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云南石仙桃及石斛总生物碱和多糖含量的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马雪梅  章萍  于苏萍  李满飞 《中草药》1997,28(9):561-563
对安国,毫州等药材市场以及对云南石仙桃和石斛主产地药源调查发现,二者的混杂现象日趋严重。作者从商品药材鉴定,总生物碱及多糖的定量分析,止咳,益胃和滋阴等药理实验几方面,对云南石仙桃和石斛进行了研究对比,结果二者有一定相近之处。  相似文献   

正石仙桃(PholidotachinensisLindl.),又名石橄榄,为兰科石仙桃属植物,作为一种药食两用的植物,以假鳞茎或全草入药,功主养阴、清肺、利湿、消瘀等。全年可采,鲜用或晒干备用。其主要分布于福建、广东、广西、云南、贵州等地。石仙桃属等作为近缘植物常被混作石斛类药材应用,众所周知,石斛具有抗肿瘤、抗衰老、增强机体免疫力等功效,但是石仙桃这些功效还未有人深究。本课题组制备了低免疫型SPF级小鼠模型,研究石  相似文献   

<正>石斛为兰科植物环草石斛Dendrobium Loddigesii Rolfe.马鞭石斛D. Chrysanthum Wall.铁皮石斛D. candidum Wall. ex lindl.或金钗石斛D. nobile Lindl.的茎为常用中药。由于来源较复杂,近缘品种较多,市售商品颇为混乱,常见的伪晶有石仙桃属的石仙桃Pholidota chinensis Lindl.云南石仙桃P. yunnanensis Rolfe.金石斛属的流苏金石斛Ephemerantha fimbriata(Bl.)Hunt et Summerh.戟叶金石斛E. lanchophylla(HK. f.)P. F. Hunt et Sun.等的干燥茎或假鳞茎。  相似文献   

干国平  郑宏钧 《中药材》1998,21(5):223-225
本文对云南石仙桃的药材性状、显微特征进行观察,为开发该药提供了鉴定依据。  相似文献   

商品石斛的调查及鉴定(Ⅲ)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对云南西双版纳的药源调查和商品鉴定结果表明,有22种石斛属、1种金石斛属及1种石仙桃属植物加工成石斛商品,其中晶帽石斛DendrobiumcryustallinumRchb.f.、流苏石斛D.fimbriatumHook.、囊唇石斛D.moschatum(Buch.-Ham.)Sw.及鼓槌石斛D.chrysotoxumLindl.为主要品种。  相似文献   

石斛及其伪品石仙桃的鉴别   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石斛始载于《神农本草经》,列为上品 ,有益胃生津、滋阴清热的功效。其原植物为兰科植物环草石斛 Dendrobium loddigesiiRolfe.等植物的茎。近年来 ,曾多次发现有将兰科植物石仙桃Pholidota chinesis L indl.的根状茎及假鳞茎伪充石斛入药 ,其药名又称“叶上果”。为避免混淆 ,我们将上述两种药材的形态、组织及化学成分等进行了比较。现分述如下 :1 药材性状1.1 石斛茎呈圆柱形 ,表面光滑或有纵皱纹 ,黄色、黄绿色或暗黄色 ,多节 ,节明显 ,体轻 ,质柔韧 ,味微苦或淡。1.2 石仙桃根状茎圆柱形 ,直径约 3mm,节间 0 .2~ 1cm,被膜质鳞片 …  相似文献   

目的:对闽产细叶石仙桃进行生药鉴定,测定其总氨基酸的含量。方法:采用常规显微鉴别方法,对细叶石仙桃的根、根状茎、假鳞茎、叶等显微特征进行对比研究,用紫外分光光度法测定细叶石仙桃中总氨基酸含量。结果:确定了细叶石仙桃的原植物形态、药材性状和不同器官显微组织构造的鉴别特征明显。规定药材中总氨基酸不得少于0.4%。结论:该研究可为细叶石仙桃提供科学准确的性状和显微鉴别特征,同时也为其药材开发利用和质量评价提供依据。  相似文献   

在现今中药市场上 ,有石仙桃被伪充作石斛入药者。但二者所含化学成分不同 ,功能、主治各异 ,为确保临床用药安全 ,兹予鉴别如下。1 两种药材不同1.1 石斛 :首见于《神农本草经》,为兰科植物环草石斛(Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe) ;马鞭石斛 (DendrobiumRimbriatum Hook. var.oculatum Hook.) ;铁皮石斛(Dendrobin candidum Walb. exlindl.)或金钗石斛(Dendrobium nobile L indl.)的新鲜或干燥茎。1.1.1 鲜石斛 :茎圆柱形或扁圆柱形 ,长 30~ 4 5 cm,直径0 .4~ 1.2 cm。表面光滑或有纵皱纹 ,黄绿色 ,节明显 ,节上有膜质叶鞘。肉质 …  相似文献   

上海市石斛类药材的调查与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
包雪声  顺庆生 《中药材》1999,22(2):61-63
上海市经销、应用的石斛类药材,其商品来源、规格等级极为复杂。经广泛收集样品,其中鲜品经栽种开花后鉴定,干品则参照有关文献及鲜品鉴定结果进行鉴定。结果:主要为石斛属(Dendrobium)植物;少数为金石斛属(Flickingeria)及石仙桃属(Pholidota)植物。  相似文献   

目的对石仙桃药材进行生药学鉴定。方法采用基源鉴别、性状鉴别、显微鉴别等方法进行研究。结果石仙桃根状茎粗壮,假鳞茎类卵圆形、外韧型维管束散,具等面叶等。结论石仙桃原植物形态特征明显,性状特征及显微构造显著,该鉴定方法可作为石仙桃的生药学鉴定方法。  相似文献   

The herbs of the "mint" group traded in the herbal market of Thessaloniki include eight taxa, members of two genera, Acinos (two species) and Mentha (four species and two hybrids). The essential oil content of 72 samples examined ranged from traces up to 1.69ml/100g of dry weight. Besides three almost scentless samples, the different "mints" are distinguished according to their prominent smell differences, i.e. samples with a pungent, musty and sweet type of smell. As a result, the commercial names attributed to them correspond to a particular type of smell and not to a particular taxon. A number of 29 medicinal uses were recorded in total. In most cases uses were not associated with particular taxa but were rather determined by plant smells. A literature survey has shown that the "mints" traded in Thessaloniki are also used as herbal medicines all over the Mediterranean area, with 67 different therapeutic uses. Among them the 22 uses, already mentioned by Dioscurides, show that the utilization of "mints" as herbal medicines in the Mediterranean countries has a long tradition.  相似文献   

R Liu  D Zhuang  X Yang  Y Li  D Zhang  B Wen  R Zhang 《针刺研究》1990,15(3):245-249
Thirty three patients and nine volunteers were observed. 18 out of 33 patients felt PSC and Qi reaching to face induced by needle points. The QiRA rate was 80% in patients with face diseases. During acupuncture "Hegu" (LI 4) points, most of the patients felt PSC reaching to their faces and sensed heat in face. The infrared thermal image demonstrated that the temperature of face skin increase and the hyperthermal areas coincided basically with the pathway of "Yangming" channels. Those effects were more than the effects of the other objects who didn't feel PSC or sensed Qi reaching to face induced by needle "Hegu" (LI 4) or "Daling" (P 7) Points. The difference between the two groups was statistical significant. The temperature rising responses induced by needle points were not the results of natural fluctuation. The above results indicate that the PSC and QiRA is objective existence.  相似文献   

野生东北刺人参的X射线衍射研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张宏桂  陈燕平  郑启泰  吕杨 《中草药》1999,30(6):463-464
为揭示东北刺人参根、茎、叶、果的X射线衍射特征,应用粉末X射线衍射的方法,获得该植物上述4个部位的X射线衍射图谱和数据。结果表明:东北制人参4个部位的X射线衍射图谱可用于该药材的鉴定。经对比分析确认东北刺人参根与茎具有相同的X射线衍射数据,为以茎代根利用东北刺人参提供了谱学依据。  相似文献   

借超分子“印迹模板”的自主作用解开金(山)银花纷争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2005年版《中国药典》将金(山)银花分列后,纷争便不断上演,且愈演愈烈。尽管《中国药典》将"双花"分列,却没有给出两者在中药药性、功效主治、用法用量的差异以及具体解决办法,难以使中药行业人员信服。众所周知,在漫长的中药入药史上,一药多种,一种多药的现象俯首可拾;到底能合能分应该由临床等效情况确定。透过2015年版《中国药典》,仍可看出金(山)银花之纷争仍未找到科学的解决办法,这可能欠缺对中医临床治病的"异病同治"、"同病异治"与"同证多方"、"一方多证"的用药规律全面分析;更没有深邃分析中药多成分与经络脏腑作用超分子"印迹模板"自主作用规律;也没有关注中药复方多成分的有效性与安全性评价技术的进步;仍然受到了"一药一构一效"唯成分论用药模式影响;再加上中药临床前与临床中的生物等效性研究方法贫匮,终使问题得不到解决。金(山)银花分合列之争表象是地域经济、药物有效性与安全性的生物等效性之争,实际上却是中医药学科临床辨证施治治病的原理之争;更确切地说是中西医治病用药的药物观念之争。该文将梳理金(山)银花研究现状,结合中医临床治病的整体辨证施治与遣药组方治病的"异病同治"、"同病异治"与"同证多方"、"一方多证"的规律;运用超分子"印迹模板"自主作用规律阐明金(山)银花的"异质等效"的中药药理特有规律;并提出金(山)银花生物等效性的研究方法,为解决金(山)花的分合问题,促进中药材产业的发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

目的研究马钱科醉鱼草属植物药醉鱼草和巴东醉鱼草的显微特征,并比较两者的显微结构差异。方法采用显微鉴别法研究两者茎和叶的横切面及粉末特征,并比较异同。结果两种植物药茎、叶横切面的显微构造及粉末特征既有许多共性,又各有差异。结论研究结果为醉鱼草和巴东醉鱼草的应用及质量标准的制定提供了可靠的鉴定依据。  相似文献   

传统中医常“泄泻”并称,指泄泻病证,但在中医典籍中“泄”“泻”两字基本是独立使用,各有所指。“泄”除了主要表示便泄外,另有五义,其基本义是排出,如“炅则气泄”,另还指“以苦泄之”的药食法和“满者泄之”的针刺法等。而“泻”字则有四义,除了一义与“泄”相近指腹泻病证外,主要用于“实则泻之”的补泻法,此外还指“藏而不泻”的输泻功能和泽泻药名。泄、泻两字音同义异,中医典籍译家以及中医术语标准中或有用一词翻译多义的,或有将两字混为一译的,对于这两种一概而译和交叉混译的倾向须进一步辨明两字差异,以求在译文中体现其中医内涵。  相似文献   



To explore the clinical effects of electroacupuncture (EA) at Zusanli (ST 36) and Fenglong (ST 40) in treating senile dementia.


A total of 74 patients were randomly divided into an EA group and a medication group based upon the random digital table, 37 cases in each group. EA at Zusanli (ST 36) and Fenglong (ST 40) was given in the EA group, once every day, for six treatments per week. Donepezil Hydrochloride Tablets were given to the medication group, 5 mg per time and once a day in the former four weeks, 10 mg per time and once a day after 4 weeks, oral administration before sleep at night. The courses of the treatment were 12 weeks in both groups. The scores of mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and Barthel index (BI) were observed before and after the treatment, for processing the comparative analysis of the clinical effects after the course of the treatment.


The total effective rate was 86.5% in the EA group and 70.3% in the medication group. The therapeutic effect was better in the EA group than that in the medication group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). MMSE and BI scores after the treatment in the two groups were all elevated than those of the same groups before the treatment (P<0.05, P<0.01). The improving situation was obviously better in the EA group than that in the medication group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05).


EA at Zusanli (ST 36) and Fenglong (ST 40) is affirmative in the therapeutic effect for senile dementia and can also improve the cognitive function and enhance the patients’ quality of life.

The hepatotoxic-protective effects of "San-fang-feng" (the root of E. grijisii) and "Lou-lu" (the root of E. latifolius) on CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity have been proposed in our previous paper (Lin et al, 1990). The anti-inflammatory effects of these two crude drugs were investigated in this experiment. The results indicated that both of them displayed pronounced anti-inflammatory activities against carrageenan-induced edema. Furthermore, in order to isolated the main active components of E. grijisii, fractions obtained from the methanolic extract of E. grijisii were investigated in mice for their 24-h LD50 and 95% confidence limits, which could be used as a guiding for further animal experiments. Our findings demonstrated that n-hexane (100,300 mg/kg), chloroform (30,100, 300 mg/kg) and ethyl acetate (30,100, 300 mg/kg) fractions could markedly inhibit the carrageenan-induced inflammation, and the main active principle was found to be concentrated in the chloroform fraction, which possessed significant inhibitory activities even more than does indomethacin.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Traditionally and nowadays preparations from two xerophytic plants, the ice plant and cactus pear are used in dermatologic and cosmetic preparations. In spite of their daily use, little is known concerning the bioactivity of such extracts on skin cells. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of pressed juices from ice plant (McP) and two cactus pear polysaccharides (cold water soluble, NwPS; non swelling pectin, NPec) on the cell physiology of normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) and HaCaT-keratinocytes due to composition, concentration and incubation time.

Materials and methods

Cactus pear polysaccharides were analyzed by high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection after hydrolysis with trifluoroacetic acid. Ice plant pressed juices were filtrated through a 1.2 μm (McPI) and 0.2 μm filter (McPII). Cell proliferation was measured with BrdU incorporation assay. Reduction of tetrazolium salts was applied to determine the metabolic activity (MTT) while necrotic effects were assessed by LDH-release measurements.


Cactus pear polysaccharides differed predominantly in their glucose and uronic acid content. The filtration of pressed juices altered the amounts of high molecular weight compounds. The proliferation of NHDF and HaCaTs was significantly stimulated by cactus pear polysaccharides and ice plant pressed juices not until 72 h of incubation. McPI significantly increased the proliferation of NHDF and HaCaTs while significant effect of McPII was only observed in case of HaCaT-keratinocytes. A dependence on concentration was not observed. Metabolic activity was neither influenced by McPI nor by McPII independent of incubation time. The HaCaT proliferation was not significantly influenced by low concentrations of cactus pear polysaccharides however it was inhibited by 100 μg/mL NPec. 100 μg/mL of NwPS and 1 μg/mL NPec stimulated the proliferation of fibroblasts. The metabolic activity of NHDF was not affected neither by NPec nor by NwPS. Independent of the used concentration NwPS significantly enhanced the metabolic activity of HaCaTs after 48 h of incubation.


Pressed juices of common ice plant and polysaccharides of cactus pear influenced the cell physiology of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts predominantly in a time-dependent manner. The effect was also be related to the concentration and composition as well as the investigated cell type.  相似文献   

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