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13例房性心动过速(简称房速)腔内电生理检查证实10例为折返性,2例为自律性增高,1例为心房扑动。分布于冠状静脉窦口附近8例、右房侧壁2例、右心耳部1例、左上肺静脉口部1例。房速时标测心房最早激动点A波较体表心电图领先30ms处消融房速终止。心房扑动患者于三尖瓣峡部消融成功。随访3~24个月,1例复发后重复消融再次成功。  相似文献   

目的:报道起源于三尖瓣环上的房性心动过速(房速)的电生理特点和射频消融结果。方法:根据成功靶点影像位置和靶点图A:V比值,5例房速起源于三尖瓣环。结果:5例房速心动过速平均周长(340.2±30.5)ms,心房刺激可以诱发和终止心动过速,3例心室刺激可以诱发, 三磷酸腺苷可以终止所有心动过速。成功靶点图的A:V之比为0.7±0.9,3例位于右侧游离壁,2例为右后游离壁,5 例均消融成功。结论:部分房速可以起源于三尖瓣环并可以被成功地消融。  相似文献   

房性心动过速的起源部位及心电图特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过常规方法或三维电解剖标测系统(CARTO)精确定位26例房性心动过速(简称房速)的起源部位,右房起源房速23例:界嵴5例,冠状静脉窦口5例,房间隔右侧3例,Koch三角2例,右心耳1例,上腔静脉1例,余右房各壁各1例。左房起源房速3例均为右上肺静脉。V1导联P波双向或负向者房速多起源于右房;P波正向或双向的房速起源于左房;aVL导联及Ⅰ导联P波正向对诊断右房房速有意义。  相似文献   

总结5例房性心动过速的电生理特点,探讨提高导管射频消融成功率的标测与消融方法。男1例、女4例,平时心电图正常,心动过速发作时心室率150~220bpm,RP>PR。大头电极在右房内标测到最早的心房激动点,在心动过速时放电。2例在冠状窦口附近、2例在右房侧壁(双大头法标测)消融成功,靶点局部电位较体表心电图的P波提前29ms以上;1例窦房折返性心动过速,消融失败。结果表明:激动标测是最基本的方法,结合拖带或隐匿性拖带、起搏标测、机械阻断等选择靶点的方法可以提高成功率;适当选择双大头法标测能够缩短手术时间。  相似文献   

房性心动过速的射频消融治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨房性心动过速 (简称房速 )的电生理机制、标测方法及射频消融结果。 2 3例房速 :右房房速 15例 ;左房房速 8例 ,其中左上肺静脉口房速 3例、右上肺静脉口房速 2例、左下肺静脉口下方房速 1例、右下肺静脉口下方房速 2例。结果 :15例右房房速成功 13例 ,成功率为 87% ;左房房速 8例全部成功 ,成功率为 10 0 % ,总成功率为91.3%。成功消融靶点的A波较体表心电图P′波提前 44± 6ms。随访 2~ 36个月 ,无复发。结论 :射频消融治疗房速 (包括左房非经典部位房速 )是一种安全有效的方法  相似文献   

目的报道9例起源于冠状静脉窦口附近的房性心动过速(简称房速)。方法回顾分析2005年11月至2009年1月行射频消融治疗的59例房速患者,发现9例起源于冠状静脉窦口。其定义为标测的最早激动点位于冠状静脉窦口周1 cm范围以内的区域并在此消融成功。结果9例靶点局部A波激动时间领先体表P波起点39±12(30~53)m s。房速体表P波具有以下特点:Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联P波呈负向波,I导联呈等电位线或低幅正向波,aVL导联呈正向波,多数病例V1导联P波前半部分为等电位线,后半部分为正向波,胸前导联P波由右向左在V3~V6导联逐渐移行为负向。结论冠状静脉窦口是右房房速的一个重要起源点,其体表心电图有明确特征。  相似文献   

4例经主动脉无冠状窦内射频消融成功的房性心动过速(简称房速),其体表心电图P波特点:4例Ⅰ和aVL导联P′波正向;2例Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联P波呈负正双向,1例呈浅倒置,1例在基线水平;4例V1导联P′波呈负正双向。房速时无冠状窦标测到最早的A波,较His束电位提前15~20ms,较体表P波起始领先32~40ms。在无冠状窦内消融成功,随访3~21个月,房速无复发。  相似文献   

目的总结分析心脏病外科术后右房起源房性心动过速(简称房速)的标测及射频消融结果。方法共入选27例心脏外科术后持续性右房房速患者,在心动过速状态下采用三维电解剖标测系统建立右房激动标测图和电压图,标示出疤痕区及双电位区,并揭示心动过速的机制。根据标测结果选择心动过速的关键峡部或起源点进行消融。结果心动过速机制分为以下几种类型:单环折返包括右房峡部依赖性心房扑动(15例)和切口折返性房速(5例);双环折返性房速(3例);两种以上机制(包括局灶性)的复杂房速(4例)。术中即时手术成功率100%。随访过程中5例复发房速,3例再次消融成功。结论心脏外科术后右房房速多数与外科手术切口疤痕相关,在三维电解剖标测系统指导下射频消融治疗效果满意。  相似文献   

房性心动过速 (房速 ,atrialtachycardia)是临床上相对常见的快速性心律失常 ,多数伴有器质性心脏病 ,少数呈特发性。特发性房速常起源于界嵴、房间隔及肺静脉入口等好发部位[1.2 .3] 。本文介绍 2例起源于右后间隔的特发性房速 ,探讨其发生的可能电生理机制及导管射频消融的体会图 1左图为病例 1心动过速 12导心电图 ,其心动周期为 40 0ms(纸速 :2 5mm/s) ;中图为心动过速时激动标测的靶点图 ,靶图A波较体表最早激动P′波提前 2 7ms(纸速 :10 0mm/s) ;右图为靶点处以 40 0ms起搏时的 12导心电图 ,图中可见起搏时P′波形态与心动过速时的P…  相似文献   

We report a patient with re-entrant atrial tachycardia that originated at the inferolateral tricuspid annulus. Single atrial extra-stimulation reproducibly induced the atrial tachycardia with an inverse relationship between the coupling interval of extra-stimulation and the return cycle of the first tachycardia beat. A real-time three-dimensional electroanatomical mapping showed focal atrial activation spreading semi-radially from the tricuspid annulus. The tachycardia was successfully eliminated by radiofrequency ablation at the earliest atrial activation site, preceding by 27 ms the arbitrary determined onset of surface P wave. An accelerated atrial rhythm with similar P-wave morphology to that of the tachycardia was observed at the successful ablation site during radiofrequency application. The mechanism of this tachycardia seems to be due to re-entry originating in or around the possible accessory atrioventricular node without ventricular connection.  相似文献   

目的总结起源于三尖瓣环附近的室性心律失常的射频消融及心电图特征。方法 15例患者,根据心电图和/或动态心电图诊断为室性心动过速(VT)或频发室性早搏(VPC),均接受心脏电生理检查及射频消融治疗。消融成功后,结合靶点分布区域分析体表心电图。结果 15例消融均获成功,根据消融导管的X线影像特征及腔内电图判断均起源于三尖瓣环附近,不同区域起源的VT/VPC心电图表现各具特征,QRS波时限140 ms、肢体导联见切迹、V1导联可见正向起始波及胸前导联移行区间≥V4判断起源于游离壁的特异度分别为100%、100%、100%、91.7%,敏感度分别为81.8%、90.9%、81.8%、100%。结论射频消融是治疗三尖瓣环附近起源的室性心律的安全、有效方法,心电图表现具其特征。  相似文献   

经主动脉无冠窦内射频消融局灶性房性心动过速   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨起源于主动脉无冠窦或其邻近组织的局灶性房性心动过速(简称房速)心脏电生理特点及经射频导管消融方法。方法 13例患者男3例,女10例,年龄52.7±9.8岁,阵发性房速病史4.2±4.5年。心房刺激诱发房速后,分析体表心电图P′波特点并于右房及主动脉无冠窦内进行激动标测。均于无冠窦内进行射频消融治疗。结果 13例心房刺激均能反复诱发或终止房速,平均周长340.9±46.0ms,房速时P′波时限77.8±14.4ms,明显短于窦性心律时P波时限111.2±10.3ms(P0.05)。常规激动标测,所有患者于His束处标测到相对提前的心房激动。经主动脉逆行方法 ,所有患者于无冠窦内标测到心房激动较His束处的心房激动提前9.3±6.1ms,放电1~2次于2~8s内终止房速。随访3~36个月,无复发病例及手术相关合并症。结论起源于主动脉无冠窦或其邻近组织的房速具有窄P′波及常规标测相对提前的心房激动位于His束处的特点。经主动脉无冠窦内标测消融是一种根治此类房速安全有效的方法 。  相似文献   

目的评估起源点邻近二尖瓣环的频发室性早搏(简称室早)体表心电图特点及射频消融治疗效果。方法10例频发室早患者接受常规电生理检查及射频消融治疗,对所有病例12导联体表心电图进行分析。结果10例室早均消融成功,并证实起源点邻近二尖瓣环的不同部位,根据成功消融靶点将本组病例分为3组,二尖瓣环前侧壁组(4例)、二尖瓣环后侧壁组(3例)、二尖瓣环后间隔组(3例)。所有病例胸前导联R波移行区位于V1~V2导联,绝大部分病例V6导联可见s波。对各组二尖瓣环室早心电图做进一步比较,可概括出系列心电图判断指标用以估计消融靶点的部位。结论射频消融治疗起源点邻近二尖瓣环的频发室早可取得良好效果,掌握其体表心电图特点有助于判定室早的起源部位。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Idiopathic ventricular tachycardias (VTs) and premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) arising from the tricuspid annulus have been reported. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to clarify the prevalence and characteristics of VT/PVCs originating from the tricuspid annulus. METHODS: The ECG characteristics and results of radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation were analyzed in 454 patients with idiopathic VT/PVCs. RESULTS: Thirty-eight (8%) patients had VT/PVCs arising from the tricuspid annulus: 28 VT/PVCs (74%) originated from the septal portion of the tricuspid annulus and the remaining 10 (26%) from the free wall of the tricuspid annulus. QRS duration and Q-wave amplitude in each of leads V1-V3 were greater in VT/PVCs arising from the free wall of the tricuspid annulus than those from the septum of the tricuspid annulus (all P < .01). "Notching" of the QRS complex was observed more often in VT/PVCs arising from the free wall of the tricuspid annulus than those from the septum of the tricuspid annulus (P < .01). A Q wave in lead V1 was observed more often in VT/PVCs arising from the septum of the tricuspid annulus than those from the free wall of the tricuspid annulus (P < .005). R-wave transition occurred beyond lead V3 more often in VT/PVCs arising from the free wall of the tricuspid annulus than those from the septum of the tricuspid annulus (P < .005). RF catheter ablation eliminated 90% of the VT/PVCs arising from the free wall of the tricuspid annulus but only 57% of the VT/PVCs arising from septum of the tricuspid annulus. CONCLUSION: Idiopathic VT/PVCs arising from tricuspid annulus are not rare, and the detailed origin can be determined by ECG analysis. The preferential site of origin was the septum but also could be the free wall of the tricuspid annulus.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Focal right atrial tachycardia (RAT) arising from the crista terminalis, para-Hisian, and coronary sinus os regions are well described. Less information exists regarding RAT arising from the nonseptal region of the tricuspid annulus (TA). METHODS AND RESULTS: From a consecutive series of 64 patients who had undergone successful radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of 67 RATs, the characteristics of 9 (13%) patients (6 men; mean age 50 +/- 20 years) with a TA focus were reviewed. The annular focus was localized to the inferoanterior TA in 7 and the superior TA in 2. Mean tachycardia cycle length was 371 +/- 66 msec. Mean activation time at the site of successful RFA in 9 of 9 patients was -43 +/- 11 msec. At 9.3 +/- 5.6 months of follow-up, 1 of 9 patients had recurrent tachycardia successfully treated with repeat RFA. In 7 of 9 patients with RAT from the inferoanterior TA, the surface ECG P wave morphology was upright in aVL, inverted in III and VI, and either inverted or biphasic with an initial negative deflection from V2 to V6. CONCLUSION: The TA is an important site of origin of RAT. In the present study, the inferoanterior region of the TA was a preferential site of origin with resulting characteristic P wave morphology. Knowledge of this anatomic distribution and P wave morphology allows targeted mapping and may facilitate successful RFA.  相似文献   

A 36-year-old woman presented with drug-refractory atrial tachycardia. During the tachycardia episodes, P waves were positive in leads II, III, aVF, and V1, while they were negative in leads I and aVL. It was hard to determine whether the origin was the left atrial appendage or left superior pulmonary vein on the surface electrocardiogram. Electrophysiologic evaluation revealed that the earliest endocardial activation occurred at the base of the left atrial appendage, preceding the onset of P waves by 38 ms. On initiation of the tachycardia, a warm-up phenomenon was observed. There was a fixed relation between the coupling interval of a single extrastimulus and the return cycle length during the tachycardia. These findings suggested that the mechanism of the tachycardia was automaticity. Application of radiofrequency energy at the left atrial appendage terminated the tachycardia and it was not inducible after ablation.  相似文献   

Background: Atrial tachycardia is a relatively uncommon arrhythmia which usually responds poorly to antiarrhythmic drug therapy. Transcatheter radiofrequency (RF) ablation is a new therapeutic modality for patients with atrial tachycardia. Aim: This study analyses our early experience with the treatment of atrial tachycardia by this technique. Methods: Thirteen consecutive patients (age 13–63 years) with 15 drug-refractory atrial tachycardia foci were treated with RF catheter ablation. Atrial tachycardia was mapped by seeking the earliest atrial activation in the right atrium in eight patients and in the left atrium in five. Results: Tachycardias were abolished in nine (69%) patients, including two sinoatrial re-entrant tachycardias and seven automatic atrial tachycardias, after 9±10 (range, one to 28) pulses of RF current. Six of these ablated atrial tachycardia foci were right sided and three were on the left. One patient had three separate right atrial tachycardia foci; one was eliminated. Tachycardia recurred after two weeks in one patient with apparently successful ablation of sinoatrial re-entrant tachycardia. One patient with successful ablation of a right atrial tachycardia developed cardiac tamponade requiring surgical intervention. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that atrial tachycardia arising from diverse sites can be eliminated by RF catheter ablation.  相似文献   

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