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Concerns have been expressed about the ability of mental health lecturers to prepare practitioners with the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to implement the National Service Framework for mental health. Specifically mental health nurse lecturers have been criticized for lacking clinical competence and credibility, and for being out of touch with developments in service delivery. This paper presents a selection of findings from a recent review into the clinical activity of mental health lecturers in higher education institutions in England. The issues discussed include roles in practice, questioning the value of face-to-face clinical work, the benefits of being clinically active, the difficulties of clinical academic roles, barriers to maintaining clinical activity, questioning the quality of the clinical workforce, and finally strategies to facilitate clinical activity. Whilst there is support among mental health nurse lecturers for the need to engage with practice at some level, there are inconsistencies in the ways that this is being achieved. Lecturers are, however, getting together to debate how best to keep up with changes in mental health practice and delivery.  相似文献   

A nurse prescribing scheme has recently been implemented within the Republic of Ireland. This paper reports on the views of community mental health nurses on nurse prescribing just prior to the implementation of the scheme. Data were gathered through a 13-item questionnaire administered to 103 members of the Association of Community Mental Health Nurses in Ireland. Results indicated a distinct difference of view between male and female community mental health nurses, with female nurses having greater reservations towards the desirability of nurse prescribing in relation to educational preparation and impact on professional relationships. Overall, only 17% of respondents favoured being supervised in their prescribing practice by their consultant psychiatrist. The paper concludes that there is ambivalence towards prescribing in this important group of nurses which may need to be taken into account if nurse prescribing is to be successfully implemented within the Irish mental health service context.  相似文献   

The nursing practice environment is an important factor for services to consider in the attraction and retention of a skilled workforce during future nursing shortages. Despite the significant number of international studies undertaken to understand the influence of the practice environment on nurse satisfaction and retention, few have been undertaken within the mental health setting. This paper reports on results from a survey conducted in a large Australian public mental health hospital to examine nurses' perceptions of their practice environment, and identifies interventions that could be implemented to improve the practice environment. The hospital is the only remaining, standalone public mental health hospital in Western Australia.  相似文献   

Family‐focused practice improves outcomes for families where parents have a mental illness. However, there is limited understanding regarding the factors that predict and enable these practices. This study aimed to identify factors that predict and enable mental health nurses’ family‐focused practice. A sequential mixed methods design was used. A total of 343 mental health nurses, practicing in 12 mental health services (in acute inpatient and community settings), throughout Ireland completed the Family Focused Mental Health Practice Questionnaire, measuring family‐focused behaviours and other factors that impact family‐focused activities. Hierarchical multiple regression identified 14 predictors of family‐focused practice. The most important predictors noted were nurses’ skill and knowledge, own parenting experience, and work setting (i.e. community). Fourteen nurses, who achieved high scores on the questionnaire, subsequently participated in semistructured interviews to elaborate on enablers of family‐focused practice. Participants described drawing on their parenting experiences to normalize parenting challenges, encouraging service users to disclose parenting concerns, and promoting trust. The opportunity to visit a service user's home allowed them to observe how the parent was coping and forge a close relationship with them. Nurses’ personal characteristics and work setting are key factors in determining family‐focused practice. This study extends current research by clearly highlighting predictors of family‐focused practice and reporting how various enablers promoted family‐focused practice. The capacity of nurses to support families has training, organizational and policy implications within adult mental health services in Ireland and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Recovery-oriented practice, an approach aligned towards the service user perspective, has dominated the mental health care arena. Numerous studies have explored service users' accounts of the purpose, meaning and importance of 'recovery'; however, far less is known about healthcare staff confidence in its application to care delivery. A self-efficacy questionnaire and content analysis of nursing course documents were used to investigate a cohort of community mental health nurses' recovery-oriented practice and to determine the extent to which the current continuing professional development curriculum met their educational needs in this regard. Twenty-three community mental health nurses completed a self-efficacy questionnaire and 28 course documents were analysed. The findings revealed high levels of nurses' confidence in their understanding and ability to apply the recovery model and low levels of confidence were found in areas of social inclusion. The content analysis found only one course document that used the whole term 'recovery model'. The findings suggest a gap in the nurses' perceived ability and confidence in recovery-oriented practice with what is taught academically. Hence, nursing education needs to be more explicitly focused on the recovery model and its application to care delivery.  相似文献   

ACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: ? Service user involvement is an important part of pre-registration nursing programmes, as it can give students the opportunity to learn from users about their experiences of health and illness, but so far there have been limited studies in this area. ? This literature review provides an opportunity to explore how service user involvement in classroom settings can impact on student learning, and describes methods of best practice. ? Further research is needed to understand the influence of service user involvement on student nurses' clinical practice. ABSTRACT: Service user involvement in pre-registration nurse education is now a requirement, yet little is known about how students engage with users in the classroom, how such initiatives are being evaluated, how service users are prepared themselves to teach students, or the potential influence on clinical practice. The aim of this literature review was to bring together published articles on service user involvement in classroom settings in pre-registration mental health nurse education programmes, including their evaluations. A comprehensive review of the literature was carried out via computer search engines and the Internet, as well as a hand search of pertinent journals and references. This produced eight papers that fitted the inclusion criteria, comprising four empirical studies and four review articles, which were then reviewed using a seven-item checklist. The articles revealed a range of teaching and learning strategies had been employed, ranging from exposure to users' personal stories, to students being required to demonstrate awareness of user perspectives in case study presentations, with others involving eLearning and assessment skills initiatives. This review concludes that further longitudinal research is needed to establish the influence of user involvement in the classroom over time.  相似文献   

Police officers as first responders to acute mental health crisis in the community, commonly transport people in mental health crisis to a hospital emergency department. However, emergency departments are not the optimal environments to provide assessment and care to those experiencing mental health crises. In 2012, the Northern Police and Clinician Emergency Response (NPACER) team combining police and mental health clinicians was created to reduce behavioural escalation and provide better outcomes for people with mental health needs through diversion to appropriate mental health and community services. The aim of this study was to describe the perceptions of major stakeholders on the ability of the team to reduce behavioural escalation and improve the service utilization of people in mental health crisis. Responses of a purposive sample of 17 people (carer or consumer advisors, mental health or emergency department staff, and police or ambulance officers) who had knowledge of, or had interfaced with, the NPACER were thematically analyzed after one‐to‐one semistructured interviews. Themes emerged about the challenge created by a stand‐alone police response, with the collaborative strengths of the NPACER (communication, information sharing, and knowledge/skill development) seen as the solution. Themes on improvements in service utilization were revealed at the point of community contact, in police stations, transition through the emergency department, and admission to acute inpatient units. The NPACER enabled emergency department diversion, direct access to inpatient mental health services, reduced police officer ‘down‐time’, improved interagency collaboration and knowledge transfer, and improvements in service utilization and transition.  相似文献   

Access to and delivery of quality mental health services remains challenging in rural and remote Canada. To improve access, services, and support providers, improved understanding is needed about nurses who identify mental health as an area of practice. The aim of this study is to explore the characteristics and context of practice of registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and registered psychiatric nurses (RPNs) in rural and remote Canada, who provide care to those experiencing mental health concerns. Data were from a pan-Canadian cross-sectional survey of 3822 regulated nurses in rural and remote areas. Individual and work community characteristics, practice responsibilities, and workplace factors were analysed, along with responses to open-ended questions. Few nurses identified mental health as their sole area of practice, with the majority of those being RPNs employed in mental health or crisis centres, and general or psychiatric hospitals. Nurses who indicated that mental health was only one area of their practice were predominantly employed as generalists, often working in both hospital and primary care settings. Both groups experienced moderate levels of job resources and demands. Over half of the nurses, particularly LPNs, had recently experienced and/or witnessed violence. Persons with mental health concerns in rural and remote Canada often receive care from those for whom mental health nursing is only part of their everyday practice. Practice and education supports tailored for generalist nurses are, therefore, essential, especially to support nurses in smaller communities, those at risk of violence, and those distant from advanced referral centres.  相似文献   

Aim and objective.  The purpose of this article is to draw attention to problems in the Canadian health system that must be overcome if Canada is to ensure that older people can access the services they need.
Background.  Projections suggest that 20% of Canadians will be aged 65+ by 2021. If current prevalence rates for mental illness continue, this will result in a significant increase in the number of older Canadians with or at risk for mental illness and mental health problems.
Design.  Findings of the final report of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology are summarized and related to the intended role and primary strategy of the proposed Canadian Mental Health Commission.
Methods.  The relevance of the Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centred Practice initiative launched by Health Canada is then considered in light of the intention that the Commission adopt collaboration with relevant stakeholders as its primary strategy for achieving mental health reform.
Conclusions.  Fragmentation in service delivery must be overcome if older Canadians are to receive age appropriate mental health services when and where they need them. Yet there is little evidence that the degree of interprofessional collaboration required can be achieved.
Relevance to clinical practice The reforms advocated by the Senate Committee are widely embraced but evidence is needed on how mental health and other professionals can best learn to work together in the interests of older people and other mental health consumers.  相似文献   

If practice development (PD) is to be implemented in diverse mental health‐care settings, it is important that managers, researchers, and policy makers are all clear about the nature of the processes involved. The authors draw on the literature to broadly set out local strategies, practicalities, and issues that should be considered and addressed by those planning to undertake PD projects in mental health. Before implementing PD projects, pre‐existing requirements should be recognized and expedited. All aspects of who does what, when, and how should be widely communicated so that continuous evaluation and improvements are generated. Staff need to be adult learners, be aware of their practice values, be able to access supervision, and confront contradictions and tensions between values and practice. PD programmes that are effective are built into mainstream activities, considered core business, utilize existing resources to build sustainable and realistic improvements, take direction from practitioners, and incorporate client needs.  相似文献   

Consumers of mental health services have an important role to play in the higher education of nursing students, by facilitating understanding of the experience of mental illness and instilling a culture of consumer participation. Yet the level of consumer participation in mental health nursing programmes in Australia is not known. The aim of the present study was to scope the level and nature of involvement of consumers in mental health nursing higher education in Australia. A cross‐sectional study was undertaken involving an internet survey of nurse academics who coordinate mental health nursing programmes in universities across Australia, representing 32 universities. Seventy‐eight percent of preregistration and 75% of post‐registration programmes report involving consumers. Programmes most commonly had one consumer (25%) and up to five. Face‐to‐face teaching, curriculum development, and membership‐to‐programme committees were the most regular types of involvement. The content was generally codeveloped by consumers and nurse academics (67.5%). The frequency of consumer involvement in the education of nursing students in Australia is surprisingly high. However, involvement is noticeably variable across types of activity (e.g. curriculum development, assessment), and tends to be minimal and ad hoc. Future research is required into the drivers of increased consumer involvement.  相似文献   

This ethnographic account of mental health nursing in a 22-bed acute inpatient facility in New South Wales, Australia, uncovered cultural meaning and cultural realities associated with the delivery of nursing care within the context of current challenges, demands, and influences brought about by service reforms. The findings demonstrate that mental health nurses have been responsive to changes brought about by the reforms. The ability of nurses to readily identify service gaps in their everyday practice provides them with the opportunity to develop strategies to respond to workplace challenges. As such, findings of the study contribute to current discussions concerning acute inpatient mental health nursing practice.  相似文献   

There is a lack of evidence on the prevalence of smoking among mental health nurses, and the beliefs and attitudes they hold about smoking at work. This paper describes results from a cross-sectional survey of clinical staff working in a UK specialist charitable-status psychiatric hospital and focuses on the responses of registered mental health nurses. Questionnaires specifically developed for this study were sent to all 1371 clinical employees. Completed questionnaires were returned by 167 of 429 (38.9%) registered nurses (RNs), 300 of 842 (35.6%) nursing assistants (NAs), and 123 of 200 (61.5%) other health professionals (OHPs). Twenty-nine (17.4%) RNs, 93 (31%) NAs and eight (6.5%) OHPs reported themselves as current smokers. Differences in response to attitudinal questions between groups could not be attributed to age. RN smokers were significantly more likely than RN non-smokers to state that staff should be allowed to smoke with patients, and to report therapeutic value for patients in this activity. RN smokers were less likely than RN non-smokers to report that patients should be encouraged to stop smoking. RNs were significantly more likely than OHPs to report therapeutic value for patients in smoking with staff, even after controlling for the possible confounding effect of smoking status. Implications of the survey are discussed in the context of the international literature, including the disproportionately high smoking prevalence among patients living in psychiatric institutions and current guidelines to move towards no 'smoking allowed' areas for staff working in them.  相似文献   

精神科护士心理健康状况及工作满意度调查分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的 了解精神科护士的心理健康状况及工作满意度现状。方法 采用整群抽样的方法 ,用自评式健康状况调查表及Mueller/McCloskey满意度量表 (MMSS)对 2 5 7名精神科护士进行调查。结果 精神科护士存在诸多心理健康问题 ,且对职业满意度较低。结论 对精神科护士应定期进行健康教育 ,建立社会支持系统 ,提高他们的心理健康水平  相似文献   

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