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After 7 day's gradual introduction of ethanol, rats were maintained for a further 4 weeks on a liquid diet containing 10% ethanol (mean daily dose 11.8±0.2 g/kg/day). Control-treated rats received liquid diet alone. Pairs of rats were tested in the social interaction test of anxiety 8 h after withdrawal. Withdrawal from ethanol significantly reduced the time spent in social interaction compared with controls, indicating an anxiogenic withdrawal response. Nitrendipine (50 mg/kg) had no effect on, whereas flumazenil (4 mg/kg) significantly reversed, this withdrawal response. This reversal appeared to be long-lasting as there was still no evidence of increased anxiety when rats were again withdrawn after 3 more days of ethanol diet.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Most smokers report smoking has an anxiolytic effect, which may contribute to nicotine dependence. OBJECTIVE: To examine effects in the social interaction test (SI) of anxiety after 4 weeks' self-administered nicotine (15 infusions of 0.03 mg/kg, totalling 0.45 mg/kg per day), and after 24 and 72 h of withdrawal. The effect of exposure to the operant chamber on withdrawal responses was also examined. METHODS: Animals were trained to self-administer saline or nicotine and after 4 weeks they were tested in SI after their daily self-administration session. Animals were retested after 24 and 72 h withdrawal, when they were either taken directly from the home cage or were tested 5 min after a 30-min exposure to the operant chamber. RESULTS: Compared with the saline control group, the animals that had been self-administering nicotine for 4 weeks showed decreased social interaction with no decrease in locomotor activity, indicating a significant anxiogenic effect of the nicotine infusions. There was no change in social interaction after 24 and 72 h withdrawal from chronic nicotine, regardless of whether or not the rats were exposed to the operant chamber just prior to being tested. CONCLUSIONS: Nicotine self-administration is not maintained because of its anxiolytic effect, but despite, or because of, its anxiogenic effect. There was no evidence of an anxiogenic response after either 24 or 72 h of withdrawal and thus increased anxiety on withdrawal from nicotine does not seem to contribute to nicotine self-administration.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: It is difficult to assess withdrawal from benzodiazepines, and preclinical assessment of behaviour during social conflict offers the opportunity to quantify tolerance and withdrawal by measuring aggressive, defensive and social behaviour. The relationship between benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms and the development of tolerance is not well understood. Are withdrawal symptoms dependent on the development of tolerance? OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to compare the development of tolerance to alprazolam effects on the behavioural repertoire during the social conflict test in mice, and to determine whether or not behavioural changes during alprazolam withdrawal are correlated with the development of tolerance. METHODS: An experimental model consisting of interactions of pairs of singly housed male mice with non-aggressive group-housed male mice was used. Alprazolam (1 mg/kg) was given orally once or repeatedly (twice daily) for 8 or 21 days. Behaviour was measured, based on videoanalysis, in aggressive mice before treatment, 30 min or 3 days after the last dose, respectively. RESULTS: A single administration of alprazolam significantly reduced aggressive activities and increased social investigation without changing locomotion or other behaviour. Tolerance developed to the inhibitory effects of alprazolam on aggressive behaviour but not to the effects of alprazolam to increase social investigation. When withdrawn from alprazolam, mice exhibited less social investigation and locomotion while aggression tended to be increased. CONCLUSIONS: Tolerance to the alprazolam effects on aggressive and social behaviour developed at different rates suggesting that they are differentially regulated. Furthermore, the evidence of withdrawal responses appearing in a behaviour to which tolerance had not developed does suggest that tolerance and withdrawal phenomena are dissociated in benzodiazepines.  相似文献   

After 21 days of treatment with diazepam (0.5 or 2 mg/kg/day) rats were tolerant to the effects of diazepam to increase social interaction in the low light unfamiliar test condition of the social interaction test of anxiety. When they were tested 24 h after the last of 21 injections they showed significant decreases in social interaction, indicating an anxiogenic withdrawal response. However, the social interaction scores of rats tested 48 h after withdrawal from diazepam treatment were no longer different from those of the control group. The decreased social interaction, indicating increased anxiety, detected 24 h after withdrawal of diazepam (21 daily injections of 0.5 or 2 mg/kg), could be reversed by the usual daily diazepam dose (0.5 or 2 mg/kg, respectively) or by baclofen (0.5 or 1 mg/kg). Baclofen (2 mg/kg) was sedative in both control treated and diazepam-dependent rats, but was ineffective at reversing the decrease in social interaction seen after diazepam withdrawal. Possible sites of action mediating these effects of baclofen are discussed, and it is suggested that either post-synaptic GABAB sites in the hippocampus are involved or that the reversal of the decreased social interaction detected on withdrawal of diazepam treatment is due to a baclofen-mediated inhibition of 5-HT release in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Rationale An elevated startle response has been observed in humans and animals during withdrawal from multiple substances of abuse, a phenomenon thought to reflect the anxiogenic effects of withdrawal. Although anxiety is a common symptom of opiate withdrawal, few studies have examined the effects of morphine withdrawal on acoustic startle.Objective To develop a procedure for assessing opiate dependence through measurement of the startle reflex in rats.Methods The effects of opiate withdrawal on startle were evaluated using both spontaneous and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal from an acute dose of morphine. The ability of the treatment drugs clonidine and chlordiazepoxide to block withdrawal-induced increases in startle was also tested.Results Spontaneous withdrawal from an injection of morphine sulfate produced a significant increase in acoustic startle 2 h (3.2 mg/kg) or 4 h (10 mg/kg) after drug administration. Morphine withdrawal (10 mg/kg morphine sulfate) precipitated by the opiate antagonist naloxone (2.5 mg/kg) also produced a significant increase in startle magnitude. This elevation of startle was blocked by both clonidine (35 g/kg) and chlordiazepoxide (10 mg/kg).Conclusions These data demonstrate that both spontaneous and precipitated withdrawal from an acutely administered opiate produce anxiety-like effects on acoustic startle. This paradigm may be useful in the study of anxiety and the early mechanisms of drug dependence.  相似文献   

Flumazenil blockade of anxiety following ethanol withdrawal in rats   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In previous research, the drug flumazenil has been categorized both as a pure benzodiazepine antagonist and as a benzodiazepine partial agonist. The following studies used an elevated plus maze to test whether flumazenil would exert any antianxiety action in rats. While chlordiazepoxide (3.0 mg/kg), ethanol (0.75 g/kg), and the atypical benzodiazepine zolpidem (1.0 mg/kg) all significantly increased time spent on the open arms and percent open arm entries, flumazenil (1–10 mg/kg) alone did not produce any anxiolytic effects on the maze. Withdrawal from chronic ethanol treatment led to a decrease in open arm time and percent open arm entries. Flumazenil (3.0 mg/kg) blocked these changes, suggesting that the effects of flumazenil are at least partially dependent upon the levels of stress or anxiety in the subjects. An anxiolytic action of flumazenil was not seen following the central administration of the neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which reduced open arm time on the elevated plus maze. These results support the hypothesis that the mechanism of action for flumazenil effects on the anxiety observed during ethanol withdrawal involves antagonism of an endogenous benzodiazepine inverse agonist, rather than activity as a partial agonist or blockade of CRF-mediated effects. Received: 30 September 1996/Final version: 23 December 1996  相似文献   

Repeated administration of benzodiazepines (BDZs) produces dependence in man and animals and this is reflected in the phenomena of tolerance and withdrawal responses. In BDZ-dependent animals the BDZ-receptor antagonist flumazenil (Ro 15-1788) reverses the increased anxiety and decreased seizure threshold seen when benzodiazepine treatment is withdrawn. In contrast are reports that flumazenil enhances BDZ-withdrawal responses. Indirect influences on the direction of flumazenil's effects on anxiety are the duration and dose of BDZ treatment, whether tolerance has developed to its anxiolytic effect and whether there is an anxiogenic response on drug withdrawal. However, we conclude that the crucial factor is the anxiety level of the animal: when this is high flumazenil becomes anxiolytic; when this is low flumazenil is anxiogenic. These bidirectional effects of flumazenil can be seen in drug-naive and BDZ-dependent animals. We propose a theory of benzodiazepine dependence that can account for anxiogenic responses on drug withdrawal and for flumazenil's bidirectional effects; central to this theory is the assumption that flumazenil normalises the benzodiazepine receptor, returning it to a baseline state. Thus it is whether an animal's score lies above or below this baseline that will determine the direction of flumazenil's effect. The clinical implications of this theory are discussed. We suggest that during the development of benzodiazepine dependence, two independent adaptive biochemical mechanisms are triggered: one underlying the development of tolerance to the anxiolytic responses, the other underlying the incidence of increased anxiety on drug withdrawal. It is only changes in the latter that are induced by the administration of flumazenil.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: The acquisition of a caffeine conditioned flavour preference depends on the caffeine deprivation status of subjects during conditioning. It is not known if the expression of an established flavour preference is also state-dependent. OBJECTIVES: To determine if the expression of a flavour preference conditioned by caffeine is dependent on the level of deprivation at the time of testing. METHODS: In a double-blind placebo controlled study, 44 subjects were given 4 days exposure to a novel flavoured drink following overnight abstinence from caffeine. Half the subjects received caffeine (100 mg) in the drink, while the remainder had placebo (maltodextrin, 100 mg). Subjects rated the pleasantness of the drink each time. On a fifth (test) day, the subjects were given additional caffeine (100 mg) or placebo 2 h before consuming and rating the pleasantness of the drink. RESULTS: Pleasantness ratings for the novel drink increased over the 4 conditioning days in subjects receiving caffeine, but decreased in those given placebo. On day 5, subjects who were trained and tested in the same caffeine deprivation state expressed pleasantness ratings similar to those for the final training day. In contrast, subjects who were trained and tested in different states expressed pleasantness ratings that were significantly different from those of the final training day. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the expression of caffeine conditioned flavour preferences are acutely sensitive to current motivational state, and a number of possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the relation between anxiety sensitivity (AS) and marijuana withdrawal severity among 84 (47 female) young adult marijuana smokers. As expected, after covarying for the theoretically-relevant variables of frequency of past 30-day marijuana use, number of cigarettes smoked per day, volume of alcohol consumed, and anxious arousal as well as anhedonic depressive symptoms, both the global AS factor and the AS-mental incapacitation concerns factor were significantly related to the severity of retrospectively reported marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Results are discussed in relation to better understanding cognitive-emotional variables related to the marijuana withdrawal.  相似文献   

The benzodiazepine receptor 'inverse agonist' CGS 8216 has a specific anxiogenic action in the social interaction test that cannot be reversed by other compounds acting at the benzodiazepine site: Ro 15-1788, FG 7142 or beta-CCE. We tried to reverse the anxiogenic effect with chlordiazepoxide, which is able to antagonise the anxiogenic effects of several other compounds acting at benzodiazepine or related sites. Chlordiazepoxide given acutely (10-20 mg/kg) was unable to antagonise the anxiogenic action of CGS 8216 (5-10 mg/kg); instead there was a tendency to enhance its effects. The effects of chlordiazepoxide after 5 days pretreatment were then assessed, since chronic treatment is necessary to reverse the anxiogenic actions of Ro 15-1788 and Ro 5-4864. At 5 mg/kg chronically, chlordiazepoxide was unable to antagonise the anxiogenic effect of CGS 8216, and at 20 mg/kg there was a significant enhancement of the effects of CGS 8216 on social interaction without an effect on locomotor activity. These results are discussed in terms of withdrawal from benzodiazepine treatment.  相似文献   

Summary RO 5-4864 (20 mg/kg), a benzodiazepine with high affinity for peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding sites in rat kidney and brain, but not for the classical CNS sites, reduced the time spent by pairs of rats in active social interaction, without reducing locomotor activity, possibly reflecting an anxiogenic action. This anxiogenic effect was not reversed by chlordiazepoxide (5 or 10 mg/kg) given acutely, but was reversed by chlordiazepoxide (5 mg/kg) given for 5 days prior to testing. RO 15-1788 (10 mg/kg), a drug that antagonises several effects of benzodiazepines but has little affinity for peripheral-type sites, had no action on the reduction in social interaction induced by RO 5-4864. However, CGS 8216 (10 mg/kg) which also antagonises the effects of benzodiazepines and has little affinity for RO 5-4864 recognition sites, significantly enhanced the reduction in social interaction caused by RO 5-4864, and the combination produced a significant decrease in locomotor activity. These results are discussed in terms of possible sites of action of RO 5-4864 on the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor complex.  相似文献   

Withdrawal from the neurosteroid 3alpha,5alpha-allopregnanolone after chronic administration of progesterone increases anxiety in female rats and up-regulates the alpha4 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)-R) in the hippocampus. We investigated if these phenomena would also occur in male rats. Progesterone withdrawal (PWD) induced higher alpha4 subunit expression in the hippocampus of both male and female rats, in association with increased anxiety (assessed in the elevated plus maze) comparable to effects previously reported. Because alpha4-containing GABA(A)-R are insensitive to the benzodiazepine (BDZ) lorazepam (LZM), and are positively modulated by flumazenil (FLU, a BDZ antagonist), we therefore tested the effects of these compounds following PWD. Using whole-cell patch clamp techniques, LZM-potentiation of GABA ((EC20))-gated current was markedly reduced in CA1 pyramidal cells of male rats undergoing PWD compared to controls, whereas FLU had no effect on GABA-gated current in control animals but increased it in PWD animals. Behaviorally, both male and female rats were significantly less sensitive to the anxiolytic effects of LZM. In contrast, FLU demonstrated significant anxiolytic effects following PWD. These data suggest that neurosteroid regulation of the alpha4 GABA(A)-R subunit may be a relevant mechanism underlying anxiety disorders, and that this phenomenon is not sex-specific.  相似文献   

File SE 《Psychopharmacology》2000,152(1):105-109
RATIONALE: Evidence is starting to accumulate that NK1 receptor antagonists might have anxiolytic effects in animal tests and in patients. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of NKP608, a substance P antagonist acting at NK1 receptors, in various conditions of the social interaction test of anxiety and to determine its effects after 3 and 6 weeks of treatment. METHODS: Rats were tested after vehicle, 0.01 or 0.1 mg/kg PO in three conditions of the social interaction test that varied in the level of anxiety generated. Thus pairs of rats were tested in an arena with which they were unfamiliar that was lit by high (HU) or low (LU) light and in the condition that generated the lowest level of anxiety, i.e. an arena with which they were familiar, lit by low light (LF). They were also tested after 3 and 6 weeks of treatment with 0.03 mg/kg and after 24 h withdrawal from these chronic treatments. RESULTS: NKP608 had significant anxiolytic effects at 0.01, 0.03 and 0.1 mg/kg PO in the HU and LU test conditions, but was without effect in the LF condition, except for an increased incidence of bite attacks at 0.1 mg/kg. The anxiolytic effect of 0.03 mg/kg remained after 3 weeks of chronic treatment and there was no anxiogenic effect after 24 h of drug withdrawal. Following 6 weeks of chronic treatment (0.03 mg/kg per day), tolerance had developed, but no anxiogenic withdrawal effect was seen 24 h after the last dose. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide further evidence that substance P may play a role in mediating states of anxiety and suggest that the selective NK1 receptor antagonist NKP608 may prove a useful anxiolytic compound.  相似文献   

Rationale Flumazenil, a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors (BZRs), has been used as a probe to detect effects of putative endogenous ligands for BZRs in anxiety. Flumazenil is renowned for its highly inconsistent behavioral effects.Objective To ascertain effects of flumazenil in the social conflict test in mice, which provides complex measures for prediction of anxiolytic and anxiogenic activity of drugs in behaviorally different groups of animals.Methods Singly housed male mice treated with flumazenil (5, 20 or 80 mg/kg i.p.) or vehicle were paired with untreated non-aggressive group-housed male mice in a novel cage. Behavior was analyzed from video tapes of the social interactions in three populations of mice: timid (n=21), aggressive (n=11), and sociable (n=7). Levels of -aminobutyric acid (GABA) were measured in vivo in the prefrontal cortex.Results Flumazenil reduced timid (defensive-escape) and increased locomotor activities in timid mice. The drug reduced aggressive and increased sociable (social investigation) activities in aggressive mice. These behavioral changes were produced at the lowest dose of flumazenil tested (5 mg/kg) and were not increased further by higher doses of the drug (20 mg/kg or 80 mg/kg). A tendency to increased timidity was found after flumazenil in sociable mice. Concentrations of GABA were markedly higher in the prefrontal cortex of sociable mice than in timid or aggressive mice.Conclusions Flumazenil produced moderate anxiolytic-like behavioural changes and a slight anxiogenic-like effect. The present data might be reflecting antagonism of corresponding endogenous BZR ligands. However, these putative ligands seem to exert only modest modulatory influence.  相似文献   

The security hypothesis suggests food hoarding by rats serves to preempt attack and therefore might be motivated by anxiety. The object value hypothesis suggests rats hoard objects that they perceive as valuable as related to some state or need. These hypotheses were evaluated with the anxiolytic drug diazepam, which is purported to both decrease anxiety and increase motivation to eat, and which accordingly either may decrease or increase hoarding. Using a new hoarding paradigm, diazepam (Valium: 0.25–5 mg/kg), was found to produce a dose-related reduction in hoarding that was dependent upon food pellet size and that was reversed by flumazenil (Ro 15-1788), a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist. Diazepam also slowed eating speed, blocked dodging, a movement used to initiate hoarding, and impaired spatial navigation in a learning-set swimming pool task. The results fail to support the object value hypothesis of hoarding. Since perception of food size, motivation, motor ability and spatial abilities all probably contribute to successful food hoarding, the results provide several explanations other than, or in addition to, anxiety reduction for the drug's effects on hoarding. Nevertheless, the study provides a number of new sensitive measures of the effects of anxiolytic drugs and new insights into their behavioral effects.  相似文献   

Differential effects of flumazenil (an antagonist) and midazolam (an agonist at the benzodiazepine receptor) were studied in 8 healthy males. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol responses to a corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) challenge were measured. ACTH response was significantly lower after flumazenil administration than after saline or midazolam. No significant treatment effect was found for the CRH-induced cortisol secretion. Our results agree with previous reports that point to an agonistic effect of flumazenil on pituitary-adrenocortical system activity and, moreover, may further support the anxiolytic activity of flumazenil in stimulated stress.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test whether or not flumazenil (1 mg IV) would change levels of anxiety induced by simulation of public speaking (PSS). Forty normal volunteers were randomly allocated in a parallel groups design to treatment with flumazenil or placebo (double-blind) and one of two stress conditions (PSS/control task). PSS increased anxiety and flumazenil antagonized this effect. The anxiolytic activity of flumazenil was particularly strong on anticipatory anxiety measures. The results were discussed in terms of the involvement of endogenous benzodiazepine-type ligands in the regulation of the human response to stress.  相似文献   

Although recent reports underscore a close association between the ethanol consumption and the central melanocortin (MC) system in rats, neurobehavioral component of this association has not been explored. In this study, we investigated the role of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) in ethanol (1.5-2 g/kg, i.p.) induced anxiolysis and anxiety-like behavior following withdrawal from prolonged ethanol (9% v/v ethanol, 15 days) consumption, using elevated plus maze (EPM) test in rats. While alpha-MSH (1-5 microg/rat, i.c.v.) showed dose-dependent anxiogenic-like effect, the MC4 receptor antagonist HS014 (1-10 nM/rat, i.c.v.) or antiserum against alpha-MSH (1:500-1:50 dilution, 5 microl/rat, i.c.v.) failed to produce any effect in the EPM test. The anxiolytic-like effect of ethanol was suppressed by central administration of alpha-MSH (0.5 microg/rat, i.c.v.). On the other hand, pretreatment with either HS014 (5 nM/rat, i.c.v.) or antiserum against alpha-MSH (1:100 dilution, 5 microl/rat, i.c.v.) enhanced anxiolytic action of ethanol. Moreover, ethanol withdrawal anxiety was markedly blocked by HS014 (1-10 nM/rat, i.c.v.). These results suggest that alpha-MSH may be implicated in ethanol-induced anxiolysis and withdrawal anxiety. These findings also suggest MC4 receptors as possible therapeutic target for development of drugs to address the ethanol withdrawal-related conditions.  相似文献   

Flumazenil (FLU), a specific benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor antagonist has been used in the treatment of acute BZ intoxication or the alleviation of BZ-induced withdrawal syndrome on the basis of its weak partial agonist action at GABA(A) receptors. However, given to patients, FLU can worsen diazepam-induced withdrawal syndrome by lowering seizure threshold. We therefore investigated whether imidazenil, a selective positive allosteric modulator of GABA action at GABA(A) receptors containing alpha5 subunit, can antagonize diazepam-induced sedative action and suppression of locomotor activity without affecting diazepam anti-bicuculline action. We report here that while FLU (16.5 micromol/kg) showed no effect on locomotor activity and bicuculline-induced convulsion, it completely antagonized diazepam (10.5 micromol/kg) anti-bicuculline action and the suppression of locomotor activity. However, imidazenil (0.76 micromol/kg) elicited anti-bicuculline action and was dose-dependently antagonized by FLU (16.5 and 33 micromol/kg). Furthermore, imidazenil showed no effect on path length traveled but slightly decreased (40%) horizontal activity when compared to diazepam (85%), and maintained the anti-bicuculline action of diazepam to a threshold level similar to that observed with diazepam. Whereas cross-tolerance between BZs has been reported in animals and humans, we previously reported the absence of cross-tolerance between imidazenil and diazepam. Thus, we suggest that imidazenil might be more effective than FLU at alleviating the withdrawal syndrome associated with long-term BZ administration.  相似文献   

Benzodiazepine withdrawal has been associated with hostile and aggressive behavior. The benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil has reduced, increased or not affected hostility and aggression in animal and human studies. In the present study we analyzed data collected in a placebo-controlled study of the effects of the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil in patients previously treated for benzodiazepine dependency, and healthy controls. The aim was to analyze the effects of flumazenil on hostility and aggression. Ten patients and 10 controls received, on two separate occasions, cumulative doses of flumazenil (0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg at 15 min intervals) or placebo. Withdrawal symptoms were rated after each injection. Patients had been free from benzodiazepines for 47 (4-266) weeks on the first occasion. A three-way interaction (group × treatment × dose) was found, and was explained by: 1) patients rating aggression and hostility higher than controls at all times during placebo, while 2) during the flumazenil provocation i) the initial significant difference between patients and controls was no longer significant above the 0.5 mg dose, and ii) patients rated aggression and hostility significantly lower above the 0.5 mg dose compared to base-line. The results suggest that self-rated aggression and hostility in patients treated for benzodiazepine dependency was reduced by the partial benzodiazepine agonist flumazenil.  相似文献   

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