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颞骨高分辨率CT在55例中耳疾病中的临床应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨颞骨高分辨率CT在慢性化脓性中耳炎、中耳畸形及颞骨骨折中的应用价值。方法采集层厚0.5 mm,螺距15,轴状位薄层扫描,骨算法,FOV 9.6 cm、间隔1 mm重建。对44例(耳)慢性化脓性中耳炎,9例(耳)中耳畸形病人进行骨最大密度投影(MIP)及听小骨三维重建(SSD)成像,对2例颞骨骨折致面瘫病人行颞骨矢状斜位成像显示面神经。分别将55例病人的CT图像术中所见对比,分析颞骨、外耳道、中耳(鼓室、鼓窦、乳突、听小骨、面神经、天盖、盾板等)、内耳(骨半规管、耳蜗及前庭)的特征及存在的解剖变异。结果高分辨率CT清晰地显示了耳部微小病灶,明确了病变范围与周围结构的关系,听小骨的SSD对锤骨、砧骨、镫骨、锤砧关节、砧镫关节的显示有着极高的逼真性,颞骨矢状斜位极好地显示了面神经的破坏部位,为临床制定手术方案提供了有力的影像学依据。结论颞骨高分辨率CT对中耳炎症、畸形、颞骨骨折致面瘫的诊断和手术方案的制定有重要的临床价值。颞骨高分辨率CT可列为中耳疾病的常规检查项目。  相似文献   

高分辨率CT对颞骨外伤性面瘫的诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨高分辨率CT(HRCT)对颞骨外伤性面瘫的诊断价值及对手术的指导意义。方法:据临床资料和颞骨HRCT表现,对29例拟行手术治疗的颞骨外伤性面瘫患者提出预测性诊断,并与术中所见进行对比。结果:CT显示骨折线走行情况与术中所见基本符合,不同类型的骨折引起的神经损伤具有各自的特点。面神经损伤的直接征象包括骨折线贯穿骨管、骨管断裂或断离;间接征象包括面神经局部增粗、骨管壁密度降低、膝状神经窝扩大、面神经受压等。各种征象与术中所见的符合率均在90%以上。结论:HRCT可明确显示颞骨骨折线的位置及走行,有助于判断面神经损伤范围、程度以及邻近结构破坏情况,为临床诊断及治疗提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

目的结合术前影像学及术中所见评价先天性外中耳畸形伴外耳道骨性闭锁(congenital aural atresia,CAA)患者的面神经畸形程度,并探讨面神经畸形程度对听力重建手术的影响。方法完善术前影像学及听力学检查,对符合适应证的CAA患者实施手术治疗,留取术中面神经走行相关资料,将面神经术中所见与颞骨影像学特征作对比,同时探讨面神经不同部位畸形对听力重建手术的影响。结果共入组65例(69耳)患者,术前颞骨高分辨率CT(HRCT)显示,面神经位置正常8耳(12.12%),鼓室段低位61耳(88.40%),其中部分遮窗46耳(66.67%),完全遮窗15耳(21.74%),双分支畸形2耳(2.9%),面神经骨管完整6耳(8.7%),骨管缺如63耳(91.3%)。术中见面神经位置正常6耳(8.70%),鼓室段低位63耳(91.3%),部分遮窗45耳(65.22%),完全遮窗18耳(26.09%),双分支畸形3耳(4.35%),面神经骨管完整17耳(24.64%),骨管缺如52耳(76.36%)。面神经第二膝角度变小(急转弯)及乳突段前移至前庭窗18耳,均完全遮盖前庭窗。结论颞骨HRCT对诊断面神经畸形至关重要。CAA患者Jahrsdoerfer评分越低,面神经畸形的发生率及遮窗程度也越重,对听力重建手术的影响也越大。  相似文献   

肌电图常用于听神经瘤或桥小脑角肿瘤术中监测,在中耳乳突手术中应用较少。由于面神经走行临近耳蜗、卵圆窗、半规管、砧骨等耳内重要结构,同时解剖异常,面神经骨管缺损等都易导致术中面神经损伤。中耳乳突修正性手术。由于正常解剖结构破坏,可能存在面神经骨管缺损,或胆脂瘤骨质破坏等均易发生面神经损伤。……  相似文献   

目的分析讨论先天性前庭窗缺如或闭锁的影像学诊断技术及个性化手术方法。方法采用高分辨率CT(High resolution CT,HRCT)、后期多平面重组(Multi-plane reformation,MPR)技术对2010.7-2014.8临床上表现为自幼传导性耳聋、外耳道鼓膜正常、鼓室压图为"A"型曲线、盖莱试验阴性的患者进行筛选诊断,并进行外科听力重建手术。结果术前HRCT及MPR影像诊断为先天性前庭窗畸形6例(耳)、先天性镫骨底板固定2例(耳),经术中探查证实为前庭窗、镫骨及面神经畸形,其中6例以TORP或Piston进行个性化听力重建。结论 HRCT冠状位及MPR可较好的显示前庭窗、镫骨及面神经的畸形,尤其是对固定的镫骨底板及前庭窗闭锁骨板的区分;对于前庭窗闭锁且被面神经完全覆盖的病例,鼓岬开窗不失为一种有效的方法,目前国内外文献尚未见此技术的报告。  相似文献   

虚拟耳镜在先天性外耳道闭锁术前评估中的价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨虚拟耳镜在先天性外耳道闭锁术前评估中的价值。方法:选取20例先天性外耳道闭锁患者行颞骨薄层CT检查,其中8例接受外耳道成形术、鼓室成形术。螺旋CT获取原始图像数据,经软件三维重建后,以虚拟耳镜方式观察中耳等结构。结果:虚拟耳镜能够清晰显示镫骨、锤砧复合体、面神经(仅限鼓室段)、砧镫关节、圆窗龛及中耳腔等结构,与手术探查结果的符合率分别为87.5%、100.0%、i00.0%、75.0%、100.0%和100.0%。结论:虚拟耳镜有助于先天性外耳道闭锁的术前评估,使手术方案达到个体化。  相似文献   

CT多平面重组对镫骨病变的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨镫骨螺旋CT多平面重组(multi-planar reformation,MPR)在术前诊断中的作用以及对手术选择的影响.方法正常组50例(100耳)无耳症状、体征的志愿者和异常组镫骨异常者102例(137耳)全部行平行枕眶线扫描,应用轴位图像行多方位的MPR.比较轴位、冠状位、矢状位和镫骨斜位MPR图像整体显示镫骨的形态和结构情况.在镫骨斜位MPR图像上测量镫骨的高度.异常组行听骨链重建术57例(64耳),术中观察镫骨的结构、形态和破坏情况,并与MPR CT图像比较.结果正常组轴位、冠状位、矢状位MPR图像均未能显示镫骨的整体形态,镫骨斜位MPR图像均直观显示了镫骨的整体形态和结构.在镫骨斜位MPR图像上,测量镫骨高度为(3.3±0.4)mm.异常组102例,轴位、冠状位、矢状位MPR图像均不能显示镫骨的破坏情况和结构异常,斜位MPR镫骨图像均直观显示了镫骨的破坏情况和结构异常.慢性中耳炎合并镫骨破坏69例(90耳);先天性镫骨异常33例(47耳),其中砧骨镫骨分离5例(7耳),镫骨头及足弓完全缺如9例(13耳),镫骨足弓不完整,1侧足弓缺如3例(4耳),镫骨底板增厚与周围骨融合16例(23耳).与术中所见对照,镫骨斜位MPR图像显示镫骨结构、形态异常的符合率为95.3%.结论镫骨异常患者CT检查行冠状位和镫骨斜位MPR,对于显示镫骨足弓的形态和结构以及评价镫骨的破坏情况有重要意义,有利于手术方式的选择以及保证手术正常进行.  相似文献   

肌电图常用于听神经瘤或桥小脑角肿瘤术中监测 ,在中耳乳突手术中应用较少。由于面神经走行临近耳蜗、卵圆窗、半规管、砧骨等耳内重要结构 ,同时解剖异常 ,面神经骨管缺损等都易导致术中面神经损伤。中耳乳突修正性手术 ,由于正常解剖结构破坏 ,可能存在面神经骨管缺损 ,或胆脂瘤骨质破坏等均易发生面神经损伤。将肌电图针电极插入眼轮匝肌或口轮匝肌 ,术中连续监测自发肌电活动及机械刺激对面肌电图的影响 ,必要时给予一定电刺激 ,记录诱发肌电活动 ,判断面神经功能或是否临近面神经。该作者回顾分析接受中耳乳突手术的 2 6 2耳 (2 2 5例 …  相似文献   

目的探讨高分辨率CT(HRCT)诊断慢性中耳炎的的价值.方法回顾分析56例(耳)慢性化脓性中耳炎,比较术前HRCT检查与手术所见.结果胆脂瘤型中耳炎30例HRCT表现为鼓室或(及)鼓窦内团块软组织影和骨质改变,包括听骨移位、破坏,盾板破坏及中耳腔扩大,有的伴有乙状窦、天盖,水平半规管破坏;骨疡型中耳炎21例HRCT表现多呈斑片状、条索状或网状软组织影,部分可见液平面,听骨移位及破坏较轻;单纯型中耳炎HRCT表现大多无异常.HRCT所见与手术结果基本相符,符合率为96.4%.结论HRCT有助于慢性化脓性中耳炎的诊断分型.  相似文献   

目的:根据颞骨解剖结合中耳手术体会,探讨面神经走行定位,避免中耳手术中面神经损伤.方法:用30侧颞骨标本,模拟面神经减压术的手术步骤暴露面神经鼓乳段,确定面神经走行,用易见且恒定的标志进行面神经定位.结果:面神经水平段位于水平半规管与镫骨之间达匙突前上;垂直段位于鼓室后壁,垂直段后缘延长线与水平半规管后1/3相交,夹角为(117.04±2.42)°,其深度位于水平半规管及鼓环平面以下;外膝位于水平半规管前下方.水平半规管中点至面神经最短距离为(1.97±0.53)mm,砧骨短脚至面神经最短距离为(1.03±0.29)mm,匙突至面神经最短距离为(0.93±0.25)mm,镫骨头至面神经最短距离为(1.18±0.42)mm,前庭窗平面鼓沟至面神经的距离为(3.08±0.28)mm,圆窗平面鼓沟与面神经的距离为(2.13±0.34)mm.结论:水平半规管凸、砧骨短脚、镫骨、鼓环及匙突,是面神经鼓乳段理想的定位标志.熟悉面神经走行,可提高中耳手术安全性.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of high-definition computed tomography (CT) in chronic otitis media (COM) patients and to present which parameters were useful or misleading for preoperative evaluation for management. Fifty cases of COM that underwent preoperative CT scanning at a tertiary referral center were retrospectively analyzed. Their CT scan reports were compared with the operative findings. The patients had undergone tympanoplasty with or without mastoidectomy for COM between April 2008 and January 2010. Patient charts were used to obtain the necessary data. In 62% (31/50) of cases, the CT scan showed the presence of cholesteatoma. Operative findings revealed cholesteatoma in 61.8% (19/31) of these cases. However, when a bone eroding soft tissue mass involved the epitympanum on CT, the presence of cholesteatoma was observed in 83.3% (15/18) of cases intraoperatively. Cholesteatoma was present in the mastoid or middle ear intraoperatively in 77.7% (7/9) of patients with an external ear bony canal defect found on CT. Despite 89.7, 85.29, and 90% agreement ratios for dehiscence of facial canal, lateral semicircular canal, and tegmen, respectively, CT could not detect dehiscence of these anatomic structures successfully. Based on these results, CT scanning has limitations but is a useful adjunct for the surgical management of COM patients.  相似文献   

This is the first complete report on the histopathologic study of the temporal bones from an infant with a well-documented Pierre Robin syndrome (micrognathia, glossoptosis and cleft palate), demonstrating multiple middle and inner ear anomalies. The anomalies are basically architectural malformations rather than neural or end organ developmental anomalies. The anomalies in this case, except for a few points, are somewhat similar in both ears. Multiple anomalies include: abnormal narrowing of the cms commune-utricle junction, superiorly located cms commune and posterior semicircular canal, underdeveloped modiolus, absence of the bony septum between the middle and apical coil (existence of scala communis in left ear), abnormally small internal auditory meatus, and abnormal direction of internal auditory canal, large cartilaginous mass around the superior semicircular canal and in the tympanic end of the fissula ante fenestram, small facial nerve, large facial bony canal dehiscence, anomalic stapes, etc.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颞骨CT及耳内镜对慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤术前评估的重要性。方法 回顾性分析慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤患者42耳病历资料,从CT、耳内镜及术中发现进行分析。结果 ①根据CT结合术中所见,慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期CT分型分为单纯型、硬化灶型、肉芽型、硬化灶肉芽型。胆脂瘤型CT主要表现为听骨链消失或锤砧关节消失,乳突大部分呈硬化型,少部分为板障型,上鼓室鼓窦扩大,上鼓室、中鼓室甚至后鼓室乳突腔为软组织影占据,部分病例外半规管骨质破坏、面神经管水平段骨质破坏,部分病例外耳道后壁骨质破坏;单纯型CT示中耳鼓室乳突呈不完全气化型;硬化灶型CT示中耳鼓室乳突呈硬化型,病变局限于中鼓室,锤骨柄及镫骨周围有“类似骨质影”包裹;肉芽型、硬化灶肉芽型CT相似,示病变累及鼓室及乳突,听骨链基本完整,面神经管水平段骨质完整,但硬化灶型与肉芽型区别之处在于前者鼓室内听骨链周围有“类骨质”样散在高密度影。②耳内镜所见慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期鼓膜紧张部穿孔,鼓膜可有钙化斑;中耳胆脂瘤型则有上鼓室内陷或穿孔、后上象限穿孔、大穿孔、外耳道顶壁或后上壁下塌。结论 慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤的术前CT及耳内镜评估,对病变性质、范围、程度及指导手术起重要作用。  相似文献   

中耳手术中的面神经定位   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的结合颞骨解剖和面神经手术,明确适用于手术的面神经解剖标志。方法44具颞骨标本面神经解剖,106例周围性面神经麻痹的面神经减压手术。根据面神经周围的固定解剖标志,确定面神经位置。结果①面神经垂直段标志:水平半规管后中1/3交界处垂直线提示面神经后缘;砧骨短角上缘弧度延长线为面神经垂直段前缘;面神经与水平半规管基本在同一深度;②面神经水平段标志:位于砧骨短突之下;在水平半规管隆突前缘向前上呈30。行走;在匙突后方,面神经与匙突平行形成中上鼓室内侧面交界缘;经过匙突面神经向前上行走到膝状神经节;③膝状神经节定位:从镫骨头到匙突等距离延长线为膝状神经节位置;④鼓索神经定位:鼓索从左侧鼓沟的3点或右侧鼓沟的9点出骨管,沿鼓沟向前行走于砧骨长突外侧和锤骨颈内侧;鼓索神经从面神经发出处距离茎乳孔5—8mm;鼓索位于鼓膜紧张部与松弛部交界处。所有手术所见面神经走向符合解剖所见。结论中耳乳突的固定标志是面神经定位的参照物,其中水平半规管的位置最恒定,根据参照物确定面神经位置提高了手术的安全性。  相似文献   

Introduction and objectivesThe goal of this study was to determine the impact of external and middle ear findings in the incidence of facial canal dehiscence (FCD) during mastoidectomy for chronic otitis media.Material and methodsWe examined the operative details of 186 patients who underwent primary tympanomastoidectomy for chronic otitis media between January 2015 and January 2020 retrospectively.In this study we only evaluated the second portion of the facial nerve canal.ResultsThe global prevalence of FCD was 22.6% (42/186 patients) with a higher incidence, of 38.7% (36/93), in patients with chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma (C-COM).Associations were found between facial canal dehiscence, labyrinthine fistula (p? .001) and facial nerve paralysis (p? .001).Ossicular erosions were observed at a significant level in patients with facial canal dehiscence, the incidence of FCD was significantly higher (p = .005, Odds ratio 5.489) when malleus and incus were eroded, incus plus stapes were eroded (p = .014; OR 4.059) and malleus, incus, and stapes together were eroded (p = .002; OR 4.929).ConclusionsThis study revealed an incidence of facial canal dehiscence of 22.6%. It also revealed that the presence of lateral semicircular canal fistula is associated with a higher prevalence of facial canal dehiscence.The same was noted in the case of some ossicular erosions, especially the combinations of eroded malleus and incus, incus and stapes, and all 3 ossicles.These findings raise awareness about the usefulness of middle ear findings in predicting FCD, thus providing valuable information for the otological surgeon to avoid iatrogenic injuries.  相似文献   

Both temporal bones of a newborn (35 gestational weeks old) with campomelic syndrome were studied histopathologically. This is to our knowledge the second temporal bone report (third case) of this syndrome. The findings included: abnormal cartilagenous and osseous tissues and abnormality in the globuli interossei in the otic capsule; deformities of the vestibule and semicircular canals, probably due to compression by the abnormal cartilaginous tissue; hypoplastic cochlea and semicircular canals; aberrant course of the facial nerve; wide dehiscence of the facial canal in the tympanic portion; slight hypoplasia of the malleus and anomalies in the incus and stapes; and large epitympanic space. These findings closely resembled those of the first report, and suggest that: 1) campomelic dysplasia is a definite disease entity with consistent pathogenesis, and 2) similar otologic manifestations may be expected in the majority of patients with this syndrome.  相似文献   

Semicircular canal dehiscence (SCD) syndrome is rare, and its diagnosis is a significant challenge in clinical practice. Our aim was to explore application of the loud sound stimulation test for diagnosing SCD syndrome. Eight cases of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD), among them two patients had bilateral dehiscences and one case of lateral semicircular canal dehiscence (LSCD). A total of 11 dehiscences were studied retrospectively. Loud sounds (pure tones, 100 dB, 110 dB nHL) at frequencies of 500, 1,000, and 2,000 Hz were used to stimulate both ears for 5 s. A temporal bone computed tomography (CT) scan with semicircular canal reconstruction was performed in all patients. Vertigo was present in seven of nine cases following loud sound stimulation. In addition, the patient with LSCD demonstrated horizontal eye movement following loud sound stimulation, whereas six patients with SSCD showed rotational eye movement. Among them, two patients with bilateral superior canal dehiscence showed a positive response to the loud sound stimulation in only one ear. The diagnoses of all patients were confirmed with a high-resolution temporal bone CT with corresponding multi-planar reconstruction of the affected semicircular canals with various size dehiscences. We conclude that the characteristic eye movement following loud sound stimulation is valuable for diagnosing SCD syndrome. In addition, the loud sound stimulation test has unique advantages, especially for confirming the affected ear and the corresponding semicircular canal.  相似文献   



CT temporal bone scans are often performed to aid in surgical planning and management of cholesteatomas. With improvements in the resolution of CT scans today, it is now possible to obtain more information from these scans than before. The aim of this study is to compare findings on high resolution CT (HRCT) temporal bone scans to intra-operative findings, so as to determine how well various middle ear structures are assessed by HRCT scanning.

Study design

Retrospective study.


Otology clinic of a tertiary otolaryngology centre.

Subjects and methods

32 mastoidectomies performed by a single otologist for clinically confirmed cholesteatoma were included. Correlation of CT and intra-operative findings on the status of structures including the ossicles, semicircular canals, facial canal and tegmen was analysed using kappa and AC1 statistics.


In all patients, a soft tissue mass with bony erosion in keeping with a cholesteatoma was seen on CT. Radiosurgical agreement was excellent for the presence of semicircular canal erosion (k = 0.89, AC1 = 0.96), facial canal dehiscence (k = 0.74, AC1 = 0.76), tegmen erosion (k = 0.76, AC1 = 0.92) and malleus erosion (k = 0.76, AC1 = 0.85). It was good for incus erosion (k = 0.71, AC1 = 0.92) and stapes erosion (k = 0.63, AC1 = 0.73).


There was good to excellent radiosurgical agreement in the assessment of the status of various middle ear structures. Improvement in radiosurgical agreement from existing studies in the literature was noted. This was especially true for features such as facial canal dehiscence. With technological advancements, CT temporal bone scans appear even more valuable for evaluation of patients prior to cholesteatoma surgery.  相似文献   

Dehiscence of bone overlying the superior semicircular canal can result in a syndrome of vertigo and oscillopsia induced by loud noises or by maneuvers that change middle ear or intracranial pressure. Patients with this disorder can also experience a heightened sensitivity to bone-conducted sounds in the presence of normal middle ear function. High-resolution CT scans of the temporal bones demonstrate the dehiscence. The authors describe a patient with bilateral superior canal dehiscence who had bilateral low-frequency conductive hearing loss, normal middle ear function, intact acoustic reflexes, and intact vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials. These findings would not be expected on the basis of a middle ear cause of the conductive hearing loss. A high-resolution CT scan of the temporal bones in this patient revealed bilateral superior canal dehiscence. Normal acoustic immittance findings in the presence of conductive hearing loss should alert clinicians to the possibility of inner ear cause of an air-bone gap due to superior canal dehiscence.  相似文献   

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