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患者女,30岁.因右眼球突出2d来诊.眼部检查示双眼视力0.8,右眼球向正前方突出,向外上方转动受限.眼球突出度:右眼20mm,左眼13mm,眶距90mm,余未见异常.CT扫描示右眶内肿瘤,球后及眶外壁受压,眶内脂肪间隙变窄,考虑为血管瘤.  相似文献   

患者男性,39岁。因右眼胀痛伴眼球突出,视力下降1年余,人院检查,神志清楚,肝、肾功能正常。右眼视力眼前指数,角膜云留,眼球向下方突出,向上运动轻微受限,眶内未触及肿物,右眼瞳孔略大于左眼,光反应存在,眼底豹纹状,视神经乳头色素膜炎,境界清,提示原发性萎缩。B超右眼球后内上方占位灶,X光片示,右眼视神经孔,显示不清,眶后见一约4·0X5·ocm大小致密肿块影,边缘清楚,CT右下眶内及眶顶部见高密度骨阴影,边缘不规则,内侧累及筛窦。约3·8X3·6X3cm大小,右眼球向前下方突出。右侧嗅觉减退,鼻甲不大,嗅裂及鼻顶部…  相似文献   

患者,男,56岁.爆炸伤右眼球摘除术后30年,双侧眶内囊肿切除术后14年余,左眼球突出伴视力下降5年余.患者突然左眼疼1个月由眼科转来就诊.检查见鼻骨畸形,鼻根、眼眶、眉弓有瘢痕,左眼前下方突起,左眼下睑外翻,左角膜溃疡,左眼视力光感,右眼义眼,鼻中隔右偏.  相似文献   

1临床资料患者男,53岁。因左侧眼球突出持续性加重2个月入院。患者2个月前觉左眼球突出,无视力减退,无复视,无鼻塞及嗅觉减退。1周前觉视物模糊,无复视。查体:一般情况好,营养中等,发育正常。专科检查:左眼球突出,突出计检查:14×22/115 mm,眼球向内侧运动受限,视力:右眼1.5,左眼0.8,左眼球结膜充血水肿,右眼正常。左中鼻道见一表面粗糙肿物,质软,灰白色,不易推动,麻黄素收缩欠佳。CT示:左侧眼眶内壁破坏,纸样板破坏形成死骨,软组织影突入眶内,左侧前  相似文献   

患者,女,35岁,右眼眶深部疼痛,伴视力减退5个月,近1个月加重。患者自诉右眼视力下降,眼球突出,眶部疼痛,就诊于眼科,诊断为“眶尖部肿瘤,眶底综合征”,后转入神经外科,拟行经颅眶内肿物切除术。专科检查:右眼前指数,眼球外突,突出度约为2mm,眼底无明显改变,眼球运动正常。  相似文献   

脉管瘤是血管瘤和淋巴管瘤的合称,一般为良性,多见于口面部.发生于眶内较少见.我科收治1例,现报道如下: 1 临床资料 患者,女,37岁,左眼渐进性突出10年,加重1年来我院专科检查:右眼1.2,左眼1.0,眼睑无下垂,睑裂闭合可,右眼球突度为16 mm,左眼球突度为22 mm,双眼球运动正常,结膜无明显充血,角膜透明,前房及瞳孔正常,晶体透明,眼底正常,复视检查阴性.  相似文献   

患者,女,56岁.因右眼球突发性突出伴眼痛、头痛,视力减退1天收住院.查体示视力右无光感,左4.9.Hortal眼球突出计检查右20mm,左14mm,眶距96mm.右眼球基本固定,角膜轻度雾状混浊,前房浅,瞳孔散大,直接对光反应消失.右眼底网膜血管迂曲扩张,后极部有少量火焰状出血,视乳头色淡,边界清.左眼未见异常.眼压右10/3=6.75kPa(50.62mmHg),左5.5/3.5=2.98kPa(22.38mmHg).  相似文献   

爆裂性眶骨骨折是指暴力作用于眼眶 ,使眶内压力突然增高引起眶缘向外爆裂所致。对其治疗各家认识不一 ,目前主要有保守治疗和手术治疗两种。 1 999年 4月~ 2 0 0 1年 4月我院收治 2例爆裂性眶骨骨折患者 ,采用鼻内镜下双进路复位术 ,效果满意。报告如下。例 1   男 ,34岁。因右眼部被铁块击伤 3h ,以右眼球破裂伤收住眼科。检查 :右眼视力光感 ,左眼 1 .0 ;右眼睑肿胀 ,球结膜混合充血及淤血明显 ,眼睑下方可见 4cm之皮肤裂口 ;眼内结构不清。即行右眼球后巩膜裂伤清创缝合术。术后给抗炎、对症、止血处理。术后第 3天 ,因右侧面颊疼…  相似文献   

患儿,男,1岁.以发热,反复呕吐半月,全身结节,双眼球突出10余天入院.查体:T38.5℃.患儿消瘦,全身皮下结节,以四肢为多,结节直径6~10mm,境界清楚,双眼球突出,以右眼为著.双眼眶CT示:右后组筛窦后下方软组织密度增高影,突破右眶内后壁,伸入眶内,右眼球突出较左眼明显,考虑组织炎症.皮下结节活检示:结节性非化脓性脂膜炎.入院诊断:Weber-Christian综合征致双眼球突出.将氟美松2.5mg入液静滴,每日1次,6d后全身皮下结节消失,眼球突出明显减轻.  相似文献   

患者男,75岁。5 0年前因“左侧上颌窦炎”经柯陆进路行左上颌窦根治术及左侧上颌窦下鼻道造孔术。7年前因“左上双尖牙牙根囊肿”再次行左侧上颌窦根治手术,术中见左侧上颌窦下鼻道造孔已闭塞,重新开放。现因有时视物双影3年,加重3个月来诊。体检:左眼球内陷并下移,双侧眼球运动尚可,右眼视力0 8,左眼视力0 6。Hertel突眼计测量右眼球突出度16mm ,左眼球突出度12mm ,眶距98mm。非接触式压平眼压计测右眼压2 5mmHg(1mmHg =0 133kPa) ,左眼压2 4mmHg。双眼瞳孔直接对光反射及间接对光反射尚好,左眼瞳孔较右眼瞳孔水平低3mm。眼底镜检查见…  相似文献   

目的 探讨耳廓开放性外伤的治疗方法。方法 23耳耳廓开放性外伤经彻底清创,肝素生理盐水冲洗伤口后,对位缝合。术后用抗生素抗感染、丹参扩张血管、罂粟碱改善微循环。结果 23耳中2耳失访,18耳完全成活,1耳部分成活,2耳完全坏死。结论 耳廓撕裂伤、断伤、带有皮蒂的耳廓离断伤,由于断端双侧血管丰富,经对位缝合后容易成活。但耳廓完全离断伤由于缺乏血供,经对位缝合后不易成活,可采用去皮血管植入包埋法,带肌蒂皮瓣移植法或尝试显微外科技术施行血管吻合,以提高耳廓完全离断伤的成活率。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Solid caustic soda (CS) ingestion levels continue high in Brazil. The aggressiveness of a caustic agent depends, among other factors, on its concentration and time of contact with mucosa. However, the interdependence of these factors in the production of caustic lesion in the esophageal mucosa is not known, especially regarding CS as the strongest corrosive agent. We analyze the effects of concentration and time of contact on the aggressiveness of CS to the esophagus of live animals. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: One milliliter of CS at concentrations between 1.83% and 73.33% was applied to rats. The solution was kept in contact with the mucosa for 10 to 120 minutes. Internal and external organ aspects were analyzed and the epithelium, submucosa, muscle layer, and adventitia were analyzed microscopically RESULTS: Epithelial necrosis was observed at all concentrations. Among the necrotic layers, the submucosa was observed starting at the 7.33% concentration, and the muscular layer and adventitia were observed at 14.66% concentration. Damage to the pulmonary parenchyma and trachea occurred at 33.66% after 10 minutes, and perforation of the esophagus was observed only after 120 minutes. After 10 minutes, important corrosive lesions installed in the esophageal layers, expanding in depth and superficial extension. The use of heparin had no effect on the production of lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Ten minutes were sufficient to provoke necrosis, and longer contact increased the area of necrosis. Solution concentration levels were more important in damage production: 1.83% was sufficient for epithelial necrosis, 7.33% caused submucosal necrosis, and 14.66% muscle and adventitia necrosis; 33.66% solutions caused lung and trachea damage after 10 minutes and esophageal perforation after 120 minutes.  相似文献   

急性化脓性耳廓软骨膜炎手术疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨能够缩短化脓性耳廓软骨膜炎疗程,降低耳廓畸形发生率且具个体化的局部治疗方法.方法 回顾分析1 989年4月~2010年2月我科诊治的25例化脓性耳廓软骨膜炎的临床资料.除进行抗生素治疗外,局部治疗方法包括清创术后重新行耳甲腔成行术;脓腔穿刺置静脉留置针进行持续负压引流;清创后创腔置管引流.结果 自定义疗效评定...  相似文献   

诊治7例鼻腔嗅神经母细胞瘤的体会   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:提高临床对鼻腔嗅神经母细胞瘤的认识及治疗效果。方法:7例患者按Kadish分期,B期2例,C期5例,单纯放疗3例,术前放疗4例,放射剂量为5000 ̄7000cGy。均随访至1997年12月,结果:存活5例,存活时间分别为20,22,23,29及76个月;结论:放疗对该肿瘤有效;放疗与化疗结合的方法值得探讨,该瘤病理上可能存在不同的亚型。  相似文献   

IntroductionIt has become common to use scales to measure the degree of involvement of facial paralysis in phonoaudiological clinics.ObjectiveTo analyze the inter- and intra-rater agreement of the scales of degree of facial paralysis and to elicit point of view of the appraisers regarding their use.MethodsCross-sectional observational clinical study of the Chevalier and House & Brackmann scales performed by five speech therapists with clinical experience, who analyzed the facial expression of 30 adult subjects with impaired facial movements two times, with a one week interval between evaluations. The kappa analysis was employed.ResultsThere was excellent inter-rater agreement for both scales (kappa > 0.80), and on the Chevalier scale a substantial intra-rater agreement in the first assessment (kappa = 0.792) and an excellent agreement in the second assessment (kappa = 0.928). The House & Brackmann scale showed excellent agreement at both assessments (kappa = 0.850 and 0.857). As for the appraisers’ point of view, one appraiser thought prior training is necessary for the Chevalier scale and, four appraisers felt that training is important for the House & Brackmann scale.ConclusionBoth scales have good inter- and intra-rater agreement and most of the appraisers agree on the ease and relevance of the application of these scales.  相似文献   

目的 探讨鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤起源的CT影像学特点。 方法 回顾性分析47例经鼻内镜手术及术后病理组织学确诊的鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤患者的CT影像学资料。对肿瘤病变在CT上的骨质变化进行分析,并与术中发现的肿瘤起源根蒂部位进行对比,分析CT影像中骨质改变与肿瘤起源之间的关系。 结果 47例患者中,39例有骨质增生影像表现,其中37例骨质增生部位与肿瘤起源的根蒂部位一致,一致性达78.7%,提示可根据骨质增生部位推测肿瘤起源位置。 结论 CT影像中的骨质增生与鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤的根蒂起源部位有较高的一致性,有助于术前评估肿瘤起源和指导术前制定合理的手术方案。  相似文献   

目的 研究术前使用布地奈德雾化吸入治疗对手术疗效的影响。方法 按病程将3个月以内和1年以上患者随机分为两组,一组术前给予布地奈德雾化治疗,一组没有,术后两周复诊。分别于初诊、手术前和复诊时使用嗓音测试仪对病人进行测试并记录参数。结果 病程3个月以内患者术前给予雾化治疗后,其术后声学参数明显改善。结论 病程3个月以内患者术前给予雾化治疗能缩短术后恢复时间。  相似文献   

中耳癌20例报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:提高临床对中耳癌的认识,做到及时诊断与治疗。方法:20例均先行手术治疗,其中14例采用扩大的乳突根治术,3例行侧颞骨切除术,3例行颞骨次全切除术;有颈淋巴结转移的3例同时行根治性颈淋巴结廓清术。术后均辅以放疗。结果:随访5~13年,3、5年生存率分别为55.0%(11/20),45.0%(9/20)。结论:中耳癌手术治疗应根据其侵及中耳乳突的范围,以及有助于放射治疗发挥作用而选择不同的术式。  相似文献   

10例耳部原发性横纹肌肉瘤的临床病理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析耳部原发性横纹肌肉瘤的临床病理特征及其免疫组织化学特点,为该肿瘤的诊断提供依据。方法对10例耳部原发性横纹肌肉瘤采用光学显微镜和免疫组织化学染色方法观察。所用抗体有:波形蛋白(Vimentin),结蛋白(Desmin),平滑肌肌动蛋白(SMA),肌红蛋白(Myoglobin)。结果10例中男性8例,女性2例,平均年龄8.6岁,其中胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤9例,葡萄型横纹肌肉瘤1例;免疫组织化学:Vimentin及Myoglobin染色10例均呈阳性,Desmin染色7例阳性。SMA染色8例阳性。结论耳部原发性横纹肌肉瘤缺乏特异性临床表现。故诊断困难,对可疑病例及时做活检进行HE染色和免疫组织化学检查方可对该病作出诊断。  相似文献   

Objectives To develop a set of monosyllable audiometry test material that can be used in speech recognition testing in Mandarin Chinese. Materials and Methods In an effort to improve reliability and efficiency in clinical practice, a set of 30 test lists of 25 monosyllable test items each was designed with consideration of the following: length of the list, phonemical balance (PB), word utility frequency, coverage of common words, and equivalency among lists. The 30 lists contained 750 monosyllabic words and were constructed on the basis of Chinese phoneme distribution probability summarized in the Manual of Acoustic. The occurrence incidence of the 22 consonants, 36 vowels, and 4 tones of the Chinese Mandarin characters in the 30 test lists were calculated. To achieve PB, 489 monosyllables were selected from the 2500 most commonly used Chinese characters and the 4000 most commonly used Chinese phrases to compile the 30 monosyllable test lists using a computer algorithm with manual adjustment. Results Thirty phonemical balanced word lists of common Mandarin Chinese monosyllabic words were compiled. Each list consisted of 25 monosyllables. A total of 489 phonemes (consonants, vowels and tones) were included in the set. Conclusions This set of lists can potentially be used as the basic lists for future development of Mandarin PB monosyllable speech test materials.  相似文献   

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