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The aim of the study was to predict smoking from early adolescenceto adulthood by using longitudinal data. The data was gatheredin connection with the North Karelia Youth Project. The projectwas started in 1978 with students in the seventh grade of juniorhigh school (aged 13 years) and finished in 1980 when the studentsreached the ninth grade. The follow-up study included four additionalsurveys over 15 years, the last being in 1993–94. Theresults show that two-thirds of the smokers in the ninth gradeof junior high school (aged 15 years) were still smoking atthe age of 28. About half of the smokers at the age of 28 weresmokers in the ninth grade and the other half had started afterthat. Previous smoking status and smoking by friends were themost important predictors of smoking. The continuity of smokingand non-smoking from adolescence to adulthood supports the importanceof prevention programs in junior high school. On the other hand,about half of the smoking adults had started smoking after that.This indicates that the prevention programs should continueafter junior high school.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. This study investigated patterns of and risk factors for smoking among elementary school children in Beijing, China. METHODS. In 1988, anonymous questionnaires were administered to a multistage stratified cluster sample of 16996 students, aged mostly 10 to 12, in 479 fourth- to sixth-grade classes from 122 Beijing elementary schools. RESULTS. Approximately 28% of boys and 3% of girls had smoked cigarettes. The most frequently cited reasons for smoking initiation were "to imitate others'' behavior" and "to see what it was like." Girls were more likely to get cigarettes from home than to purchase their own. Having close friends who smoked and being encouraged by close friends to smoke were strong risk factors for smoking. Smoking was also associated with lower parental socioeconomic status; having parents, siblings, or teachers who smoked; buying cigarettes for parents; performing poorly in school; and not believing that smoking is harmful to health. CONCLUSIONS. Gender differences in smoking prevalence among adolescents in China are larger than those among US teenagers, whereas the proximal risk factors for smoking are similar. Major efforts are needed to monitor and prevent smoking initiation among Chinese adolescents, particularly girls.  相似文献   

了解进城务工人员随迁子女小学高年级学生校园欺负行为的流行现况,为开展有针对性的预防和干预工作提供科学依据.方法 通过多阶段随机整群抽样法,方便抽取上海、广州、北京3地34所随迁子女小学,对共4 047名四年级小学生进行问卷调查.结果 62.1%的学生曾经卷入过校园欺负,仅受欺负、仅欺负他人、既欺负他人又受欺负的比例分别为25.6%,7.2%和29.3%;19.9%的学生现在卷入了校园欺负,仅受欺负、仅欺负他人、既欺负他人又受欺负的比例分别为10.1%,4.0%和5.8%;男生、生活在广州或北京、无兄弟姐妹、家庭经济较差者曾经卷入校园欺负的比例较高,差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为10.47,118.90,7.86,27.04,P值均<0.05).言语欺负是最常见的欺负和受欺负形式(15.2%,36.2%);教室是最常见的校园欺负地点(54.2%).曾经受欺负者选择忍受类应对方式的比例高于未受欺负者(P值均<0.05).38.3%的旁观者没有采取行动制止校园欺负行为.结论 进城务工人员随迁子女群体中校园欺负行为普遍存在,而学生选择积极有效的应对策略和采取行动抵制校园欺负的情况不容乐观.校园欺负干预不仅要关注欺负、受欺负者,还要重视旁观者,营造反对校园欺负的学校氛围.  相似文献   

目的探讨北京市海淀区中小学生伤害的现状及其相关因素,为伤害的预防提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层抽样方法对北京市海淀区1008名在册中小学生及其家长进行问卷回顾性调查。结果1008名中小学生中,1年期间共有153人发生伤害,伤害发生率为15.18%;伤害共发生230人次,次数发生率为22.82%;伤害发生者中仅发生1次伤害(单发伤害)的报告率为11.01%(111/1008),发生2次及以上伤害(多发伤害)的报告率为4.17%(42/1008);跌倒/跌落为首位发生伤害类型,操场、体育馆、游泳馆等为伤害发生主要地点,手部/脚部是最常见的伤害部位。负二项回归分析结果提示,性别、年龄、肥胖、闯红灯、打架次数、家庭类型和父亲文化程度等是伤害频次的影响因素。结论中小学生的伤害仍然是一个严重的公共卫生问题,应针对学生伤害的特点及其影响因素采取有效的干预措施,减少儿童伤害的发生,促进儿童健康成长。  相似文献   

Purpose: To construct and estimate a model that contains a reciprocal relationship between smoking and drinking and to test whether the gateway drug thesis or the cumulative risk behaviors thesis best fits the data.

Methods: Data (n = 630) are from a survey of all students (50% female; aged 16.2 years on average; 2.4 grade point average; and 57% residing in homes with both mother and father present) in a rural, tobacco-growing county’s two high schools, one public (85%) and one private, in 1993. The survey was conducted by the schools as part of their alcohol and other drugs (AOD) prevention programs and was coordinated by the county AOD Council. Students completed the questionnaires in their homerooms. Endogenous predictors of drinking and smoking include student’s perception of adult drug behavior, peer pressure to drink, degree to which their friends’ drink, and attitudes toward drinking and smoking. Path coefficients were estimated by using LISREL.

Results: The strong correlation between smoking and drinking resulted from shared causes, rather than from the effects of one type of drug use on the other. Approval of drinking had the strongest association with being a drinker (β = .57) and with being a smoker (β = .37). Those who found smoking offensive were less likely to be a smoker (β = −.25). However, attitude toward smoking was not associated with being a drinker. Having drinking friends increased both the likelihood of being a drinker (β = .29) and of being a smoker (β = .23). Peer pressure to drink increased the likelihood of being a smoker (β = .14) and of being a drinker (β = .12). Students with lower grade point averages, males, older students, students in public school, and students with family structures other than both parents living in the same household were more likely to be a drinker and were more likely to be a smoker.

Conclusions: Our results support the cumulative risk behaviors thesis. The link between both high-risk behaviors, smoking and drinking, results from common causes rather than from drinking leading to smoking.  相似文献   

We report the results of a controlled prospective study designed to assess the impact of education on AIDS among elementary school students. 1,825 students from 3 school boards participated; 848 students were assigned to the trial group and 778 to the comparison group. Overall, the results showed a significant increase in students' level of knowledge of AIDS following their classroom lessons on AIDS. The students exposed to AIDS education expressed more accurate and appropriate beliefs about the transmission of AIDS. The students' reports indicated that television and magazines were their main outside sources of information about AIDS. Generally, the students demonstrated a positive attitude toward the AIDS curriculum. We conclude that classroom education on AIDS is effective in imparting knowledge and changing students' beliefs about AIDS. Further periodic assessments of AIDS education programs would be required at a variety of educational levels to determine if this change will lead to alteration in behaviour. Such assessments would help in the development of more comprehensive and cohesive programs in AIDS education.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to clarify the association between the daily number of accidental injuries and school size factors in elementary schools. METHODS: The accidental injuries that occurred during the school day among elementary school children were investigated in twenty-one schools for two-month periods (from October to November) in 1999 and 2004. The relationship between the number of accidental injuries and school size factors (i.e. the numbers of school children and children per class) was analyzed by nonlinear regression analysis. The number of children injured and the frequency of accidental injuries were evaluated by school size. RESULTS: The ratio of the average number of injuries to all injuries was 1.79 per 100 children per day. The number of injuries in the small-sized schools was 2.36 per 100 children per day, and were respectively 1.29 and 1.57 in the middle- and large-sized schools. The number of injuries was small in middle-sized schools. As a result of the nonlinear regression analysis, a statistically significant quadratic equation was provided between the number of injuries per 100 children per day and the number of children per class. The number of injuries showed a minimum value for 26.7 children per class. The number of children injured during the investigation period was larger in the small-sized schools. In the small-sized schools, in comparison with the middle- and large-sized schools, the number of accidental injuries was smaller for boys. In the large-sized schools, there were more injuries inside the school building and during the lesson break times. CONCLUSION: large. In addition, it is suggested that the number of children injured was larger in small-sized schools.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate whether the density of tobacco retail outlets near schools in Victoria, Australia, is associated with adolescent smoking behaviour. Methods: Cross‐sectional survey data of 2,044 secondary school students aged 12–17 years was combined with tobacco outlet audit data. Associations between students' self‐reported tobacco use and the density of tobacco outlets near schools was examined using multilevel logistic and negative binomial regression models, with cigarette price at local milk bars and key socio‐demographic and school‐related variables included as covariates. Results: Increased tobacco retail outlet density was associated with a significant increase in the number of cigarettes smoked in the previous seven days among students who smoked in the past month (IRR=1.13; 95% CI 1.02–1.26), but not the odds of smoking in the past month in the larger sample (OR=1.06; 95% CI 0.90–1.24), after controlling for local mean price of cigarettes and socio‐demographic and school‐related variables. Conclusions and implications: This study suggests there is a positive association between tobacco retail outlet density and cigarette consumption among adolescent smokers, but not smoking prevalence, in the Australian context. There is value in considering policy measures that restrict the supply of tobacco retail outlets in school neighbourhoods as a means of reducing youth cigarette consumption.  相似文献   

School factors and not solely pupil composition probably cause variation in smoking prevalence amongst schools, but there are no theoretical models to explain why. In this paper we propose a hypothesis to explain schools' influence on pupils' smoking and test this using an existing cross-sectional survey of 23,282 pupils from 166 secondary schools in the West Midlands, UK. We hypothesise that school-level educational achievement scores would not be associated with smoking prevalence, but schools providing value-added education given the social background of pupils (authoritative schools) would provide effective support and control, have a relatively strong influence on pupils' lives and be associated with lower than average smoking prevalence. Schools providing value-denuded education (laissez-faire schools) would have a relatively weak influence on pupils' lives and be associated with higher than average smoking prevalence. The school achievement measures were the proportion of pupils achieving 5A-C General Certificates of Secondary Education (5A-Cs) grades and the proportion of half days lost to truancy. Value-added/denuded terms were created by regressing 5A-Cs and truancy on five markers of the social profile of pupils at the school. Authoritative schools achieved better than expected rates on both measures. Laissez-faire schools achieved worse than expected rates on both measures. All other schools were classed as indeterminate. Multilevel logistic regression was used to relate the risk of regular smoking to school culture in both achievement and authoritative/laissez-faire terms, both with and without adjustment for pupil-level risk factors for smoking. As predicted, schools' achievement measures were unrelated to pupils' smoking. The odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for smoking in authoritative and laissez-faire schools relative to indeterminate schools were 0.80 (0.70-0.91) and 1.16 (1.07-1.27), respectively. Adjustment for pupil-level smoking risk factors had little effect. School culture is an independent risk factor for adolescent smoking. Schools providing effective support and control might protect pupils from smoking.  相似文献   

了解南京市小学生尝试吸烟行为现状及相关影响因素,为青少年控烟工作提供科学依据.方法 多阶段随机整群抽取南京市31所小学3 636名学生进行自填式吸烟知信行问卷调查.采用x2检验比较不同组别小学生尝试吸烟率的差异,多因素Logistic回归分析对各种混杂因素进行调整.结果 小学生尝试吸烟率为6.1%,男生尝试吸烟率(8.1%)高于女生(3.8%),差异有统计学意义(x2 =28.207,P=0.000).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,男生、父母最高文化程度初中或以下、父母均吸烟、未在课堂上学过控烟知识、30 d内在学校暴露于二手烟的小学生尝试吸烟的风险较高,差异均有统计学意义.烟草相关知识总知晓率为87.2%,男、女生分别为86.7%和87.9%,差异无统计学意义(x2=7.145,P=0.067).烟草相关正向态度持有率为95.4%,男、女生分别为94.3%和96.7%,差异有统计学意义(x2=46.098,P=0.000).结论 小学生尝试吸烟影响因素较多.家庭和学校应共同采取措施,引导他们学会拒绝烟草.  相似文献   

This analysis examines the use of heroin by 481 adolescents in Dade County, Florida public schools during 1992. Statistically significant factors which tend to increase the probability of heroin use by adolescents include: peer use of heroin and students' involvement in school clubs. Not significantly related to heroin use is their access to the drug, their ethnic background or race, and their gender. Although not statistically significant, adolescents were more likely to use heroin if they knew of the risks associated with heroin use. There are no statistically significant variables which inhibit the rise of heroin by Miami adolescents. When religion was an important part of their lives, they were at lower risk for heroin use, but this was not significant. Also not significantly related to heroin use are a number of other variables, including family-related variables (whether adolescents live with their mothers, fathers, or alone: and whether someone in the family has a problem with drugs or alcohol). Similarly, early cigarette smoking and alcohol rise did not serve as gateways to later heroin use. Academic performance, and extracurricular school activities (athletics, music, and other activities) were all unrelated to the use of heroin by adolescents, with the exception of involvement in school clubs which substantially increased the risk of heroin use.  相似文献   

乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)是中华人民共和国传染病防治法规定的乙类传染病,具有传染性强、传播途径复杂、流行面广、发病率高等特点。乙肝预防以接种乙肝疫苗为主,1992年卫生部将乙肝疫苗纳入儿童计划免疫管理,2002年经国务院批准将乙肝疫苗纳入儿童计划免疫,规定对所有新生儿接种乙肝疫苗。这些政策的实施有利推动了乙肝防治工作的深入开展,取得了一定的效果。为了解深圳市小学生乙肝感染情况,现对深圳市某小学2003—2005年一年级入学新生的乙肝病毒血清流行病学调查结果分析报道如下。  相似文献   

This analysis examines the use of cocaine by 507 adolescents in Dade County, Florida public schools during 1992. Statistically significant factors which tend to increase the probability of cocaine use by adolescents include: the fact that their peers are using cocaine, the fact that they are white, and the ready access these adolescents have to the substance. Although not statistically significant, adolescents were more likely to use cocaine if they knew of the risks associated with cocaine use. Hence the typical user may be a risk-taker, enjoying the dangers involved with cocaine use. The only statistical significant variable which inhibits the use of cocaine by Miami adolescents is the fact that religion is an important part of their lives.  相似文献   

目的了解沈阳市小学一年级和中小学毕业生视力不良情况及动态变化趋势,为开展视力不良的干预工作提供参考依据。方法利用沈阳市1984-2009年中小学生体检资料,对小学一年级、六年级和初三、高三学生视力不良情况进行比较。结果 1984-2009年沈阳市小学一年级、六年级和初三、高三学生的视力不良增长率分别为3.50%,31.04%,36.83%和34.12%。随着年级的升高,学生视力不良率不断上升;城市学生视力不良率显著高于农村学生,女生高于男生。结论学生视力不良的防控工作刻不容缓,应采取有效的防治策略和措施,加强各部门协作,改善学生的视力状况。  相似文献   

目的调查2 246名山东省小学生被动吸烟现状并分析其影响因素,为控制小学生被动吸烟提供有效的政策建议。方法采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,对山东省部分城乡地区3~6年级小学生进行问卷调查,收集小学生被动的吸烟情况、烟草危害认知情况及控烟态度等相关信息。计数资料单因素分析采用检验,多因素分析采用Logistic回归分析。结果全体小学生被动吸烟率26.5%,不同性别、不同地区被动吸烟率差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。被动吸烟场所总体状况排列依次为家中、公共场所、交通工具。影响小学生被动吸烟的因素主要包括性别,所在地区,父母、祖(外祖)父母及同伴吸烟情况,自身对烟草危害性的认识,控烟态度,父母对子女被动吸烟教育情况共8个因素。结论降低小学生周围人群的吸烟率,加强对学生烟草危害的健康教育,充分发挥学校、家长在控制学生被动吸烟中的作用,加强各部门相关法律的宣传和落实是创建良好无烟环境的重点。  相似文献   

目的 了解小学生学习成绩与心理健康的关系,为有针对性地进行干预提供依据.方法 采用随机整群抽样法,随机抽取太原市6所小学1 652名五年级学生作为调查对象,进行一般情况和心理测验的问卷调查.采用SPSS13.0对调查结果进行统计.结果 女生、独生子女的学习成绩优于男生和非独生子女;随着父母亲文化程度的提高,学生的学习成绩显著提高.多因素分析表明,与语文成绩呈显著正关联的因素有学生的自我意识、性别、是否独生子女和吃早餐情况;与数学成绩呈显著正关联的因素有学生的自我意识、是否独生子女、每周校外体育锻炼情况和父亲文化程度;孤独感与数学成绩显显著负关联;自我意识、是否独生子女与总均分呈显著正关联,孤独感和体重状态与总均分呈显著负关联.结论 五年级小学生的学习成绩与心理健康状况呈显著相关.坚持适当的校外体育锻炼、限制银屏活动时间 、每天吃早餐等有利于学生学习成绩的提高.  相似文献   

河北省大中小学生被动吸烟状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解河北省大中小学生被动吸烟状况。方法通过问卷调查的方式调查河北省3个城市大学、高中、初中及小学4年级以上8所学校的学生。结果共调查9~25岁大中小学生818名,被动吸烟率为56.8%,小学生、初中生、高中生、大学生分别为50、7%、52.0%、70.3%和63.0%(P〈0.01),男生为63.3%,高于女生50.9%(P〈0.01);家长、老师及朋友吸烟的学生被动吸烟率较高;465名被动吸烟的学生接触二手烟的场所为70.5%在家中、75.7%在家外;81.5%的学生认为被动吸烟有害健康,51.5%的学生赞同禁止在公共场所吸烟,67.6%的学生反对他人当着自己的面吸烟。结论河北省大中小学生大多数都遭受二手烟的侵害,应加强学校、社区控烟健康教育、禁止在公共场所吸烟等控烟干预活动,减少二手烟的危害。  相似文献   

肇庆市城区中小学生视力状况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
视力低下是中小学生常见病之一 ,为了解肇庆市城区中小学生视力状况 ,掌握影响中小学生视力下降的因素及其发展规律 ,我们对 2 0 0 3年肇庆市城区中小学生视力调查资料进行了统计分析 ,现将结果报道如下。1 对象和方法1 1 对象  按地段分布确定调查学校 ,以年级分层、班级为单位 ,随机整群抽取中小学生共 384 75人为调查对象 ,其中高中生5 2 0 0人 ,初中生 12 6 99人 ,小学生 2 0 5 76人 ;男生 192 4 5人 ,女生 192 30人。1 2 方法  按《全国学生体质健康状况调查研究实施方案》和《检测细则》要求 ,使用单个视标灯光显示标准对数视…  相似文献   

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