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本文研究了人工合成的雄激素-R1881对三例正常男性及一例睾丸女性化(testicularfeminization,tfm)综合征患者外阴部皮肤成纤维细胞(genitalskinfibroblasts,GSF)系雄激素受体(AR)的影响。实验表明,R1881均可增加上述细胞系AR的水平。当正常GSF和患者GSF(GSFtfm3)与5nmol/L的R1881预温育24h后,其AR水平分别增至1.96倍(为三个正常GSF系的平均值)及1.8倍。这种增加具有时间、浓度依赖性及可逆性,表明雄激素可正向调节这些细胞系AR的水平。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of ketoconazole on adrenal androgen secretion was examined in 15 patients with elevated serum androgens. In a dose of 600 mg per day orally ketoconazole inhibited the biosynthesis of all measured androgens. The mean reduction in serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate was 32%, of dehydroepiandrosterone 54%, of androstenedione 52%, and of testosterone 43%; mean serum levels of cortisol only fell by 19%. The reduction in serum androgen levels was first significant 24 h after beginning of treatment and persisted as long as the drug was administered. We conclude that ketoconazole inhibits adrenal androgen biosynthesis more pronouncedly than cortisol biosynthesis. This might be of clinical benefit in the treatment of hirsutism and other states of androgen hypersecretion.Abbreviations CV coefficient of variation - MV mean value - SEM standard error of the mean - f female - m male - K ketoconazole - ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone - DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone - DHEAS dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate - A androstenedione - T testosterone - F cortisol - P progesterone - H hirsutism - C Cushing's disease - EAS ectopic ACTH syndrome - ATU adrenal tumor  相似文献   

The androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked form of male pseudohermaphroditism caused by mutations in the androgen receptor (AR) gene. In the present study, we analyzed the AR gene in 8 patients, 4 sporadic and 2 familial cases with the syndrome, using exon-specific polymerase chain reaction, single-stranded conformational polymorphism and sequencing analysis and identified six new single base mutations, including one nonsense mutation at the hinge region of the receptor. These molecular lesions occurred in the steroid-binding domain (SBD) and all but one affected the first nucleotide of their respective codons. A nonsense mutation in exon 4, which converts a glutamine into a premature termination signal (Q657stop), a missense mutation changing arginine instead of glycine (G743R) and a conservative substitution of leucine with valine at amino acid 830 (L830V) were detected in patients with CAIS. Three other missense mutations located in exons 4 (L701I), 5 (A765S), and 6 (Q802R) were present in individuals bearing a partial form of AIS. These data allow us to reaffirm the view that nonsense mutations in the AR results almost invariably in a CAIS phenotype and underly the importance of the SBD for the AR functional activity.  相似文献   

The prevalence of EHV-2 in 27 horses with keratoconjunctivitis and 21 clinically healthy horses of different ages and stocks were analyzed. We demonstrated that EHV-2 was present in 12 keratoconjunctivitis cases as shown by nested PCR on ocular swabs. This is statistically more often than in the control group, where only two ocular swabs were EHV-2 positive. Cocultivation was successful on peripheral blood leukocytes of healthy and diseased horses but not on swabs. We isolated ten EHV-2 strains from diseased and nine from control horses, whereas 16 isolates showed different restriction enzyme patterns. The results of immunfluorescence and neutralization tests are predictory only in combination with the nested PCR data on ocular swabs. A successful antiviral treatment in nine out of 16 cases supports the aetiological role of EHV-2 in this ocular disease.  相似文献   

We have discovered in the X-linked androgen receptor gene a single nucleotide substitution that is the putative cause of complete androgen insensitivity (resistance) in a family with affected individuals in 2 generations. Earlier studies on the family indicated cosegregation of mutant phenotype and the RFLPs at the loci DXS1 and DXYS1. The mutation is an adenine-to-thymine transversion in exon 8 that changes the sense of codon 882 from lysine to an amber (UAG) translation termination signal. The substitution creates a recognition sequence for the restriction endonuclease MaeI: this permits ready recognition of hemizygotes and heterozygotes after amplification of genomic exon 8 by the polymerase chain reaction. The mutation predicts the synthesis of a truncated receptor that lacks 36 amino acids at the carboxy terminus of its 252-amino acids androgen-binding domain. The cultured genital skin fibroblasts of the one affected patient examined have normal levels of androgen receptor mRNA, but negligible androgen-receptor binding activity. These results accord with a variety of data from spontaneous and artificial mutations indicating that all portions of the steroid binding domain contribute to normal steroid binding by a steroid receptor.  相似文献   

We have identified androgen receptor (AR) gene mutations in eight Australian subjects with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS). Four individuals, from three families, have novel mutations that introduce premature termination codons. Two siblings have the nonsense mutation Glu681X, and another subject has the nonsense mutation p.Ser884X. The other subject has a CA insertion at codon 829 (c.2847_2848insCA), causing a frameshift mutation that introduces four nonsense amino acids prior to a Stop codon. All the termination codons occur in the ligand binding domain, and cause reduced androgen binding in patient genital skin fibroblasts. Four further patients have missense mutations. One subject has two different mutations, p.Ala645Asp in the hinge region of the receptor, and p.Arg752Gln in the ligand binding domain. Both these mutations have previously been reported in patients with AIS, but the combination of these two mutations in one subject is unique. Another subject has a novel c.2533G>C transversion at the first nucleotide in exon 5, introducing the amino acid change p.Gly724Ala at a highly conserved residue in the ligand binding domain. Androgen binding is normal in fibroblasts from this subject, although other point mutations at this amino acid totally abolish binding. Two other subjects have mutations previously described as causing AIS, namely p.Arg779Trp and p.Val889Met substitutions in the ligand binding domain of the receptor. The p.Arg779Trp mutation is associated with the detection of a truncated AR protein in this patient's fibroblasts, suggesting the mutation renders the receptor susceptible to proteolysis.  相似文献   

目的 对完全型雄激素不敏感综合征一家系雄激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)基因进行突变检测;并对发现突变的基因进行分析.方法 应用PCR扩增、DNA序列测定等技术分析所有AR基因外显子及其邻近DNA序列片段;应用核苷酸内切酶诊断方法观察其是否存在于正常人群;应用跨物种比对方法探讨突变所在位置的保守性.结果 3例患者AR基因第4外显子均发生E681D(GAG→GAT)错义突变,患者母亲为此突变杂合子携带者;患者父亲未见异常;正常人群未发现AR基因E681D突变;681位谷氨酸在不同物种间高度保守.结论 AR基因E681D(GAG→GAT)突变可能是导致完全型雄激素不敏感综合征新的突变方式.  相似文献   

目的:为血管化自体下颌下腺部分游离移植治疗重症干眼病微创手术提供形态学依据.方法:在30侧经红色乳胶灌注的成人标本上,对下颌下腺腺体的体积、下颌下腺导管的长度及腺体周围动静脉腺支血管的走行、分布、毗邻关系等显微解剖特点进行了较为详细的观测.结果:下颌下腺分为浅部和深部.浅部体积约为(1.77±0.53)cm3;深部体积约为(1.08±0.84)cm3.下颌下腺导管由下颌下腺浅部的深面发出,长约5 cm.营养下颌下腺的最丰要血供来源为面动脉和颏下动脉.下颌下腺的主要同流静脉是面静脉.结论:根据下颌下腺导管、下颌下腺及周围动静脉腺支的解剖点,提示在采用血管化自体下颌下腺游离移植治疗重症干眼病的手术时,可以将带血管的下颌下腺浅部及导管移植至颞部.术式经标本模拟具有可行性.  相似文献   

Recent research provides a much more detailed understanding of the role of the androgen receptor in normal human development and physiology, its structure, and its functioning. This review discusses genomic and non-genomic actions of the androgen receptor, as well as their co-regulators. We also explore several clinically relevant aspects of the molecular biology of the androgen receptor and its co-regulators.  相似文献   

A study was performed to evaluate nested PCR (nPCR) versus viral cultures as method and tear film versus corneal scrapings as specimen in the diagnosis of viral keratoconjunctivitis. Tear film specimens were taken from both eyes and corneal scrapings from the affected eye only in 17 patients with suspected viral keratoconjunctivitis. In 15 of the 17 patients the viral agent of the infection could be detected: 11 patients had herpes simplex virus type 1, two varicella-zoster virus, one both herpes simplex Virus type 1 and varicella-zoster virus, and one adenovirus. Overall there was no significant difference between the detection rate for corneal scrapings (85%) and tear film (75%). In both types of specimens nPCR showed a higher detection rate than viral cultures (corneal scrapings: 87.5% vs 31.25%; tear film: 75% vs 12.5%;P 0.05). For the diagnosis of keratoconjunctivitis nPCR is superior to viral culture and tear film is an adequate sample that is easier to collect, causing the patient less discomfort.  相似文献   

Chronic dry eye (keratitis sicca) is a significant problem that in certain populations can result in corneal desiccation and the potential for blindness. Therefore, novel treatments for such disorders might decrease patient morbidity. The present study aimed to investigate a potential treatment for chronic dry eye via a cadaveric feasibility study. On 10 cadaveric sides, the parotid gland branch of the auriculotemporal nerve (ATN) was identified and anastomosed to an anterior superficial temporal branch (STb) of this same nerve. The STb was then transposed anteriorly and sutured to the lacrimal gland. The parotid branch of the ATN was easily identified on all sides. The STb of the ATN was easily identified and mobilized on all sides. This latter nerve had adequate length to be moved to the ipsilateral lacrimal gland on all sides. Rerouting parotid gland secretomotor fibers to the superficial branch of the ATN and then moving this branch to the lacrimal gland is a feasible surgical maneuver based on our cadaveric study. Clinical studies are now necessary to show utility of this procedure in patients with chronic dry eye. Clin. Anat. 30:839–843, 2017. © 2017Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 对1例完全型雄激素不敏感综合征(complete androgen insensitivity syndrom,CAIS)的雄激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)基因进行分析,寻找致病突变.方法 提取外周血全基因组DNA,扩增位于X染色体上的AR基因所有8个外显子及邻近外显子与内含子之间的剪切位点DNA序列,对扩增片段直接进行DNA序列测定,与基因库中的序列进行比对.结果 该病例AR基因第1外显子的441位密码子发生无义突变(GAA→TAA),由编码谷氨酸(Glu)变为终止密码,导致雄激素受体蛋白翻译至441位时终止,产生没有功能的氨基酸多肽残段.结论 Glu441stop(GAA→TAA)是一种导致CAIS的AR基因新的突变方式,之前在世界范围内均未见报道,丰富了AR基因突变谱,增加对CAIS发病机制的了解.
Objective To identify the mutation of human androgen receptor gene(AR) in a patient with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS). Methods DNA sequences of 8 exons and their exon/intron boundaries of the AR gene in the patient were amplified by PCR and directly sequenced. Results DNA sequencing revealed a nonsense mutation in exon 1, resulting in a change of codon 441 GAA (glutamic acid) to a stop codon (TAA). Conclusion A novel mutation Glu441stop (GAA to TAA) of the androgen receptor gene leading to complete androgen insensitivity syndrome was identified in this study in a Chinese patient. It may help us further understanding the pathogenesis of CAIS.  相似文献   

Androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a major cause of male pseudohermaphroditism (MPH). Although AIS is usually reported as a monogenic disease resulting from androgen receptor (AR) mutations, on rare occasions it has been observed as part of a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome. We report here a patient who was the first newborn girl of an unrelated couple. Shortly after birth, the diagnoses of congenital glaucoma and pyloric stenosis were made. A detailed history of the father's family revealed that nine members presented glaucoma before 40 years of age. Clinical and ultrasound evaluation showed two inguinal testes, with female external genitalia and no Mullerian derivatives. The patient had a 46,XY karyotype, good testicular response to gonadotrophin stimulation and a remarkably high T : dihydrotestosterone ratio. Sequencing of the five exons of the 5alpha-reductase type 2 gene (SRD5A2) was normal. Conversely, a de novo point mutation was found in exon 6 of the AR gene, resulting in an F804L substitution, which has never been described previously. To our knowledge, the association of complete AIS, congenital glaucoma and pyloric stenosis has also never been reported previously.  相似文献   

Androgen insensitivity syndromes (AIS) are due to end-organ resistance to androgenic steroids in males leading to defective virilization of the external genitalia. The phenotype encompasses a wide array of genital ambiguity and may range from completely female to undervirilized but unequivocally male with infertility. This disorder is caused by mutations of the androgen receptor and is an X-linked recessive trait. We have studied 47 patients with AIS and have characterized the underlying molecular abnormality in the androgen receptor gene. Twenty patients had complete AIS and twenty-seven had partial AIS. Of the latter, 11 were of predominantly female phenotypic appearance and gender was assigned accordingly, while 16 were raised as males. Within the group of complete AIS, two patients had gross deletions within the gene, one had a small deletion, and one had an insertion. In the other patients with complete AIS, as well as all individuals with partial AIS, single nucleotide substitutions within the coding region were detected, each leading to an amino acid alteration. Seven codons were involved in more than one mutation in different cases. In addition, in one patient with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy, an elongation of a glutamine-repeat was characterized. We conclude that mutations in the androgen receptor gene may be present throughout the whole coding region. However, our study provides evidence that several mutational hot spots exist. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

前列腺癌雄激素受体表达与细胞凋亡的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨前列腺癌雄激素受体与细胞凋亡的关系及其生物学特性,方法:56例前列腺癌和20例良性前列腺增生症,应用免疫组化方法检测石蜡蜡包埋的组织切片中雄激素受体(AR)表达和应用原位末端标记技术(TUNEL)检测细胞凋亡指数(AI)。结果:AR在良恶性前列腺组织中的表达差异无显著性(P>0.05)。AR和AI与前列腺癌Gleason分级无关。AI在前列腺癌组织中的表达明显高于良性前列腺增生症(P<0.05),AR阳性的前列腺癌AI亦明显高于AR阴性的前列腺癌。结论:前列腺癌组织中AR的表达可诱导其细胞凋亡,并对前列腺癌的功能性分类和内分泌治疗的疗效判断具有实用的临床意义。  相似文献   

Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked recessive genetic syndrome that occurs as result of an androgen receptor mutation; it affects the normal masculinization process in chromosomal male patients. More than 900 androgen receptor mutations that can lead to AIS have been identified. The complete androgen insensitivity is characterized by a total lack of response to androgens, usually in patients with 46XY karyotype but with feminine phenotype. Primary amenorrhoea and inguinal swellings in female patients are the main signs that could raise suspicion for this syndrome. Patients with partial androgen insensitivity have ambiguous genitalia at birth and gynecomastia during puberty, whereas those with mild androgen insensitivity present a normal male phenotype but altered spermatogenesis during adulthood and pubertal gynecomastia. The diagnosis of AIS often proves to be a challenge; its management is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach to meet decision-making challenges in sex assignment, fertility and timing of gonadectomy, psychological outcomes and genetic counselling.  相似文献   

Rapid detection of a mutation hot-spot in the human androgen receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutations of the human androgen receptor gene may disturb sexual development in males, and are inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. The vast majority of the mutations are familial. We have identified a large kindred with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) without detectable androgen-binding in genital skin fibroblasts. A single nucleotide substitution (C-to-T transition) was identified, resulting in an Arg855 to Cys in the androgen binding domain. To date, four independent CAIS families have been reported with this specific mutation that coincides with the propensity of cytosines at CpG dinucleotides to methylate. An allele-specific oligo-nucleotide assay was developed that allowed for the rapid and specific identification of this mutation hot-spot in individuals with androgen receptor incensitivity syndromes.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) signaling pathway plays an important role during the development of the normal prostate gland, but also during the progression of prostate cancer on androgen ablation therapy. Mutations in the AR gene emerge to keep active the AR signaling pathway and to support prostate cancer cells growth and survival despite the low levels of circulating androgens. Indeed, mutations affecting the ligand binding domain (LBD) of the AR have been shown to generate so-called "promiscuous" receptors that present widened ligand specificity and allow the stimulation of these receptors by a larger spectrum of endogenous hormones. Another class of mutations, arising in the amino-terminal domain (NTD) of the receptor, modulate AR interactions with coregulators involved in cell proliferation regulation. Besides characteristics of these well-known types of mutations, the properties of other classes of AR mutants recently described in prostate cancer are currently under investigation. Most interestingly, in addition to their potential role in the mechanisms which allow prostate cancer cells to escape androgen ablation therapy, data suggest that certain AR mutations are present early in the natural history of the disease and may play a role in many aspects of prostate cancer progression. Surprisingly, singular truncated AR devoid of their carboxy-terminal end (CTE) region seem to exert specific paracrine effects and to induce a clonal cooperation with neighboring prostate cancer cells, which may facilitate both the invasion and metastasis processes. In this article, we review the functional properties of different classes of AR mutants and their potential impact on the natural history of prostate cancer. Hum Mutat 0, 1-14, 2008. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wang Q, Ghadessy FJ, Yong EL. Analysis of the transactivation domain of the androgen receptor in patients with male infertility. Clin Genet 1998: 54: 185–192. 0 Munksgaard, 1998
Genetic defects of the human androgen receptor (AR) can cause a wide spectrum of androgen insensitivity syndromes (AIS) in XY individuals ranging from phenotypic females, to defective spermatogenesis in otherwise normal males. We screened the non-polymorphic regions of exon 1, transactivation domain (TAD), of the AR gene in 153 subjects with varying degrees of defective spermatogenesis of unknown aetiology, and compared them to 100 healthy fertile controls. Three different single-strand conformation polymorphisms were detected and sequencing of the mutant fragments revealed three G+A transitions in codons 210, 211 and 214. The first two mutations were polymorphisms and the transition in codon 211 was related to ethnic origin occurring in 10–15% of Indian or Middle-Eastern subjects, but not in the majority of Chinese. The third mutation resulted in a non-conservative glycine to arginine substitution at codon 214 (G214R) and was associated with ˜ 20% lower transactivation capacity compared to the wild-type (WT). This study, the first screening of the AR TAD for subtle mutations, in a large group of males with defective spermatogenesis, has uncovered novel polymorphisms which may be useful in ethnic studies. Although a possible pathogenic mutation was uncovered, mutations of the non-polymorphic portions of the TAD of the AR do not appear to have a major role in the aetiology of idiopathic male infertility.  相似文献   

目的 对1例完全型雄激素不敏感综合征(complete androgen insensitivity syndrom,CAIS)的雄激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)基因进行分析,寻找致病突变.方法 提取外周血全基因组DNA,扩增位于X染色体上的AR基因所有8个外显子及邻近外显子与内含子之间的剪切位点DNA序列,对扩增片段直接进行DNA序列测定,与基因库中的序列进行比对.结果 该病例AR基因第1外显子的441位密码子发生无义突变(GAA→TAA),由编码谷氨酸(Glu)变为终止密码,导致雄激素受体蛋白翻译至441位时终止,产生没有功能的氨基酸多肽残段.结论 Glu441stop(GAA→TAA)是一种导致CAIS的AR基因新的突变方式,之前在世界范围内均未见报道,丰富了AR基因突变谱,增加对CAIS发病机制的了解.  相似文献   

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