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患者,女,20岁.因间断性左腰部疼痛3个月于2010年8月入院.既往无高血压病史.查体:左腹部可触及边界不清的囊性肿物,轻压痛,无反跳痛,叩诊浊音.B超检查左肾大小约8.5cm× 4.7 cm×3.0 cm,轮廓欠清,集合系统分离约4.0 cm.IVU示右肾盂、肾盏显影良好,大小、形态未见异常,右侧输尿管引流通畅,左肾显影延迟,形态欠清.CT检查右肾大小正常,肾实质密度均匀,左肾实质受压变薄,左肾重度积水.左侧逆行造影检查示左肾积水,考虑异位血管压迫所致.同位素肾图检查左肾GFR 6.5 ml/min,右肾GFR 64.2ml/min.诊断为左肾重度积水,左肾萎缩.全麻后取俯卧位,将胸廓及骨盆垫高.于腋后线髂嵴上3 cm做长约3 cm皮肤切口(图1).血管钳钝性分离至腰背筋膜下进入后腹腔,经皮肤切口放入乳胶球囊扩张管,充气约600 ml,维持5 min后放气取出.置入自制的单孔多通道套管,3个5 mm套管分别放置30°腹腔镜和可弯曲的操作器械.气腹压力为15 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa).  相似文献   

正患者女性,47岁。2016年5月25日体检发现左肾结石入院。患者3年前体检时彩超检查提示右侧输尿管上段结石并右肾重度积水,左肾下盏结石,肾功能正常,双肾放射性核素扫描(ECT)提示右侧肾小球滤过率(GFR)12.8ml/min,左肾GFR78.6ml/min,遂行腹腔镜下右肾切除术,术后3个月复查肾功能正常  相似文献   

病例 患者周某某,男,78岁,离休干部.既往有高血压病史20余年,糖尿病病史8年.7年前出现腰痛、血尿等症状,CT检查提示左肾肾癌,在我院于1997年6月行左肾切除术,2年后体检复查又发现右肾下极见到一实质性肿瘤,遂转往上海某医院就诊,核医学影像诊断报告肾图提示:左肾切除,右肾功能低下,GFR=24.19 ml/min,B超及MR示右肾下极见一实质性肿瘤,约22 mm×23 mm左右,肝胆胰脾未见异常,腹膜后淋巴结未见肿大,腹主动脉旁、锁骨上未见肿大淋巴结,于2000年1月3日在全麻下行右肾部分切除术,切除肾组织约1/3左右,病理提示:右肾下极透明细胞癌,穿透肾包膜达周围脂肪、组织.术后肾功能正常,一般情况好出院.  相似文献   

患者,女,27岁。2015年11月因右侧腰部胀痛不适于我院门诊查超声示:右肾大小14.2cm×7.7cm,集合系统重度分离,皮质受压变薄。门诊以"右肾积水(重度)"为初步诊断收住入院,入院后完善肾动态显像示:左GFR 76.98 ml/min,右GFR 56.92 ml/min,右肾上极血流灌注和肾小球滤过功能良好;CTU示:下组肾盏扩张积水(图1、2)。进一步完善逆行肾盂造影检查(图3),  相似文献   

目的 探讨索拉非尼治疗伴有终末期肾病的转移性肾癌的可行性. 方法 应用索拉非尼治疗伴有终末期肾病的转移性肾癌患者1例.患者,女,65岁.左肾透明细胞癌接受根治性肾切除术后4个月,因终末期肾病开始血液透析.术后12个月,发现双肺转移.应用干扰素或IL-2治疗无效.二线应用索拉非尼400 mg,2次/d口服.维持血液透析每周3次.通过PubMed检索相关文献报道结果,总结其可行性. 结果 索拉非尼治疗前右肺病灶大小2.7 cm ×2.4 cm,左肺病灶2.6 cm×2.0 cm.服药2个月时因手足皮肤反应停药2周,恢复治疗后持续用药至2011年12月共52个月.用药6个月时,双肺转移病灶均有缩小,疗效评价为稳定(SD,REGIST标准).服药12个月时,双肺病灶继续缩小,右肺病灶1.8cm×1.0,cm;左肺病灶呈条索样,疗效评价为部分缓解(PR).至随访截止,双肺病灶均已呈条索样改变.检索PubMed共有6篇类似报道,患者9例,其中疗效评价7例,PR 3例,SD 4例.药物不良反应无明显加重. 结论 索拉非尼治疗伴有终末期肾病的转移性肾癌疗效确实,不良反应与肾功能正常患者相似.  相似文献   

马兜铃酸肾病合并膀胱乳头状移行细胞癌一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男性,46岁。因间断肉眼血尿6个月,肾功能异常1个月入院。入院前6个月起,患者无诱因出现酱油色尿,伴终末鲜血尿及排尿烧灼感。症状间断发作,尿色正常时尿常规无异常。2003年5月,尿蛋白750mg/L,红细胞2.5×1012/L,Hb100g/L。B超示右肾8.3cm×3.8cm×3.4cm、左肾10.4cm×4.7cm×4.3cm;同位素肾功能示GFR42ml/min(左26ml/min,右16ml/min)。8月于我院,尿沉渣示正常形态红细胞满视野,白细胞5~6/HPF。Scr202μmol/L,BUN11.4mmol/L。既往曾间断服“龙胆泻肝丸”10余年,总量约600~900袋。吸烟20年,每日10~20支。入院后查体BP125/80mmH…  相似文献   

患者男性,81岁。因“左侧腰部疼痛半月余”入院。病程中无发热、腹痛、尿频、尿急、尿痛及肉眼血尿等症状,仅表现为左侧腰部胀痛。体格检查:左侧腰部平卧位双合诊可触及肿大包块,质韧,活动度差,轻度压痛。入院后泌尿系统超声示:左肾内见一低回声团块,大小约67 mm ×79 mm,CDFI示其内可见丰富血流信号,左肾上极肾盏局部扩张伴积水。双肾CT示:左肾占位,考虑肾癌可能性大。见图1,2。ECT肾小球滤过率测定示:左肾GFR为14.6 ml/min,右肾GFR为36.2 ml/min。术前诊断:左肾占位,肾癌。因ECT示左肾功能明显减低,遂行腹腔镜下左肾根治性切除术。术中见肿瘤位于左肾上极,大小约8 cm ×7cm,局限于肾周筋膜内,处理肾蒂和输尿管后,将左肾、左肾上腺及肾周脂肪囊完整切除后经左侧麦氏点处长约6 cm 的切口取出。术后病理示:肾脏切除标本,大小9 cm ×9 cm ×5 cm,脂肪囊易剥离,切面见肾实质内肿物,大小8 cm ×6cm ×4 cm,切面灰白编织状,余肾组织挤压萎缩。上附输尿管一段,长1 cm,直径1 cm。肿块取材示肿瘤细胞呈束状、编织状排列,细胞梭形,胞浆淡红染,核梭形,病理性核分裂像偶见,间质可见多量鹿角样血管。免疫组化:HMB45(-),Me lan A(-),SMA 灶(+),calponin (-),S100散(+),CK(-),Ki 673%(+),CD34(++),Bcl2(++),CD99(+++)。病理诊断:左肾孤立性纤维性肿瘤,局部细胞生长活跃;肾盂及输尿管切缘未见瘤组织。患者于术后7 d 出院,随访6个月无异常。  相似文献   

目的 探讨后腹腔镜手术治疗双支肾静脉间输尿管所致UPJ狭窄的可行性及效果.方法 患者为男性,28岁.左腰部酸痛6个月,于外院诊断为左侧UPJ狭窄、左肾积水,留置左输尿管支架管3个月后拔除.B超检查示左肾积水、左侧UPJ狭窄,CT示左侧UPJ狭窄,狭窄处与左肾静脉关系密切,且走行于双支肾静脉之间.肾图示双肾功能受损,左肾GFR 35 ml/min,右肾GFR34 ml/min,左肾积水,左侧上尿路机械性梗阻.全麻下行后腹腔镜下左肾盂离断成形术. 结果 手术顺利,术中发现左肾静脉为双支,左肾盂输尿管在肾静脉间穿行,位于腹侧的一支肾静脉主干压迫左UPJ,同时存在肾迷走动脉与输尿管伴行入肾.术中切除狭窄段约0.5 cm后将输尿管绕行至腹侧肾静脉分支前方,将肾盂成形后与输尿管吻合,同时留置输尿管支架管.手术时间240 min,出血量50 ml,术后住院4d,无发热、术后大出血等并发症.术后随访4个月,复查B超示肾积水明显减轻.结论 双支肾静脉间输尿管所致UPJ狭窄临床罕见,可行后腹腔镜下肾盂离断成形术,创伤小,短期随访效果满意.  相似文献   

正1 临床资料患者,男,30岁,2018年11月19日于外院行CTU检查,诊断为双肾多发占位性病变,考虑为肾脏恶性肿瘤,另双肾多发囊肿,胰腺多发囊性变伴多发小钙化灶。患者于2018年12月3日入住我科,经与患者及家属交流沟通,为了控制肿瘤进展,患者及家属一致要求先行右肾根治性切除术,然后左肾再行微波消融治疗。患者于2018年12月7日行腹腔镜下右肾根治性切除术,标本肉眼所见:肾组织大小8.5 cm×5.5 cm×3.5 cm,相连输尿  相似文献   

肾嗜酸细胞瘤的诊治(附三例报告及文献复习)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 提高肾嗜酸细胞瘤的诊治水平。 方法 回顾分析 3例肾嗜酸细胞瘤患者的临床资料。临床无特异表现 ,肿瘤大小分别为 7.6cm× 8.5cm× 6 .8cm、10 .0cm× 11.5cm× 9.8cm、10 .0cm× 8.0cm× 6 .8cm ,分别位于左肾下极、右肾上极、右肾下极。CT扫描肿瘤密度均匀一致 ,瘤体中央有星状结构。术前均诊为肾癌而行肾癌根治术。 结果 肉眼观察瘤体边界清楚 ,切面呈棕色或棕褐色 ,均质状 ,无出血及坏死灶。光镜下瘤细胞排列成腺泡状或管状 ,胞质含丰富的嗜酸性颗粒 ,细胞无明显异型性和核分裂相。电镜下胞质内见大量线粒体。免疫组化染色 :Cytokeratin( ) ,EMA( ) ,Vimentin(- )。 3例患者随访 16~ 30个月 ,未见肿瘤复发或转移。 结论 肾嗜酸细胞瘤是一种良性实质性上皮肿瘤 ,临床无特异性 ,诊断需依据病理组织学、免疫组化及电镜特点综合判断。  相似文献   

In patients with either bilateral renal malignancies or with carcinoma occurring in a solitary kidney, the principle of en bloc removal of the tumor-bearing kidney cannot be applied. Recently we have performed surgical enucleation in two cases of asynchronous bilateral renal cell carcinoma. Case 1. A 60-year-old woman was hospitalized with diagnosis of left renal tumor 10 years tumor 10 years after right nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. The tumor was enucleated while occluding the renal vessels. Pathological examination revealed that the tumor (a nodule of 35 g) was renal cell carcinoma of grade I and perfectly covered by pseudocapsule. Hemodialysis was not required. The patient has been well for more than 11 months postoperatively and Ccr is 65 ml/min. Case 2. A 62-year-old man with slight elevation of serum GOT and GPT level was examined by CT, which revealed a space occupying lesion in the left kidney. He had undergone nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma of right kidney 11 years ago. Three nodules of 56 g, 6 g and 3 g were removed by in situ enucleation. They were renal cell carcinoma of grade II and there was no malignant penetration of the pseudocapsule pathologically. After surgery hemodialysis was required 10 times for 21 days. Renal function has been refined gradually and the patient is well with 47.3 ml/min of Ccr at 4 months postoperatively. Before this report of 2 cases there were 22 cases of asynchronous bilateral renal cell carcinoma in Japanese literature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A case of asynchronous bilateral renal cell carcinoma is reported. A 52-year-old man with the chief complaint of asymptomatic gross hematuria visited our hospital on November 16, 1981. Intravesicular pyelography showed poor secretion of the left kidney, compression of its pelvis and calyces and normal visualization of the right kidney. On computer tomographic (CT) scanning, abdominal aortogram and left selective renal angiogram, a round tumor lesion on the left kidney was recognized. Under the diagnosis of left renal tumor, radical left nephrectomy was performed in December, 1981. Histological diagnosis was clear cell carcinoma of the left kidney. He was administered medroxyprogesterone acetate. In December, 1985, CT showed a space-occupying lesion laterally on the right kidney and another suspected tumorous lesion. On the right selective renal angiogram, a round hypervascular lesion about 3 cm in diameter was found on the upper portion of the right kidney. On February 10, 1986 simple surgical enucleation of the 2 renal tumors was performed. Histological diagnosis was the same as that of the left kidney. Postoperative course was uneventful. He is well without recurrence or metastasis 8 months after operation.  相似文献   

A case of bilateral, synchronous renal cell carcinoma and oncocytoma is reported. The patient was a 70-year-old woman. Computed tomographic scan revealed bilateral low density masses, which had a diameter of approximately 4 cm (right kidney), and 2.5 cm (left kidney). We suspected bilateral renal cell carcinomas, and performed, right nephrectomy and left enucleation of the tumor. Pathological diagnosis was right renal cell carcinoma and left oncocytoma. To our knowledge only 5 previous cases of renal cell carcinoma associated with oncocytoma have been reported in Japan. Two cases were metachronous and three cases were unilateral and synchronous. This is the first reported case of bilateral, synchronous renal cell carcinoma and oncocytoma.  相似文献   

A case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the ovary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 52-year-old woman had a pathological fracture of the right femur. On histopathological examination bone metastasis from renal cell carcinoma was suspected. Abdominal computed tomography showed a heterogeneous mass (9.1 x 7.8 x 6.5 cm) in the left kidney and a cystic multilocular mass (12 x 10 cm) in the pelvis. Bone scintigraphy revealed an abnormal uptake in the left coracoid process, right third rib, and right distal femur and proximal tibia. Clinical diagnosis was left renal cancer with multiple bone metastases (cT2NOM1, stage IV) and a right ovarian tumor. We performed left radical nephrectomy and resection of right ovarian tumor by bilateral adnexectomy. On histopathological examination, the left kidney tumor was diagnosed as renal cell carcinoma (clear cell carcinoma with chromophobe component, G2 > G1). The ovarian tumor consisted of carcinoma of clear cell type (G2) that resembled components of left renal cell carcinoma, confirming the diagnosis of metastatic renal clear cell carcinoma to the ovary. Although she underwent immunotherapy with interferon, she died 10 months after nephrectomy. Metastasis to the ovary from renal clear cell carcinoma is very rare and only 18 cases have been reported in the literature. This rarity may be related to the difficulty of differential diagnosis between metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the ovary and primary ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Elaborate analysis of microscopic features and immunohistochemical profiles may help in the distinction of this metastatic lesion.  相似文献   

Bilateral renal cell carcinoma developing in a 55-year-old male receiving long-term dialysis is reported. The patient, who had undergone maintenance hemodialysis for 12 years, was admitted in July, 1986 for the purpose of extensive examination of a right renal mass. CT scan and ultrasonography demonstrated an enlarged bilateral kidney associated with multiple cysts, containing a solid mass in the right upper pole. The patients underwent right nephrectomy under the diagnosis of right renal tumor. The solid tumor 4 x 3 cm in size revealed a grade 1 to 2 renal cell carcinoma pathologically. Two small tumors were recognized in other portions of the kidney. Multiple cysts of varying sizes, the largest 2 cm in diameter, replaced the renal parenchyma. The cyst walls frequently contained hyperplastic changes. The patient has been subsequently followed up for 2 years and 9 months and underwent left nephrectomy for suspected left renal tumor. The surface of the left kidney was covered by numerous cysts. The result of pathological examination was renal cell carcinoma, which was recognized in a total of 7 regions of the left kidney. The patient remains well on hemodialysis, with no evidence of recurrence or metastasis.  相似文献   

目的 探讨结节性硬化症(tuberous sclerosis complex,TSC)相关肾细胞癌(renal cell carcinoma,RCC)的临床诊治特点.方法 回顾性分析1例TSC相关TCC患者的资料.男,22岁.自幼智障伴癫痫.发现双肾肿瘤5年,间断肉眼血尿2年,曾于1年内2次行超选择性左肾动脉栓塞术,但分别于术后6、10个月再次出现肉眼血尿.查体:智障表现,肥胖,头颈部血管纤维瘤及非创伤性趾甲沟纤维瘤.CT平扫检查左肾有一不规则实性占位,最大截面14.2 cm×9.0 cm,CT值45~54HU,增强扫描病变呈不均匀强化,CT值60~78 HU,左肾静脉内有充盈缺损;右肾见多发脂肪密度占位,CT值-38~-25 HU,最大截面7.2 cm × 5.7 cm.检索Pubmed和CBM数据库进行相关文献复习.结果 患者行经腹开放性左肾根治性切除术,病理诊断肾透明细胞癌,肾静脉内见瘤栓.随访4个月未发现肿瘤复发及转移.结论 TSC相关RCC临床罕见,诊断后可行肾部分切除术或根治性肾切除术.
Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment features of tuberous sclerosis complex associated renal cell carcinoma.Methods A 22-year-old boy with a childhood history of epilepsy and mental retardation presented with a complaint of intermittent painless gross hematuria for the past 2 years.After superselective left renal artery embolization was done twice in the past year, painless gross hematuria was still repeated with 6- 10 months intervals.Physical examination showed retarded face, obesity, visible facial angiofibroma and a ditch fibroma.CT scan showed irregular lesions.The largest cross-section 14.2 cm × 9.0 cm in the left kidney was inhomogeneous enhanced from 45 - 54 HU in the plain phase to 60 - 78 HU in the contrast phase.Filling defect in the left renal vein and multiple fat-density lesions (CT value of -25 - -38 HU) with the largest cross-section 7.2 cm× 5.7 cm in the right kidney were also found in contrast CT scan.The PUBMED and CBM database were reviewed.Results Open retroperitoneal radical left nephrectomy was performed.Pathology showed renal clear cell carcinoma and renal vein thrombosis.There was no tumor recurrence or distant metastasis at 4-month follow-up.Conclusions Tuberous sclerosis complex associated renal cell carcinoma is rarely reported.Timely nephron-sparing surgery is necessary when the diagnosis is established, or radical nephrectomy is also necessary if nephron-sparing surgery is impossible.  相似文献   

A case of asynchronous bilateral renal cell carcinoma is reported. The patient was a 71-year-old man who visited our clinic with complaints of asymptomatic macrohematuria and fever on November 20, 1960. Clinical diagnosis was left renal tumor and left nephrectomy was performed on December 4, 1960. Histological diagnosis was renal cell carcinoma (common type, clear cell subtype, alveolar type and G1). The postoperative course was uneventful until complaints of diarrhea and weight loss in November, 1983. He visited our clinic again with a right abdominal mass on January, 1984. Right renal selective angiography revealed an enlargement and abnormal vascularity with tumor stain, hypervascularity and pooling in the whole kidney except for the upper pole lesion. CT scan revealed a space occupying lesion. Right radical nephrectomy was performed on March 6, 1984. Histological diagnosis was renal cell carcinoma (common type, mixed subtype, alveolar and tubular type, G2). He was treated by hemodialysis and steroid therapy after right nephrectomy but he died of massive gastro-intestinal bleeding on April 22, 1984. The paper is the 15th report of a bilateral renal cell carcinoma in Japan.  相似文献   

We report a case of renal cell carcinoma arising in bilateral original kidneys after failure of transplant graft function. A 47-year-old man had received a living related renal transplantation on December 10, 1985. He had resumed hemodialysis (HD) therapy because of graft failure on January 8, 1996. Periodic computed tomography (CT), after resumption of HD, revealed multiple cystic change in bilateral original kidneys and a mass in the right kidney. He was referred to our hospital on August 4, 1998 for management of the increased right renal lesion. Abdominal angiography demonstrated a hypervascular and solid mass not only in the right kidney but also in the left kidney. He underwent transperitoneal bilateral nephrectomy. Histopathological examination revealed renal cell carcinoma, bilaterally, with alveolar type and granular cell subtype. He was free of evidence of recurrence and metastasis for 30 months after nephrectomy.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肿瘤源性低磷骨软化症(OO)的临床表现、病理特点、治疗及预后.方法 OO患者1例,男,17岁.双下肢无力、肌肉萎缩、关节疼痛4年.实验室检查提示低血磷,X线检查示诸腰椎不同程度楔形变,骨盆骨质密度减低.B超检查见左肾正常形态消失,上极可见部分肾结构,中下极被巨大混合结构取代,大小约15.1 cm×14.5 cm×13.2 cm,与胰尾分界欠清,内部回声不均,血流丰富,可见多支血管穿行其内.CT检查见左肾巨大肿瘤,直径15.0 cm,增强后中度强化;瘤体内见多发回流静脉血管影,左肾动脉、左副肾动脉及肠系膜下动脉的分支参与肿瘤供血;肿瘤下方迂曲静脉血管团回流入左肾静脉.奥曲肽显像检查见左肾中下极水平巨大异常放射性浓聚区,考虑为生长抑素受体高表达之病变.诊断为左肾恶性肿瘤伴骨软化症.行经腹左肾根治性切除术,术中见左肾中下极巨大类圆形肿瘤,直径约15.0 cm,表面包绕大量怒张的静脉.手术顺利. 结果术后7 d血磷恢复正常,下肢肌力较前改善.病理报告为肾透明细胞癌,波形蛋白(+),肾细胞癌抗体(+),Ki-67约2%.随诊11个月,骨软化症状逐渐消失,肿瘤无复发及转移. 结论 OO罕见,尤其是肾癌所致OO,目前尚未见报道.对临床表现为乏力、下肢活动障碍、骨痛、低磷血症的患者,应考虑OO的可能,并积极寻找肿瘤病灶.一旦确诊,手术切除是主要治疗手段,预后较好.
Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations, pathologic features, treatment and prognosis of oncogenic osteomalacia (OO). Methods A 17-year-old male patient was admitted.The patient presented with a 4-year history of progressive lower limb weakness, muscle atrophy and joint pain. Lab tests demonstrated hypophosphatemia. Lumbar and pelvic X-ray showed wedging of the lumbar spine and decreased pelvic bone density. Ultrasonography revealed a low-echo and bloodrich mass measuring 15.1 cm× 14.5 cm× 13.2 cm located at the lower pole of left kidney. Computed tomography showed a voluminous enhanced tumor, supplied by the left renal artery, vice renal artery and a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. A tortuous vein at the lower part of the tumor drained into the left renal vein. A radioactive octreotide scan was used to study an increased radionuclide-uptake lesion which was initially suspected on the CT scan. The patient was preoperatively diagnosed with left malignant kidney tumor and oncogenic osteomalacia. During a left radical nephrectomy performed through a transperitoneal anterior subcostal incision, a round diameter 15 cm tumor covered by twisted veins was found. The patient recovered well postoperatively. Results The histological diagnosis was renal clear cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemical staining detected Vimentin and RCC were positive and Ki-67antigen index was about 2 %. After lesion removal, the paraneoplastic syndrome resolved. At the 11-month follow-up, no recurrence of the disease was observed. Conclusions Oncogenic osteomalacia is rare and OO with renal cell carcinoma has not been reported so far. OO or rickets should be suspected in those patients who presented with metabolic bone disease associated with hypophosphatemia and inappropriate phosphaturia. If OO syndrome was suspected, in addition to past medical history and imaging, a standard meticulous examination should be initiated promptly. Surgical treatment is still necessary once confirmed. And all of them achieved a good prognosis.  相似文献   

目的 总结原发性肾窦肿瘤的临床特点及治疗方法.方法 原发性肾窦肿瘤患者3例.女2例,男1例.平均年龄40(33~55)岁.临床表现为腰痛伴血尿1例,单纯腰部疼痛2例.肿瘤位于右侧2例,左侧1例.直径平均5.5(3.5~8.5)cm.3例均经行手术治疗. 结果行右肾窦肿瘤探查术1例,术中病理提示良性肿瘤,单纯切除肿瘤,病理报告为血管平滑肌瘤,随访3年未见复发.1例术中因肿瘤出血及肾盂破坏严重,行右肾切除,病理报告为血管平滑肌脂肪瘤,随访10个月未见复发.1例因肿瘤包绕肾动静脉,局部严重黏连,行左肾切除术,病理报告为脂肪瘤,随访4年未见肿瘤复发.结论 原发性肾窦肿瘤临床罕见,多为良性,易误诊为肾盂肿瘤,CT、MRI、IVU检查有助于鉴别;良性肿瘤直径<4 cm且无症状者可密切随访,有症状或直径>4 cm者可行肿瘤切除;肿瘤累及肾蒂并严重破坏肾盂者可行单纯肾切除;恶性肿瘤应行根治性肾切除.  相似文献   

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