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Thirty-six monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) were analyzed for the location of their epitopes by reacting them with a set of yeast recombinant AFP proteins using ELISA. Recombinant AFP proteins containing either one, two or all three domains, i.e. domain I, domain III, domain I-II, domain II-III and domain I-II-III, were produced and secreted into the culture medium of yeast cells harboring the expression plasmids. Epitopes of 13 MAbs were localized on domain I and 17 others were on domain III. However, the exact location of the epitopes of the remaining 6 MAbs could not be defined. The epitope of an antibody, namely AFY6, which was located in domain I, was successfully mapped on an octapeptide, C175KAENAVE182, using synthesized overlapping octapeptides.  相似文献   

To analyze the humoral immune response to melanoma, human-mouse hybridomas were generated by the fusions of regional lymph node lymphocytes of patients with the mouse myeloma cell line M5. Six stable hybridomas were cloned from six separate lymphocyte parents obtained from three patients. Ascites were obtained from nude mice after i.p. injection with cultured hybridoma cells. The monoclonal antibodies, four immunoglobulin Gs and two pentameric immunoglobulin Ms, were partially purified to remove mouse immunoglobulin and then conjugated to biotin for immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical studies. With the avidin:biotin:peroxidase complex method to detect and amplify binding by the biotin-conjugated human monoclonal antibodies, we found the six antibodies to be reactive against cytoplasmic determinants in five short-term melanoma cultures and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded melanoma tumors from four patients. The antigenic target of the antibodies identified was not carcinoembryonic antigen. Two antibodies, 2-139-1 and 6-26-3, were studied in more detail. Each stained 25 of 25 specimens of melanomas. Little or no reactivity was detected against fixed sections of normal skin, which included tissues such as epidermis, dermis, monocytes, lymphocytes, and vascular endothelium. More striking was the absence of binding to melanocytes in the basal layer of the skin or to pigmented nevus cells. Both antibodies showed cross-reactivity against other tumors, in particular colonic and prostatic carcinomas. In the normal colon, reactivity was restricted to the surface of the columnar epithelium; no reactivity was detected against normal prostatic epithelium. Reactivity was also not observed against liver and lung. However, the epithelia of the renal tubules, pancreatic ducts, and salivary ducts were all reactive. These human monoclonal antibodies identify cytoplasmic melanoma-associated tumor antigens that appear different from the membrane antigens defined by serological approaches and by most mouse monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Shen S  Wang F  Chen L  Wang T  Hu Y  Zhang X 《Hybridoma (2005)》2011,30(4):361-368
Human inducible co-stimulator ligand (GL50, CD275), also known as B7-H2 or ICOSL, is a positive co-stimulatory molecule of B7/CD28 superfamily, which plays a critical role in immune response. Here we generated two novel mouse anti-human GL50 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) using classical hybridoma technology. The two MAbs (clones 2B4 and 4D11) were IgG1 (κ) and IgG2a (κ), respectively, and bound specifically to human GL50. Epitope competition assay showed that 2B4 and 4D11 bind to the same epitope of GL50, which is not recognized by the commercially available GL50 MAb (9F-8A4). Functionally, the two MAbs act as a blocker of T cell proliferation. Taken together, as useful tools, these two antibodies might be of great value for further exploration of the immune identification and function of GL50.  相似文献   

The time-dependent (1-72-h) spatial distribution of three biotinylated anti-melanoma monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), a control MAb, and several macromolecular tracers was studied in two small (4-12-mg), well-characterized human melanoma xenografts (SK-MEL-2, M21) growing in the s.c. space of athymic nude mice. The specific MAbs (436, IND1, and 9.2.27) recognize two different melanoma cell surface antigens (Mr 125,000 glycoprotein melanoma-associated antigen and high molecular weight melanoma-associated antigen) and have equilibrium association constants differing by two orders of magnitude (10(8)-10(10) M-1). SK-MEL-2 tumors were poorly vascularized and were composed of one or several collections of tumor cells with few intratumor blood vessels. In contrast, M21 tumors induced a strong angiogenic response and were organized into multiple small tumor cell nests separated from each other by fine blood vessels. Neither tumor developed extensive connective tissue stroma. In both tumors, hyperpermeable blood vessels were concentrated at the tumor-host interface but some intratumor vessels in M21 tumors were also leaky. Macromolecular tracers extravasated extensively from leaky vessels into tumor stroma but penetrated poorly into tumor parenchyma. All three tumor-specific MAbs stained tumor cell surfaces in a time-dependent fashion such that one-half or more of all tumor cells were stained by 24-48 h. Tumor cell staining was favored by increased density of tumor cell antigens but, at the doses studied, was little affected by differences in affinity among tumor-specific antibodies. The distribution of MAb staining was nonuniform in two respects: (a) peripherally situated tumor cells were more likely to be stained than centrally placed cells, and only in the smallest tumors did MAb reach centrally placed tumor cells; and (b) staining was nonuniform in different parts of the same tumor. The inhomogeneity of tumor cell staining by tumor-specific MAb was attributable to several factors, including: tumor blood vessel number, distribution, perfusion and permeability; distribution of tumor connective tissue stroma; small volume of the parenchymal interstitial space and relatively impaired diffusion of macromolecules in that space (low effective diffusivity of MAb); and interactions between specific MAbs and tumor cells. Of these factors, those associated with the parenchymal compartment apparently were rate limiting, and strategies that enhance parenchymal penetration are likely to improve solid tumor therapy with MAbs.  相似文献   

Chai L  Mao Q  Liu S  Xia H 《Hybridoma (2005)》2011,30(3):271-278
Progranulin (PGRN) encodes a 68.5-kDa secreted growth factor that is composed of seven and a half tandem repeats of a 12-cysteine granulin motif. PGRN is expressed in many tissues and has a role in mediating development, wound repair, inflammation, and tumorigenesis. Mutations leading to a loss of function in PGRN are the most common cause of familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43-positive inclusions (FTLD-TDP). In this study, we established hybridoma cell lines producing antibodies against human PGRN. Murine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against human PGRN were generated by using purified eukaryotic recombinant PGRN-6His fusion protein as immunogen. A panel of seven monoclonal antibodies was obtained after the preliminary screening by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the data of which was confirmed by Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry. By using constructs expressing a series of C- and N-terminal truncations, and single domains of PGRN, the particular domains recognized by MAbs were also identified. Domain-specific anti-PGRN MAbs will be an essential tool for investigating the role of PGRN in normal physiological or pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Thirty-five hybridoma cell lines against cytoke-ratins, isolated from Hela cells and human cellus respectively, were generated by fusion of immunized spleen cells of BALB/C mice with P3×63-Ag8.653, a mouse myeloma cell line. Two of them (HI and C53) were characterized by indirect immu-nofluorescence, ABC immunostaining and immuno-blotting. The results of immunofluorescence and ABC immunostaining suggested that both monoclonal antibodies were specific for keratin-type intermediate filaments. However, the two monoclonal antibodies showed different specificities in normal tissues and neoplasms as observed on both frozen and deparaf-finized sections. In normal tissues, H1 stained transitional epithelium and all types of simple epithelium except endothelium and mesothelium but did not stain stratified squamous epithelium. In contrast, C35 recognized only stratified squamous epithelium, but failing to react with simple epithelium. Both monoclonal antibodies did not react with nonepithelia cells and tissues.  相似文献   

RANTES (or regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) belongs to the rapidly growing chemokine family. It is mainly produced by T cells, epithelial cells, monocytes, fibroblasts, and mesanglial cells. Increased RANTES expression has been associated with a wide range of inflammatory disorders and pathologies. Mouse RANTES is the homolog molecule of human RANTES. The two have considerable homology in both sequence and structure. Using hRANTES as immunogen and the technique of rat B lymphocyte hybridoma, we raised two hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to hRANTES, designated no. 1 and no. 2. Both MAbs can bind the hRANTES in FCM, Western blot analysis, and immunocytochemistry. No. 1 also worked well in immunohistochemistry of rat transplanted intestine, which may recognize the same epitope on human RANTES and rat RANTES. Thus, successful production of rat anti-human RANTES MAbs may provide a useful tool in further exploration of the biological function and pathological significance of RANTES and may provide a new method to judge early rejection after small bowel transplantation.  相似文献   

Our purpose in conducting this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an 111In-labeled murine monoclonal antibody directed against a high-molecular-weight glycoprotein in localizing metastatic melanoma in 15 patients with previously documented disease and to determine the effect of antibody mass (2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 mg) on blood clearance, biodistribution, and lesion detection. Five mCi of 111In-antibody were infused over 1 hour, and patients were scanned at 24 and 72 hours after injection without computer enhancement or background subtraction techniques. No significant differences in the organ distribution, urine excretion, or plasma disappearance curves were noted at the three antibody dose levels. There were no acute reactions. The scan detected tumor in 9 of 12 (75%) patients with active disease, and 26 of 33 (79%) lesions greater than 1 cm. Patient management in 3 of 15 (20%) of patients studied was changed as a result.  相似文献   

The surface antigenic profile of 10 surgically removed uveal melanoma lesions and 5 conjunctival melanomas was analyzed with a panel of 22 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) raised against membrane bound cutaneous melanoma-associated antigens (MAA). In addition these lesions were tested for their reactivity with mAbs against MHC class I and II molecules, CD7 (Pan-T) and CD10 (CALLA). The anti-MAA mAbs can be divided into two major groups: first those mAbs detecting markers expressed by the majority of uveal melanomas such as NKI-Beteb, NKI/C3, G7E2, M-2-2-4, Mel-14, G7A5, AMF6, AMF7, Pal M1, Pal M2, Me14/D12. The staining intensity for these mAbs was rather high, ranging in intensity between 70 and 100%. The second group of antibodies includes mAbs detecting markers not or very poorly expressed on ocular melanomas. The anti-ICAM-1 mAb P358 did not react with any of the lesions tested and mAb Muc18 and Muc54 only with one and two out of 15 lesions, respectively. The majority of spindle lesions and mixed type lesions and half of the epitheloid type lesions expressed HLA class I molecules, while HLA class II molecules were found on half of the spindle and epitheloid type lesions and on a small number of mixed cell type lesions. All spindle lesions were found to express the CD10 (CALLA) molecule and less than half of the other type of lesions were stained with an anti CD10 mAb. The melanoma associated ganglioside GD3 was mainly expressed on epitheloid type lesions while GD2 was predominantly expressed on mixed type lesions. In essence, the overall surface phenotype of the uveal melanoma lesions tested, as defined by the panel of mAbs used, differs markedly from the surface phenotype of cutaneous melanoma lesions defined by a very similar antibody panel.  相似文献   

MAb were derived from mice immunized with cells of the human neuroblastoma line IMR-32. Five hybridomas were selected according to their selective binding to human cell lines, tumors and normal tissues. One of them, CE7, reacted with all sympatho-adrenomedullary cells (neuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma, ganglioneuroma, pheochromocytoma, adrenal medulla, sympathetic ganglion cells). Weak cross-reactivities were observed with melanocytes and with some human melanoma and glioma cell lines. The antigen recognized by CE7 was markedly expressed on neuroblastoma tumors of all histological grades, independently of the adrenergic or cholinergic nature of these cells. MAb derived from clones AD2, BC1, BC4 and CB10 bound variably to some, but not to all, neuroblastoma cells. By using these MAb, 3 phenotypes of neuroblastoma lines could be distinguished. The binding profiles of these types, however, showed no correlation with origin of the cell lines or stage of the disease.  相似文献   

Defensins are a family of cationic antimicrobial peptides that participate in host defense. Human beta-defensin (hBD)-2 has a potent bactericidal activity against a wide spectrum of microorganisms. Because human gingival epithelium is constantly exposed to a variety of microbial challenges, it is considered that hBD-2 has an important role in the protective mechanisms against oral bacterial infection. However, little is known about the production of hBD-2 in tissues of the oral cavity. Six rat monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised against chemically synthesized hBD-2 have been characterized. Rat MAbs were specific for the conformational epitopes on hBD-2, but not to hBD-1. To identify the epitope on hBD-2, a series of six overlapping peptides covering the hBD-2 whole sequence were synthesized and the immunoreactivities of six MAbs were examined. The FCPRRYK domain in hBD-2 was recognized by all six MAbs and suggested to be an epitope region. By immunocytochemistry, hBD-2 was localized focally in the epidermis of the human gingival tissue using the MAbs. The MAbs specifically recognized against hBD-2 will be a useful tool to study the functional role of antimicrobial agents and an important asset in the imaging of oral infection processes.  相似文献   

C S Kwok  S E Cole  S K Liao 《Cancer research》1988,48(7):1856-1863
Detailed uptake kinetics by multicell spheroids of three tumor associated monoclonal antibodies was investigated. The spheroids were established from a human melanoma cell line and the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line HT29 as in vitro models of poorly vascularized micrometastases in vivo. The selected antibodies 96.5, 140.240, and OST15 showed a wide range of reactivity against the melanoma cell but they all had negligible binding with the colon cancer cell. Uptake of the antibodies by small spheroids (about 300 micron diameter) was generally sigmoidal in shape with respect to incubation time, and amount of uptake followed the same trend of immunoreactivity of the antibodies with single cells. The correlation was weaker for spheroids with diameter greater than 500 micron presumably due to the increasing size of the necrotic core. By varying the concentration of the antibodies in the incubation medium from tracer dose (0.2 microgram/ml) to a higher dose (3 micrograms/ml), negligible changes in the amount of antibodies bound with their target spheroids were observed. Nonspecific binding between antibodies and spheroids, however, resulted in proportional increase in uptake.  相似文献   

Many monoclonal antibodies (MABs) have been produced against cell surface molecules of melanoma cells, and these reagents might help in the definition of stages of differentiation of the normal and the malignant cells. In an attempt to detect MAB-defined determinants that modulate with differentiation, we treated nonpigmented human melanoma cells with the tumor promotor 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) at 16 nM. Differentiation could be induced in all 4 cell lines, as evidenced by growth retardation, development of projections, and induction of melanin or of premelanosomes in the projections as detected by transmission electron microscopy. Of the 9 MAB-defined cell surface antigens, three were shown to modulate with TPA-induced differentiation, as assessed by fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. Antigens detected by MABs 15.75 and 15.95 decreased in every one of the four cells after TPA induction of differentiation. The proteoglycan defined by 225.28S increased slightly in one, showed no change in another, and decreased in the remaining two. These three MAB-defined molecules thus are linked to differentiation and might help in designing a scheme of differentiation of the melanocyte lineage.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to human melanoma associated antigens were reviewed from the viewpoint of a target structure recognized by them. In addition, phase I evaluation of a monoclonal antibody 225.28S in man and fundamental studies of the antibody-cytotoxic agent conjugates in melanoma-bearing nude mice were described.  相似文献   

We have succeeded in producing monoclonal antibodies directed against a wide variety of epitopes of human chymase by using two different immunogens: a recombinant human chymase-heparin mixture, and chymase alone. Hybridomas were screened by ELISA, and 7 clones were selected based on antibody titers. Epitopes were localized by Western blotting with a C-terminal-deletion series of chymase-GST fusion proteins, and it was possible to use the antibodies for Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Dot-blot analysis for species specificity revealed that the MAbs bound canine chymase as well as human chymase, and that two of them also bound rodent chymases. These results indicate that the antibodies can be used for various immunological analyses in further investigations of chymase.  相似文献   

Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins are chromatin-associated proteins that heritably repress gene activity in many organisms, including man. Two distinct human PcG complexes have been identified. The HPC/HPH PcG complex I contains the HPC, HPH, RING1, and BMI1 proteins, the EED/EZH2 PcG complex II contains the EED, EZH2, and YY1 proteins. Previously we found that the relative expression levels of proteins of the human PcG complexes I and II are severely deregulated in human tumors. These findings signify an important role for antibodies against human PcG proteins as diagnostic tools. To be able to produce standardized anti-human PcG antibodies, we developed a panel of five mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the human PcG proteins HPC2, BMI1, RING1A, EED, and EZH2. All MAbs can be used for Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence labeling of tissue culture cells. With the exception of the MAb against HPC2, all MAbs can also be used in immunoprecipitation experiments and immunohistochemistry of human tissues. The novel MAbs are therefore valuable tools for the cell biological, biochemical, and pathological analysis of human PcG proteins.  相似文献   

Folypolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS) plays a critical role in the cellular retention of both folates and antifolates. Resistance to antifolates is in part related to changes in FPGS enzyme activity and levels of messenger RNA, or in some instances, protein as evaluated by Western blots using polyclonal antisera. The present study was designed to derive a series of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against the native protein, to characterize them in terms of specificity and epitope mapping, and to determine kinetic constants by Biacore. We report on 3 IgG(1) kappa MAbs-namely, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-18-with epitopes localized to the carboxyl domain of the protein. These antibodies recognize a single band on Western blots of HeLa cell lysates, which is significantly reduced following RNAi knockdown. The recognition of both the native and denatured conformations of FPGS by these MAbs should provide useful reagents for FPGS quantitation in either tumor cell lysates or in tumor biopsies.  相似文献   

Wu L  Beito T  Chen J 《Hybridoma (2005)》2008,27(4):313-318
The mitotic kinase Aurora-A is essential for mitotic progression, including centrosome maturation, mitotic spindle formation, and faithful segregation of chromosomes to daughter cells. Several lines of evidences also suggest that the mammalian aurora kinase family proteins play a role in tumorigenesis. We have previously shown that human Aurora-A was ubiquitinated and negatively regulated by an early mitotic checkpoint protein, Chfr (checkpoint protein with FHA and RING domain). Here, we established several mouse anti-Aurora-A monoclonal antibodies (MAb). GST-tagged human Aurora-A was expressed in BL21 and used as an antigen to immunize mice. Three different hybridomas were obtained and antibodies produced by these hybridomas were analyzed. The results reveal that these antibodies specifically recognize endogenous Aurora-A in both immunoblotting and immunofluroscence experiments. They are useful tools for further analysis of human Aurora-A.  相似文献   

Xu LJ  Yao HP  Fan J  Li D  Wu NP 《Hybridoma (2005)》2007,26(3):173-177
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) has a very high infection rate in the normal population. Early diagnosis is of great value, especially in immunosuppressed individuals. HCMV phosphoprotein 65 (pp65) is the most widely used antigen for diagnosis. In this report, we prepared a monoclonal antibody against pp65, which could be used for both immunohistochemistry and Western blot diagnosis of HCMV infection.  相似文献   

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