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We present here data about trace elements in human scalp hair samples to test whether they are valuable to reflect environmental exposure and contamination by trace elements. The study compares contents of trace elements in scalp hair from a total of 336 children, aged 11-13 years old, living in various geographical areas of Sicily (southern Italy) characterized by differing environmental conditions. Nineteen elements (Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sr, U, V and Zn) were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Coverage intervals (CI) formulated by the elemental composition of hair samples from the Palermo subjects were compared with the median content of hair from children living in the other study areas. Statistical analysis showed that Al, Ba, Sr and Zn concentrations differed significantly between gender, higher concentrations being observed in girls' hair. Children living close to the volcanic area had higher concentrations of As, Cr, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sb, U, V and Zn. Those living in an area with several old quarries had higher levels of Al, As, Pb, Rb and U. The hair of children living near the Pace del Mela industrial area contained higher levels of As, Ba, Mn, Pb, Rb, Sr and U. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) between Palermo and the other sites allowed to better assess which variables contribute towards differentiating the groups. Our observations suggest that human hair can be used to monitor exposure to several metals, provided that sampling and analytical procedures, together with statistical treatment of data, are carried out according to standardized protocols.  相似文献   

This study evaluated for the first time the concentrations of 10 metals in wild specimens of abalone, Haliotis tuberculata (Ht) (Linnaeus, 1758) from three sites along the southern Italian coast: Gulf of Catania (CT), the Northern Coast of Messina (ME) and the harbor of Villa San Giovanni (VSG). The species is commonly found in the area and has significant commercial value. Additionally, it is long lived, thus suitable as bioindicator of the environmental monitoring. The potential human health risks due to consumption of Ht have been assessed by estimated average daily intake (EDI) and target hazard quotient (THQ) of metals, respectively. In particular arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), selenium (Se) and vanadium (V) were quantified in the edible tissue of specimens by acid digestion of the samples and ICP-MS determination. The highest concentrations were found in CT sample area for most metals analyzed. Mean values for Pb, Cd and Hg were lower than the maximum levels (MLs) set for bivalve mollusks by Regulation (CE) no. 1881/2006 in all sites, and average intake values below the risk levels for human consumption.  相似文献   

目的:了解微量元素与儿童营养不良的关系.方法:采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定发中微量元素含量.结果:营养不良儿童头发中锌、铁、铜、钙、锰含量水平均低于正常儿童(P<0.01或<0.05).结论:营养不良儿童与锌、铁、铜、钙、锰等元素缺乏有密切关系.  相似文献   

Cadmium exposure and trace elements in human breast milk   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The interrelations of the seven elements, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) in human breast milk were examined in Japanese mothers to clarify the effects of Cd exposure on these important elements for infant growth. Breast milk and urine samples were obtained from 68 mothers, aged 19-38 years, at 5-8 days postpartum. The concentrations were determined by inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry for Ca, Mg, Na, K, P, by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry for Cu and Zn, and by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry for Cd. Geometrical mean Cd concentrations were 0.28 (geometrical standard deviation=1.82) microg/l in breast milk and 1.00 (1.93) microg/g creatinine in urine. Among the above elements only Cd concentration in breast milk was significantly correlated with urinary Cd concentration (r=0.451, P<0.001). Significant positive correlations were found between Cu and Ca (r=0.500, P<0.001), Cu and Mg (r=0.378, P<0.01), and Zn and Mg (r=0.355, P<0.01) in breast milk. Cd concentration in breast milk showed an inverse relationship with Ca concentration in breast milk (r=-0.248, P<0.05). These results indicate that the Cd concentration in breast milk closely reflects Cd body burden, with increased Cd in breast milk possibly affecting Ca secretion in breast milk.  相似文献   

目的:以甘肃不同产地板蓝根为研究对象,分析板蓝根中(R,S)-告依春与微量元素含量的相关关系。方法:采用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定不同产地板蓝根样品中铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、钙(Ca)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)、镁(Mg)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、钴(Co)、钠(Na)、锂(Li)、镍(Ni)、钾(K)元素含量,HPLC法测定板蓝根中(R,S)-告依春的含量,并应用SPSS 13.0进行相关性分析。结果:板蓝根指标性成分(R,S)-告依春与钾、钴、锂含量之间呈显著正相关,与铜含量呈极显著正相关性,与镉含量呈显著负相关;与经度呈显著的正相关,与纬度呈极显著的负相关。结论:板蓝根富集的微量元素之间存在协同或拮抗作用;地理指标是影响板蓝根富集微量元素的因素之一;板蓝根中(R,S)-告依春的产生不仅与经纬度等地理指标有关系,而且与板蓝根富集的微量元素含量有关;(R,S)-告依春含量的高低不是某一单一因子的影响,而是地理指标、微量元素等众多因子的综合作用造成的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the spontaneous reports of suspected adverse drug reactions, observed in elderly patients (over 65 years of age) in Sicily (Italy) during the period from 1 January 1995 to 31 December 1997. Of 1307 reports, the geriatric ADRs were 284 (21.7%); 92 (32.4%) of these were serious. There was a correlation between the reporting rates of ADRs and the increase of age. Similar trends are seen in the number of serious ADR reports. Old-older patients result most frequently affected by serious ADRs. The antimicrobial and musculo-skeletal drugs were responsible for 48. 3% of the whole suspected geriatric ADRs. The commonest ADRs reported for the elderly, affected skin and the gastrointestinal system. There was probably a correlation between multi-drug consumption, comorbidity and seriousness of ADRs. A higher percentage of serious ADRs originated from university hospitals (57. 1%).  相似文献   

男性不育症患者微量元素含量与精液质量关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨不育症患者头发微量元素含量与精液质量的关系。方法用极谱分析法的模拟单扫描方式对发样进行Zn、Fe、Cu、Ca、Mg含量测定,并对有关数据进行统计分析。结果不育症患者头发中Zn含量均低于生育组(P<0.01),而Cu则相反,Zn与精子密度、活动度呈正相关,而Cu则呈负相关;无、少精子组患者头发Fe和Ca含量与精子密度正常组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);不育症患者Mg含量不论无、少精子组还是活动力异常组与生育组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论头发中微量元素Zn、Fe、Cu、Ca、Mg的含量对男性不育有一定的影响。  相似文献   

目的: 了解儿童反复呼吸道感染与头发微量元素锌、铁、铜的关系.方法: 应用原子吸收分光光度法测定了儿童反复呼吸道感染(RRTI)组和对照组头发锌、铁、铜的含量.结果: RRTI组头发锌、铁、铜含量水平均低于对照组(P<0.01).结论:儿童反复呼吸道感染与缺锌、缺铁、缺铜等微量元素有密切关系.  相似文献   

微量元素铁、锌、碘、硒、氟与人体健康的相关性探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微量元素铁、锌、碘、硒、氟与人体健康关系极为密切,从地方性疾病、心血管疾病、免疫功能失调、某些肿瘤以及从减轻症状至增进健康和防止衰老,无处不显示出活力。本文探讨微量元素铁、锌、碘、硒、氟与人体健康的相关性。  相似文献   

人体是由各种元素组成的,维生素和微量元素是维持机体正常代谢和生理功能所必需的一类物质,虽然含量甚微,但在生命代谢的过程中有着重要作用,当它们缺乏时会引起一系列特殊的疾病,但过量时又会引起生理功能的紊乱,可以作为营养评价和疾病防治的考察指标。近年来,临床上对其营养价值的探讨越来越多,并试图寻找其与某些疾病的相关性。最近微量元素在肿瘤方面的作用引起了人们的关注,并发现某些肿瘤中,维生素与微量元素有着协同关系,  相似文献   

The urinary benzene metabolite trans,trans-muconic acid (MA) was determined in 144 children living in Campania (Italy): 92 from Naples (1,300,000 inhabitants), designated as an urban source, and compared to 52 from Pollica (300 inhabitants), considered a rural, background exposure for benzene. The children participating in the study were tested by an anonymous questionnaire about the possible sources of exposure to benzene. Quantifiable levels of MA were found in 63% of the urine samples analyzed. Setting the value of nondetectable urinary samples at 7 microg/L MA, a value that is one-half of the instrument detection limit of 14 microg/L, the mean urinary concentration levels were 98.7+/-81.0 microg/L and 48.4+/-71.7 microg/L in Naples and Pollica, respectively; adjustment of these values to creatinine clearance resulted in MA levels of 141.2+/-145.4 microg/L in Naples and 109.8+/-133.2 microg/L in Pollica. Passive smoke exposure did not significantly affect urinary MA levels, but proximity of the home to traffic increased urine MA content. Data show that MA can be utilized as a biomarker for exposure; however, a clear-cut association to benzene requires personal monitoring and control of dietary sorbic acid.  相似文献   

目的测定枳壳、枳实中Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn4种微量元素的含量。方法火焰原子吸收光谱法。结果枳壳中Fe、Zn、Mn的含量大于枳实,Cu含量小于枳实。结论枳壳和枳实中含有丰富的Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn4种微量元素,在临床用药时可根据其元素含量加以选择。  相似文献   

Mint, belonging to the genus Mentha in the family Labiatae (Lamiaceae) is pungent in taste with post digestive effects and hot potency. Ten samples of mint leaves, collected from four different locations in North-West parts of India (Roorkee, Dehradun, Baghpat and Uttarkashi) were analysed for seven minor (Al, Na, K, Ca, Cl, Mg, and P) and 20 trace (As, Au, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, Hg, La, Mn, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Th and Zn) elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Also Ni, Cu and Cd were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Samples along with reference materials (RMs) and synthetic primary standard were irradiated at approximately 10(13) n cm-2s-1 and its gamma-activity was measured using HPGe detector and MCA system. Most elements were found in widely varying amounts depending on the location, e.g. Na (0.21-0.86 mg/g), K (12.4-53.3 mg/g) and Ca (5.82-16.8 mg/g) whereas mean contents of other nutrient elements in mint were: Fe (108+/-22 microg/g), Mg (4.83+/-0.92 mg/g), Mn (53.5+/-9.6 microg/g), P (3.88+/-0.94 mg/g), Cu (16.9+/-1.8 microg/g), Zn (21.0+/-4.7 microg/g) and Se (0.18+/-0.03 microg/g). Further, DPPH free radical scavenging activity test in diethyl ether extract showed 100% activity at approximately 40 microg/L suggesting it to be antioxidant in accordance with literature reports.  相似文献   

In sea turtles, parental investment is limited to the nutrients and energy invested in eggs that will support embryonic development. Leatherback females have the largest clutches with the biggest eggs of the sea turtles and the highest reproductive output in reptiles. The migration between foraging sites and nesting beaches also represents high energy expenditure. The toxicokinetic of pollutants in the tissues is thus expected to vary during those periods but there is a lack of information in reptiles. Concentrations of essential (Copper, Zinc, Selenium) and non-essentials elements (Cadmium, Lead, Mercury) were determined in blood (n=78) and eggs (n=76) of 46 free-ranging leatherback females collected in French Guiana. Maternal transfer to eggs and relationships between blood and eggs concentrations during the nesting season were investigated. All trace elements were detectable in both tissues. Levels of toxic metals were lower than essential elements likely due to the high pelagic nature of leatherbacks that seems to limit exposure to toxic elements. Significant relationships between blood and egg concentrations were observed for Se and Cd. Se could have an important role in embryonic development of leatherback turtles and Cd transfer could be linked to similar carrier proteins as Se. Finally, as multiple clutches were sampled from each female, trends in trace elements were investigated along the nesting season. No change was observed in eggs but changes were recorded in blood concentrations of Cu. Cu level decreased while blood Pb levels increased through the nesting season. The high demand on the body during the breeding season seems to affect blood Cu concentrations. Calcium requirement for egg production with concomitant Pb mobilization could explain the increase in blood Pb concentrations along the nesting season.  相似文献   

目的测定山西安泽青翘的总蛋白质、氨基酸、微量元素含量,对其营养价值进行评价,为综合开发利用青翘资源提供依据。方法采用凯氏定氮法测定总蛋白质,氨基酸自动分析仪测定氨基酸组分,原子吸收法测定钙(Ca),铁(Fe),锌(Zn),铜(Cu),铅(Pb)。结果测得青翘总蛋白含量为6.87%,青翘含有17种氨基酸,氨基酸总量为6.54%,其中人体必需氨基酸总量为2.57%,占总氨基酸的39.20%。青翘含有Ca,Fe,Zn,Cu微量元素,其中Ca为2380μg/g,Fe为188μg/g,Pb未检出。结论山西安泽青翘含有较丰富的蛋白质、多种氨基酸和微量元素,为具有营养价值的保健及药用原料,具有良好的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

Rats were fed by means of an esophagal tube with increased doses of D-penicillamine and given a diet with an optimal content of trace elements over a period of up to 6 weeks. There were no identifiable lasting effects of this dosage on cobalt, selenium and particularly zinc content. The reduction of copper in the kidneys was significant. Cu was unchanged in serum and brain. The remarkable increase in the copper content of the liver as a result of a possible counter regulation mechanism with intact ceruloplasmin synthesis is discussed. The potential clinical significance of these findings is pointed out.  相似文献   

Xenobiotics such as organochlorine compounds (OCs) and metals have been suggested to play a significant role in the collapse of European eel stocks in the last decades. Several of these pollutants could affect functioning of the nervous system. Still, no information is so far available on levels of potentially neurotoxic pollutants in eel brain. In present study, carried out on female eels caught in Belgian rivers and canals, we analyzed brain levels of potentially-neurotoxic trace elements (Ag, Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, MeHg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Sb, Zn) and OCs (Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs; Hexachlorocyclohexanes, HCHs; Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites, DDTs). Data were compared to levels in liver and muscle tissues. Eel brain contained very high amounts of OCs, superior to those found in the two other tissues. Interestingly, the relative abundance of PCB congeners markedly differed between tissues. In brain, a predominance of low chlorinated PCBs was noted, whereas highly chlorinated congeners prevailed in muscle and liver. HCHs were particularly abundant in brain, which contains the highest amounts of β-HCH and ϒ-HCH. p,p’-DDTs concentration was similar between brain and muscle (i.e., about twice that of liver). A higher proportion of p,p-DDT was noticed in brain. Except for Cr and inorganic Hg, all potentially neurotoxic metals accumulated in brain to levels equal to or lower than hepatic levels. Altogether, results indicate that eel brain is an important target for organic and, to a lesser extent, for inorganic neurotoxic pollutants.  相似文献   

目的: 对不同产地紫花地丁中总黄酮和微量元素的含量进行了研究, 为后期紫花地丁物质基础研究奠定基础。方法: 用超声波提取法提取紫花地丁中的总黄酮, 采用紫外分光光度法, 在509 nm处测定总黄酮含量;紫花地丁药材经微波消解后, 以锗、铟、铋为内标, 用电感耦合质谱法(ICP-MS)测定微量元素含量。结果: 测定了十个产地紫花地丁中总黄酮的含量, 其中河北安国和陕西的含量较高, 分别为2.363%和2.052%。各产地微量元素的含量大小基本符合:钙 > 锰 > 铜 > 锌 > 铅 > 铬 > 砷 > 镉 > 汞。结论: 黄酮含量差异可能与环境有关, 而微量元素的富集自身因素占主要地位。  相似文献   

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