫生防疫站劳动卫生科、职业病防治所、劳研所等劳动卫生与职业病防治机构)分离出去,以职业卫生监督为保障,推动职业卫生各项工作开展的原有模式将被打破。因此充分认识卫生监督体制改革对职业卫生防治机构产生的影响,探讨各级职业卫生防治机构如何适应卫生监督体制改革新形势,合理解决其生存和发展问题很有必要。笔者谨就此发现拙见,以与同仁商榷。  相似文献   

Many large companies operate some form of occupational health service (OHS). More companies now require specific evaluative information to justify the continued provision of an in-house OHS. This is in the face of increased pressure to control costs, combined with an awareness that the service itself can induce activity (supplier-induced demand) and could be substituted with health care provided or even funded outside the company. The lack of routinely collected data and the conceptual difficulty in defining and measuring the outcomes of an OHS provide challenges for economic evaluation. A purely human capital approach, where people are valued by their wage rates, is likely to be insufficient, since OHSs have multiple objectives. These objectives include fulfilling statutory obligations, contributing to the creation of a culture of partnership, reduction of potential costs to the company (sickness benefit, production loss, poor performance, litigation, insurance) and providing a suitable environment for the cost-effective reduction of the social and health service costs of illness at work. Evidence is needed to quantify some of these arguments and demonstrate to decision makers the value generated by OHSs. The aim of this paper is to consider the practicality of different economic evaluation methodologies, specifically cost models, contingent valuation (willingness-to-pay) and development of OHS-specific outcome measures. In considering different approaches, we present the results of our research in two UK companies.  相似文献   

Current changes in technology and in economic, social, and demographic trends must be taken into account in the formulation or reformulation and implementation of policies and programs for the prevention and control of occupational disease and dysfunction.  相似文献   

Occupational Health Services (OHS) in Norway cover approximately 1.2 million employees, equivalent to 60% of the total work force. They employ nurses (800), physicians (500), physiotherapists (360), safety engineers (400), psychologists (30) and others (400), a total of 2500 full time employmancy. The average cost of the OHS amounts to 150 euros per employee, a total cost of 180 million euros per year. In 1998, the OHS in Norway were evaluated. The evaluation, initiated by the Ministry, revealed that although 80% of the enterprises are fairly satisfied with their OHS, there is still much to be improved, in particular quality development and customer focus. By 2000 the National Practice Guidelines. ("Good OHS") were developed as a joint effort of the professional OHS associations, representatives from the social partners and the NIOH. These guidelines have been evaluated and well accepted by the OHS. Last year the Ministry of Labour appointed an advisory group of experts on OHS. The group was asked to examine: the "branch provision" on obligatory OHS and the availability of health resources; the legislation on OHS tasks; the quality improvement of OHS; and the OHS in small enterprises The report was ready in May 2001 stating that the OHS may be a useful contributor to the improvement of the health, environment and safety in enterprises and included the following recommendations: to establish the OHS for all within 10 years and to ratify relevant ILO convention; to develop a certification system for the OHS; to ensure financial public support of the OHS for the small enterprises; and to expand the OH hospital departments as important supportive agents for the OHS. The report will be a background document for the revision process of the Work Environment Act to be soon put into force.  相似文献   

目的探讨用人单位职业卫生投入与职业卫生工作水平的关系。方法根据用人单位职业病防治指南及评估工具,通过制度创建职业卫生示范企业的方案和程序文件,企业开展基线评估、针对评估发现的问题采取改进措施、再经专家审议、现场评审与验收等程序,组织企业创建职业卫生示范企业。本研究建立了企业基本情况数据库、示范企业评分结果数据库,并应用SPSS15.0、EpiData3.1软件,使用相关分析方法、一般线性模型等方法进行资料统计与分析。结果参加现场评审的64家企业①人均职业卫生经费排在前三位的行业是核工业、电力和建材,人均费用分别是15953元,8645元,6020元;②职业接触者人均职业卫生费用排在前三位的行业是建材、核工业和电力,人均费用分别是28117元,26469元,25139元;③职业卫生投入占总产值百分比排在前三位的行业是有色、建材和石油,分别是1.45%、1.37%、1.05%;④职业卫生投入占总利税前三位的是化工、有色和航空,分别是38.00%、28.91%、28.76%;⑤职业接触者人均职业卫生费用也与综合得分有线性关系,费用投入高者得分亦高。结论①职业卫生工作水平和职业卫生投入有关,职业接触者人均职业卫生费用是敏感指标,投入越高职业卫生工作水平越高;②开展职业卫生投入、疾病负担的研究,筛查敏感指标,对企业有效分配职业卫生资源具有重要指导意义;③通过研究分析职业卫生政策、措施的成本和效果、筛选优先重点控制领域,对指导国家职业卫生资源的有效合理分配具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Workers' intention to utilize the Occupational Health Service(OHS), conceived as a cost-benefit assessment of an action,is described for a series of conceivable situations. Data wereacquired during interviews with a sample of 313 employees withan over-representation of workers with work-related health problemsin three different companies. Only for problems that are perceivedas medical, individual and work-related, do a substantial numberof workers intend to utilize the occupational physician. Forhealth and work-related problems of a collective character,the line of supervision is mostly preferred for use as an adviser.Workers' intention to utilize OHS is positively correlated withtheir attitude towards the occupational physician. No associationswere found with self-reported health status, working environmentor actual utilization of the OHS. It is concluded that the intentionto utilize the OHS is an independent factor affecting the actualutilization and it should be seriously taken into considerationwhen evaluating or implementing the coverage by the OHS.  相似文献   

卫生监督执法是卫生系统的特殊职业。卫生监督执法活动也是社会生活的一个特殊领域,较之其他职业活动,有着特殊的社会职能,卫生执法人员在执行公务时,是代表国家和政府来行使公共卫生执法权,对职业道德素质和水准有着更严格的要求。因此,卫生监督执法者道德比其他职业道德,有着  相似文献   



Both social and ethical arguments have been used to support preventive occupational health services (OHS). During the 1990s it became more common to support political argumentation for occupational health and safety by converting the consequences of ill health at work into monetary units. In addition, OHS has been promoted as a profitable investment for companies, and this aspect has been used by OHS providers in their marketing.  相似文献   

In developing the national occupational health programme in Thailand it was necessary to obtain information on workers' health to enable proper planning and implementation of the programme. A stratified sample of different types of small (up to 50 workers) and medium-sized factories (51-150 workers) located in one geographical area was selected. In all, 98 plants were surveyed and a total of 1449 workers were examined. The prevalence of diseases, many of which were work-related, was higher in the small than in the medium-sized plants. Additional information confirmed the need for controlling the multitude of health problems of these under-served workers. The Ministry of Health used this data in training primary health care workers in the small workplaces, controlling the health problems discovered, developing laboratories and drafting legislation.  相似文献   

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