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《上海口腔医学》2001~2005年载文分析,糖尿病患者胰岛素治疗前后唾液葡萄糖含量分析,颌面部铁金属异物磁铁吸取15例报告,北京市各级医院口腔器械消毒方式调查,口腔医学专业本科毕业生就业现状的调查分析和教育思考,荷兰口腔医学教育简介。[编者按]  相似文献   

常用口腔器械不同消毒方法效果的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常用口腔器械不同消毒方法效果的评价中国人民解放军371医院谭成柱,管志江,杨联元,刘振卿,孙强材料和方法1.消毒器械:口镜、镊子、探针、洁治器、充填器、钻头及口腔科专用弯盘等。2.消毒方法:①1%新洁而灭浸泡40分钟。②2%戊二醛浸泡30分钟。③高压...  相似文献   

口腔器械消毒流程规范探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在口腔诊疗过程中,器械消毒极为重要.严格彻底的器械消毒,是防止交叉感染的重要保证.为使口腔器械消毒工作更加规范,本文对口腔器械消毒流程进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

探讨计算机信息化管理在口腔专科医院消毒供应中心的应用.方法 2011年1-7月在广州医学院口腔医院对实施计算机信息化管理前、后(3个月)单次回收器械所需时间、器械清洗质量、器械配包及包装质量、发放错误情况资料进行收集整理,并对实施信息化管理前、后情况进行比较.结果 (1)实施信息化管理后较实施前单次回收器械平均所需时间...  相似文献   

目的 评价北京市12岁儿童从2005年到2015年10年间口腔健康行为的变化,为进一步加强北京口腔健康促进工作提供参考依据.方法 2005年第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查北京地区完成12岁儿童问卷调查396人,2015年第四次全国口腔健康流行病学调查北京地区完成12岁儿童问卷调查2160人.对比分析两次问卷调查中儿童口...  相似文献   

随着我国口腔医学事业的快速发展,新的口腔器械不断增加,器械的临床使用、周转率不断提高,对器械的清洗、消毒灭菌等各环节的要求也越来越高[1]。因此,口腔器械的清洗、消毒、灭菌方式已经成为众多口腔专科医院亟待解决的问题。目前,消毒灭菌物品集中供应已成为科学化管理的趋势[2]。中国医科大学口腔医学院于2009年11月启用了新的消毒供应中心,经过近1年的运行,取得了较好效果,但工作中也存在一些尚未解决的问题。现报道如下。  相似文献   

李刚 《广东牙病防治》2008,16(10):474-475
美国疾病控制中心对所有医生提出,在工作中必须采取普遍性预防措施,即假定所有患者都有潜在的传染病而在诊治时必须采取相应的防护措施.只有这样加强自我预防意识才能最大限度地保护口腔医生和患者的安全.我国卫生部制定的医疗机构口腔诊疗器械消毒技术操作规范,规定开展口腔科诊疗科目服务的医疗机构,必须将口腔诊疗器械的消毒工作纳入医疗质量管理,确保消毒效果.从事口腔诊疗服务和口腔诊疗器械消毒工作的医务人员,应当掌握口腔诊疗器械消毒及个人防护等医院感染预防与控制方面的知识,遵循标准预防与控制的原则,严格遵守有关规章制度.  相似文献   

随着人们健康水平的提高,口腔器械的消毒问题正日益受到医务人员的重视。尤其是手机、超声波洗牙机头、假牙托盘等特殊器械的消毒现在还没有一个较理想的消毒方法。常规的消毒方法往往不尽如人意,例如高压蒸汽、气体薰蒸、消毒溶液浸泡、紫外线辐射等,这些方法有的会影响器械的使用寿命;有的消毒效果欠佳;有的价格高,毒性散发过程长。因此目前对部分特殊的口腔器械消毒尚不够严格。口腔内各种细菌、病原体都可能存在,据初步估计,现在世界上乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)的携带者超过 2亿。乙肝病毒的传染性很强。近来有人报告在急性乙型肝炎患者和慢性HBsAg携带者的唾液标本中检测到HBsAg及Dane颗粒。因此,HBsAg随唾液经口传播的途径应引起重视。在此,我们介绍一种最近研制成功的消毒仪器—“GY901型口腔器械气体消毒器”,该仪器由上海师范大学研制,华东医院监制。仪器采用高浓度臭氧气体对口腔器械进行消毒,与常规的消毒方法比较有其独特的优点。  相似文献   

目的探讨计算机信息化管理在口腔专科医院消毒供应中心的应用。方法 2011年1—7月在广州医学院口腔医院对实施计算机信息化管理前、后(3个月)单次回收器械所需时间、器械清洗质量、器械配包及包装质量、发放错误情况资料进行收集整理,并对实施信息化管理前、后情况进行比较。结果 (1)实施信息化管理后较实施前单次回收器械平均所需时间明显缩短,器械清洁率升高,器械混淆、丢失率及发送差错率有所下降,差别均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论口腔医院消毒供应中心实施信息化管理后,实现了器械清洗消毒质量全程可追溯管理,提高工作效率,减少差错发生,全面提升了消毒供应中心综合管理水平,值得推广。  相似文献   

三种消毒剂对口腔器械消毒效果的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
瞿银华  赵华 《口腔医学》1999,19(4):219-219
口腔诊疗器械因直接接触患者的唾液和血液所以极易造成污染和交叉感染其消毒效果如何一直是监测的重点我院感染管理科经用新洁尔灭、酒精和戊二醛三种不同消毒剂对口腔门诊常用的治疗盘、镊子、探针、牙钳、牙钻、砂轮、水枪头等进行消毒并与未消毒的器械分别进行细菌检测...  相似文献   

目的评价口腔科医疗器械常规清洗消毒的效果。方法选择2013年7月~12月口腔科使用过的非一次性医疗器械(拔牙钳、车针)共36669件,消毒供应室清洗消毒处理前后,对物体表面口腔常见的变形链球菌、白色念珠菌、金黄色葡萄球菌以及乙肝病毒进行检测,并用目测法分析清洗的质量,测评临床的满意度。结果(1)器械清洗消毒质量的合格数为35395件,合格率达到96.52%;(2)细菌和病毒检测结果显示,除了工作室桌子有10次细菌不达标以外,其余均未检出细菌和病毒;(3)紫外照射与高压的消毒效果差距较大,未高压的灭菌消毒效果低于高压的灭菌消毒效果;(4)临床使用满意度达到95.83%。结论经规范化清洗消毒与管理,基本能确保口腔器械的卫生安全,所采用的清洗消毒措施,在一定程度上能有效控制医院感染的发生。  相似文献   

The sterilization and contaminated waste disposal practices in all 14 dental clinics operated by the Southern Sydney Area Health Service were surveyed. All of the clinics used autoclaves for sterilization. All hand instruments, handpieces and triplex syringes were autoclaved between patients. Chemical disinfection solutions were used in 12 of the 14 dental clinics, mainly for surface decontamination. Five dental clinics had separate storage areas for contaminated waste which compiled with contaminated waste separation and disposal guidelines. The practice of recapping needles with fingers and some inadequate washing facilites are areas that require particular attention.  相似文献   

The goal of disinfection in the dental office is to prevent the spread of infection from one patient to another and maintain the safety of the dental care providers. Prevention of cross infection has significant effect on infection control. The standard procedure of rinsing impressions under tap water immediately after removal from the mouth eliminates microorganisms along with saliva and blood. A broad search on published literature was done using the keywords impression materials, disinfection method, and sterilization of dental impression from 1980 to 2016 in Medline, Google Scholar, the internet, and textbooks. This article critically analyzes the various published methods of dental impression disinfection in dentistry.  相似文献   

The present survey is a repetition of a 1987 survey examining the sterilization/disinfection procedures of Georgia's orthodontists. The purpose of this study is to examine the trends in orthodontic sterilization/disinfection procedures. Orthodontists in Georgia have dramatically changed their sterilization and disinfection procedures. The major changes represented are greater use of protective barrier wear by doctor and staff members; increased heat sterilization methods for instruments, pliers, and handpieces; and increased disinfection of alginate impressions.  相似文献   

口腔医护人员印模材料消毒情况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解口腔医护人员对印模材料消毒知识的掌握情况。方法选择我国5所三级甲等口腔专科医院的582名医护人员进行问卷调查,调查内容包括研究对象的社会人口学特征和对印模材料消毒知识的掌握情况。结果582名医护人员中,424名认为从患者口腔内制取印模后送往其他科室前需进行消毒处理,占72.85%。对印模消毒采取的方法,76名选择用体积分数75%乙醇消毒,26名选择用碘伏、戊二醛等消毒剂消毒,103名选择用印模清洗消毒机消毒,180名选择用清水冲洗;而197名不知道用何种方法消毒印模。口腔医护人员对印模材料消毒知识的掌握情况与其所在科室有关,而与性别、职业、学历和工作年限无关。结论应加强口腔医护人员对印模材料消毒重要性的认识,提高防护意识,降低医院感染的发生。  相似文献   

The radiofrequency-stimulated argon gas plasma (glow discharge) technique, already well-known for surface cleaning and activation of adhesion, was investigated for determination of its separate potential for rapid disinfection of dental operative instruments. Disinfection effectiveness was judged from diminished post-treatment recovery of viable organisms from the instruments agitated in saline. Streptococcus salivarius, Bacillus stearothermophilus, and Escherichia coli were used as primary contaminant organisms, dried from gelatin-thickened laboratory cultures onto the instruments and not subjected to any preliminary cleaning steps. Significant disinfection was obtained, with no sensible temperature increases, in under 10 minutes in laboratory apparatus consuming fewer than 5 Watts of power per cycle. Also, clinically used and deliberately-saliva-contaminated high-speed handpieces were gas-discharge-treated, with their resultant rapid disinfection noted by complete suppression of the viability of any transferred natural contaminant organisms within two minutes. With regard to preservation of instrument quality, it was also shown that this low-temperature gas-discharge method provides the noted substantial disinfection without deterioration of sharp edges. Work now in progress suggests that the method can provide cool, rapid, and complete sterilization when hydrogen peroxide vapors are present in the gas plasma used for treatment of instruments first given the normally recommended thorough pre-cleaning.  相似文献   

BackgroundDental impression material handgun cartridge dispensers are contaminated easily during clinical use. The authors attempted to quantify contamination by bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), of impression guns used in an academic dental clinic after five infection-prevention protocols were followed.MethodsThe authors obtained samples from four commercially available impression guns at four specific sites (button, handle, latch, trigger) after routine clinical use, disinfection, steam sterilization (also known as autoclaving), steam sterilization followed by use of plastic impression gun covers and steam sterilization followed by use of plastic impression gun covers and disinfection.ResultsThe authors found that after routine clinical use, bacteria—including MRSA—heavily contaminated the impression guns. After the impression guns underwent disinfection, there was a 6 percent decrease in bacterial counts. The use of steam sterilization achieved sterility without harming the impression guns. Use of steam-sterilized impression guns with plastic impression gun covers decreased bacterial isolates by approximately 60 percent. Use of steam-sterilized impression guns plus covers and disinfection resulted in an approximately 95 percent reduction in contamination.ConclusionsThe use of common infection-prevention methods appears to reduce the bacterial counts, including those of MRSA. Bacterial contamination was lowest after steam sterilization, followed by the use of plastic impression gun covers and disinfection.Clinical ImplicationsUse of contaminated impression guns on successive patients could increase the risk of causing cross-transmission of disease. The use of sterilization, plus plastic impression gun covers and disinfection, for impression guns after each use could be an effective and practical infection-control method for dental practices.  相似文献   

The effect of repeated sterilization on the cutting effectiveness of one brand of rotary dental diamond cutting instruments was measured. Four groups of five diamond burs were sterilized by four methods: (1) sterilization with a chemical agent (Sporicidin); (2) steam under pressure (autoclave); (3) dry heat (Dri-Clave); or (4) chemical vapor (Chemiclave). Each group of diamond instruments made a timed cut in a ceramic block. This cut and all subsequent cuts were measured and were used to determine a baseline cutting effectiveness. Each group of diamond burs was then ultrasonically cleaned, sterilized, and another cut was made. At the end of 10 cycles there was no difference in cutting efficiency of the dental diamond instruments. However, there are differences in the cutting efficiency of individual diamond instruments. The SEM evaluation made prior to cutting and at the end of the 10 cycles of sterilization demonstrated that diamond wear was similar in all groups and that little diamond particle loss occurred in any group.  相似文献   

A survey to find out the standard of sterilisation of dental equipment was conducted via a questionnaire sent out to all Division I dental surgeons in Singapore. Questions asked determined the main methods of sterilisation/disinfection of hand instruments, air rotor and air motor handpieces, burs, salivary ejectors, ultrasonic scaling tips, and the use of disposable needles, local anesthetic, carpules, and gloves. Results indicated that while most respondents sterilised or disinfected various instruments, there was an apparent misconception that sterilisation and disinfection were the same thing. The majority used boiling with water or cold chemical disinfection. Most respondents were willing to treat patients with known histories of hepatitis B but would refer patients with histories of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The placement and restoration of dental implants require the use of numerous reusable instruments and components. The adequate sterilization of reusable instruments and components is essential to prevent cross contamination between patients. Sterilization usually is accomplished with single-use sterilization envelopes. A reusable sterilization vehicle would reduce costs as well as the waste generated in patient care. PURPOSE: This study was designed to determine the efficacy of a 10-cc Pyrex test tube as a sterilization vehicle for reusable dental implant instruments and components. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study, a reusable dental implant component was placed in a Pyrex test tube, along with a biologic test strip. A control biologic test strip was kept for each test tube. The test tube was closed with a cotton roll folded in half and placed in the opening. Twenty test tubes were prepared. five sets of 4 test tubes were placed in an autoclave in different locations with varying orientations. The autoclave completed a standard sterilization cycle. RESULTS: The biological monitoring service indicated that the biologic test strips in 100% of the test tubes were sterile, whereas the control strips were 100% nonsterile. CONCLUSION: A Pyrex test tube sealed with a cotton roll can serve as a sterilization vehicle for reusable dental implant instruments and components.  相似文献   

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