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Although anatomical, histochemical and electrophysiological findings in both animals and humans have suggested a parallel and serial mode of auditory processing, precise activation timings of each cortical area are not well known, especially in humans. We investigated the timing of arrival of signals to multiple cortical areas using magnetoencephalography in humans. Following click stimuli applied to the left ear, activations were found in six cortical areas in the right hemisphere: the posteromedial part of Heschl's gyrus (HG) corresponding to the primary auditory cortex (PAC), the anterolateral part of the HG region on or posterior to the transverse sulcus, the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), posterior and anterior parts of the superior temporal gyrus (STG), and the planum temporale (PT). The mean onset latencies of each cortical activity were 17.1, 21.2, 25.3, 26.2, 30.9 and 47.6 ms respectively. These results suggested a serial model of auditory processing along the medio-lateral axis of the supratemporal plane and, in addition, implied the existence of several parallel streams running postero-superiorly (from the PAC to the belt region and then to the posterior STG, PPC or PT) and anteriorly (PAC-belt-anterior STG).  相似文献   

Uncertainty is a fact of life that must be accommodated in real-world decision making. Although it has been suggested that the right prefrontal cortex (PFC) has a special role to play in decision making under uncertainty, there is very little hard data to support this hypothesis. To better understand the roles of left and right PFCs in reasoning and decision making in situations with complete and incomplete information, we administered simple inference problems to 18 patients with lateralized focal lesions to PFC (9 right hemisphere, 9 left hemisphere) and 22 age- and education-matched normal controls. The stimuli were systematically manipulated for completeness of information regarding the status of the conclusion. Our results demonstrated a 2-way interaction such that patients with left PFC lesions were selectively impaired in trials with complete information, whereas patients with right PFC lesions were selectively impaired in trials with incomplete information. These results provide compelling evidence for hemispheric specialization for reasoning in PFC and suggest that the right PFC has a critical role to play in reasoning about incompletely specified situations. We postulate this role involves the maintenance of ambiguous mental representations that temper premature overinterpretation by the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

Humans are assumed to predict the sensory consequences of their own actions by means of forward models that enable discrimination between self-produced and external sensory signals. Here we tested whether responses in the human auditory cortex would differ to self-triggered versus externally triggered tones. The responses were recorded with a whole-scalp neuromagnetometer from 12 healthy subjects who either themselves triggered a tone by pressing a button once every 5 s or passively listened to externally triggered tones, presented in an identical sound sequence. Sources of the auditory N100m responses, peaking approximately 90 ms after sound onset in the supratemporal auditory cortex, were significantly weaker to self-triggered than to externally triggered sounds (suppressions 24 +/- 7% and 18 +/- 4% in the left and right hemispheres, respectively). These results support the existence of a forward model that predicts the auditory consequences of the subject's own motor acts on the environment--even with a tool--and thereby enables discrimination between self-produced and external sounds.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical specialization of cognitive processes across the cerebral hemispheres is a hallmark of healthy brain development and an important evolutionary trait underlying higher cognition in humans. While previous research, including studies of priming, divided visual field presentation, and split-brain patients, demonstrates a general pattern of right/left asymmetry of form-specific versus form-abstract visual processing, little is known about brain organization underlying this dissociation. Here, using repetition priming of complex visual scenes and high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we demonstrate asymmetrical form specificity of visual processing between the right and left hemispheres within a region known to be critical for processing of visual spatial scenes (parahippocampal place area [PPA]). Next, we use resting-state functional connectivity MRI analyses to demonstrate that this functional asymmetry is associated with differential intrinsic activity correlations of the right versus left PPA with regions critically involved in perceptual versus conceptual processing, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the PPA comprises lateralized subregions across the cerebral hemispheres that are engaged in functionally dissociable yet complementary components of visual scene analysis. Furthermore, this functional asymmetry is associated with differential intrinsic functional connectivity of the PPA with distinct brain areas known to mediate dissociable cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Recent neuroimaging studies have shown that activity in lateral Heschl's gyrus covaries specifically with the strength of musical pitch. Pitch strength is important for the perceptual distinctiveness of an acoustic event, but in complex auditory scenes, the distinctiveness of an event also depends on its context. In this magnetoencephalography study, we evaluate how temporal context influences the sustained pitch response (SPR) in lateral Heschl's gyrus. In 2 sequences of continuously alternating, periodic target intervals and a more irregular baseline interval, the distinctiveness of the target was decreased in 1 of 2 ways--either by increasing the pitch strength of the baseline or by decreasing the pitch strength of the target. The results show that the amplitude of the SPR increases monotonically with the distinctiveness of the target. Moreover, SPR amplitude is greater for the sequence, where the pitch strength of the target is varied, compared with the condition, where the baseline is varied. Two subsequent experiments show that the amplitude of the SPR increases as duty cycle decreases, in a pitch "strength" contrast and in a pitch "value" contrast. These results indicate that the SPR adapts to recent stimulus history, enhancing the response to rare and brief events.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that temporal response patterns in primary auditory cortex are potentially relevant for voice onset time (VOT) encoding in two related experiments. The first experiment investigates whether temporal responses reflecting VOT are modulated in a way that can account for boundary shifts that occur with changes in first formant (F1) frequency, and by extension, consonant place of articulation. Evoked potentials recorded from Heschl's gyrus in a patient undergoing epilepsy surgery evaluation are examined. Representation of VOT varies in a manner that reflects the spectral composition of the syllables and the underlying tonotopic organization. Activity patterns averaged across extended regions of Heschl's gyrus parallel changes in the subject's perceptual boundaries. The second experiment investigates whether the physiological boundary for detecting the sequence of two acoustic elements parallels the psychoacoustic result of approximately 20 ms. Population responses evoked by two-tone complexes with variable tone onset times (TOTs) in primary auditory cortex of the monkey are examined. Onset responses evoked by both the first and second tones are detected at a TOT separation as short as 20 ms. Overall, parallels between perceptual and physiological results support the relevance of a population-based temporal processing mechanism for VOT encoding.  相似文献   

目的探讨脑外伤后综合征(PTBS)的脑电图(EEG)、脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)特点。方法对本院2005年9月至2010年10月门诊及住院就诊的659例患者诊断为PTBS行EEG和BAEP检查,并与662名健康志愿者的EEG、BAEP作对照分析。结果 PTBS病患EEG轻度异常533例(80.9%),中度异常6例(0.9%),重度异常0例(0%)。与正常组比,有显著差异(P〈0.01)。PTBS病患检测BAEP结果显示,BAEPI波潜伏期与对照组相比差异无显著意义(P〉0.05)。BAEP其他波潜伏期及峰间期均延长,与对照组有显著差异(P〈0.001)。EEG异常越重,BAEP异常率越高,BAEP异常也越明显。结论 EEG与BAEP联合应用,可以评估脑外伤患者的预后。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the temporal response properties of different auditory cortical areas in humans. This is achieved by recording the phase-locked neural activity to white noises modulated sinusoidally in amplitude (AM) at frequencies between 4 and 128 Hz, in the left and right cortices of 20 subjects. Phase-locked neural responses are recorded in four auditory cortical areas with intracerebral electrodes, and modulation transfer functions (MTFs) are computed from these responses. A number of MTFs are bandpass in shape, demonstrating a selective encoding of AM frequencies below 64 Hz in the auditory cortex. This result provides strong physiological support to the idea that the human auditory system decomposes the temporal envelope of sounds (such as speech) into its constituting AM components. Moreover, the results show a predominant response of cortical auditory areas to the lowest AM frequencies (4-16 Hz). This range matches the range of AM frequencies crucial for speech intelligibility, emphasizing therefore the role played by these initial stations of cortical processing in the analysis of speech. Finally, the results show differences in AM sensitivity across cortical areas and hemispheres, and provide a physiological foundation for claims of functional specialization of auditory areas based on previous population measures.  相似文献   

The rat auditory cortex is divided anatomically into several areas, but little is known about the functional differences in information processing between these areas. To determine the filter properties of rat posterior auditory field (PAF) neurons, we compared neurophysiological responses to simple tones, frequency modulated (FM) sweeps, and amplitude modulated noise and tones with responses of primary auditory cortex (A1) neurons. PAF neurons have excitatory receptive fields that are on average 65% broader than A1 neurons. The broader receptive fields of PAF neurons result in responses to narrow and broadband inputs that are stronger than A1. In contrast to A1, we found little evidence for an orderly topographic gradient in PAF based on frequency. These neurons exhibit latencies that are twice as long as A1. In response to modulated tones and noise, PAF neurons adapt to repeated stimuli at significantly slower rates. Unlike A1, neurons in PAF rarely exhibit facilitation to rapidly repeated sounds. Neurons in PAF do not exhibit strong selectivity for rate or direction of narrowband one octave FM sweeps. These results indicate that PAF, like nonprimary visual fields, processes sensory information on larger spectral and longer temporal scales than primary cortex.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship of supratentorial intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CCP) with serial changes in auditory evoked brain stem responses was investigated. Eighty-one patients without primary brain stem damage admitted to our emergency unit were studied. When ICP over 50 mm Hg persisted for 4 hours, the I–V interpeak latency was significantly prolonged. The threshold of this prolongation was 8 hours for the ICP over 45 mm Hg and 24 hours for that of over 40 mm Hg. The ICP of 35–40 mm Hg for 24 hours was the border zone. CCP did not show a significant relation with I–V interpeak latency changes. The loss of wave V was observed in a wide range of the ICP (30–147 mm Hg) and CPP (0–60 mm Hg). Wave III disappeared when the ICP exceeded 50 mm Hg. Wave I became undetectable with an ICP above 50 mm Hg or a CPP below 40 mm Hg.These results indicate that an increase of ICP over 40 mm Hg definitely initiates secondary brainstem dysfunction if it lasts for more than 24 hours and that the ICP should be reduced below this level, preferably below 35 mm Hg, to maintain brain function. The fact that both low CPP and high ICP were involved in the loss of wave I clearly shows that both ischaemia and displacement of the brain stem are the important pathophysiological factors for the disappearance of wave I.  相似文献   

Several studies have identified a supramodal network critical to the reorienting of attention toward stimuli at novel locations and which involves the right temporoparietal junction and the inferior frontal areas. The present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)\magnetoencephalography (MEG) study investigates: 1) the cerebral circuit underlying attentional reorienting to spatially varying sound locations; 2) the circuit related to the regular change of sound location in the same hemifield, the change of sound location across hemifields, or sounds presented randomly at different locations on the azimuth plane; 3) functional temporal dynamics of the observed cortical areas exploiting the complementary characteristics of the fMRI and MEG paradigms. fMRI results suggest 3 distinct roles: the supratemporal plane appears modulated by variations of sound location; the inferior parietal lobule is modulated by the cross-meridian effect; and the inferior frontal cortex is engaged by the inhibition of a motor response. MEG data help to elucidate the temporal dynamics of this network by providing high-resolution time series with which to measure latency of neural activation manipulated by the reorienting of attention.  相似文献   

We aimed at testing the cortical representation of complex natural sounds within auditory cortex using human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To this end, we employed 2 different paradigms in the same subjects: a block-design experiment was to provide a localization of areas involved in the processing of animal vocalizations, whereas an event-related fMRI adaptation experiment was to characterize the representation of animal vocalizations in the auditory cortex. During the first experiment, we presented subjects with recognizable and degraded animal vocalizations. We observed significantly stronger fMRI responses for animal vocalizations compared with the degraded stimuli along the bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG). In the second experiment, we employed an event-related fMRI adaptation paradigm in which pairs of auditory stimuli were presented in 4 different conditions: 1) 2 identical animal vocalizations, 2) 2 different animal vocalizations, 3) an animal vocalization and its degraded control, and 4) an animal vocalization and a degraded control of a different sound. We observed significant fMRI adaptation effects within the left STG. Our data thus suggest that complex sounds such as animal vocalizations are represented in putatively nonprimary auditory cortex in the left STG. Their representation is probably based on their spectrotemporal dynamics rather than simple spectral features.  相似文献   

Human primary auditory cortex (PAC) is functionally organized in a tonotopic manner. Past studies have used neuroimaging to characterize tonotopic organization in PAC and found similar organization as that described in mammals. In contrast to what is known about PAC in primates and nonprimates, in humans, the structural connectivity within PAC has not been defined. In this study, stroboscopic event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was utilized to reveal mirror symmetric tonotopic organization consisting of a high-low-high frequency gradient in PAC. Furthermore, diffusion tensor tractography and probabilistic mapping was used to study projection patterns within tonotopic areas. Based on earlier physiological and histological work in nonhuman PAC, we hypothesized the existence of cross-field isofrequency (homotopic) and within-field non-isofrequency (heterotopic)-specific axonal projections in human PAC. The presence of both projections types was found in all subjects. Specifically, the number of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) reconstructed fibers projecting between high- and low-frequency regions was greater than those fibers projecting between 2 high-frequency areas, the latter of which are located in distinct auditory fields. The fMRI and DTI results indicate that functional and structural properties within early stages of the auditory processing stream are preserved across multiple mammalian species at distinct evolutionary levels.  相似文献   

Serial processing in the human somatosensory system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Although numerous anatomical and electrophysiological findings in animal studies have supported a hierarchical scheme of somatosensory processing, precise activation timings of each cortical area are not known. Therefore we examined the temporal relationship of activities among multiple cortical areas using magnetoencephalography in humans. We found activations in Brodmann's areas 3b, 4, 1, 5 and the secondary somatosensory cortex region in the right hemisphere following transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the dorsum of the left hand. The mean onset latencies of each cortical activity were 14.4, 14.5, 18.0, 22.4 and 21.7 ms, respectively. The differences of onset latencies among these activations indicated the serial mode of processing both through the postcentral gyrus and through the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices.  相似文献   

Recent studies, conducted almost exclusively in primates, have shown that several cortical areas usually associated with modality-specific sensory processing are subject to influences from other senses. Here we demonstrate using single-unit recordings and estimates of mutual information that visual stimuli can influence the activity of units in the auditory cortex of anesthetized ferrets. In many cases, these units were also acoustically responsive and frequently transmitted more information in their spike discharge patterns in response to paired visual-auditory stimulation than when either modality was presented by itself. For each stimulus, this information was conveyed by a combination of spike count and spike timing. Even in primary auditory areas (primary auditory cortex [A1] and anterior auditory field [AAF]), approximately 15% of recorded units were found to have nonauditory input. This proportion increased in the higher level fields that lie ventral to A1/AAF and was highest in the anterior ventral field, where nearly 50% of the units were found to be responsive to visual stimuli only and a further quarter to both visual and auditory stimuli. Within each field, the pure-tone response properties of neurons sensitive to visual stimuli did not differ in any systematic way from those of visually unresponsive neurons. Neural tracer injections revealed direct inputs from visual cortex into auditory cortex, indicating a potential source of origin for the visual responses. Primary visual cortex projects sparsely to A1, whereas higher visual areas innervate auditory areas in a field-specific manner. These data indicate that multisensory convergence and integration are features common to all auditory cortical areas but are especially prevalent in higher areas.  相似文献   

The localization of low-frequency sounds mainly relies on the processing of microsecond temporal disparities between the ears, since low frequencies produce little or no interaural energy differences. The overall auditory cortical response to low-frequency sounds is largely symmetrical between the two hemispheres, even when the sounds are lateralized. However, the effects of unilateral lesions in the superior temporal cortex suggest that the spatial information mediated by lateralized sounds is distributed asymmetrically across the hemispheres. This paper describes a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment, which shows that the interaural temporal processing of lateralized sounds produces an enhanced response in the contralateral planum temporale (PT). The response is stronger and extends further into adjacent regions of the inferior parietal lobe (IPL) when the sound is moving than when it is stationary. This suggests that the interaural temporal information mediated by lateralized sounds is projected along a posterior pathway comprising the PT and IPL of the respective contralateral hemisphere. The differential responses to moving sounds further revealed that the left hemisphere responded predominantly to sound movement within the right hemifield, whereas the right hemisphere responded to sound movement in both hemifields. This rightward asymmetry parallels the asymmetry associated with the allocation of visuo-spatial attention and may underlie unilateral auditory neglect phenomena.  相似文献   

In speech perception, extraction of meaning from complex streams of sounds is surprisingly fast and efficient. By tracking the neural time course of syllable processing with magnetoencephalography we show that this continuous construction of meaning-based representations is aided by both top-down (context-based) expectations and bottom-up (acoustic-phonetic) cues in the speech signal. Syllables elicited a sustained response at 200-600 ms (N400m) which became most similar to that evoked by words when the expectation for meaningful speech was increased by presenting the syllables among words and sentences or using sentence-initial syllables. This word-like cortical processing of meaningless syllables emerged at the build-up of the N400m response, 200-300 ms after speech onset, during the transition from perceptual to lexical-semantic analysis. These findings show that the efficiency of meaning-based analysis of speech is subserved by a cortical system finely tuned to lexically relevant acoustic-phonetic and contextual cues.  相似文献   

Electroencephalography is increasingly being used to probe the functional organization of auditory cortex. Modulation of the electroencephalographic (EEG) signal by tones was examined in primary auditory cortex (A1) of awake monkeys. EEG data were measured at 4 laminar depths defined by current source density profiles evoked by best frequency (BF) tones. Midlaminar multiunit activity was used to define the tuning characteristics of A1 sites. Presentation of BF tones increased EEG power across the range of frequencies examined (4-290 Hz), with maximal effects evident within the first 100 ms after stimulus onset. The largest relative increases in EEG power generally occurred at very high gamma frequency bands (130-210 Hz). Increases in EEG power for frequencies less than 70 Hz primarily represented changes in phase-locked activity, whereas increases at higher frequencies primarily represented changes in non-phase-locked activity. Power increases in higher gamma bands were better correlated with the A1 tonotopic organization than power increases in lower frequency bands. Results were similar across the 4 laminar depths examined. These findings highlight the value of examining high-frequency EEG components in exploring the functional organization of auditory cortex and may enhance interpretation of related studies in humans.  相似文献   

Summary Using the EMI computer tomographic (CT) system, EMI-1010, a series of new programmes were developed for the digital analysis of the CT images in order to make a more objective and quantitative assessment possible of two nonsurgical methods of treatment of brain tumours such as irradiation and chemotherapy.Amongst the various therapeutic effects demonstrable from the CT data, a reduction of the mass effect was found to lower the average CT number, with a dilatation of the cisterns and ventricles. In contrast, an improvement in the amount of perifocal oedema increased the average CT number of the region, however the changes in CT number of the tumour itself may be variable. The separate evaluation of these factors, therefore, gives more information about the results of the treatment than a simple analysis of the histogram of the region.Circumscribed tumours are fairly well evaluated with our programme for the statistical analysis of the volume and the CT weight of tumours and the degree of contrast enhancement using histograms and subtraction scans. For the digital analysis of the ventricular system, the subarachnoid space, perifocal oedema, and irregularly shaped infiltrating tumours, our programmes for the character-image print-out and edge correction for the partial-volume effect of skull and air are much more useful than the CRT display for data extraction and geographic-pattern recognition.  相似文献   

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