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该文主要介绍了卫生政策情境分析方法 ,情境分析在卫生政策研究中的作用 ,上海卫生政策情境分析的理论模型及主要内容 ,以及研究的主要方法。  相似文献   

十年卫生改革的回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

深化上海卫生改革的政策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海卫生改军面临三方面的深层次问题,一是卫生领域中政府与市场的关系尚未理清,二是多元化办医的环境有待优化,三是公立医院的体制、机制仍不健全,该文针对上述问题,提出了下一步深化上海卫生改革的思路和政策建议。  相似文献   

本概述了多米尼加共和国在选择卫生改革方案过程中面对的主要政策挑战。描述政策政策制订应用政策分析的方法和政策应用结果,包括对卫生改革政策内容的分析和评估。  相似文献   

我国卫生改革政策的经济学分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
我国卫生改革的讨论已经持续了3个多月,大家应该用积极的态度对待这次讨论。概念上的分歧常使我们的讨论事倍功半,为了便于了解彼此的思路和真实意图,从经济学理论方面做一些探讨看来十分必要。1建立1个适应社会主义市场经济的卫生服务体系卫生改革的目的是建立1个适应社会主义  相似文献   

卫生服务体制的改革是一个世界性的难题.对我国卫生改革与发展的阶段、新时期卫生改革中存在的问题及其根源,以及卫生改革政策展望进行了论述,旨在为政府相关部门的决策提供理论依据.  相似文献   

本文回顾了《中国卫生政策研究》杂志创刊10年的发展历程,对杂志10年载文情况进行分析,简要总结了过去的做法和取得的成效,对杂志未来发展进行展望。杂志2008年10月一2018年9月共计120期累计载文1547篇,分析了载文主题、稿件录用及第一作者所属机构等分布情况以及基金论文占比、影响因子等。载文的基金论文占比从2008年的41. 03%增长至2018年的82. 79%;据CNKI统计,2017年复合影响因子为1.968,5年影响因子2. 613;2008—2018年H指数为42。10年来,杂志获得了很大发展,取得了良好成效并积累了一定经验,学术质量位居学科前列,赢得了良好的学术声誉,得到了广大读者和同行的高度认可。展望未来,杂志将继续坚持"传播政策、研究政策、服务决策"的办刊宗旨,坚持办成国内外具有重要影响的高质量专业学术期刊的目标,更好发挥我国卫生政策研究成果传播交流的高端学术平台的作用。  相似文献   

上海卫生经济改革的回顾和展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
该文首先对上海15年来的卫生经济改革进行了回顾,总结了卫生经济改革取得的成绩,指出通过医疗服务价格的改革和“总量控制、结构调整”,医院的社会效益和经济效益不断提高,医疗卫生事业开始进入与社会经济协调发展的阶段。其次,分析了目前卫生经济领域存在的主要问题,这些问题主要包括:(1)卫生投入不足与浪费并存.卫生资源总量过剩与结构失衡;(2)传统的医疗服务行为缺乏费用意识和成本概念;(3)医院科室两级核算、超额劳务分配、药品加成收入等经济政策的后遗症。最后,本文并针对上述问题提出了深化改革的设想:(1)结合区域卫生规划,实施卫生机构减人增效、转岗分流;(2)建立疾病诊疗标准、费用标准、基本医疗费用支付标准;(3)取消超额劳务分配,完善院科两级核算体系;(4)实施医药分流,完善补偿机制。  相似文献   

卫生政策与体系研究在过去二十年得到了较快发展,对促进卫生政策科学决策和加强卫生体系建设发挥了重要作用。本文总结了卫生政策与体系研究主要进展,提出了未来发展的趋势,并分析了中国卫生政策与体系研究面临的形势和任务。  相似文献   

中国医药卫生体制改革处于总体制度框架设计与改革发展模式选择的关键时刻,改革发展实践迫切需要卫生政策研究。卫生政策研究质量决定卫生改革的成败。卫生政策研究在医药卫生制度框架设计、发展模式选择、体制改革实践、卫生保健体系创新、医院质量管理和构建和谐医患关系等工作中扮演基础性和核心角色,发挥举足轻重的作用。本文简要论述医药卫生体制改革与卫生政策研究关系,介绍中国卫生政策研究的基本类型。  相似文献   

There are essentially four main approaches used in attempts to strengthen the management of health services in developing countries. These are: information system development; management training; use of planning and evaluation methodologies; and, health sector reform. As part of a collaborative research project based in Kisarawe District, Tanzania, we tested the hypothesis that a combination of the first three of these approaches would be sufficient to ensure that decisions and actions were taken to bring about major improvements in the management of health services. It was assumed that the decentralization, which took place as part of the 1982 reorganization of local government responsibilities, had provided managers with sufficient decision-making autonomy to allow them to bring about improvement in health service performance, provided that the other conditions were met. In fact, it was found that despite being presented with clear evidence of serious inefficiencies and inequities in the allocation of health resources, managers were often highly reluctant to decide upon actions which would alleviate the problems in situations where there were potential losers as well as winners, even if the benefits greatly outweighed the costs. This article argues that interventions based solely on training, information systems, or planning and evaluation protocols will make only marginal improvements to health service management, and that changes to the system as a whole are needed in order to provide managers and health professionals with incentives to rectify performance failings. Some ideas for health sector reform, to give managers power and incentives for improving efficiency and quality of care, are put forward. Since it is likely that the systemic problems of the health sector in Tanzania are shared by many other developing countries, the lessons drawn from this study probably have more general applicability.  相似文献   

把握政策将卫生改革推向新阶段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
:介绍了卫生部政策与管理专家委员会第四届委员会会议的主要内容:卫生改革的若干问题;急需研究的课题;关于医院管理制度,产权问题和入世后的应对措施。  相似文献   

In 1993, Colombia carried out a sweeping health reform that sought to dramatically increase health insurance coverage and reduce state involvement in health provision by creating a unitary state-supervised health system in which private entities are the main insurers and health service providers. Using a quantitative comparison of household survey data and an analysis of the content of the reforms, we evaluate the effects of Colombia's health reforms on gender equity. We find that several aspects of these reforms hold promise for greater gender equity, such as the resulting increase in women's health insurance coverage. However, the reforms have not achieved gender equity due to the persistence of fees which discriminate against women and the introduction of a two-tier health system in which women heads of household and the poor are concentrated in a lower quality health system.  相似文献   

Developing countries that were early, enthusiastic adopters of primary health care often developed an extensive - but eventually dilapidated and under utilized - network of public clinics at the grassroots. As paradigms and investment patterns of health sector reform have shifted, the question of what role these public clinics can meaningfully play, and how best to revitalize them, has become important in a number of countries. This paper evaluates the strategy taken by, and outcomes of, a major attempt in Vietnam to revitalize the grassroots infrastructure of primary health care against the backdrop of the country's economic transition. The project's substantial supply-side investments in infrastructure led to marginal increases in utilization and the quality of preventive health services provided by the centers. But because the project failed to take adequate stock of broader, public sector-wide trends and reforms over the transition, the investments had little impact on the incentives, accountability patterns and capacities of clinic staff and the local authorities. Such institutional factors are heavily implicated, in Vietnam as elsewhere, in the substantial and often increasing disparities in service access and quality that continue to afflict transitional health sectors.  相似文献   

The health sector in the Punjab (Pakistan) faces many problems, and, the government introduced reforms during 1993–2000. This paper explores the policy process for the reforms. A case study method was used and, to assist this, a conceptual framework was developed. Analysis of four initiatives indicated that there were deviations from the government guidelines and that the policy processes used were weak. The progress of different reforms was affected by a variety of factors: the immaturity of the political process and civil society, which together with innate conservatism and resistance to change on the part of the bureaucracy resulted in weak strategic sectoral leadership and a lack of clear purpose underpinning the reforms. It also resulted in weaknesses in preparation of the detail of reforms leading to poor implementation. The study suggests a need for broadening the stakeholders' base, building the capacity of policy‐makers in policy analysis and strengthening the institutional basis of policymaking bodies. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文系统分析了上海医疗服务体系存在的部分类别和专科服务供给不足、优质资源分布不合理、宏观医疗资源配置效率不高、高端医疗发展缓慢等问题,认为新医改方案应调整和完善医疗资源分布,大力发展短缺医疗资源和积极扶持高端医疗;同时要明确规范各级医疗机构职能定位,改革管理体制机制,医疗机构实行全行业属地化管理,探索区域性医疗联合体,从而完善医疗服务体系,推进医疗资源有效整合。  相似文献   

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