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The resistance of Anopheles gambiae s.l. to insecticides constitutes a concern for the programs of malaria control because it can be an obstacle to effective control of the vectors. The follow-up of this resistance is a priority to work out strategies of management and to preserve the means of that major malaria vector control activities. The general objective of this study is to identify the species within An. gambiae s.l., and to determine the frequency of the Kdr gene in An. gambiae s.s. and An. coluzzii in five agricultural sites in Ivory Coast: an urban site, two semirural sites (coffee-trees/cacao-trees, orchard) and two rural sites (rice site and a traditional village without agricultural insecticide). During this study, 2285 specimens of An. gambiae s.l. were analyzed for this purpose. An. gambiae s.s. (in the past called molecular form S) and An. coluzzii (in the past called molecular form M) were the only species of the complex An. gambiae identified in all the sites. The frequency of the Kdr mutation varied from 0.37 in the site without agricultural insecticide to 0.95 in the urban site where there is an intense use of insecticides. Three areas of these species distribution were observed: an area where the species An. gambiae s.s. is dominant (sites located in savanna), an area with predominance of An. coluzzii (in the southern forested area) and an intermediate area where the two species were in a same proportion (pre-forested site).The Kdr mutation was identified in the two species in all the sites in savanna and forest, except in the site without agricultural insecticide where only An. gambiae was resistant. It shows the increase of the receptive potential of An. gambiae s.l. with respect to the Kdr gene and the extension of the resistance to insecticide of this species in Ivory Coast.  相似文献   

The PSO3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was molecularly cloned by complementing the cold-sensitivity phenotype of a pso3-1 mutant and was found to be allelic to RNR4, encoding one of the two DNA damage-inducible small subunits of the ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) complex. Compared to a rnr4Δ mutant that allows only very little mutation induction at very low doses of 254nm ultraviolet light (UVC), the pso3-1 mutant allele confers leakiness in that it permits some DNA damage-induced mutagenesis at low doses of UVC. Similarly, the pso3 mutant is slightly less sensitive to UVC than an rnr4Δ mutant. Cloning and sequencing of the RNR4 locus of the pso3-1 mutant revealed that its intermediate phenotype is attributable to a G → A transition at nucleotide 352, leading to replacement of glycine by arginine [G118R] in the mutant’s protein. Both RNR4 mutant alleles confer significantly less sensitivity to UVC than mutant alleles of non-UVC-mutable REV3, indicating that, apart from nucleotide excision repair, RAD6-dependent error-free DNA repair may still be functional. The phenotype of a strongly reduced UVC-induced mutagenesis for rnr4 mutant alleles has not yet been described; it suggests the importance of this gene for a fully functional RNR providing correct amounts of DNA precursor molecules, thereby, allowing translesion synthesis (error-prone) of UVC-damaged DNA. Stationary phase cells of the rnr4Δ mutant, but not of the original pso3-1 mutant, are swollen with a fourfold to eightfold increase in volume. The central role of RNR in DNA precursor metabolism and its complex regulation allow for several modes of suppression that may influence the phenotypes of RNR4 mutants, especially those containing the leaky pso3-1 mutant allele.  相似文献   

Urban malaria is a major public health problem in Africa. In Senegal, the environmental changes seem to favor the persistence of malaria transmission in Dakar suburbs by creating, throughout the year, potential breeding sites of malaria vectors. In such a situation and in a context of a growing threat of insecticide resistance in anopheline vectors, the larval control making use of products from biological origin or growth regulators could represent an additional tool to the current strategies developed against anophelines. In this study conducted in 2012, the efficiency and residual effect of three biological larvicides (VectoBac® WG, Vecto-Max® CG, and VectoBac® GR) and an insect growth regulator (MetaLarv?) were evaluated on Anopheles gambiae s.l. larvae in seminatural conditions (experimental station) and natural breeding sites in the suburbs of Dakar. The formulations were tested according to the manufacturer recommendations, namely 0.03 g/m2 for VectoBac® WG, 0.5 g/m2 for VectoBac® GR, 0.75 g/m2 for VectoMax® CG, and 0.5 g/m2 for MetaLarv?. In experimental station, the treatment with larvicides was effective over a period of 14 days with a mortality ranging between 92% and 100%. The insect growth regulator remained effective up to 55 days with a single emergence recorded in the 27th day after treatment. In natural conditions, a total effectiveness (100% mortality) of larvicides was obtained 48 hours after treatment, then a gradual recolonization of breeding sites was noted. However, the insect growth regulator has reduced adult emergence higher than 80% until the end of follow-up (J28). This study showed a good efficiency of the larvicides and of the growth regulator tested. These works provide current data on potential candidates for the implementation of larval control interventions in addition to that of chemical adulticide for control of urban malaria.  相似文献   

Recently in Senegal, a case of Plasmodium ovale malaria had led to a diagnostic difficulty due to the ignorance of this parasite and the neglect of it. The objective of this study was to actively investigate cases of P. ovale malaria that would be misdiagnosed in the health centre structures of Senegal. The study was conducted in three areas that reflect different epidemiological strata of malaria. Microscopy was performed by microscopy experts on suspected malaria patients. The results were validated by Rougemont real-time PCR. Positive P. ovale cases were genotyped by nested PCR targeting the potra gene. A total of 406 samples were taken. Microscopy of Giemsa stained thick and thin smears recorded 228 cases of Plasmodium falciparum (97%), 3 cases of Plasmodium malariae (1.3%), and 4 cases of P. ovale (1.7%). The cases of P. ovale observed at microscopy were confirmed by real-time PCR. Genotyping of P. ovale revealed 3 cases of P. ovale wallikeri and 1 case of P. ovale curtisi. The prevalence of P. ovale malaria remains low in Senegal. However, malaria microscopists should be trained to recognize non-falciparum species in order to avoid the diagnostic delays and unnecessary investigations. National malaria control program should consider those species for the better management of malaria control in the country. Simplified molecular methods like, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) may be useful to better characterize the epidemiology of non-falciparum malaria.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes are important vectors of many infectious diseases. Bacillus sphaericus (Bs) is an ideal larvicide and has attracted more and more attention, recently. However, the fundamental research of its application is very limited, especially on the subsequent impact of Bs exposure on mosquito’s fecundity and resistance emergence. Through bioassay, LC50 and LC95 of Bs in killing Anopheles dirus larvae were determined as 9.793 ± 1.878 IU/L and 62.4 ± 6.438 IU/L at 48 h posttreatment, 7.128 ± 0.913 IU/L and 34.385 ± 12.547 IU/L at 72 h post treatment, respectively. After being treated with a sub-lethal dose of Bs, gravidity, oviposition, hatch, pupation, and eclosion of the surviving mosquitoes were counted and analyzed to elucidate the subsequent effects of Bs exposure on the reproductive capacity of A. dirus. The result interestingly showed that the exposure of Bs significantly reduced the oviposition ability of the surviving A. dirus, without effect on egg formation/gravidity, hatch, pupation, and eclosion. The surviving mosquitoes were also maintained routinely for generations to test the sustained effect of Bs exposure on the fecundity of the offsprings. After conventional breeding for generations, the capacity of egg laying totally recovered. To explore the rules of resistance development, bioassays were performed after treatment twice with a sub-lethal dose of Bs on two continuous generations of A. dirus larvae. The killing efficacies between the Bs treated group and control group were compared. The results showed that LC50 and LC95 increased by 4.35- and 7.37-folds after treatment with the sub-lethal dose of Bs on two consecutive generations, respectively. The results indicated that A. dirus was sensitive to Bs, which could reduce oviposition of the surviving A. dirus. The subsequent effect might help to further decrease the mosquito population. However, a sub-lethal dose of Bs exposure could easily cause resistance development. Our study provides a dose standard and reference for the rational use of Bs, which will be helpful for mosquito control.  相似文献   

A new species of sandfly is described from limestone caves in Thailand. The inclusion of this species in the subgenus Euphlebotomus is justified on the basis of characters of the male genitalia (paramere, basal lobe). The male–female gathering in the same taxon is based on ecological (cavernicolous species), morphological (length of male genital filaments and female spermathecal ducts) and molecular (homology of cytochrome b mt DNA sequences) criteria. A differential diagnosis between Phlebotomus mascomai n. sp. and P. argentipes Annandale & Brunetti, the vector of Leishmania donovani (Laveran & Mesnil) in India, is proposed based on several morphological characters like antennal formula and genitalia.  相似文献   

Cephalosporinases, which are naturally present in some enterobacterial species, can be mobilized by transposons, migrate to plasmids, and spread into other species such as Escherichia coli. The aim of this study was to characterize genes responsible for the production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) in E. coli isolates from urinary origin isolated in two hospitals in Senegal. Thus, a fortuitous discovery of plasmidic cephalosporinase in two isolates was noted. One of the isolates produced dha-1 associated with ESBL CTX-M-14, the other produced cmy-2, ESBL CTXM-15, tem-1 penicillinase, and oxa-1. This confirms the circulation of multidrug-resistant bacteria producing plasmidic cephalosporinase in Senegal. However, a large study is needed to better understand the prevalence and the nature of the genes involved.  相似文献   

The main vector of malaria Anopheles gambiae maintains the transmission of malaria over long periods of time, because of the exceptional longevity and great ability to adapt to various environments. The aim of this study is to understand the impact of the predefined egg laying delay that characterizes long dry seasons on reproductive dynamics, feeding habit, and mortality rate of An. gambiae gravid females. For this purpose, gravid females of An. gambiae awaiting laying, previously fed with blood were kept under observation in cages for several weeks. Then, at the end of predefined periods of observation, these gravid females were individually made to lay eggs, and the development cycle of eggs was studied in comparison with eggs laid in the normal conditions (controls). In addition, the behaviour of feeding and mortality rate were studied in gravid females kept in cages, without laying, for several weeks. The results obtained show that the average egg-laying number of the control females varies little from that of the females obliged to retain their eggs in abdomen for several days. The hatching rate was 86.2% in no retention batches and 31% in a 50-day retention batches. The adults’ emergence rate was 77.7% in no eggs retention batches and 18.3% for eggs laid after 50 days of retention. In the batches of eggs with 20 days of retention, the emergence rate decreased significantly 0.89 times compared to control batches. The feeding rate of gravid females increased from 96.7% at the 1st blood meal to 12.5% at the 10th. In addition, the mortality rate of gravid females awaiting for laying is 0.36 times lower than that of no gravid females.  相似文献   

Acute lung injury (ALI) is characterized by widespread inflammation in the lungs and alveolar-capillary destruction, causing high morbidity and mortality. Cavidine, isolated from Corydalis impatiens, have been exhibited to have potent anti-inflammatory effects in previous studies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of cavidine on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ALI and to enunciate the underlying in vivo and in vitro mechanisms. Mice were intraperitoneally administrated with cavidine (1, 3, or 10 mg/kg) at 1 and 12 h, prior to the induction of ALI by intranasal administration of LPS (30 mg/kg). Blood samples, lung tissues, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were harvested after LPS challenge. Furthermore, we used LPS-induced lung epithelial cells A549 to examine the mechanism of cavidine to lung injury. The results showed that pretreatment with cavidine significantly decreased lung wet-to-dry weight (W/D) ratio, reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine levels including TNF-α and IL-6 in BALF and serum from LPS-stimulated mice, and attenuated lung histopathological changes. In addition, western blot results showed that cavidine inhibited the phosphorylation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) p65 and IκBα induced by LPS. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that cavidine protects against LPS-induced acute lung injury in mice via inhibiting of pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and IL-6 production and NF-κB signaling pathway activation. Taken together, cavidine may be useful for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary inflammatory diseases, such as ALI.  相似文献   

While the counterselectable Schizosaccharomyces pombe ura4 + gene can be used to prepare a site in the S. pombe genome to receive an unmarked mutant allele (loss of ura4 + confers 5FOA-resistant (5FOAR) growth), the desired unmarked knock-in strains are generally outnumbered by spontaneously arising 5FOAR mutants. Relative to the same approach using the homologous URA3 + gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, knock-ins in S. pombe are harder to identify due to a lower efficiency of homologous recombination and a relatively high background of spontaneous 5FOAR colonies. To develop an improved method for identifying cells receiving unmarked mutant alleles, we first determined that 5FOAR strains carry mutations in either of two genes; ura4 + and ura5 +. We then cloned the S. pombe ura5 + orotate phosphoribosyltransferase gene and constructed a 2.1 kb cassette containing ura5 + together with the S. pombe lys7 + gene. Using this doubly marked cassette to disrupt the sck1 + kinase gene, we can distinguish between strains created by homologous knock-in of unmarked wild-type or kinase-dead alleles and spontaneously arising ura4 and ura5 mutants by screening 5FOAR colonies for the loss of the lys7 + marker. The utility of this system, especially when the phenotype for the strain carrying the knock-in allele is indistinguishable from that of the disruption strain, is borne out by the fact that ~95% of 5FOAR colonies in our studies arose from background ura4 and ura5 mutations.  相似文献   

Southern analysis with rpl5 and rps14 mtDNA gene probes of Solanum tuberosum, S. commersonii and a sample of somatic hybrids detected polymorphisms between parents and the appearance of a novel restriction fragment in various hybrids. In one of them, detailed mtDNA analyses revealed various configurations of the rpl5rps14 region present at different stoichiometries. Multiple inter-parental recombination events across homologous sequences were assumed to have caused these rearrangements. Sequence similarity searches detected one sequence putatively involved in the recombination upstream of the rpl5 gene. The presence of a second recombinogenic sequence was inferred. We propose two models to explain the mechanism responsible for obtaining the different rpl5rps14 arrangements shown after somatic hybridization. Variability in the rpl5rps14 region observed in both the parental species and their somatic hybrids suggests this region is a hot spot for mtDNA rearrangements in Solanum spp.Contribution no. 39 from the Institute of Plant Genetics, Research Division of Portici.Communicated by A. Brennicke  相似文献   

RNA primer removal from Okazaki fragments during lagging-strand replication and the excision of damaged DNA bases requires the action of structure-specific nucleases, such as the mammalian flap endonuclease 1 (FEN-1). This nuclease contains two conserved motifs enriched with acidic amino acid residues that are important for catalytic function. Similar motifs have been identified in nucleases found in viruses, archebacteria, eubacteria, and in eukaryotes ranging from yeast to humans. Unique among these proteins, the putative FEN-1 homologue in Escherichia coli is contained within the N-terminal region of the DNA polymerase I (PolN). To demonstrate that the cellular functions of FEN-1 reside in PolN, we cloned and expressed the amino terminal domain (323 amino acid residues) of PolI in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain lacking the FEN-1 homologue RAD27. Overexpression of PolN suppressed, to varying degrees, phenotypes associated with a rad27 null strain. These include temperature sensitivity, Okazaki fragment processing, a mutator phenotype, a G2/M cell cycle arrest, minichromosome loss, and methyl methane sulfonate sensitivity. We purified Rad27 and PolN proteins in order to determine whether differences in their intrinsic nuclease activities or interaction with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) could explain the partial suppression of some phenotypes. We found that the in vitro nuclease activities of Rad27 were more potent than those of PolN and the activity of Rad27, but not PolN, was stimulated by PCNA. We conclude that the N-terminal nuclease domain of E. coli polymerase I encodes a functional homologue of FEN-1.  相似文献   

The Acremonium chryrsogenum cefT gene encoding a membrane protein of the major facilitator superfamily implicated in the cephalosporin biosynthesis in A. chrysogenum was introduced into Penicillium chrysogenum Wisconsin 54-1255 (a benzylpenicillin producer), P. chrysogenum npe6 pyrG (-) (a derivative of Wisconsin 54-1255 lacking a functional penDE gene) and P. chrysogenum TA98 (a deacetylcephalosporin producer containing the cefD1, cefD2, cefEF and cefG genes from A. chrysogenum). RT-PCR analysis revealed that the cefT gene was expressed in P. chrysogenum strains. HPLC analysis of the culture broths of the TA98 transformants showed an increase in the secretion of deacetylcephalosporin C and hydrophilic penicillins (isopenicillin N and penicillin N). P. chrysogenum Wisconsin 54-1255 strain transformed with cefT showed increased secretion of the isopenicillin N intermediate and a drastic decrease in the benzylpenicillin production. Southern and northern blot analysis indicated that the untransformed P. chrysogenum strains contain an endogenous gene similar to cefT that may be involved in the well-known secretion of the isopenicillin N intermediate. In summary, the cefT transporter is a hydrophilic beta-lactam transporter that is involved in the secretion of hydrophilic beta-lactams containing alpha-aminoadipic acid side chain (isopenicillin N, penicillin N and deacetylcephalosporin C).  相似文献   

Yan Z  Hull CM  Sun S  Heitman J  Xu J 《Current genetics》2007,51(3):187-195
In the great majority of sexual eukaryotes, mitochondrial genomes are inherited almost exclusively from a single parent. While many hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, very little is known about the genetic elements controlling uniparental mitochondria inheritance. In the bipolar, isogamous basidiomycete yeast Cryptococcus neoformans, progeny from crosses between strains of mating type a (MATa) and mating type α (MATα) typically inherit mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the MATa parent. We recently demonstrated that a mating type α (MATα)-specific gene SXI1α, controls mitochondrial inheritance in C. neoformans. Here, we show that another homeodomain gene SXI2a in the alternative mating type MATa is also required for uniparental mtDNA inheritance in this fungus. Disruption of SXI2a resulted in biparental mtDNA inheritance in the zygote population with significant numbers of progeny inheriting mtDNA from the MATa parent, the MATα parent, and both the MATa and the MATα parents. In addition, progeny from same-sex mating between MATα strains showed a biparental mitochondrial inheritance pattern. Our results suggest that SXI1α and SXI2a coordinately control uniparental mitochondrial inheritance in C. neoformans.  相似文献   

In the present study, larvae of Ascaris suum and Trichuris muris were investigated by light and electron microscopy after incubation in a hatching medium containing 89% phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.4), 10% RPMI-1640 and 1% sodiumhypochlorite at 40 and 37 degrees C, respectively. The larvae were obtained from fertilised eggs of the worms during defined phases of development (A. suum, 36th-50th day of development; T. muris, once a week from week 16 to 20). Light and electron micrographs of the larvae gave evidence that the third larval stage of A. suum is probably the infectious stage. The first moult of the larvae had already taken place before the 36th day of incubation starting at day 1. After 36 days of incubation, only the second larval stage was found within eggs. Some of these larvae were coated by a separated sheath so that a second moult of the larvae is reasonable. On the other hand, no sheathed larvae of T. muris were found in the eggs incubated for 20 weeks in distilled water. No signs of moult were seen for 20 weeks neither on light nor on the electron micrographs. Therefore, in T. muris, the first larval stage is the infectious stage, which was proven by means of re-infections of mice 16, 18 or 20 weeks after incubation of the eggs.  相似文献   

A total of 51 faecal samples from wild and farmed mink were analysed by a direct immunofluorescence antibody test. Cryptosporidium oocysts were identified in eight, apparently healthy, farmed American mink (Mustela vison). The isolates were identified as Cryptosporidium parvum ‘ferret’ genotype by PCR-RFLP and sequencing analysis of a 341-base-pair fragment of the Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP) gene. This is the first report of Cryptosporidium in American mink. Genbank accession numbers of the sequences used in this study C. parvum, ‘bovine’ genotype AF266273; C. hominis, AF266265; C. parvum, ‘mouse’ genotype AF266268, C. wrairi, U35027; C. parvum, ‘ferret’ genotype AF266267; C. meleagridis, AF266266; C. parvum, ‘marsupial’ genotype AF266269; C. parvum, ‘pig’ genotype AF266270; C. canis, AF266274; C. felis, AF266263; C. baileyi, AF266276; C. serpentis, AF266275; C. andersoni, AF266262 and C. muris, AF161579  相似文献   

Human defensin-α1 is a biologically active peptide exhibiting a dose-dependent trypanocidal effect in vitro against trypomastigotes and amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi line Tulahuen. This effect is determined by fragmentation of parasite DNA reducing the capacity of passaged T. cruzi to invade HeLa cells.  相似文献   

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