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西藏波密县易贡茶场,位于北纬30°,东经95°附近,属高山峡谷地形,谷地海拔2250m左右。谷地两侧山坡以针叶林为主,间有成片阔叶林。在易贡茶场,种植以茶树为主的经济作物,也种植玉米、青稞和小麦等农作物。在易贡河两岸的丛林草地,常可见到放牧的牛群和马群。蜱类是对人和畜都有  相似文献   

于1993年6-7月在西藏错那地区进行了小型兽类调查,共捕获动物334只,计9种,它们录属于2目,3科,6属。以对该地区小型兽类的种类组成和区系分布进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

蜱害引起家畜大批死亡的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

西藏长角血蜱产卵的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从西藏易贡采集长角血蜱,在现场实验室自然温度条件下,对该蜱产卵进行了观察。结果表明:(1)饱血长角血蜱产卵前期为7~18d,平均为11.2d。(2)产卵期为8~40d,平均为24d。(3)大多数虫体产卵高峰是在产卵开始后的第2~5d。部份个体大、体较重的虫体,在产卵开始后的第8~10d,产卵量才达到高峰。(4)饱血蜱的体重与其产卵量呈正比。饱血虫体越大、体越重,其产卵量越多。(5)雌蜱产卵结束之后,一般在一周内死亡,但个别虫体可存活长达27d之久。  相似文献   

西藏亚东、错那地区人群携带虫媒病毒抗体的流行病学调查杨秀旭,代晓红,黄祥瑞,吴庆丽,程聪,张启恩(军事医学科学院微生物学流行病学研究所北京100850)西藏亚东和错那地区处于我国西南边陲,除有终年积雪的高寒山地外,还有森林密布、杂草丛生的灌木丛,地形...  相似文献   

类鼻疽是由类鼻疽甲单胞菌(Pseudom on as pseu do ma llei)引起的自然疫源性疾病,主要发生热带地区,近年来逐渐扩大到温带地区,如法国,伊朗等地,本菌存在于流行区的土壤和死水中,可通过伤口,呼吸道感染引起急性和慢性疾病,本病临床表现比较复杂,诊断治疗比较困难。 为了证实察隅地区是否有类鼻疽的存在,为边境地区防治本病提供依据,1992年6—8月份,我们对西藏察隅地区自然疫源性疾病进行了定点调查,共采集人群血清标本1079份,现将类鼻疽血清抗体调查结果报告如下:  相似文献   

1991—1992年6—9月期间对拉萨、错那、亚东三地区军民生活饮用水卫生细菌学共26份采水地区海拔2890—4380m;进行细菌总数,大肠菌群数、主要细菌种类调查,现报告如下。 材料与方法 拉萨地区采水样10份,其中井水1份,自来水8份,山沟水1份;错那采山沟水8份;亚东采山沟水7份,雨水1份。全部样品均按GB5750—85生活饮用水标准检验法进行检测。细菌培养和鉴定采用接种血液琼脂表面后,分离纯菌株按革兰氏染色,生化反应,血清学试验进行鉴定。  相似文献   

西藏察隅河谷人群蜱传斑点热血清流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜱传斑点热是由立克次氏体引起的一种呈全球性分布的自然疫源性疾病。我国东北和新疆存在本病自然疫源地早有文献记载。我国毗邻的印度西北部也有本病存在。近年华北、福建相继也有报道。目前西藏地区尚无本病资料记载。为了探索西藏察隅河谷地区有无本病及其自然疫源地存在,我们于1992年6—8月对该地区进行血清流行病学调查,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 调查湖北省东北部地区蜱携带的立克次体.方法 对采集的蜱种类进行鉴定,提取单个蜱总DNA,采用巢式PCR对DNA样本做斑点热群(SFGR)、无形体属(Anaplasma spp.)和埃立克体属(Ehrlichia spp.)、柯克斯体属(Coxiella spp.)、贝氏柯克斯体(Coxiella burnetii...  相似文献   

米林县位于西藏自治区的东南部,是中印边界的前哨,地理位置十分重要,搞好该地区自然疫源性疾病调查,对于边境地区军民健康和国民经济建设具有重要意义。 流行性乙型脑炎(Epiedmic encephalitis BEEB)简称乙脑,是由乙型脑炎病毒引起的,以三带喙库蚊为主要传播媒介的自然疫源性疾病,为了证实米林地区是否有EEB的存在,为边境地区防治本病提供依据,1993年6~8月份,我们对西藏米林地区自然疫源性疾病进行了定点调查,共采集人群血清标本675份,现将EEB血清流行病学研究结果报告如下。  相似文献   

1992年5~8月在西藏亚东地区进行了小型兽类调查,共捕获521只,计10种;它们分别隶属于3目,6科,7属。对其区系组成和分布作了描述和分析。  相似文献   


Ill‐health has been reported by many soldiers and others deployed in the Persian Gulf during the Gulf War of 1991. Iraqi children have also been reported as suffering from an undiagnosed wasting disease. Little conclusive information has come to light; this paper reviews what is known at present, largely from anecdotal reports. Symptoms reported differ from post‐traumatic stress syndrome as reported after previous conflicts; some are suggestive of a direct effect on the immune system. Various possible causes are examined, including post‐traumatic stress disorder, infection, prophylactic medication, exposure to chemical and biological warfare agents, exposures resulting from oil spills and fires, and exposure to depleted uranium ammunition. The latter was used extensively for the first time in the Gulf War, and is manufactured and test‐fired in Britain. The passive role of the British government in following up such reports is noted, in contrast with the more active official responses in the United States. It is suggested that Desert Storm Syndrome is one example of multiple assault upon the body's immune system.  相似文献   



To describe the incidence, prevalence, severity, mechanism and body region of injuries in elite junior Australian football (AF) players over one competitive season in order to help inform injury prevention interventions.


Prospective cohort, data collected during the 2014 playing season.


Player and staff-reported injuries sustained by 562 players from an under-18 state league were entered into an online sports injury surveillance system. An injury was recorded if it led to a missed training session or match. Injury incidence was calculated as the number of injuries per 1000 h of training and competition. Injury severity was defined by the number of days players missed training or competition. Injury mechanism was identified as either contact, non-contact or overuse.


There were 1192 football-related injuries sustained during the season; the majority (n = 1041, 87.3%) were new, occurred during competition (n = 954, 86%) and led to 4–7 missed days in severity (n = 429, 46%). Injury incidence was 37.2 injuries per 1000 h of exposure. Over half of injuries were contact in mechanism (n = 355, 51%). Most injuries were to the lower limb (n = 720, 60%), with the thigh representing the highest proportion of these.


This study provides key information as to the aetiology of injury in this level of competition and provides a stronger foundation from which injury prevention studies could be carried out. Future research is well-placed to develop an understanding of the injury risk factors in the elite junior cohort, whilst also reducing injury risk once players transition to the AFL.  相似文献   

Data of the injury knowledge and technical needs of registered coaches of junior Rugby Union teams in the Townsville district junior Rugby Union (North Queensland) were collected via a questionnaire mailed to coaches to determine the knowledge of the management, risk and protective factors of injury. A total of 35 completed self-administered questionnaires were returned in March 2003 for a response rate of 100%. Half of all coaches (54%, n=18) identified the upper limb of the tackler as the body part most likely to be injured in a tackle and one-quarter (26%, n=9) identified the lower limb of the ball carrier. Half (46%, n=16) of coaches identified rest/ice/compression/elevation as the treatment for soft tissue injury. The total injury knowledge score increased with the total number of seasons coached (Spearman's r(s)=0.401, p=0.017). Coaches with a current first aid qualification were more likely to identify rest/ice/compression/elevation as the treatment for soft tissue injury (Fishers Exact test, p=0.002). The results of this survey demonstrate that coaches of junior Rugby Union teams require education of the mechanisms of injury and procedures for the early management of minor and soft tissue in Rugby Union coaching courses.  相似文献   

青藏高原高原鼠兔肌红蛋白(MGB)基因编码区的克隆与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:克隆青藏高原高原鼠兔肌红蛋白(MGB)基因编码区,并分析其序列特征。方法:采用RT—PCR技术从高原鼠兔骨骼肌中扩增出MGB基因编码区cDNA序列并进行序列测定,采用生物信息学技术对其进行分析。结果:MGB基因编码区由465bp组成,编码154个氨基酸。在根据cDNA推测出的高原鼠兔MGB氨基酸序列中,发现两个不同于Dene等根据氨基酸直接测序所报道的美洲地区高原鼠兔MGB的多态性位点。结论:成功克隆出青藏高原高原鼠兔MGB基因编码区,为进一步了解高原鼠兔低氧适应的分子机制提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

青年人肺癌(42例临床分析)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
军事医学科学院附属医院肿瘤科1978年6月至1993年9月住院治疗的青年人肺癌42例,占同期住院肺癌病人的8.7%(42/485)。男性33例,女性9例,年龄20-39岁,中位年龄35岁。误诊较为常见,本组为76.2%,从首发症状到确诊平均3.1月。最常见的误诊疾病为肺结核和呼吸道感染。本组病理分类以小细胞肺癌最多(61.9%),其次是腺癌和鳞状上皮癌。除3例病人进行手术外,其余39例病人均以放疗和化疗为主进行综合治疗。治疗结果:中位生存期13个月,1年生存率50.85%,2年生存率18.42%,3年生存率3.42%。至今生存5例.  相似文献   

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